Moderni Babylonia Volume I: The One God Commentary for the Unbeliever
Volume I
The One God Commentary for the Unbeliever
Copyright © 2023 Paul-Patrick
All rights reserved.
I am blessed to be a Third Order Lay Dominican. However, the ideas expressed in this book are my own and do not represent the endorsement of or position of the Order of Preachers as a whole.
Permission granted to any Christian of the Catholic Faith for the purposes of evangelization, education, and general spreading of the truth for the Salvation of Souls. No rights given for the purpose of profit or alteration of this work.
Author’s promise to the reader and the Lord:
“I shall give any monies I receive for this work to vocations of the faith and the poor for the building up of the Kingdom of God.”
Commentary regarding Saint Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae derived from: ST part (I), Q. 1-26 from
Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. and are used by permission of the copyright owner. All Rights Reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
1 Corinthians 14:7-8, 10-11:
…likewise, if inanimate things that produce sound, such as flute or harp, do not give out the tones distinctly, how will what is being played on flute or harp be recognized? And if the bugle gives an indistinct sound, who will get ready for battle? It happens that there are many different languages in the world, and none is meaningless; but if I do not know the meaning of a language, I shall be a foreigner to one who speaks it, and one who speaks it a foreigner to me.
Let us pray:
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name,
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
Meditate upon this mystery for up to five minutes:
The First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation of the Lord
The Angel Gabriel came to Mother Mary and told her that she would have a Son and that He would be called Jesus, and that He would be great and save mankind from its sins. Our Mother replied, “Behold, I am the handmaiden of the Lord, may it be done to me according to your word.”
My Mother is also your Mother, even if you do not fully realize it yet!
Close with:
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee, Blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.
Whether, besides Philosophy, Any Further Doctrine is Required?
The salvation of man is so important that it must be built up by not only philosophical science through human reason, but also divine revelation through divine knowledge, which is a real sacred science. Seeking the Lord on a personal level gives rise to knowledge of divine things, which in turn manifests itself into good deeds – from which other people in society benefit. The more this happens, the better society becomes as a whole – a society which knows the way of the Lord and the precepts of the One Most High. A society void of knowing God descends into chaos and carries out the will of the evil one – whether it is intentional or unintentional in man. The closer we come to the judgment, the more man sets aside the divine in exchange for flawed human reason and vain pursuits which is sourced chiefly upon the principles of faithlessness and unending love for oneself (demonic pride). As it is written in 2 Timothy 3:1-9, the Apostle warns of the dangers that will be present in the last days while emphasizing the need for prudent individuals to be aware of the folly that will overcome man due to the increase in wickedness, and to avoid its influence towards the conclusion and fulfillment of God’s plan for all of creation.
Whether Sacred Doctrine is a Science?
Sacred Doctrine is a science because it comes from the principles revealed by God – which is a science that is above all things, just as a lesser science like the light of natural intelligence such as the knowledge of numbers which leads to a higher science such as the creation of a structure or machine confounded upon the principles of the lesser science through the understanding of mathematics. Principles revealed by God still exist in the world today, even though the secular world does not acknowledge its source. Court systems, bankruptcy, marriage, and the concept of property ownership are all principles set forth by the divine to which all in society are benefactors – even to those who do not acknowledge Him.
Whether Sacred Doctrine is One Science?
Sacred science is one science because all its parts and members lead back to the one source that is sacred, and to which its knowledge came from, that is God. In the secular world of today, science as sourced from accepted academia – which is influenced by political meddling and partisan belief systems – has morphed into a type of pseudo-religion with its own high priests (presbyters who preach the gospel of death – which is the belief in unbelief). These presbyters of the worm and rot have harnessed a cult following which declares that everything is an accident, and that something can come forth from nothing – which is impossible. These presbyters are so influential, that students, faculty, and people who are in respected positions stay their tongue in the appropriate settings, often choosing not to engage the radical belief system of nothing for fear of losing their status in society or suffering open persecution. For those who do challenge, they are dealt with through public ridicule, loss of opportunity and sanctions – often implemented by their school system, their professional association, or the wicked within the public who have the loudest voices, following, and influence.
Whether Sacred Doctrine is a Practical Science?
Practical science involves the concern of human operations, while Sacred doctrine is concerned with God and his works which is mankind. Nonetheless, Sacred doctrine is more of a speculative science because it involves divine things and revelations that are from the One Most High. With all things considered, Practical science can be viewed as the handiwork of God in the sense that all things shall lead back to Him. Sacred doctrine includes both because science and the things of the divine complement one another. In the world, people will consider the operation or end state of the matter or thing, and of course, the process it took to get there, but hardly ever placing special emphasis upon the source or the creation of what caused the thing to achieve its state of being in the present time it was observed. Practical science does not refute the existence of a God, but only presents to us what it took to come to our conclusion of the matter at hand. The discovery and secrets revealed by practical science only leads to more questions and unknown things, which in turn, when a solution is found, gives rise to more questions. Knowledge of the divine can answer those questions in a way we can understand them if one is willing to accept them – all in accordance with our faith in Him, to which all peoples are at different levels of spiritual development, and many, unfortunately, are in a complete state of unbelief and denial. So as a result, they settle for practical science or solely on the function of being.
Whether Sacred Doctrine is Nobler than other Sciences?
The point of a lesser practical science is to expertly define why something does what it does and how to successfully repeat similar results. All sciences are subordinate to Sacred doctrine because they all come from what is sacred and divine. The study of practical science will never disprove The One who created it or made it through His will possible for others to observe it, study it, and replicate its procedures.
Whether This Doctrine is the Same as Wisdom?
Sacred doctrine is wisdom above all wisdom. For the one who ponders the highest cause of all things, which Is above all things, follows a higher principle that explains all other lower principles. That person is also rightfully referred to as “wise.” For the one who does not ponder what is above, but simply labors and toils on the things that are in plain sight or below, his concerns stem from lower principles and purposes, whose source originates from a lower wisdom which is subordinate to God who is greater.
Whether God is the Object of this Science?
God is the object of this science. We also call it theology - the study of the science of the divine. The principles of this science include God as the subject matter and study. Others also view the study of such a science to be something else – such as salvation, signs, members of the body – to which Christ is the head, and other explanations that occur through miracles or unknown factors that cannot be understood or even perceived by way of human understanding. In all of this, they are referenced to God.
Whether Sacred Doctrine is a Matter of Argument?
Faith rests upon an unshakeable foundation of truth to which nothing can be demonstrated against as evidence to the contrary. Although sciences can be debated and discussed on the principles that make up the science, and new understanding can be presented by an additional discovery or proof of something that adds to the science, Sacred doctrine stands as divine revelation that calls all sub-sciences into being, even the point of dictating its rules of operation and outcomes. If one cannot accept the divinity of what is passed down through Sacred doctrine, then all that is left is the answering of objections to faith – seeing as how faith rests upon infallible truth and cannot be disproven. Hence, there is no argument against faith that can be demonstrated, only objections that can be answered. In present times, the opposite has occurred, where people believe the sub-sciences dictate divine knowledge and revelation or disprove the existence of such matters. For example, the cult of Darwinism, and the theory of evolution, which simply presents as how things change or evolve, have replaced the principle of central creation, and is used in such a way that it has become the unspoken rule for all things, almost as if it has metastasized into a religion within itself – the belief in the unbelief.
Whether Holy Scripture should use Metaphors?
Sacred science should use metaphors to convey divine things by way of material corporeal things. In scripture, divine lessons and spiritual truths are said in a way that all can identify them because mankind is both spiritual and material. What better way to convey the spiritual lessons through material examples to a student who is material by nature. Many non-believers or self-professed enemies of God like to make their arguments in the literal sense when attacking Holy Writ. When they attack the metaphors of Holy Writ, they often attempt to align the meaning of the lesson in the literal sense to scrutinize or deconstruct the spiritual message in the metaphor. In this instance, the original context is always removed and replaced with a hostile one.
Whether in Holy Scripture a Word May Have Several Senses?
Scripture itself consists of many senses – the historical or literal sense, the metaphorical sense, the spiritual sense, the analogical sense, the allegorical sense, and of course prophecy. The author of Holy Writ is God, who has poured out his Holy Spirit upon the authors of scripture. Furthermore, Holy Writ can tell of the past, the present, and the future all at the same time, even in the same words or sentences. In addition to this, through the knowledge and infinite wisdom of God, statements and stories of the bible can be applied both to great and small in every generation. To go a step further, the same scriptures also have applicable properties for all people as well throughout all time periods. As the Holy Apostle Peter once said in summary: “No scripture has its origin in the human will.” For He is all in all, and what He says can not only mean one thing but many things all at the same time through the infinite wisdom of His Majesty. The wars of the 20th century play-out like modern day bible stories – for example, the Six-Day war, World War I & II, and the use of mass atomic weapons which mimic events such as Sodom and Gomorrah.
Whether the Existence of God is Self-Evident?
Things in the world exist in two ways – known by us, and not known by us. When the essence of something is understood by all, it is accepted by all and becomes common knowledge. However, there are disputes of knowledge and knowing – mainly because the essence of something is not recognized by another but may be known to someone else. By way of a predicate and a subject, a proposition is established. For the existence of God, the predicate and the subject IS the proposition, for the Lord is truly in himself and exists through himself – to which all things that exist must come forth from. However, the Essence of God is not self-evident and must be demonstrated by familiar things man can associate to the material world through effects. Just as it was made known to the witnesses of great signs and miracles in the past, the same Essence of God is still ever present in our own day, even though the material world and its legions of unbelievers do not recognize it. As it was self-evident then, so it is now. The effects of God demonstrating his power in society are given a preferable label along with a different name to those who do not acknowledge Him with the intention of denying His self-existence.
Whether It Can Be Demonstrated That God Exists?
Causes are known by their effects (demonstrations). If bubbles can be seen forming at the top of the water, one can infer there is a fish or air pocket present below. So, one can see the effects of God in the world, and that everything that exists has a purpose, thus God demonstrates His effects to us which originates from Him as the First Cause. Nothing is an accident to God – how can it be? From a human perspective in our own experienced ways, does one accidentally bake a cake, accidentally build a house, or accidentally dress oneself in the morning before work? No, for a cake has ingredients that must be put together by the cause and will of another. A house must be planned and constructed by the efforts of many. Clothing must be made, purchased, and placed on one’s body in a desired fashion to cover nakedness, but it does this through a successive order, not accidentally as if it were to skip many steps to achieve its end state on the basis of chaos and randomness. In the metaphysical sense, it just so happens that man who has the freewill to choose many different things, just as he may determine what form he shall mold a lump of clay into, experiences a mode of being which is dependent on the will of God - and to Him, there is no accidents. But to the man who chooses many things, the act of his free will are “accidental” in the sense he chose to do something that God has not decided, but has entrusted the person to do through the ultimate gift of free will, which is the ability to choose and decide, which is what is referred to by Saint Thomas Aquinas as accidental, and outside the scope of what is not accidental which is God, who does not make any accidents, but ordains mankind to choose. Hence, there are no accidents in God, for this is impossible, and it just happens to be that SOMETHING cannot come from NOTHING, for this is impossible as well - but in mankind, through his freewill given to him by God, the choices that come forth by his hand is accidental in the sense it comes from the free will. For the purpose of understanding, it is important to determine what Saint Thomas Aquinas means by “accidents” in that He is not referring to God and the universe in this way, but the choices of humans, who are beings in potentiality as opposed to God who is being in actuality. These concepts will be discussed in further summary points.
Whether God Exists?
The existence of God is proven in five ways: one, all things that are in motion have been set forth in motion by another. Trace this back to the original “unmoved mover,” and this is what you will find that we know as “God.” Two, God is the first efficient cause, which successively places all other causes into effect that works to an ultimate effect or end. Efficient causes other than God do not have their own cause, except for God alone, and cannot work to their own end – but will always fall into the design the Lord wills. If efficient causes were their own and not successive, that is, one cause causing another to occur, causes would go on to infinity. However, this is impossible, because the Lord has set an order of efficient causes in place that originates with Him that ends in an ultimate effect that He wills. The third way – possibility and necessity; for every necessary thing has its necessity in another, which makes that thing possible. “Something” cannot come from “nothing,” for this is impossible. Things that are, must come from something that Is, Was, or Both – God. The fourth way God can be proven is through successive degrees or changes. For something to reach its climax or “maximum,” it must gradually move upward the scale of intensity, effect, and perfection. Just as warm turns to hot and hot turns to fire, the feeling of heat is made perfect through the maximum of fire in its perfect state. Since fire is the cause of warmth and is also what makes an object hot, it serves as the ultimate cause for what makes something warm and hot. Therefore, there must be something that causes all goodness and perfection in all things to which we know as God – the ultimate maximum for all things set forth into existence. The fifth way is governance of the world. Natural bodies that lack intelligence (things such as storms and wave or wind patterns, slugs, worms, and ants) work towards an end almost all the time in the same fashion to achieve its end. Whatever is lacking in intelligence cannot achieve an end unless something was directing it that possesses intelligence and knowledge. Ultimately, an intelligent being directs its actions to an end, and this is what we know to be God. Secular data driven societies, as in the modern age, use datasets, statistics, and information collecting through surveys, exit polls, and registrations to build the profile of a person to better understand them and place them in datasets where their behaviors can be predicted on a larger scale and replicated through simulations. From there, a product line is determined, a course of action, or direction is taken. The pagans and unbelievers use swathes of recorded answers and actions to determine how they will extract sorted gain from others to harness additional power for themselves. In the absence of faith and morality, they direct their actions on the premises of probability; however, in blindness and error, they fail to consider the probable series of events which clearly demonstrate the surety of their very existence. Consider all the known variables in the universe that prevent life from occurring. To one who does not believe in the existence of God, this person may claim that all life is “accidental.” According to this unbeliever, the belief that all life is an accident and taken simply by chance can be represented as the value of 1 (for there is only one reason why something occurred – it is the outcome the unbeliever favors). Now, let’s just say that there are over 100,000 variables (there are more) in the known universe that can prevent life from occurring (stopping the accidental formation of life by way of chance – total outcomes). Through simple probability formula, we now have the following:
1 (the belief that life is an accident)
100,000 (variables in the known universe that prevent life from occurring)
When we divide 1 into 100,000, we receive 0.00001. In other words, there is a less than one percent chance, considering the known variables in the universe that prevent life, that life can accidentally occur. Nobody of a sound mind would risk their investments or their money on a less than one percent chance of receiving something in return or returning a profit – yet the unbeliever is willing to take this bet with his or her soul. Now let’s flip the equation around; for the one who believes in God and declares that He has made and created all things into being – including life itself, this position can be represented as 1 (favorable outcomes). Now, for the believer in God, this person declares there is only one outcome (the Lord’s will) and that position too can be represented as 1 (total outcomes). Yet again, through simple probability formula, we now have the following:
1 (the belief in God)
1 (God wills it that life must occur)
When we divide 1 into 1, we receive 1. In other words, there is a one-hundred percent chance God brings all things into existence that never were. So, what is the problem? It’s not that the concept of a higher cause and “unmoved mover” is impossible – in fact, He alone is the only thing that makes sense. The reason is obvious, for it is the one who says, “down is up, and up is down,” satan, he is the one who whispers in the ears of men. He tells them that their purpose and reason for existence is accidental, and that life can form itself out of nothing – which is impossible. Yet, in our age, the belief in the unbelief, the belief in nothing, the gospel of death, is truly a religion within itself that worships the void, the worm, and the rot. It just so happens these ones are the ones who commit the most harm in society – using all resources available to them to proselytize everyone around them through their destructive habits and attitudes that always lead themselves and others to sin. The opposite of life, which is from God, is death and when sin matures it always equals death.
Whether God is a Body?
It is impossible that God is a body because He is the One who is unmoved and the very Force that puts all bodies in motion. All bodies must be set forth in motion by the unmoved, which simply Is, and does not require anything beyond Himself to be put in motion, for there exists no such thing that can move the Unmoved, to which we refer to as God. All things that are, apart from the Unmoved, which is God, must come from the Force which puts them into being. An apple does not come before the tree, and a cake does not come before the baker. The tree and the baker put the apple and cake into motion and being, just as God puts the apple tree and baker of the cake into being so the apple and the cake may exist. God is the maximum of nobility from which lesser noble bodies are put into existence from Him. A body alone without a soul is a corpse, decaying and returning to the earth. A living body with a soul is a composite and is known as an animated body, which is the opposite of an inanimate body that is void of the soul. A human being made in the likeness and image of God is special in the sense that our reasoning, intelligence, and longing of our souls to seek Him in truth are superior as compared to animals. By way of the world, we can either draw closer to Him by rejecting the trends of modern-day life, which is everything that is opposed to God, or we can pull further away from Him by our actions in succumbing to the temptations, desires, noise, and confusions of the world. It is important to differentiate between being of the world and participating in the world while not being part of it for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
Whether God is Composed of Matter and Form?
God is not composed of matter and form because these are attributes found in a body. It is proven that God is not a body and cannot be measured or contemplated in fullness by way of the corporeal sense alone. Since mankind is corporeal, that is consisting of matter and form, which is a body, and must be moved by the original Unmoved Mover who puts all things into existence, it would be impossible that God is composed of such elements because He is the Creator of such elements and does not need them to Be for the sake of His own existence because He alone was before them. By way of perfection, God is the true source of all perfection, to which the created owes tribute to their Creator, who is also the maximum of what is perfect. Matter and form are also associated with agency by which the agent pursues a cause within its material bodied form. God is the original cause, the One who puts all Causes into being, who is of His own essence formed within Himself, thus it is impossible that God be composed of matter and form, which is corporeal, for God is incorporeal and is the One who calls the corporeal into being. Thus, it is impossible that God would be composed of matter and form, for He alone is everywhere and can be found in all things put into existence because all things in existence came from Him. Things that come forth from a source do not equate to it becoming the source itself, rather, they become a representation of the source in the form of matter and composition. Corporeal worship of matter manifests itself into desire and pleasure. Pursuit of these properties alone, void of God, will lead to sin (death). The body is made of both soul and body, spirit, and matter. In the days of faithlessness and boastfulness, the children of the dark have become filled with demonic pride. We see that matter and form has become the unspoken rule. You need a job to be respected. You need money to be taken seriously. You need substantial achievements to be recognized as worthy of honor. You need sculpted physiques to be attractive and worthy of a partner. Although these examples come with the past and can co-exist with a soul in great rapport with God, it has occurred that the true nature of mankind’s composite state of body and soul is being rejected for the corporeal sense, which is lesser, and often dominating all things in life of the composite. In other words, the Moderni Man has replaced his true nature with a false one that is temporary and void of the spirit that was given to him for his benefit by the One Most High.
Whether God is the Same as His Essence or Nature?
Something can be defined as a thing which represents it, but not describing it in fullness. For example, a machine that is functional, that is, to complete a specific task effectively to the specifications it was designed to complete, can be described in this manner in the sense that it carries out its function to be recognized by someone who observes it. In the same way, humanity may be of a human, but it is not the only part that makes up a human. The flesh, the blood, the eyes, and even the ligaments are also part of that human, but alone is not the fullness of the human. The effects of something are a representation of that person or thing, such as a woman singing a song. The song being sung is not the woman, but is a mere representation of her, especially if she wrote it herself. In the same way, since God is His own essence and nature, the effects of Him in the world consisting of matter and form may represent Him to a degree, but never in its fullness, because as stated earlier, God does not consist of matter and form, but is truly in Himself. Thus, God is the same as His essence and nature, for it is also written, “The Lord is One.” Knowing that the Lord is fully active in the world to varying degrees, some greater than another, and others being a better representation of Him, we see that in Babylonia, society in general terms within itself is having trouble depicting Him more accurately. Through misinformation, lies, faithlessness, and even the supposed faithful using Him to sell merchandise and extract sorted gain for themselves as for the purpose of ministry and false worship, we see that the effects of God as represented by supposed believers who claim to know Him represent Him to a lesser degree. A church without an altar that is void of the Body of Christ (his presence) as compared to a Church with an altar containing His presence is an example of demonstrating the fullness of God to a lesser degree.
Whether Essence and Existence are the Same in God?
God is His own essence and existence because He is the first efficient cause. In created things, its existence may differ from its essence, which indicates another agent at work that is either prior in time or coming later. Nothing created can create itself, for this is impossible. God’s existence must be His own essence because He is the One who Creates and is therefore not the Created. As we see with sin, which was not created by God, but is the product of a potentiality from creatures who were given a free will from God who is the actuality, or the Unmoved, it just so happens that the existence of the sinful man, who is destined to die in his ways, becomes separated from the path shown to him for what his essence was designed to be which is the path of life and goodness in God, void of sin. A schism between essence and existence is occurring and growing larger among swathes of people throughout the world, especially in western societies, where the boy strays from his essence to become a girl in existence, which is false. A woman knows what is good and just but decides to do what is evil and wrong, thus straying from her essence given to her by the First Efficient Cause, which is God, who made her in goodness, but now has become an instrument of death by way of sin, which is the state of existing while perpetually opposing her essence given to her.
Whether God is Contained in a Genus?
God is not contained in a genus, for a genus must come before what exists, summing up its principles and attributes into a categorical spectrum understandable by whoever contemplates it. Not true for God, because nothing comes before Him, therefore, God is not contained in a Genus. People who do not know the Living God often attempt to depict His words and testimony as a falsity - lumping the belief in God into false categories, for example, Christian nationalism, mythology, fanfiction, sci-fi, or magic. In this sense, these labels are not the principles of any genus for what they are attempting to describe, which is God, who is indescribable, nor are they appropriate categorical elements to describe what they heap abuse upon through lack of understanding and ignorance.
Whether in God There are any Accidents?
It is impossible that there be any accidents in God. For it was concluded earlier that God is an actuality, and not a potentiality. In other words, He is the Unmoved (actuality) that makes all things moving (potentiality). There can be accidents caused by those of the moving, who are moved by the First Mover, who Himself is Unmoved. For people like you and me, we incur fault and perform accidental things we regret every day, because our potential is divisible by infinity (as we understand finite/infinite things), according to the free will the Lord has given us. Not so in God, for He doesn’t give Himself anything, or needs anything from anyone else, for He was before all things, and everything He puts into existence is purposeful and intentional. For what springs forth from the created that is not good or accidental can also be called a privation (not quite right/lacking in something) according to Saint Thomas Aquinas. This is not attributed to God but is recognized as a deficiency. It is also proper to call what we know as a deficiency “sin.” For the man does not quite add up to what he was made for, when he decides (accident) to pursue lower pleasures and desires such as sexual immorality, thus defiling the Holy Temple that is his body, and rendering this sacred space inhospitable for God’s Holy Spirit, which was meant for him since the beginning of the age. In the same way, a decision (accident) the woman makes to pursue a career that calls her to lie and harm others financially, would be a deficiency of the good, for not telling the truth in order to take something from someone that does not belong to her is what we would attribute to sin - for it is a lack of charity that one does this and an act of selfishness. As the atheist falsely proclaims, “this was the Lord’s doing” and “I wouldn’t do this if He alone did not make me this way.” is false. For the things men and women do by their own free will are accidents and not attributed to God, for He is not the cause of sin, nor did He ever invent sin. Everything that the Lord made is “good.” Thus, it is impossible that what He made would be deficient or evil, for this is the decision (accident) of creatures, which come forth from their free will that was given to them as a gift from God, and is the sole variable that shall separate the created from the creator in the age to come. For the purpose of understanding this concept any further, it is important to realize the accountable actions on the Lord’s part stops at the measure where the created makes a choice, for He ordained that they shall choose (accidents) and either be glorified or condemned according to their ways. Does mankind receive help along the way? Of course they do, by way of grace.
Whether God is Altogether Simple?
God is simple; for He has no quantitative parts, no matter or form, He is not a composite being like creatures and humans, nor is His essence separated from His existence, He does not belong to a genus, nor can He be categorized in such a way. He is void of accident and contradiction, unlike created things, to which all things must adjust accordingly to in potentiality from actuality – which is God, the ultimate efficient cause, Unmoved in the sense He makes all things both matter, form, and the creature move. In His simplicity, He is absolute, not a part consisting of many parts, but the unifying force which causes all parts that are composite and complex to unite. People in the world do not value simplicity, nor do they recognize its treasure. Complex composite creatures strive further to make composite plans with complex points and outcomes, to the point they become unreachable. If they are reachable, those plans heap abuse upon other creatures, to which those creatures fall victim to. In the simplicity of God, His points, instruction, and handiwork has been made clear for all to see. But the world does not accept His simplicity, but chooses many complexities, even complex things that make no sense at all, which in turn start out as accidents (free choices) and then gradually morph into destructive outcomes. If the purpose of avoiding what is simple (God) is to do good by way of complexity (the way of the world), then the man who rejects what is simple finds himself achieving less than he ever intended, and in the process harming others according to the complex ways of this world that he pursued which is prone to deficiency (sin) and disorder.
Whether God Enters into the Composition of Other Things?
God cannot enter the composition of other things in the sense that He is co mingling with animated composite beings consisting of matter and form, for it would be impossible because what is a composite form consisting of matter in the animated sense is potentiality (created things, divisible by infinity) and is posterior of actuality and an efficient cause, which is simply God alone. The leg itself does not just kick the ball, but the man who controls his own leg uses his free will to enact the matter assigned to his form which puts forth in motion his composite parts (body and soul) to fulfill the act of kicking the ball. It has been proven previously that God is simple, and is not composite, nor is God in potentiality, which is the realm of the composite and created, but is before it in actuality and primacy. Therefore, God does not enter into the composition of other things in the sense we would think in reality. Furthermore, God does not enter us as if He is going to become us, nor does He need to do this. He may influence us by His will and the messengers He sends, but He does not enter into the composition of our bodies or things around us, for all of this belongs to Him in a different and much higher way than we can understand.
Whether God is Perfect?
God must be perfect because He alone is the first principle and first efficient cause which is before any material principle that consists of matter which is imperfect. Superseding all causes and principles, God is of His own order, unlike anything else that is set forth as potential, and is perfect in every way. If God was not of this order, then it would not be God, but a mere potentiality and not actuality to which all things come forth from. Secular and pagan society holds the material principle, which is imperfect, higher than the efficient cause of all things, which is the first principle, to which we know as God. It is why they do not recognize God or His perfection in creation, because they have chosen to worship the material principle (potentiality/imperfection) over what is the first principle (actuality), which is God and is perfect, thus becoming deluded in their thinking and corrupt in their souls, settling for idols of wood, stone, and vain human honor. Just as the Holy Apostle Paul says in Romans 1:19-25, informing the gentiles and first believers to avoid idol worship and to be aware of the truth of their surroundings as evidenced through the lens of their newfound hope and faith.
Whether the Perfections of All Things are in God?
Everything that is perfection or perfect within a genus or effect is set forth from the first efficient cause, which is God and who is the very essence of perfection to which comes forth in created things, matter, forms, elements, and the like. Since God is the prerequisite to a genus or a thing that does something, it is logical to infer that through His agency, perfection comes – whether in the form of heat to fire, cold to ice, or acts and expressions of love and goodness in humans. The perfection of love, which is selfless and perfect in every way, and demonstrable in humans from God, is misaligned or distorted in pagan society. Those who reject the existence of God and the many perfections He alone bestows upon mankind and created things, have turned love into a corporeal action, a way of providing material needs, or a self-serving arrangement consisting of many parasitic emotional exchanges that are not found in love, but are found in servitude, slavery, and bondage. They view love as a type of ownership, and do not know what it is like to love, which is perfect and comes from God. Some value the beast and pet over their fellow brother and sister who are made in the likeness of God and declare on many occasions that they love their subjects more than their neighbors, relatives, and co-workers. But this is not love, but ownership. Thus, like the demons, they take by force, and misuse and distort the perfections of the Living God to make what He made perfect, and which comes from Him alone, into something lesser and void of perfection, all while denying His existence and the very gift which came forth from Him in the example of love.
Whether Any Creature Can Be Like God?
God is the first universal principle of all things set forth. As much as something is like its being, it is like God, but not exactly like God in the fullness as God, for God transcends all genus and being. We may see an effect to the likeness of God from a creature or thing within a set genus, but God is not like the creature, for this would be impossible as the Creator does not mimic or come forth from the created. For example, we could claim, “my friend runs like a cheetah.” A human is not a cheetah, nor can it ever become a cheetah. In the same way, a human being cannot run as fast as a cheetah, although we may say that someone can “run like a cheetah.” In this way, the likeness of the fast athlete mentioned can be associated with a cheetah, although it is clear the person will never mimic the complete likeness of a cheetah. So also in this way, a person can be like God in that this person loves much and brings comfort to the one who is in need, ultimately being like God to that person in the sense of comforting a sorrow. However, such an example is subject to distortion and confusion because society attempts to misalign the values and being of God to make Him like them who are created, sinful, and imperfect. They do this in vain, for He is not like us in as much as He should conform and change to us, who are lesser and only a being by participation, in comparison to God, who is an Essential Being. Therefore, God’s love for us does not equal approval of our actions, for even though we may be like Him in ways that belong to our existence by participation, He is not like us, no matter how much we try to make Him like us. If that were the case, then He wouldn’t be God, and there would be no need for a messiah, for man himself would become his own light and salvation, to which we know is impossible. Why? Because if the angels, who were made stronger and smarter than us thought they could become their own light, but instead, descend into depravity, ugliness, imperfection, sin, and the likeness of fiery hell, us as humans all the more who think we can become our own “light” shall fall into this same error - for we are weaker and less intelligent than the fallen angels who became demons and are self-condemned because of their disobedience and pride - for pride alone is the hallmark of the demon and is the one thing it cannot disguise well. The demon can mimic virtue so as to trick others to its ways and doctrines, but they cannot resist their own pride and vanity. For if they were to do that, they would no longer be demons!
Whether Goodness Differs Really from Being?
Goodness and being are the same, for a thing that exists in its fullness is goodness. The only difference between goodness and being in idea is that goodness possesses an aspect of desirability, which in turn is striving for perfection, something all things seek to obtain within themselves both small and great. To be is simply not enough, for one must seek perfection or attempt to obtain it, in accordance with its being. In our daily lives, we seek a false sense of goodness in inanimate objects, vanity, false pretenses, injustice, sin, and violence. We heap abuse on others for the pursuit of our own goodness, which can never be achieved in its fullness without God as the sole objective, for goodness within ourselves or the goodness sought in other things will always fall short when we reject Him, who is prior to being.
Whether Goodness is Prior in Idea to Being?
Being is what something is in actuality. It is proper for the intellect of intelligible beings to realize they exist in actuality since their own conscience is aware of its own existence. This comes first before goodness, for the goodness one may want to seek is a desirable attainment of perfection in idea. Thus, being in idea is prior to goodness. The secular world declares all beings exist by way of accidental formation and that there is no absolute goodness or truth, for all is relative to one another, void of evil and good. They say this very thing as they actively attack the good and support the evil in their daily lives and throughout the world. Logical reasoning did not bring them to this conclusion, nor did supernatural grace. What brought them to this conclusion is the influence of evil; the one who says, “down is up, and up is down.” The wicked one. Who did he tell this to? To 19th century pseudo-cult philosophers trying to make a living for themselves by proclaiming the gospel of death to would be listeners. Philosophers like Jung, Bentham, Nietzsche, Marx, and Darwin. The Moderni Man of this age worships their secular morality overlords at the altar of false relativism. Just because one does not believe in good or evil does not mean they are no longer subject to its power. What we know as goodness is the ongoing perfection of union with God, who is the First and Final Cause. What we know as evil is the deficiency of the good (which is God) or a half shape which never could come to full circle.
Whether Every Being is Good?
Any being that is not God is a creature from God. Since God is the ultimate good and The One from whom all beings come forth from, it can be said that every being is good because they were all made good by God who is the ultimate and first good. Even people, events, or actions we deem as evil or not good have an element of goodness whether it was prior in time before the act or a consequence of evil that leads to a greater good after the act or event is committed (which is the work of the Lord who makes even the good come out of evil). For the deficiency of goodness can be described as a basketball missing the basket when shot. It falls short, and doesn’t quite add up, and is what we call “evil.” However, it is important to remember that God made all things good in His likeness according to His will as they should be and the perfect outcome for anything is fulfilling its purpose as God intended. The waters were made good, but sometimes a hurricane forms over them, in the same way, ice is good as well - but exposed too long you can freeze to death, fire is good for it keeps us warm and dry - but get too close to it and it shall burn your flesh. For the fallen angels were made good without pain or suffering in the full knowledge of God, but in their goodness, they chose to not quite meet the mark, and become evil - thus condemning themselves. In the same way, man and woman were made good in the likeness and image of God the Father, but by their own free will and choices (accidents) they chose disobedience and sin which ultimately led to death. It is God who made us good, but not all of us wish to remain that way. For the starting point is good, and if one remains in it, that person shall remain as God intended - which is good. But if that person strays from the goodness the Lord ordained and ruled, that person has much to fear, because the deficiency of their actions and disorder shall lead them on paths of destruction that will bring evil into their lives, even though they were made good and perfect in the eyes of God, and they shall never achieve a higher state of perfection other than what the Lord has ordained for them as creatures. For only “God is good alone,” and by His hand further good sprang forth, which is us and all living things as we know them. Now in Babylonia, man says “I cannot accept how the Lord made me. I know what I will do, I will become a woman!” A demon told them this. For it were the demons who originally rebelled and chose to become what was not meant for them. So naturally they too, would pursue, dwell, influence, whisper, and flock to the sins of men, and encourage it further so as to draw them further from their inheritance - which is God alone. The man of this age - the one who turns from God to pursue secular humanism, atheism, satanism, and occult practices, false idols, and the lower pleasures and desires of the flesh make themselves deficient as the fallen angels did and if they do not change, like the angels, the Lord shall enter into judgment with them as well. This is not a better “becoming” or evolution, as some who heard the gospel of death proclaim, no - it is an act of devolving and descending to lesser heights and lower regions, for the one who draws further away from God becomes uglier, more confused, hateful, more prone to sin, and thus plunges oneself further into the abyss that is the darkness where the unclean spirits dwell and every kind of torment awaits them so as to destroy them.
Whether Goodness Has the Aspect of a Final Cause?
All things made by God desire goodness according to their form and state of being. Just as a honeybee’s goodness is the labor it puts into the honeycomb, for the good of the colony, so it is for the man to replicate himself through his seed and produce viable offspring for his family lineage. The goodness of the vine produces solid healthy pumpkins, which are ripped from the vine and later discarded, while the apple tree recesses for the winter for another future harvest during the following warmer season. What is first in its cause is also last in its cause, thus goodness also precludes the idea of an efficient and formal cause. This principle remains true from least to greatest – from individual creature to the very plan God has laid out for mankind since the creation, the fall in the garden, the law, the prophets, the coming of the Messiah (when the Lord walked the earth in the flesh), and the end of the age where all created things are called back to the Creator to account for their ways so as to experience complete beatitude or eternal condemnation.
Whether the Essence of Goodness Consists in Mode, Species, and Order?
Something is as good as it is supposed to be, so far as it is perfect. Perfection is desirable and is what all things ascertain to. For example, the goodness of the human heart is to pump blood throughout the body to keep itself alive. The perfection of the heart is to pump blood to vital organs efficiently and effectively. Its measure, or mode, shows that the form it takes to pump blood suits the purpose of pumping blood to the heart in an efficient manner, thus sustaining blood flow and ultimately life. Species come from form, considering that everything which does something has a form, and whether that something is added to or taken away determines its species. For example, the hearts of mammals differ from the hearts of reptiles and amphibians, and this belongs to species. As for its ultimate end or final cause, according to its species – this is the order. The order of the human heart is to keep the person alive and functional for the duration of his or her span of life. In other words – self-preservation. In further questions, there will be a deeper understanding of differentiating between parts that make up a composite body that has been fashioned with a soul which is the intellect. All things considered, Mode, Species, and Order are the essence of goodness, for as it was addressed previously that God made all things “good.”
Whether Goodness is Rightly Divided into the Virtuous, the Useful, and the Pleasant?
Goodness is divided into the virtuous, the useful, and the pleasant based upon the principle of desirability as it pertains to living things moving from beginning to end in their form, being, and appetite. The goodness of virtue can be found in the appetite to which it moves for its own sake. In other words, moral excellence for its own sake, not for any ulterior motive. As for usefulness, the movement of the appetite towards a thing desired which completes or puts to rest the desire of the appetite or the thing that was sought but has now been fulfilled. In other words, solving problems, completing a task which holds a desirable end state, or meeting a need both for oneself and others. As for the thing which fulfills or brings the appetite to a conclusion in the form of rest in the thing desired, can be called the pleasant. For example, the man is bored and leans towards appreciating artwork and cultural traditions. He uses his allotted time in boredom to attend an art gallery showing, resulting in the satisfaction of his appetite towards creative expression, thus putting the desire or need to rest for the time being through the activity conducted.
Whether God Is Good?
The preeminence of the good ultimately belongs to God, who is the First and the Last – the efficient cause that brings all things to an end, according to God’s essence who imposes Species, Mode, and Order on all things put forth into being. For what something does, is according to its likeness and is desirable to the creature who carries out the action. Goodness and perfection are sought out in the created thing according to its likeness and this is what we recognize as a pursuit to know God and draw closer to Him. All things that are in “being” put their calculated end to God whether they fully realize it or not. Some find this goodness of knowledge in pursuits that lead to goodness, and the knowledge of Him without ever encountering the gospel – thus indicating a higher intelligence bringing forth a calculated end in the being who shouldn’t know Him, but does anyway, despite the odds and circumstances that prevent knowledge of a higher truth.
Whether God is the Supreme Good?
God is the supreme good in a simple fashion in the way all things that are good flow from Him as the first efficient cause, as explained previously. Just as something cold may come from a drink, which one can call “cold,” so there exists a better “cold” in the form of air conditioning. Even then, a more perfect and good cold exists beyond a drink and central air, and that can be found in ice. So, it is the same for God, who is the supreme good in every way, even though there is goodness in other created things to which He alone is the source.
Whether to Be Essentially Good Belongs to God Alone?
The perfection of all things is found in God essentially. The perfection found in something else is good by participation or accidental, in that the thing demonstrating the perfection is demonstrating what comes from God. God alone is goodness to which everything in existence finds its end or fulfillment. For example, when a man rides a horse, the horse will demonstrate speed by using its legs to go forward. In the same way, the horse is demonstrating utility by also providing transportation for the man, who is the rider. The goodness of speed and the usefulness of transportation is being demonstrated on the horse by participation. However, the goodness of speed and usefulness in the horse is just an example of what usefulness in transportation and speed can do when confined to this one event with its circumstances. Surely, the speed of a meteorite is faster than a horse but cannot be a means of transportation for the man. In the same way, the speed we recognize in the meteorite and the horse is called “participation,” and is good; good in the way it was meant to be good according to its likeness, and to which the speed is perceived. A more perfect speed that can equate and surpass both the horse and the meteorite from above and below can essentially be found in God, who proportions the goodness of speed to the meteorite and horse in such a way the created things can carry out the function of demonstrating speed.
Whether All Things Are Good By the Divine Goodness?
All things that are in being are good, for they were made good by The One to which all goodness flows from. This is the Divine Goodness. However, there is also goodness in the sense that something has being, so that something is good to the point it was made in such a way – imitating the principle of divine goodness according to its likeness. Even pagan philosophers of early Europe acknowledged through their many writings a goodness rooted in a divinity to which they were unaware of, because it has not been revealed to them. Nonetheless, by natural knowledge of a higher principle and source to which all mankind possesses, even to the remotest regions of the world, the innate knowledge of the Living God exists, along with His effects, attributes, and characteristics associated with goodness according to the likeness of the thing in being.
Whether God is Infinite?
God is the First Principle from which infinity is attributed to. Depending on what someone would consider the first principle as, the finite and the infinite could be improperly co-mingled, as were the case for the ancient pagan philosophers who held the view that the material principle of body and form, thus going forth into the entire universe, was that First Principle. As the Saint explains in his discourse, this is false, because where these philosophers co-mingled finite attributes with the infinite, who is God and not constrained to material body and form, their future assessments were flawed because their principal view of infinity was false. Clearly, the God of the Universe is not and cannot be received by anyone or anything and is of His own Essence and Being, to which all things that come into being are denominated from, thus He is Perfect and Infinite.
Whether Anything but God Can Be Essentially Infinite?
Anything outside God is from God and not infinite. Infinity belongs to God alone, who is the First Principle. Although something may have infinite potential, this is not absolute infinity. For example, a squared limestone block could be carved into an unimaginable number of shapes and figures by the sculptor. In the relative sense, the forms and shape in potentiality is infinite in matter (by way of accident or free choice the sculptor engages in). However, not in the absolute self-subsisting way that is God who is infinite in a much more perfect way matter and form can never attain to, nor can the human intellect ever fathom in fullness.
Whether an Actually Infinite Magnitude Can Exist?
An infinite magnitude cannot exist because everything that exists has a surface, a body, a form, and a boundary line or term. In other words, the thing that is finite has a boundary, and must form something of a body through its surface, thus filling a space determined by its likeness. Now, even if a mathematician says, “let this line be infinite,” as we often see in algebraic visual expressions, this would not mean that the line is actually infinite. The mathematics teacher simply takes what is finite, subtracting what is intended for use, and calls what he uses “infinite” for the sake of the problem or lesson to illustrate a concept that the human mind by way of its form and likeness can understand. Infinity belongs to God alone, who is His own essence, and is of a separate order from creatures who are finite and are constricted to their form, boundaries, and terms, thus filling the space they were ordained to according to His will.
Whether an Infinite Multitude Can Exist?
God has ordered all things in a state that can be measured by His agency. Thus, an actual infinite multitude cannot exist because God has set a number to all things according to His will as Creator so they may be measured and put into use, as stated earlier. However, in potentiality (accidents or the choices creatures can make on their own by the freewill which was given to them), the idea of an infinite multitude could exist by way of the principle of division because the decisions the free will allows is not confined by what is actual.
Whether God Is in All Things?
God is indeed in all things in multiple ways: one, by way of agency in something, just as a real estate agent has authority to represent the interest of her seller. Two, where the mover of the moved comes into contact, resulting in the moved being moved on the initial action of the mover, who is God. Thus, resulting in some kind of action or understanding of the intellect. Three, as long as something is in being, God must be present there, for something that is in being has its own essence because God created it. In the same way, the essence of God is also present, not as the essence of the person, but of its own essence at the same time while subsisting within it.
Whether God is Everywhere?
God fills a space by way of another through agency, will, influence, through creatures – giving them breath, hope, love, and the like. In another way, God fills a boundary directly in that His very presence is there, for He fills a place with being and existence. Furthermore, both the corporeal and incorporeal nature that is God can move in and out of one place or many places all at once, multiple times, or individually, because He is God, and this belongs to Him alone as He is of a different order of being as we know it. In this way, He alone is indeed everywhere.
Whether God is Everywhere by Essence, Presence, and Power?
By way of essence, God is in all things in the way He is their Efficient Cause and is present in all things that are created by Him. God is strongly present in the rational creature who is known by Him by way of intellect, particularly the Saints, through grace. By way of power and presence, God is present in the way that creatures and the like are subjected to His laws, rules, boundaries, limits, and likeness associated with its kind. In the same way, His authority can be felt and experienced in the operation of a creature in as much as they are limited or allowed to a function and understanding of the intellect. For example, a chicken’s likeness is to lay eggs, both to repopulate, but to also feed other living creatures. The chicken does not need to be instructed on the matter but acts upon it by design and power from the One whom it was created by. Just as the insect pollinates crops for food, the honeybee makes its honey – delicate ecosystems are the product of creative design, influence, and power – not accident, as the atheist, who believes in a series of accidents causing perfect conditions might suggest. The power of God is in all these things, working to an intelligent outcome. As for the person who does not perceive or acknowledge the force of God, even in their own lives, the atheist does not accidentally get to work on time or do his laundry. The atheist must wake up on his own and deliberately get dressed and prepare his day. He may drink some coffee and take transportation to his job. Through all these successive actions, he deliberately arrived at his place of work, not accidentally. In the same way, perfect occurrences cannot appear out of an electric blender of many different ingredients and causes. If this were the rule, matter would be a disorderly and ugly blend of many things that are nonsensical. However, this is not the case, for the very essence of God is actively guiding all things to their purpose and calculated end.
Whether to Be Everywhere Belongs to God Alone?
To be everywhere primarily and absolutely belongs to God alone and is proper to Him. Where He is not, there is no being or existence, for anything that Is must have His presence in some way. It is impossible that God would not be capable of this, or that something else other than God would be capable of the same function, especially as a creature – which is impossible.
Whether God is Altogether Immutable?
It is impossible that God is changeable from the perspective of movement, in that He alone is the Unmoved, and that there is nothing more to gain or lose, add or take away as it pertains to Him by any movement alone that may occur in potentiality by Him because He alone has already been there since before the beginning was a beginning. In other words, movement is not of His order for He is the Unmoved who puts all things into motion. This also confers His simplicity. Claims or instances in scripture where God appears to change or is changeable in the sense to a human is either metaphorically described within its context or misunderstood by the human intellect in the sense that He moves or changes in a way we perceive it to be, when this isn’t what is occurring. In the same way the sun is said to move into a house, not literally, for if that were the case, everything in its path and presence would be burned up - but in that its sun rays enter and shine upon the objects and areas within the path of its rays.
Whether to Be Immutable Belongs to God Alone?
The creature and the created can be silenced by God at any given time according to His will or for any purpose He deems necessary. This is so because all things come forth from God and that their very being of existence is dependent on the will of another, which in this case is God alone. If He were to cease causing the existence of something, then that something (whether a natural or spiritual body) would truly cease to exist. Therefore, it is evident that only God alone is immutable because His existence is not subjected to anything else. On the other hand, creatures and created bodies are subjected to a First and Last Efficient Cause - which is God, who draws all things of an order, species, and genus to their calculated end, who is the First Principle, and who is also the Unmoved who puts all things into motion as a being in actuality (real) as opposed to created things who are beings in potentiality (accidents - freewill choices).
Whether This Is a Good Definition of Eternity, “The Simultaneously – Whole and Perfect Possession of Interminable Life”?
In this statement, words are changed to more accurately describe eternity in the sense we as beings in potentiality (created creatures) can more accurately attribute our understanding of time to what is eternal. For time is a succession of movement, from start to finish, and therefore before and after. However, with eternity, there is no movement of such, but a subsisting whole continually lacking in nothing. For what is eternal and interminable has no beginning and no end. For what is whole is complete and lacking in no parts. For what is possessed is held firmly in place and unmovable. As for eternity, it can also be something that is in being and also alive. For the simultaneously-whole, it is replaced by the thought of time which is imperfect, and given a better and accurate description lacking in nothing in a more perfect and subsisting way. Much of society in the Moderni age views time as the creator, the law, the only beginning and end, or unspoken rule which is subject to nothing – especially the Living God who created it to which they do not acknowledge. Also, in the warped sense, they may view truth as relative and time as absolute in the sense that the truth can change according to the predicament at hand or can align to one’s morality for pragmatic purposes according to specific situations while time in itself is absolute and made perfect. The impossibility of these ideas is the theology of the atheist and the pagan - who follow the material principle, which is subject to corruption, as the first principle.
Whether God is Eternal?
God alone is eternal just as He alone is immutable in a completely supreme way because He alone is in His own essence in as much as He would also be His own eternity, where unlike time - there is no beginning or end.
Whether to Be Eternal Belongs to God Alone?
God is indeed eternal because of His immutability. However, other bodies and creatures participate in His eternity by way of receiving a kind of immutability from Him in accordance with His will. For example, it could be seen that a planet or something in nature on earth has a likeness to eternity in that it never goes away and remains beyond many successive generations to people and the observable universe. Also, in the same way, creatures such as angels and humans participate in his eternity by election to stand in His presence through Sainthood or obedience to what they were made for, as in the good angels who glorify God. In this way, they participate in the likeness of His immutability and eternity which transcends time and all measured successive movements from start to finish.
Whether Eternity Differs from Time?
It appears that eternity and time are not the same thing. What is movable, corruptible, and changeable is subject to time. What is permanent, unchanging, and everlasting is the measure of eternity. In conclusion, eternity is simultaneously whole (void of movement) while time is the measure of movement and the created thing or being that is corruptible and changeable. It is not proper to apply eternity to time because eternity measures what is permanent while time measures what is temporary.
The Difference of Aeviternity and Time?
Aeviternity is the mean between time and eternity and is most proper for the dominion of the angelic beings and the substance of heavenly bodies. For time has a start and an end which is corruptible and subject to change, while eternity has no beginning or end and is immutable and unchangeable, so exists aeviternity where it is said that there is a beginning but no end and that change can be annexed to it such as angelic beings were made unmovable in their nature but are changeable in their decisions (such as the fallen angels deciding to turn on God and be cast down as a consequence of their actions). Since corporeal beings such as humans are subject to time, which is corruptible, and are subject to successive movements, a start and an end; when the soul leaves the body – it shall enter Aeviternity, just as the angelic substance are subjected to, where there is beginning, but no end.
Whether There is Only One Aeviternity?
It appears that there is to be only one aeviternity. Although there may be multiple heavens, they all fall under one aeviternity. This is because all things that are in being both in the flesh and the spirit are measured by one – especially regarding time. So, with that said, if time is measured by one, then aeviternity shall be measured by one all the more. It is not that the first thing measured in aeviternity is the cause of all things that spring forth from it, but that it is the first thing measured in the simplest way. In other words, there appears to be only one time, one aeviternity, and one eternity – not many of each.
Whether One Adds Anything to Being?
It appears that “one” does not add anything to being. In fact, it is what being is, as any being that is either simple or compound (consisting of many parts as a whole) sustains itself as one, and does not become divisible or undivided. In other words, to be “one” is to “be” in the literal sense. It cannot be an addition to what already is.
Whether One and Many Are Opposed to Each Other?
“One” implies the idea of something measured and being the principle of things numbered, while “multitude” is the measure as to what something is measured by. They are opposed to one another because what is “one” is whole and indivisible. What is “multitude” can also be said to be as one, as someone would describe “a multitude of fish” just as many car parts create a car, but it is still the opposite of “one” because they are divisible by their parts as a whole.
Whether God is One?
One as a number is attributed to material things and belongs to mathematics so as to number things that are created. This does not apply to God from a numerical sense in that He is beholden to matter in this way. Evidently, God is One in the following ways: through simplicity, one thing can be conveyed to many, but that one thing can only be one, and not many. It is impossible that the person who is reading this text also exists somewhere else, and although other people may perceive you as the reader in different ways or have different opinions of you, it still so has it that there is only one of you, and there shall only be one of you going forward. That is the simplicity of God; so in the same way, God can only be One and not many. As through the infinity of His perfection, as God alone contains the perfection of all things and is lacking in nothing. Whether somebody experiences a perfection and becomes fully aware of its attributes, this person would realize that the perfection encountered or experienced is not a manifestation of its own, nor is the perfection exhibited isolated solely to this single user – because we see that what is fast in one person is also fast in another, and we also see that what is very smart in someone else can also be replicated or surpassed in someone else across the world without ever coming into contact with such a person, or we may see an armored rhino fitted with natural durable armor and able to withstand blows from a sledgehammer while at the same time we can compare a microscopic Tardigrade who as a species alone appears to be indestructible; even in space to cosmic radiation, and in the same way we also see that these attributes of perfection flows forth from a higher power which is the maximum of armor, toughness, intelligence, and speed, to which the source comes from, and that is only something that comes from God, to which He alone is lacking in nothing, and is also the maximum of all things in perfection. Finally, the unity of the world demands that things are ordered to each other either to serve one another or complement one another as in a hierarchical chart from successive categories and genus with the basis of outline being by order of one. In another way, the First Principle, that is the One who sees it good to order everything in this way, because what was First, which is God, is most perfect, where everything else that is ordered is set forth from.
Whether God is Supremely One?
God is one in the highest degree because He is His own Essence, His own Subsisting Substance, His own Simplicity, His own Being, and of course The One who Is Who puts all things that isn’t into being. In other words, The Holy Trinity holds the First Place as being Supremely One.
Whether Any Created Intellect Can See the Essence of God?
God is supremely knowable, but not in the same way to every type of intellect. Some are closer to God, while others are further away – as the Psalmist says, “The Lord is on high, but cares for the lowly and knows the proud from afar” (Psalm 138:6). If it were true that the created intelligence of man could never fathom or come to know God in any such way, beatitude would be impossible to obtain, and man would perpetually remain in darkness with no understanding. However, this is not so, as we see with the faith and the Church and its many clergy and Ministers, Priests, Bishops, and Deacons who know God and carry out His will – including the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, and Saints. It is more than just a knowing of authority, but a call one receives prior in time to the act, for the one called feels the Lord both internally and outside his or her body and can discern the presence of God in many other things, including oneself, thus guiding one’s course of actions in a way better described without words. This is the attainment of the First Principle, which is what mankind was built for – to be in union with God and to glorify His Name through the attainment of beatitude. Furthermore, in a lesser way, we see this guiding principle among those who do not even wish to attain knowledge of Him as to achieve glory, but display its desire to a lesser degree through natural wonder and wanting to realize and know the effects of things and why they come into range of the intellect as something knowable and identifiable – like the secular sciences and many arts throughout the cultures of the world. Finally, if the intellect in the rational creature was not capable of adhering to and seeking out the First Cause of all things, which is the First Principle – that is God, to which all attain their final outcome through, its natural desire to know things and attain a higher degree of completeness in the intellect of one’s surroundings and knowing would be void, and that person would be something like an animal or less than rational creature. As for coming to the vision or knowing or understanding of the full essence of God, more so at a higher degree than other created intellects, the blessed and those on the road to Sainthood are granted sight of the essence of God in ways others at a lesser degree have not attained.
Whether the Essence of God Is Seen By the Created Intellect through An Image?
By way of the natural senses and corporeal things pertaining to matter, the limited faculties that provide us with eyesight show us what things appear to be in matter by their likeness through created intellect, not by their essence. For example, a person knows the game of baseball. So, when this person sees a bat and a baseball lying on the grass on the way to work in the morning; more than likely the game of baseball will show up in their mind so as to create an association with what the eyes are seeing in the created forms and likeness that are the circular baseball and the cylinder shaped baseball bat in order to make sense of it by way of the created intellect. God is the first intellectual power, and the most perfect one – to which all intellectual powers spring forth from by His design and creation. For the created intellect to come into the realization of what it is actually seeing by way of the essence of something beyond its likeness, there exists the factor of something outside of the creature’s intellect which raises its own intellect in a higher way to understand God and the essence of things it is observing as it pertains to God; an illuminating light if you will. In other words, one may see an image representing God, but will not know it to be anything else unless that person’s intellect is raised up to the knowledge and light of the knowledge of God through grace and the glory of His illuminating light – which enhances the intellect to recognize Him. In this way, the created intellect worships in a better way and draws closer to God in a higher degree. It would appear that in the Moderni age, so many are living in darkness and sin, which clouds the intellect and prevents the light of grace from entering, and reinforces the walls of ignorance and unbelief in many thus preventing them from recognizing any light that shines through the cracks of the perimeter walls they setup in their own hearts that acknowledge the truth of the One and Only Living God. Additionally, those who are closer to God in a lesser degree and not in its fullness, view any kind of image that represents God or has been given sanctity and power through His will – to include objects and images that honor Him, as a form of idolatry and false worship. This is rooted in recent religious formations dating back to the the middle part of the second millennium - where the practice really set sail - and has morphed through such denominations such as calvinism and other denominations that formulate their own rules on the matter in accordance with their own councils formed throughout the generations void of communion with the Seat of the Apostle Peter. Furthermore, according to the theology of these movements on individual levels, the fear of committing idolatry outweighs the goodness of honoring God through various images and works of art and objects, as we see with some people who would rather be alone and sick in the hospital without any holy images or prayer beads in their company. This appears to be the result of doctrinal error rooted in recent sub-Christian movements ingrained and infused in the minds of successive generations, centuries, and splitting/schism of denomination that holds newfound charismatic leaders implementing their own subjective view of worship and doctrine that is not beholden to anything objective like we see to the Magisterium. Lastly, what the Lord deems to have power – will have power. An Ark of the covenant for the Israelites to which only the Levites could carry, lest you die? Yes. A staff for Moses? Yes. A Cross for the faithful? Absolutely. All are examples of God’s power. Knowing what it represents and holding it in reverence to honor God is not idolatry. Worshiping the object as if it were a God, as the secular atheist in society does for his bank account, his career, possessions, and reputation, are better examples of what true idols are and their many effects they have on the soul of the one who lives for them so as to worship them.
Whether the Essence of God Can Be Seen with the Bodily Eye?
God cannot be seen by the sense of the eye or the imagination, but only by the intellect. Now, if an angelic or demonic entity is seen, as people have claimed to have seen, they are perceiving a creature that is also created by God and are not observing God’s essence, therefore, it is a “created” thing they are observing. The eye belongs to matter and the corporeal world and does not possess the capacity to see what is raised above it unless of course it is granted to it by the will of the One who sets all things into motion and raises the intellect in a higher way that can recognize Him and things beyond matter.
Whether Any Created Intellect by Its Natural Powers Can See the Divine Essence?
The created intellect knows and can identify matter with its given organs. However, to see beyond what matter is, such as the Divine Essence, as the angels see, is only possible by grace and not by nature alone. The created things that have their being in individual matter are subject to nature and can only be viewed according to nature and natural means, such as the sense of smell and sight. However, what is divine is of a different essence, and beyond matter, and is blind or invisible to the natural senses unless grace is infused to see or be made aware of more prominent realities through attainment of the divine intellect. Critically, there are two cognitive powers possessed in the soul; one, is the act of the corporeal organ that recognizes individual matter by nature, secondly, is the intellect which is not beholden to any corporeal organ and is the key to the Divine Essence by which we make God’s presence and divine things known to us such as angels, wicked spirits, and the influence of the Holy Spirit. Angelic being’s intellect, which is raised up on the divine within the measure of aeviternity, are predisposed to know these things by way of their intellect because by one movement they enter into knowing, salvation, condemnation, obedience, and disobedience because they were made eternal without suffering, hunger or mortality and of course their salvation or condemnation can be attained by one decision or movement as it was before the fall of man when the bad angels rebelled against their nature and became self-condemned and the good angels remained true to their nature and remained in grace. However, as it goes with created mankind, who can either attain salvation or condemnation by many successive movements as subject to time, where there is a beginning and an end, and salvation or condemnation can be reached by many movements and decisions. Our intellect is not completely raised up to the Divine Essence in this present life because we are subject to ignorance, hunger pains, death, and suffering. However, it does not mean that we cannot experience some of the Divine Essence in acceptable portions according to our likeness before the appointed time of our bodies to transition to sole spiritual forms.
Whether the Created Intellect Needs Any Created Light in Order to See the Essence of God?
The created intellect needs intelligible light that is grace and is from God to illuminate the understanding and wisdom of the knower so as to recognize the Divine Essence in things, other people, places, and within its own person. This illumination or light of glory is recognized in scripture as an understanding given to the person in a higher degree that is raised up to knowledge of the Living God and is beyond corporeal matter and the natural world which is recognized by the natural senses. In other words, a medium is used to know and see the essence of God, which is grace, but not in the way that the medium changes or alters His essence, but that it is needed to perceive the Divine Essence, as an intelligible factor attached to the human intellect enhancing its ability to know and understand – just as night vision goggles enhances the users perception and view of the woods in the dark of night. Finally, what is created is natural to the creature such as observance of ice and fire or wind and taste; however, the disposition of what is natural is to its form – for example; fire must be hot, and a spider must have many legs, but for the one who receives illuminating light and divine grace, that person is raised up to a likeness conforming to the form that is God which is divine.
Whether of Those Who See the Essence of God, One Sees More Perfectly Than Another?
Each and every soul shall shine in its glory according to its likeness – while some receive more splendor and majesty than another. If all of us were equal so as to see God for who He is, we would all be the same and equal in Heaven. However, this is not the case, because some are more beautified than others while some are closer to God in a higher degree and further away from God in a lower degree. Also, it so has it that there are multiple levels of heaven and hierarchies established closest and furthest to and from God based on love, as we see with the Seraphim. Because of the heart inflamed with charity and the willful urge to carry out good for others, even at the detriment of one’s own health, comfort, lifestyle, and well-being – this one becomes more closely aligned with the second Adam and the kind of human that is to inherit the earth once all is accomplished and is also the kind of worshiper the Lord seeks. In this way, one makes himself more receptive to what is about to be received and thus can receive it – ultimately resulting in a higher beautification (which is the attainment of the First Principle in Glory – true happiness and joy) than others who may have been less inclined to receive what was being given or is only capable of receiving a lesser portion of glory according to its likeness.
Whether Those Who See the Essence of God Comprehend Him?
No created creature or thing can comprehend God in His fullness. For if this were so, God would have competition, and He wouldn’t be God, or there would be many gods, and as we have addressed previously, this is impossible. However, some and others may comprehend a portion of Him in a higher or lesser way as He determines according to His will and whom He chooses to reveal Himself to. As for the great Fathers in the past have said in summary – “Knowing a portion of Him is great gain.” For any created intellect cannot grasp His fullness, not even angelic beings – for He is infinitely knowable, but impossible to know infinitely, for it is beyond the capability of any created thing to comprehend such a thing. It is also said that the blessed and people like the Apostles, who are closer to God than most in a higher degree or better way, attain three attributes aligned to the soul and God – they are: hope, faith, and charity. Through these three attributes aligned with God, they are held closer to Him in a better way, thus fulfilling the object of their desire in God through these attributes, just as a hearty meal fills the desire of a hungry belly and completes it, or when a long-lost loved one is reunited with his or her family member, thus fulfilling the longing of love and familial companionship in the heart that was already desired.
Whether Those Who See the Essence of God See All in God?
Those who see the Essence of God are much better off in more ways than one for those who do not see the Divine Essence of God. However, it so has it they do not know all things, because in order to know all things in God, one must fully comprehend Him perfectly, and this does not belong to any creature or created thing, but God alone who can comprehend Himself, knows Himself, and is infinitely in Himself. Even the angels do not know all things, even though it may appear this way according to a human being’s mode of knowing in comparison. With that in mind, keep note that it's not the full attainment of glory and beatitude for humans to know all things through God, but to know God in the best way according to our likeness and the illuminating light of grace. Additionally, knowing God and comprehending God in anyway more so than another is great gain – even knowledge wise being tapped into the divine superhighway of information and knowing, almost like the internet and supercomputers, however, this isn’t the purpose of knowing God (to attain supernatural knowledge), but to know God in fullness as to complete what we were made for and that is to glorify our Creator and be made whole in that alone. Finally, it is impossible that any created thing could see all in God, for no created thing can comprehend His infinity and know infinite things like Him. If such a thing were given freely, it would probably be abused or used as a means for detestable sorted gain and profit, as we see with the occult using knowledge of curses and demonic rites to oppress and extract sorted gain for their clients and their targeted enemies.
Whether What Is Seen in God by Those Who See the Divine Essence, Is Seen through Any Similitude?
The Divine Essence of God that is united to the intellect of the person who sees God actually sees the Essence of God even if it is by way of a likeness or an image. Why? Because any likeness or image is pre-existent in God and is what God may choose to present His essence through. Not that the thing or creature in its likeness being seen is God in itself – independent; in a general example, like a bear or a deer roaming through the woods past an observer, but God using the image to convey His essence in a way the one who sees can understand and comprehend. Not that the deer or the bear is God, but that the Divine Essence of God is using the animals according to His will for the purpose of the message or vision to the one who is observing. These principles also apply to sacred images in paintings, pictures, and sacred displays conveying the Essence of God by way of a similitude the observer can associate to the material principle as he knows them and can identify knowable concepts and ideas through the corporeal organs. These possibilities are given to the human to identify perception through sight, smell, taste, and human feeling/sensations conveyed by the brain and central nervous system - such as seeing a Holy image and receiving a tingling down the spine accompanied by goosebumps, or the hairs on the skin rising at the presence of something the intellect (which is the soul) can identify.
Whether Those Who See the Essence of God See All They See in It at the Same Time?
Knowing and understanding what the Essence of God is demonstrating is a simultaneous act or movement, not many successive ones. For example: say one is pondering a life decision to pursue a career, but first must attend an accredited university in order to receive licensure for the career one wants to partake in. From there, one must figure out how to pay for that education, so this person decides to get a job in order to save up for such a pursuit. This would be an example of many successive movements to the goal of attaining a specific career and is directly opposed to the “simultaneous” or instant” in the way the Divine Essence of God who demonstrates or conveys knowledge and understanding to us. In another example, the simultaneous of knowing something with a singular word could be described in this way: the word “justice” may suggest the following: law courts, prosecutors, lawyers, judges, discovery of evidence, courtroom guards, weapons, paperwork, cameras, security, sorrow, joy, microphones, artwork, and authority of a government, even a certain way people in court may dress such as suits, ties, and leather shoes. With the single word, “justice,” one can determine and distinguish many things and avenues of knowing, and in the same way, the Essence of God conveys understanding and knowledge in one simultaneous movement, not many successive ones as the prior example demonstrates.
Whether Anyone in This Life Can See the Essence of God?
The true Divine Essence that is God cannot be seen in this life, for if this were so, no man could live any longer in his mortal body, as confirmed in the scriptures with Moses. For what we recognize as Divine Essence is given by way of “similitude,” or in other words, images or effects that our minds can perceive, process, understand, and learn from to use for edification of other people who know God to a lesser degree. Some varying opinions on this have inferred that to see the Divine Essence, or Him for Who He Is, the outpouring of love shall “make the heart explode” or His comprehension is not fitted for our mortal flesh, thus its power shall destroy it. However, in more simpler terms, it is so that we are composite bodies consisting of corporeal matter with a soul which is our intellect given to us as a gift which is also the image of the Living God to know Him through His effects in the world and to seek Him. Corporeal matter can only know and see matter that is natural to it by its forms. Also, the Divine Essence cannot be known through material things in the way the spirit knows it, which is the most accurate and truthful depiction. However, if one were to draw closer to spiritual things, this person would have to neglect corporeal things in matter, and in this way, this person would be more capable of perceiving and understanding abstract intelligent things that only the spirit can discern such as dreams, divine revelations, presence of spirits, and foresight.
Whether God Can Be Known in This Life by Natural Reason?
The knowledge of God’s Essence is by grace, which is a higher truth, and is a gift of the Holy Spirit. The knowledge of God by natural reason belongs both to the bad and good person, even the one without faith or grace, because both the good and bad can know many truths even in a lesser way as compared to something that knows a truth in a higher way - nonetheless, both know the truth, even if the good and bad have a differing knowledge of it by degree of understanding. When the bad says “I don’t know Him” or “there is no proof of His existence,” it's not that this person cannot understand the truth by natural reason, for it has been made known to them, it is because this person rejects the truth, or refuses to acknowledge it through internal bias and rejection of what was meant for that person, or further influence from the demons who encourage wickedness and denial in mankind. With all of this said, it is still manifest to everyone by natural reason the existence of God, because God’s effects and images are clearly seen in the world for all to observe - both the bad and the good, both the believing and unbelieving, both the accepting and those in denial. If this wasn’t so, nobody could ever come to “conversion,” because such possibility would not be possible for the thoughts of a person or ways he or she accepted a way of life to change and move onto something better, which is God and the truth. Additionally, we see that there is the knowledge of God to a lesser degree in remote parts of the world throughout history and present times who did not have the gospel or the law preached to them, but they clearly knew a God existed regardless, which is evident through their culture, traditions, and belief system. All of these fall within the sphere of the observable universe and can be detected by the senses, for our natural knowledge can only take us far as the senses go, and as it goes, the senses can detect spiritual things and know God even if they cannot see Him, hear Him, smell Him, or touch Him in the way we experience corporeal things around us, but know Him by His effects in our surroundings, ourselves, and through others in more ways than one. This is knowing God to a lesser degree which is limited by our corporeal bodies of the flesh. Once we become spirit, and our soul leaves our body, then we shall know Him in a more accurate and better way beyond sense, which is a higher degree of truth and knowing than the corporeal flesh can provide by way of sense.
Whether by Grace a Higher Knowledge of God Can Be Obtained Than by Natural Reason?
Even though the revelation of grace which brings one to God in a higher degree does not reveal the full scope of “knowing” God for who He truly is in its fullness, without any further knowing to be added to it, it still increases our relationship and knowledge of His presence and effects in the world which are observable to all, both unbelieving and believing, but perceived in different ways, some more accurately and others less accurately (for those who do not attribute the proper effects to God that come from Him in the world around us) and those who only recognize something of Him by way of natural reason void of the illuminating light of supernatural grace. Nonetheless, it is by grace that we attain the higher knowledge of the Living God, and shall receive divine revelation, and spiritual things the corporeal flesh alone cannot decipher, for example - coming to the knowledge and acceptance in the heart that God is Three in One, and that God is One in Three. In the same way, knowing in the heart that the Five wounds of Christ are Seven, and the Seven wounds of Christ are Five. Not everyone might see this though, because of the layers or veils obstructing the objective of knowing something for what it is. By way of visions both private and prophetic as from scripture, the illuminating light of grace puts objects, places, and people into a sensible vision that can accurately describe what the Lord is conveying for the purpose of edifying others. For example, if one were to keep out light from entering into a room, that person may put up a blind. In addition, add a curtain as well. From there, there shall be no light of knowledge of divine knowing, or there may be a dimmer version of the light penetrating into the room. With supernatural divine grace that brings us to God in a higher degree of knowing, this illuminating light pierces the curtain and the blind, and still continues to light up the room in its brilliant radiance. If you were to be in that room, it would be impossible for you not to see what is around you and observe the light which engulfs your very being. Additionally, the light may illuminate a picture on your wall, so you may see it more clearly for what it is, even though you knew what it was earlier when there was no light, but you had a different perception of it. In the same way, the perceiving between natural reason and grace interact with our intellectual ability, which is part of our soul that was given to us by God to know Him, and is not attributed to any corporeal organ of the flesh - and is what separates us from rational beings who are made in the image of the First and Last Cause as compared to irrational animals who roam the earth for food, devour one another, and become food for us in kind. Finally, it can be said that “faith” is knowledge in itself without a vision from the person experiencing it, but its source coming from God alone who gives one faith to know Him more deeply and accurately in league with the intellect which alone is supernatural and unlike anything in comparison to it that is known to man in any creature or unintelligible body or form.
Whether a name can be given to God?
A name can be given to God in a way that the creature can describe its own understanding of what God is to itself and others around it. However, the name given to God will never portray the Divine Essence accurately because creatures that are in the corporeal flesh are not capable of seeing the Essence of God, for it is beyond the understanding of the creature to do this, nor could it perceive it and live, because the Divine Essence of God is before the creature, and raised up above all of its senses, intellect, and understanding. However, the creature can assign names to God so as to describe God, even though the name given to God does not represent God in His fullness. Furthermore, calling an “apple” an apple is an accurate expression of the essence of what is described. In this case, an apple. For one can bite into it and remove its seeds and be filled with its sugary richness. The senses can identify the apple in more ways than one and the intellect understands fully its role and purpose in its created environment. But with God, we only know Him by His effects, and what He chooses to reveal to us as for the edification of self and others. His Essence cannot be seen or fathomed, so no name will ever fully describe Him accurately and justly. Nonetheless, the created still assign names and descriptions to their Creator so as to identify ideas and things to the intellect that perceives God and shares in His message with others around them.
Whether any name can be applied to God substantially?
Any name that is applied to God by the created (creature) may describe Him in some way according to the perception of the one conveying the name, but whether or not the name altars or affects His substance in any way is completely impossible. For the names given to God by creatures has no effect on Him, because all names, descriptions, and things that simply exist to our own senses in our world are completely pre-existent in God. Additionally, the names we give God is less of a charge against Him, and more of an indicator or measure of us indicating our relationship to God. To further elaborate, negative names that are applied to God affects His substance in no way, but simply reminds the listener of just how close or far away from God that creature is who is naming Him. See for yourself, if you were to go up to an atheist and ask him about God, he may respond with something like, “I don’t follow your ‘Sky Daddy.’” The atheist would say this in a negative way, but this insult or mockery would have no effect on God, and would actually signal to the hearer of the message that this person is further away from God, because of the false mocking name he used to describe God. Seeing as how this harms God in no way or benefits Him in anyway, it is also a good indicator to the state of grace (or lack of) that soul is in, and in by doing so - the creature who attempts to name God effects itself more than the label it gives or apportions to God, either negatively or positively, for the one who praises God shall not go unrewarded, and the one who curses God shall not go unpunished. Now, walk up to a Priest and ask Him about God, and he may refer to God as, “The Lord,” or “God the Son,” or “God the Father,” or “God the Holy Spirit,” or “The Blessed Trinity.” By these names of God, they pay honor to Him, but still do not affect Him in any way that His substance must change substantially. Moreover, it is just an indicator of the reverence one may show for their Creator, and is a reminder to the observer that this Priest is closer in relationship to God than the atheist is, simply by their words alone, for if we know God by His effects, then we must also know creatures more intimately by their effects (what they say and do or reveal to us by their good and bad deeds) as well.
Whether any name can be applied to God in its literal sense?
Some names are given to God by creatures in the metaphorical and literal sense. Both are proper depending on their context. For example - in the metaphorical sense, God could be referred to as “The Rock,” or the “Foundation” of the faith and hope in the believer, and this would be a proper metaphorical name for God because although He is just not a rock alone or a poured concrete slab of rebar for the base of a building, we also know Him to be the One who keeps all things into being in a more higher and eminent way, and this of course pre-exists any metaphor or material matter in our known environment that could describe Him. In the same way, for example, in the literal sense - God could be called “Good,” and this would be a true literal statement, even though it does not describe everything about the Divine Essence, it nonetheless contains Good in it, which also describes God because He alone is Good and is the source to which all Goodness comes from.
Are any names applied to God synonymous?
Names given or applied to God are not all the same in idea. For God Himself is One in reality, but many in idea, so as far as creatures can associate Him in a suitable manner to their intellect - such as “God is All,” or “God is in the clouds,” or “God is in our hearts”, or “God is just, or “God is love,” or “He who fashioned us in the womb,” or “The One who stretched out the universe with His hand.” What is obvious here is that by what was said - it transmits a different idea about God - even though the One reality in all these statements is God. The created intellect obtains understanding of the First Principle (God), which sets all other principles into motion and being (created things), and then flushes many ideas of that First Principle into substances it can describe and understand so as to magnify the various perfections God apportions to creation in an imperfect manner because creatures can only imitate His likeness, but never portray it in its fullness - even though some may display it in a higher or lesser degree depending on love, faithfulness, denial of self, deeds, and election. Never can this occur all in one idea or understanding, but many ideas and understandings, thus all one reality which is God. Finally, the perfections that are manifest in creatures, such as charity, wisdom, love, and justice etc. that are apportioned among all of them, pre-exist in God completely and in the most perfect manner.
Whether what is said of God and of creatures is univocally predicated of them?
God is of a different order than anything which exists in a genus. No name that belongs to God also belongs to creatures, for anything a creature has is a quality from God - to include wisdom, strength, talent and the like. It is not proper to say “God has wisdom like Socrates,” because God was before and after Socrates, and everything Socrates displayed - including wisdom and the power to argue - came from none other than God alone as an apportioned attribute or quality which is in Him in a more better and perfect way. Therefore, the essence and substance of something depends on the genus they are categorized under and because of this God and creatures are known differently by their effects in an equivocal manner.
Whether names predicated of God are predicated primarily of creatures?
Does the child name the parent? Does a pet leash the master? Can a building pre-exist its architectural design plans? No - for all of these come after. So, in the same way, names are applied to God rather than creatures because anything which is being described such as a trait or attribute or even a thing that does something pre-exists in God in a more higher and perfect way, to which all things such as creatures flow forth from. However, it is not wrong to refer to God in the metaphorical sense so as to convey Him to others in a higher degree or honorable mention, such as “God carries the message of truth like a bullet,” and “The Truth of God is like the Sun - shooting rays of heat across the sky, for it is impossible that anyone on the ground not feel its heat!” These examples carry an imperfect truth as we can perceive them by the things we know and can relate to while paying honor to the First and Last Cause, which is God, although not quite describing Him accurately and fully - as this is impossible in the created, just as it is impossible that the child names the parent - for the parent had a name that was given before the existence of the child, and whether or not the child wishes to “rename” the parent later on, it shall not matter, for the name the parent has pre-exists whatever name given to the parent by the child. So it is with God, who pre-exists the child, the parent, and any name that could be given to them by another.
Whether names which imply relation to creatures are predicated of God temporally?
Names as they relate to creatures such as “governor,” and “mayor,” or “chieftain” and the like is how the creature identifies the likeness of what is being described in such a way they know how to react or respond to what they are about to encounter, receive, or interact with and this belongs to them in a temporal way. In the same way, when we call “The One Who Is” - “Lord,” it's not so much that we are affecting His Essence, Being, or changing anything about His Substance, rather we are speaking of things we can describe in accordance with our nature so they can be identified and reacted to in the proper manner. Next, coming to this realization, it can be said that the relation that is established between creatures and God in regard to a name is a temporal function, not something originating from eternity. Also, as it was said before, God is of His own order outside of creation, and everything that is in existence temporally is ordered to Him, while the relation is from creatures to God, but not God to creatures in any true sense other than idea as creatures are referred back to Him.
Whether this name “God” is a name of the nature?
God is made known to us by His effects in the world around us. It is not possible for us to know fully or even see His nature as it is, but we can recognize His divine nature by His effects, and when we apply or assign Him names which depict Him in a manner our intellect recognizes - we signify many attributes associated with Him as we do other things. For example, if we call the Lord - “A High King,” we also infer to other creatures that this important title oversees the operations and accountability of everything within a King’s dominion, and in comparison - allows us to identify correctly what we are describing in the likeness we associate to other things. Is the Lord exactly like a King? No, but - He is like a King in the way we associate Him to one, as in the literal sense He is the King above all Kings - The One who pre-exists the title to begin with. So, the name of something we give it can describe the nature of something as we understand it, without completely depicting the full nature of God in its fullness - because this is unknowable to the created.
Whether this name “God” is communicable?
The divine nature is only conveyed by some idea, description, or less than perfect image or example within the realm of the material principle (by participation or accident such as a human portrayal of God in a painting) that creatures can identify and recognize. Names occur not in reality as we declare them, but they occur in our own mind as we perceive them - so in this way, the reality of God by His name is not communicable in reality to the divine nature, but it is communicable in as much as we can understand it and talk about it or make it known to others by signifying Him through a name to which others can recognize. The meaning of “God” in your own mind might not be the same as the meaning of “God” in the mind of another, thus the two conflict, however, in reality, the name itself “God” which attempts to communicate the divine nature is not affected in anyway, nor can it even be perceived properly in fullness within the form of the body fixated to the material principle that makes up nature and the universe.
Whether this name “God” is applied to God univocally by nature, by participation, and according to opinion?
The name “God” is an idea which resembles the likeness of many things to people as they perceive it. The idea of God includes the opinion of the human being as he can relate to The Name. For example, someone who refers to God as “The Blessed Trinity,” would be correct in that by words he has identified the divine nature. Now, a pagan can relate the idea of God to a block of wood, or a demonic spirit posing as a God - even though this is false, as a block of wood is simply a block of wood and subjected to the material principle, and also that a demon is just a spiritual creature without a body, even though it may think it is something more because of demonic pride and to trick the pagan further into sin so as to worship it so the pagan descends into further error. Even then, in this example - the human who is correct in associating God to the Blessed Trinity still only has an idea of it - to which the divine nature resides, but can only demonstrate some kind of likeness to it as he alone understands it, just as Saint Augustine experienced with the boy trying to collect the ocean water into a sand hole he dug up while he was stuck pondering the mystery. Therefore, it would be proper to conclude that the name “God” is applied analogically, because it is a mixture of some senses and reality, but lacking in others as anyone can really understand it under the signifying label of a single word or name.
Whether this name, HE WHO IS, is the most proper name of God?
The name HE WHO IS, is most properly applied to God in three ways: One, by what it signifies. The Name does not signal form or creature or what is created or anything of the like - but EXISTENCE in its fullness, which presupposes the idea of a cause or movement. Secondly, by way of the universality of its use. The more precise or restricting the word is, the narrower the chances of the name being applicable to things. For example, if I asked somebody to goto the grocery store and purchase milk - many options could be purchased such as Lactaid, whole, 2%, or even soy milk. However, when I ask for lactose free milk, the options are narrowed from four to one. Furthermore, if I were to ask someone to goto the grocery store to “purchase me something,” then the realm of possibility the word “something” signifies widens from one to four possible items, to possibly thousands of items the helper decides to bring back to me. So, in the same way, the name HE WHO IS captures a more absolute perspective of what we are talking about and attempting to describe in God who should not be subjected to the mere likeness of a creature, or a stone, or a block of wood - for all these things prexist in Him. Third and lastly, the significance of multiple things all at once - such as before, now, after, future, and never ending - all of these words can fall under the name HE WHO IS because all of the words that are described fall under this name, which is properly fitted to God in a more higher way than terms associated to the likeness of creatures as one understands them.
Whether affirmative propositions can be formed about God?
Affirmative propositions about God can be formed by the human intellect - which is a gift from the Divine Nature so as to know and recognize God. For humans were made Holy and in His image, possessing the full capability within themselves to know God. Also it was given to human beings to accept or reject Him by way of our free-will choices (being in participation which produces accidents, as opposed to an essential being in actuality - which is God). In addition, it has been said that God Himself is simple, and is of His own essence and truly within Himself, not requiring anything else to Be, as He alone is His own self-subsisting substance sustaining Himself as the First Cause and Principle of all things in being. Realizing this, it is hard for the human intellect to comprehend a simple form that is of its own essence, like God is simply. The human intellect is material and understands compound things (because humans are compound beings who are both corporeal and spiritual). So, when given an idea that is simple, man’s intellect (which can only see the material principle), must add something else to it so as to identify it in terms it can comprehend or understand. Nonetheless, it still so happens that man can recognize and come to know God by his intellect because the intellect is an operation of the soul, which is beyond the material principle, and not attributed to any corporeal organ of the flesh. With that said, the intellect may not come to know God in the fullness of His essence, but man can come to know God by recognizing His effects around Him and the likeness of other things He can attribute to God by way of the divine intellect the Lord gifted him. Hence, true propositions can be formed about God because He alone has given us the ability to do so as to have a more established relationship with Him as son/daughter to Father would in a household where a family dwells. This is His ultimate gift to us - that we should come to know Him by our own free-will - for the Lord wants children in His house, not pets. Satan wants pets and slaves he can oppress, torture, rape, and abuse. Not so with God - who gives the creature the choice to choose Him or reject Him, to be under His roof or to live outside from His presence.
Whether there is knowledge?
In God, the pure perfection of His substance is absolute knowledge and not comparable to any quality, deficiency, potentiality, habitual tendency, or marker and signal. The knowledge or brilliance of a man, although admirable among men, while works are worthy of material rewards, these perfections exist in a higher state in God than man himself, and we see the perfections of these attributes man displays as being pre-existent in God in a much higher way. Additionally, the perfections in knowledge, knowing, and wisdom that flows from the Living God are not qualities of Him as we see qualities in other things and people, but merely His substance which is pure act, for they are natural to Him, and part of His Essence and Essential Being. It also happens that God occupies the highest place in knowledge because He is immaterial, and infinity. The cognitive is a function of the immaterial, which is found in the rational creature and is what we know as an intelligent being which is not only limited to its form. In the irrational creatures and things, such as plants, which are purely material, you cannot find the light of rationale or intelligence like you would if the plant was compared to the bear. For the plant is closer to the material principle in its pureness more than the bear, because the bear displays cognitive functions so as to find food for itself and preserve its own life, while also caring for its young, and weighing risk/reward with its actions - thus demonstrating a higher immaterial cognitive function than the plant. In the same way, the immaterial principle, the more it strays from the corporeal forms of the world, the higher it is raised up in knowledge, as we see the composite human who is a mixture of soul (intellect) fashioned to a body of corporeal organs and parts.
Whether God understands Himself?
God understands Himself by way of Himself through His own understanding of Himself which is a kind of knowledge that pre-exists all knowledge and is the highest form of knowing. For God is a subsisting Essential Being in Actuality, whose actions is pure act, as opposed to the creature's actions, which is act in potentiality (accidents) and who are beings by participation in that they participate in existence by way of God who provides life, being and existence to everything that never was. In other words, He called forth those who “were not” by His pure love for them, a love that transcends and is higher than all love known to creatures, for creatures cannot love something they do not know to exist, but God is capable of this as He took those who did not exist and put them into existence by way of His agency and great love for them.
Whether God comprehends Himself?
God is free from all matter and potentiality, as He is cognitive and spirit, which is not confined to the principle forms and constraints of matter. Thus, He is the maximum of “knowing” or “knowledge” in that He alone is in the order of the infinite (which is of His own order, not occupied by anything else like Him), as all things which come forth from Him such as creatures are in the order of the finite, and subdivided by their order of genus and species, and marked by their measures and modes of operation according to their likeness which are subjected to the principle of matter and time - which has a start and end (the measure of matter from start to finish, life and death), and is subject to corruption and death, as opposed to the infinite which has no beginning or end (God), and is whole lacking in no parts (also God), and with the angelic substance such as aeviternity where there is beginning but no end. Thus, He comprehends Himself and knows everything about Himself because He is all knowing and pre-exists all knowledge that there is to know.
Whether the act of God’s intellect is His substance?
God is of His own Essence, simple, and within Himself, possessing all knowledge, while fully comprehending Himself, for He is of His own order as an Essential Being in actuality whose Substance is subsisting within Himself.
Whether God knows things other than Himself?
God must know Himself perfectly because He is the maximum of all knowledge pre-existing all knowledge as it can be known to anything that is created. Since all things come forth from Him, and that He alone has knowledge of everything going forth into existence, for they were in Him prior to their occurrence of being, it so happens that God knows all things even outside Himself, for since He knows Himself completely, and all things must come from Him as they were made from Him, He necessarily knows things other than Himself because those things pre-exist in Him. As for the freewill, what occurs or comes forth from free will choices of the creature, is pure potentiality and not actual (the decisions and choices made by God), thus they are called accidents (the free will choices of creatures not caused by God). Finally, since God sees and knows Himself through Himself because of His own Essence, which He fully understands, it occurs that He also sees other things from the viewpoint of Himself, and not exactly from the viewpoint of self which comes forth from the created as the creature would see itself, for the creature pre-existed in God before the creature itself was aware of its own existence, as the creature existed in the form of an idea coming from the Essence of God, which was non-existent before God decided to put forth the created into existence by pure act.
Whether God knows things other than Himself by proper knowledge?
Having proper knowledge of something means to know the general idea of something so as to understand what makes it work, its purpose, its components, and what kind of activity it engages in and why - additionally, having general knowledge of something can also help one to better incorporate it into their reality, for the one who doesn’t have any knowledge of something becomes ignorant and oblivious to its reality and existence. Regardless, just because a creature does not have general knowledge of a specific thing, does not mean that thing shall cease to exist. It shall exist regardless, and the creature will just remain ignorant. As we see with those who subscribe to the false belief of atheism - their lack of proper knowledge in things is not a pursuit of learning or correction, but a way of life, which is a pseudo-cult of the worm, the religion of unbelief, and the belief that SOMETHING can come from NOTHING, which is impossible. Additionally, atheists do not have special knowledge of spiritual things because they reject them, and do not wish to understand them because of innate bias (often provoked by demonic entities attracted to their sins and idol worship of their material possessions). As for God, who has proper knowledge of Himself, most definitely has proper knowledge of all things, because all things came forth from Him. Moreso, He also has special knowledge of things - not in the way creatures have them, but in the special way that nothing is invisible to His sight, nor is any creature hidden from His gaze. For the Lord God knows the parts of the creature, the creature’s heart, the creature’s intentions, and the creature’s thoughts - because God infinitely is the maximum of all things, including all subsets of knowledge.
Whether the knowledge of God is discursive?
The divine knowledge that is God’s “knowing” is not discursive like human knowledge is. For humans, we arrive at a conclusion from start to finish by many successive movements. Once we learn something about a subject, we go on to the next subject, often taking some things we learned from the previous subject and applying it to the next subject in a different way we can understand it. Often enough, this isn’t appropriate - but for the laborer who studies and writes, he must feel that his works are producing some kind of fruit, regardless of their origin, so he applies what he shouldn’t apply just for the sake of applying it in a discursive fashion for the purposes of a point or goal that is conjured in the man’s head - often related to a reward or a principle the man adopted that he is sticking to, regardless of how many texts he comes across to the contrary. In another way, by way of principles we arrive at conclusions of things. This is not applied to God because God sees everything as a whole for what they are through Himself all at once (eternity), which is perfect, and lacking in no parts - as man must seek parts to add from many different subjects in successive movements (time).
Whether the knowledge of God is the cause of things?
Natural things in the universe as we know them is the mean between knowledge of God and our knowledge. What we know to be natural to us by way of matter is caused by God’s knowledge, for God’s knowledge alone is the cause of all things. Just as a designer has knowledge of the design in her head, the design exists in ideas through her knowledge. From there, the designer uses her hands to transfer the knowledge of the design which exists as an idea from her knowledge to the paper, thus the design now exists in the material world and becomes observable by all things around it. So it is for God, whose knowledge of creatures and created things pre-exist the creatures being existent in the material principle and even before they become aware of themselves. Does it mean the created creature is infinite? No, but the knowledge of the created remains in the idea of the creator before and after, even if the created do not perceive or no longer exist in the way they were originally created because of death, which is change and a different time of movement that is successive. For anything that must live in the spirit, must also die in the flesh. In the same way, for a flower to blossom, its seed must die, thus it shall be changed.
Whether God has knowledge of things that are not?
The things that are not actual, but are true, exist in what is potential, and even in this God knows it. How? Because He is actual existence, while the created things that come forth which are in being exist in potentiality in that they experience their being by way of God’s agency, who is an Essential Being, as compared to the creature, who is a being by participation. As for things that are not, but are potential, such as the ideas or imagination of creatures, even God knows this, because He knows Himself, and it so has it that everything has come from God in that their being pre-exists in Him, thus nothing is hidden from His sight - even things that have not come into being, but are merely the thoughts of the man who is planning to carry out something in the future. If this wasn’t so, and if something was actually hidden from God or void of His knowledge or knowing - then He wouldn’t be God, but a mere creature appearing in knowledge of things that are whole, but lacking in something that isn’t noticeable to lower intellects. This is the way it is for those who worship demons and proclaim them as Gods - even though spiritual creatures with higher intelligences and strength than corporeal humans in the flesh, nonetheless they are still creatures, and although they may have a higher knowing compared to us, their knowledge is not in the same order as God, who is of His own order and Essence, and whose knowledge pre-exists everything in the universe, beyond the universe, creatures, plants, animals, thoughts and ideas.
Whether God knows evil things?
God sees evil and darkness through light. Just as He is the good and knows the good, He too also knows evil, for evil is a deficiency of the good, and God made all things good according to their likeness, measure, genus, order, and species. Because He made the good, it does not mean that He shall be ignorant of evil, for what a creature lacks in fullness, God is also aware of, and this is also what we know to be as “evil.” Furthermore, the knowledge of God is not the cause of evil, but is the cause of good whereby evil is known. Things are known by way of surpassing or lacking in something - so it can be said that righteousness is beyond the good or is the imitation of the good, while sinning or falling short of the good is what we know as evil - thus a deficiency of the good, and it so has it that God is also aware of what falls short of the marker that is a perfect good according to the likeness of something.
Whether God knows singular things?
God knows singular things because all singular things pr-exist in Him in a much higher way. To recognize, know, and understand a singular concept for the man - such as the beauty of a forest, or the evil of an action so justice may be rendered fittingly and appropriately, is to seek the perfection in something that is sought and knowable. How can a judge become more perfect in rendering justice if he is not aware of the evil and injustice or crimes that come across his presence? The just judge must be aware of these things - not so that he may imitate them, but so that he can understand the parts of the act so as to justly render appropriate decisions, hence the singular concept of justice. As for God, He already knows all these things better than us, and any good in this effort we display is a quality already found in Him in a more perfect and higher way. God knows discord, and even though the perfections humans display that are divided among each other in a lesser way conflict with one another in the singular concept, as if they were opposed or united to each other - God possesses them and holds them unitedly, knowing the singular concepts without any lack of knowing by way of His simple intellect which is knowledge of both material and immaterial things that ever could exist and ever shall exist going forward. Therefore, God is the cause of things by His knowledge - extending to the material and immaterial principle, consisting of singular concepts and things - individualized in matter by His own Essence.
Whether God can know infinite things?
There is no boundary of knowledge for God, for His knowledge has no boundaries, and if His knowledge did have a boundary, then He would have placed it there. Even in that, He would know where those boundaries lie, and even in this, He could move those boundaries wherever He wishes. Therefore, the knowledge of God extends to infinite things, for this is the domain of the eternal, which has no beginning or end and is simultaneously lacking in no parts, but made whole completely - including knowledge. The idea of infinite things is in relation to quantity, and the idea of quantity consists of parts. Knowing things part by part is to know all of them successively. But to know something infinitely does not belong to the creature, but to God, who also knows part by part up to infinity according to His measure or rule. Knowing that He alone sets the measure or quantity of parts that should be known, it is proper to say that He knows infinite things. Why, and how can this be, says the atheist? Because the knowledge of God is simply the measure of all things, so it would be proper to Him that He would know them, just as a landowner may set up land markers around His plot of land and remember where the boundary markers are set.
Whether the knowledge of God is of future contingent things?
The works of men and creatures are subjected to freewill. God himself has fashioned the creature and given it a freewill, thus the decisions that are made and carried out by creatures are known by God. Additionally, ideas that belong to the creature which result in measurable practical action is also known by God, even before they occur. This is possible because God has knowledge of all contingent things that are dependable upon another, and as stated earlier, the decisions of creatures are subjected/dependent/contingent upon the freewill which has been gifted to them by God. Furthermore, God resides in eternity. The corporeal creature (man and animal) resides in time (the successive movement from start to finish - subject to decay, corruption, and death) which is lesser than eternity. As it was stated before, eternity is the simultaneous whole lacking in no parts or knowledge where there is no beginning or end. Time is a successive measure where one thing may be known by coming to know it part by part by way of successive bounding. For example, if one wishes to fix the engine of a car, he must first know how to identify the problem (first part), then from there disassemble what is necessary so as to replace what is broken (second part), then finally reassembling the engine and testing the result (final part). When all parts are combined, the engine shall work, which is a practical function which was originally contingent upon the idea of the man knowing the car needed to be fixed so it can be put into operation once again. The freewill of the man chose to engage in this action, and he reached this action by many successive movements (subjected to time). For God, who dwells in eternity and is not subjected to time alone, is already lacking in no parts by way of understanding. For example, picture a taxi driver driving a cab (time) from point A to point B in the city. He knows where to go in his head, but he gets there turn by turn and road by road. While this is going on, the blimp above him with cameras can observe and know what is going on at point A, while also being observant of point B, while also seeing the path of the taxi driver and the many streets he has passed and will be encountering shortly as he continues to drive. So it is for God, who knows dependent things from a higher and more perfect position lacking in nothing as compared to the creature’s perspective.
Whether God knows enunciable things?
It is within the realm of the human intellect to form enunciations (ideas, proposals, thoughts, plans, concepts, judgements and opinions). If the man can think it, then God knows it, even if it were to never be carried out. What the man may think in the future that exists in potentiality, but hasn’t been realized yet either in thought or action, God also knows this as well. Man can know something by way of his own intellect successively in the order of one; for example, man looks at an animal and identifies its species to understand what he is looking at. Division of the intellect and ideas of understanding is the process of the creature, who understands something successively by idea one at a time. For God, His essence is simple and He truly knows all things by their own essence by way of His intellect which is also simple, and can understand all things known to the specific thing or creature all at once, because His knowing and intellect is not lacking any parts of knowledge, nor is there a beginning or end to such knowledge in Him. Therefore, the species of the divine intellect is capable of understanding and knowing all things in their fullness without any lack of knowing.
Whether the knowledge of God is variable?
God’s knowledge is also His substance. It is not so much that God changes or His knowledge of something changes because of the variations of something such as creatures, plants, and elements within the universe, but that those variations or species and orders are from God, and exist in the form of variety in the way which He ordained to be so which cannot be variable to God. His knowledge of this does not shift or change, rather, it is the created who shifts in accordance with the Creator’s divine providence (His intervention in the universe) and will. Therefore, God’s knowledge is invariable and never changing, but pre-exists all knowledge that is knowable to any created intellect - even if the created think they are changing in a specific manner and have the ability to do so by way of freewill. We see this error among the pagans and atheists who believe they can become something they were never made to be or meant to be - such as man to woman and woman to man, or human to dolphin or man to cat, as we see with some people in the Moderni age who spend time, blood, and treasure subjecting themselves to many surgeries to install features of an animal to their body, such as altered cheeks and whiskers, splitting of the tongue so as to imitate a lizard, and having surgeons install claws or fangs into their hands and feet. God’s knowledge surpasses the knowledge of anything created, and just because a man thinks he can become a woman or a cat does not mean they will now become such a thing, nor will God ever change what He ordained someone to be.
Whether God has a speculative knowledge of things?
Speculative knowledge has reference to the truth for the sake of itself, while practical knowledge references the truth for the sake of making or doing something. There is also a mixture of speculative and practical knowledge which can be referenced for a stated purpose. Knowing this, we see the three elements of speculative knowledge: One, is the knowledge of something known. Two, the manner in which something is known by. Three, The end part where speculative knowledge considers a truth to be had or taken, as opposed to practical knowledge where an operation has come to its final conclusion or something is made. God most definitely has a speculative knowledge of things because He is the truth which is absolute, and in the same way He is fully capable of considering and observing the truth of His own Essence which is simple, as He is fully aware of Himself in every way, along with other things which come forth from Him as well. God (Essential Being) also has a practical knowledge of what He can make (actuality) or is made by another in a period of time (accidents occurring in potentiality), even if something else is made by creatures/humans (beings by participation) according to their free will (potentiality) that is not attributed to Him (accidents); including evil (deficiency). For the Lord’s practical knowledge in this sense isn’t that He is the cause of evil or implements it, but in the sense we can understand it, He is the skilled craft worker who is called in to fix a deficient part of the building by way of His skill and what comes natural to Him.
Whether there are ideas?
Ideas must exist in the divine intellect. In order for something to spring forth in matter or become observable to others in nature - the idea must preclude the practical outcome. The form of things and concepts other than themselves (as in physical matter) are ideas in the creature, which pre-exist in God. Also, the purpose of an idea is known for two ends: the form in itself and the principle of knowledge in it. Things generated at random and by chance are not the calculated end directed by guidance from another as we see with creation of the world, the universe, and creatures, as well as humans - who all work together in their own way to a calculated end. This is because the concept of man, creatures, the world which was purposefully put here for us and the universe originated in the divine intellect of God, who presupposes all of these things in idea, and springs them forth into matter as He wills it, and guides them all to their calculated end. Therefore, there are ideas which result in form and principle of knowledge, for all things purposefully created by design and an agent (God) work towards their calculated ends through their forms and their knowledge which was given to them by the Divine Essence - all originating in the ideas and intellect of God.
Whether ideas are many?
There is a plurality of ideas in both God, man, and creature. For God, His Essence is not the idea, but the source from which ideas are formulated and understood. Understanding the form of something and its many parts in accordance with the idea that sprang forth from the artist, shows us that not only does the artist understand his work such as a painting, but that he also understands that he understands it - thus demonstrating that the artist fully comprehend the idea of what he makes and why he makes it, in a way that nothing of the art that the man creates is hidden from his sight as the man knows his art’s very essence. In the same way, God understands many things, and just not in a general way, but a more higher and intimate way - to include the parts of what is being understood, and the self-awareness through His own Divine Essence that He understands that He understands what is known, thus understanding the idea and essence of what is being observed as knowable to Him truly in fullness. For in the Divine Mind there exists proper ideas of all things as they were made in their own likeness apportioned by God as good and not in need of changing. In other words, God made what He did through the idea of what that thing or creature ought to be. Denial of this is faithlessness and lack of trust in God’s providence. His knowledge and wisdom also comes forth from His Divine Essence in the form of many ideas. God is fully aware of all the parts to an idea that form it, and He knows the best outcome for them even if He shall fashion freewill decisions (accidents existing in potentiality) to creatures, who often make the wrong decisions (things opposed to what God ordained for them). For every creature has its own proper species which acts in accordance with the Divine Essence in the degree of its likeness it has been apportioned. The ideas of secular society which are opposed to God in every way work in direct contradiction to the ideas of the Divine Essence - as we see playing out in the secular school systems which have driven out God from their presence. The disorder of sin (deficiency or not quite meeting the mark), which denies everything God has planned for them, which is the highest good, is self-evident in the teachers who are carrying improper messages to students in the classroom about sexual immorality, gender theory, self-mutilation, and false morality and self-centered egotistical ethics. Even at the opposition of parents, activist teachers who do not know God or His ways, radicalize their classroom, and enforce their system of false beliefs upon vulnerable children which only seeks to make them moving parts attributed to the machine of the secular state while often receiving backing from politicians and higher power structures which were originally implemented to render justice and fairness and prevent these type of manipulations on the institutional level, but have now failed to achieve their started purposes. As we can see, the idea of justice and righteousness, which is God inspired, is dwindling at the foot of radical secular humanism brought on by faithless individuals who pursue their sins and lower pleasures. They are filled with hatred for God and neighbor, and prefer to push their violent and aggressive agendas at all costs - even to the detriment of society and oppression of those whom they disagree with. Therefore, in all of this, it is apparent there are many ideas in the world, but the essence of each is known purely and completely in God because He sees them through His own Divine Essence, where there is no lack of knowledge or understanding. In the creature, he knows ideas as well, but not as many as God, and he understands them in a lesser way as opposed to the Divine Intellect which springs forth from the Essence of God.
Whether there are ideas of all things that God knows?
There are different types of ideas existing in the mind of God. In God, these ideas are proper as they should be, lacking in nothing as the Divine Essence formulated the thought of them. Therefore, God has the idea of things in their fullness within Him as He knows them.
Whether truth resides only in the intellect?
A thing is true because it simply “is.” Not because a thing is true. Truth is not the truth for its own sake, but that it is absolute and void of another’s relative opinion based on limited knowledge or innate bias. Things that are understood to be true are known essentially or accidently. For example, the inventor knows her invention, and the idea of it is essential to her even as it is in a form created for all to observe, see and use. As for those who use her invention, they know it to be true by accident, because although the idea is not essential to them, nonetheless - they make use of her invention and have knowledge of it in the practical sense. Primarily, truth resides in the intellect - mainly the Divine Intellect, which all living creatures have a share in as far as their intellect can perceive its likeness. Second, the truth resides in things as they are related to the intellect in principle. For example, everyone knows a mother shall love her children regardless of what they do, however, not every mother loves her children regardless of what they do. The truth of the principle is “motherly love,” which is primal and innate, but based on individual factors, there are variables that shall diminish this. Truth cannot be universal or relative, but absolute - requiring the knower who is lacking in knowledge or understanding to either be wrong, correct, or a mixture of both. For example, if nobody else on earth were alive, and therefore the sun could no longer be seen or observed - would the sun cease to exist? Absolutely not, for the sun does not need the approval of mankind to exist, nor does it require humans to observe it with their intellect to be in existence, for the Divine Intellect of the Living God put it into being through His idea, which is true. Therefore, the truth is absolute.
Whether truth resides only in the intellect composing and dividing?
In its primary aspect, the truth resides in the intellect just as long as the knower can recognize the form of the truth being displayed in the likeness it can perceive it. In another way, something may be known by sense up to a certain degree, however, for that sense to recognize what it is experiencing it must divide and compose the attributes it is experiencing so as to weigh it against the intellect and understand what is being observed; ultimately coming to the truth of something. Sense alone cannot do this. The conclusion of truth must be reached by way of composing and dividing concepts and knowable things so as to interpret with the intellect what is being observed.
Whether the true and being are convertible terms?
What is true and what is being are convertible terms. Something that simply IS, must be true. The “IS” that is being referred to here is the term BEING. For something that is in “being,” it shall be observed by someone or something at some point - either in the material or spiritual principle. Even if nobody knows of the thing that is in being by their own knowledge, since no idea or knowledge is hidden from God, He can give this knowledge of being, which is true, to someone who normally would not have such knowledge - according to His will and purpose. We see this with the Saints, prophets, and blessed throughout history who have been given knowledge of events and circumstances in time periods they were never in nor would they have any knowledge of unless it wasn’t for a third party agency. In this case, the ultimate agency, which surpasses and is above all agencies - The Living God who is One. We also see that in the example of the Saints and chosen, truth is related to knowledge in so far as it refers to recognizing what is or was in being at some point. Furthermore, what is GOOD is also convertible to being, for the Lord made all things “good.” In addition to this, what is true also adds further to the intellect which is an operation of the soul and not linked to any specific corporeal organ as compared with the sense of taste to the tongue.
Whether good is logically prior to the true?
As it was said earlier that what is truth and goodness are convertible to being, because what is being shall contain the two, it must also be said that they both differ in idea. For what is true comes before the good, for in order for something to be good, it must exist or be, thus we have what is true manifesting before what is good. Said in another way, what is true is more closely related to being than what is good, for what is true occurs immediately in a simple fashion. A more appropriate seat or placement of the good is to understand that what is good must come before what is desirable - for example, the man knows the fish and vegetables are good for his body and shall fulfill his appetite and sustain his bodily functions, so as a result he desires to eat these things because they are good in itself and for him as well.
Whether God is truth?
As it was said earlier, truth is found in the intellect according to its ability to understand and perceive something accurately as it is in reality absolutely, also being observable to others around it who can also concur its absoluteness, even though this is not within the capability of everyone who observes the same thing. Recognizing the truth by way of the intellect absolutely, as opposed to relatively, is to recognize the truth to a higher degree. Objective truth is higher than subjective truth, because it takes all things into consideration as opposed to subjective truth, which does not take all things into consideration, but chooses to ignore specific variables or other truths as it relates to the truth which is being observed. Even in this, the truth as it relates to the intellect is found in the greatest and highest degree in God, who is the maximum of all intellects and truths, for His being isn’t only a part of His intellect, but is the very act of His intellect for what He chooses to do with His intellect is the measure and cause of every created intellect which springs forth from His intellect. So, in this way, it is why we say that “nothing is hidden from His sight,” and that “whatever qualities, attributes, perfections, or knowings of the intellect that is observed in a creature, can be found more perfect in the highest degree in God, whom is the source of such quality, attribute, perfection, and knowledge of the intellect.” Literally, God is “truth,” for He sets the measure for all things to bump off from - the First and Last Cause, and the One who brings all intellects, creatures, causes, beings, and happenings to their calculated end according to His will by way of His intellect. As for sin, this is not attributed to God, because sin is “not-being,” and a deficiency within the realm of potentiality (freewill choices not attributed to God) by way of an accident in which there is no truth. To reinforce this concept, there is no “truth” in non-being and deficiency; therefore, it is more accurately described as “something missing the mark” or “void of truth” and “not quite adding up to what something was meant to be,” by way of sin. Although it is “true” that someone may commit sin, to say that this person “sins by way of God '' is a fallacy involving the misrepresentation of the freewill, actuality, potentiality, essential being, potential being, and accidents. In other words, God's action is Actuality, and He is an Essential Being who made all things good, for in Him there are no accidents. By way of His agency, people come into being, thus people are beings in potentiality. People are also given a freewill as a gift by God to choose, and the choices they make are what we call "accidents," which can also be sinful. As it was stated earlier, sin is non-being, thus the more someone sins and refuses to rectify it, the more subject they become to non-existence, and when the freewill action of non-being matures or reaches its terminal illness phase, death enters the equation, because death itself is also non-being, as opposed to life, which is God and life in the spirit. For in summary by way of scripture it is said: "You will die in your sin." Many nonbelievers and opponents to the free will confuse this critical intersection and understanding, or they do not understand the basic elements and components of it, hence they enter into a fallacy of accidents as Saint Thomas Aquinas mentions.
Whether there is only one truth, according to which all things are true?
As it was stated earlier, truth exists primarily in the intellect, and secondarily among things in accordance with the Divine Intellect which is from God alone (for He has given us the ability to see the truth in the things He ordains to exist in our natural environment). When speaking of truth in the human mind in accordance with a created intellect, there can be many truths a human is aware of by way of the things known to him in the degree or level he can understand them. Furthermore, we know the Divine Intellect from God knows all things because it is literally the source of the truth that is to be had, which is absolute. He has given every intellect in existence a share of the divine intellect, although not every creature can apprehend it to the same degree. Some have a higher degree of knowing by way of the divine intellect, while others have a lesser degree of knowing and recognizing truth by way of that same intellect. In this sense, all things that are true are one. In another way, we know they vary in degrees as each intellect can perceive them. Also, in a different way, how we apply analogical and equivocal concepts may have elements of the truth for a stated purpose, but may not display the fullness of what something is true in the literal sense. For example, telling someone “it's hotter than hell out here,” or “my name is mud,” takes elements of truthful things and concepts to portray an artistic state of being one wishes to convey to another. Now that it is established that there is only one truth which many kinds of truths in varying degrees can formulate, it is also important to take notice of subjective truths, which is not in the realm of absoluteness. For if someone lies about another, and speaks falsehood, even if they believe in their own lies, the truth shall remain unaltered. Even if other people were to believe a lie or falsehood from another, it would not make it the truth - even if a mob with pitchforks and burning torches threaten to put someone to death over a statement or belief which is contradictory to the truth, and if that subjected person were to say what the mob preferred him to say under duress so as not to execute him, it will not mean that the truth they are being forced to manipulate now becomes altered in any way, nor does this mean the lie they have grown to accept will now somehow become more true. For as mentioned earlier, God is the Highest Principle, and the First and Last Cause, to which all truth flows from. He would know what the truth is, regardless of what the mob says or how violent the mob may become. Even in the same way, if there were elements of the truth in the mob’s false position, but were still false in what they believe or say, their version of the truth would never become “THE” truth to God, who is above all creatures, species, genuses, created things of spiritual and corporeal matter, and who is of His own Order. For as it was stated earlier, sin is an accident caused by the free will choices of creatures, and for when a creature decides to engage in what is non-being (sinful actions), such as lying or manipulation of the truth, that creature no longer has the light of truth in them, but the opposite, which is darkness and death. For the Lord hates those who lie and pursue falsehood, because He is the truth and the light, and for whoever cannot accept the truth or draw near to it, they shall oppose the truth and pull further away from it into darkness, where their falsehoods shall remain and not be exposed to the unbearable searing truth of light which is His presence.
Whether created truth is eternal?
Things that are professed and announced upon the lips for everyone to hear is a product of the intellect which is also the spiritual soul. For a woman’s intellect deems something to be true, and then it follows that she must proclaim the truth to other people around her so as her intellect apprehends what is being said with the tongue. Although humans can create their own ideas and thoughts by the freewill, these thoughts shall not be eternal (as in everlasting in the pool of divine intellect) outside of something that God already foreknew. It is impossible that a created intellect could fashion an idea that was not already knowable to God in pre-existence through His Divine Intellect, which alone is eternal, and before any created intellect that came into existence. Created truths that endure and are absolutely true and shall be eternal are chiefly sourced in God, who already knew the truth that would be professed and proclaimed upon the tongues of mortals for all to witness and hear. In conclusion, the truth in the divine intellect alone has eternity, and as it was mentioned earlier, the intellects of creatures and mortal beings such as humans have varying shares of this which they are able to contemplate, profess, understand, and formulate in varying degrees according to their intellect as they have the ability to apprehend it, thus some stars shall shine more brightly than others, and some mortals shall be less beautified than others when all is accomplished.
Whether truth is immutable?
The truth upon the created intellect may vary as new knowledge is brought to light so far as the intellect can recognize it and apply it going forward. In the same way, the opinion of someone can change from true to false, and false to true, often alternating its positions based on variable factors revealed to the intellect at later times (light of grace, new knowledge, clash of wills in debate proving an argument wrong and demonstrating the humility to accept fault so as to change a position, and manipulation). Now, the created intellect is subject to a lack of knowing some things while also having the ability to know many things. However, there also exists an intellect that has no alternation of opinion and contains the knowledge of which nothing can escape or remain hidden from, and this is what we know as the immutable truth which is the divine intellect. In other words, it is the “gold standard” of truth, which nothing else shall surpass in value or truthfulness, and in this way, the truth of the divine intellect is immutable. Furthermore, in the divine intellect, true and false cannot change, as by way of the created intellect which experiences mutable truths to it by way of the forms it encounters and recognizes or is not familiar with. Truth in the divine intellect is immutable.
Whether falsity exists in things?
It is necessary to find what is false so what is true can be recognized or identified. In things and objects, neither what is true or false can be found without relating it to the intellect of someone. What is artificial by way of accident (human freewill choices to do or create something), such as the art of a man who paints snowscapes and other depictions of nature, may fall short to previously accepted standards of artwork either in himself prior in time or other works of more renowned artists in comparison. We know what is false as compared to what is true, for the one who observes the man’s art knows what a false work ought to be. Now that same intellect also recognizes what are natural things in accordance with the Divine Intellect and artificial things which are the work of humans. For example, the alignment of the stars and the planets receiving their day and night cycles in unison with one another; example from the works of the Divine Intellect, which causes celestial bodies to come into order amidst a sea of chaos and explosions - tasks which are impossible for man or any created being because these kind of occurrences and happenings are dependent upon God alone, in whom there is nothing false that can be found. For what comparison do we have to what God creates, since He alone created it and is One, within His own order and self, giving everything else which exists cause and purpose through His knowledge and wisdom? There is no other. Therefore, He is the ultimate truth, because nothing else besides Him put such a work of creation in motion, for He is the First and Only Standard to which all works align and compare beneath His providence, but never surpassing it. Furthermore, creatures who possess the gift of freewill, such as angels and humans, possess the voluntary power of the intellect to pursue what is true - which is virtuous deeds and being obedient to the order of the Divine Intellect, for which they were made to carry out its purpose; also possessing the ability to pursue falseness which is the evil (deficiency) of sin (non-being). Lying (hating the truth) and vanity (inflated sense of self) are examples of what is false and opposed to the Divine Intellect, to which such creatures can freely accept or reject, either to their destruction or eternal life. Additionally, in relation to the intellect and natural things humans have the ability to recognize false and truthful things in the relative sense: one, by way of identifying the worthiness of a cause or belief according to their values or what they know by way of knowledge in accordance with those values. Two, a quantity or thing which is obviously lacking in something - for example, an icecream cone purchased at a snack stand lacking the ice cream, but only consisting of the cone. The customer could say, “I purchased an ice cream but only got this ice cream cone.” He would be correct in that his purchase and offer was false. Three, a person believes in harming others for sordid gain. To the person, this action seems profitable and feasible, and the deficiency of his moral being, which is false as compared to what is true, just, and good, allows him to commit such acts willingly and without remorse (until he is caught). Finally, the intellect knows what is to be true by recognizing what it should be. In the same way, the intellect shall know what is false by recognizing what it should not be. As evil and faithlessness increases and the operation of the demon becomes more widely accepted throughout social circles, media channels, and institutions, we shall see in many that the confused will grow more confused, and that what is true shall become false, and what is false shall become true, and what is good shall become evil, and what is evil shall become good to those who choose to reject the Divine Intellect, which is God, to follow the doctrines and teachings of damned angelic beings and their influence throughout the world by way of negativity and anything/everything opposed to God.
Whether there is falsity in the senses?
The senses, such as the eye, the ear, the nose, the tongue, and the sense of touch apprehend sensible things around them truly. For example, the nose can smell food that has gone foul, indicating that the meat is rotten and not fit for human consumption. Not that the nose knows truth or is truth, but that the nose signals to the human intellect a true apprehension of something in as much as the intellect of the person can perceive it - in this case, the smell of tainted meat indicates danger to one’s health, so by way of the intellect, the person decides to avoid the food for the sake of one’s health. Going further with this, it can be said that the likeness of a thing can exist in the senses in three ways: One, prime to its own nature; in other words, seeing the color blue as blue, or recognizing a triangle’s three points and identifying the triangle accurately for what it is - a triangle. Second, of its own nature alone and not prime, as in smell the likeness of similar things, or identifying many shapes and sizes common to many senses. Third, neither prime nor of its own nature, but accidentally, such as staring at a pile of garbage alongside the road through thermal imaging devices and seeing many objects present that do not exist in the area that is being perceived, even though the many shapes and contrasts made the appearance of such objects falsely. Taking these points into account, it can be concluded that sense has no false knowledge as it detects its objects properly, but by way of accident, the senses may receive improperly by way of distortion, confusing other colors, objects, tastes, and odors with things it recognizes elsewhere, or rendering a false judgment, such as when a person is sick and they cannot taste anything, even though what they may be eating may be full of abundant flavorful. In the same way, it can be said that not all things in reality are sensed or seen in the world around us. For the corporeal eye cannot see what is spirit by its normal action alone because it is in accordance with the material principle which is subject to time (beginning and end, life and death). As for the atheist, who relies upon sense alone and the material principle, he fails to realize that once his senses give out, and the materials that make up his fleshly body fail and die, the material principle for him shall be non-existent in his reality, and now he would find himself as a bodiless spirit; intellect alone, roaming about back and forth trying to make sense of it all - fully coming to the realization of “knowing” that he spent his earthly life rejecting his spirit which was made eternal, while putting all that time and effort into his body and worldly things, which are temporary and subject to death. At this point, there is no turning back, but to only go forward.
Whether falsity is in the intellect?
So as the sense of smell is to the nose, which truly apprehends many different smells and odors, so does the intellect truly apprehend the essence of something by way of knowledge that is proper to it. In the same way sense can be distorted or subjectively false, in that the nose may be stuffed up and unable to smell specific odors at the moment, so can the intellect experience falsity in its operation accidentally by way of improper knowledge, a poor spiritual/emotional disposition, or innate bias by way of sin which leads to lying and manipulation to satisfy vice, greed, and lower pleasures or desires. The intellect judges and dissects concepts and ideas reasonably and accurately through the essence of something so as to find a truthful disposition. For example, the process of a prosecutor, defense lawyer, judge, and jury. All of them dissect the case at hand, which are the actions of the defendant to find whether or not he is at fault truthfully in order for a just judgment to be rendered. Carving up timelines and events of the act in question by many different parties who shall scrutinize the facts and events, including testimony of witnesses, victims, and the accused - many intellects involved in the trial shall expose the essence of what is being scrutinized. Even in this, the essence of something could be corrupted by way of how the intellect apprehends it. For example, we see that bias is always meant to be rooted out when selecting a jury - such as radical affiliations, racism, and other warning signs of a compromised individual judging a case fairly and truthfully. These biases shall distort the correct judgment of the intellect upon the case at hand that is to be judged (the essence of the act in question). In conclusion, the intellect truthfully apprehends the essence of things, just as the senses truthfully apprehend objects of sense such as smell or hearing. However, both are subject to distortion and some level of falsity by way of accident (free will choices to distort or corrupt by way of sin, foreign influence or agent, innate bias, vice, etc.).
Whether true and false are contraries?
True and false are opposed to one another. Indeed, they are contrary to one another. What is true is not the same as affirmation, for affirmation simply is in agreement with something, or provides emotional encouragement. One can still be wrong and provide bad advice and false encouragement while calling it the “truth.” For what is false, is opposed to the truth and is its opposite. With negation, nothing is asserted, and in other words can be described as the absence of something. Contraries assert something specifically by way of their subjects. To reinforce this concept; they take firm positions regarding something while defending it from anything in opposition to it. For example; the woman says the ocean has water. This would be true. On the contrary, a man says there is no water in the ocean. This would be false. The truth says there is a proper apprehension of something as identified by the intellect (the soul) of a person or angel (which is pure spirit). Even in this, God is the first and only truth, and is the very standard of it in a much higher way than what the intellect of the human spirit or angel can apprehend. What is false is opposed to this, thus we see that what is opposed to God such as the evil spirits, the rebellious angels, and the human spirits who follow them, act in a manner contrary to what is Holy (set apart). For example, as we see in the Holy Mass of the Church which is carried out everyday around the world, there is also the black mass of the satanic church in contrary to it, with their own ministers and vestments acting in the opposite of what the Holy Mass offers so as to be in opposition of Christ’s Body - which is the Church. Additionally, we see this with satanic inversion (mockery of God) with the six color rainbow flag as opposed to the true seven colors of the rainbow, demonic hour where spirits are more active at 3:00 AM in opposition to when Lord Jesus Christ died at 3:00 PM on the cross, challenging the sanctity of marriage between men and women for the purpose of children and replacing it with same sex unions that are not capable of being recognized by God as a covenant, transgender mutilation from man to woman, and woman to man, and the many prayers of the Church that are used and replaced with salutation to the chief fallen angel by satanic and occultist groups opposed to God (these examples could be summed up as the ordinary actions of satan and evil working through others commonly/everyday in the world). Furthermore, it could be said that what is true is goodness, life, and from God alone, while what is false is not-being, sin, opposed to life - which is death, and is what could also be called evil. To go even further, what is true can be found in things, for a coconut is truly a coconut, but when the truth of that coconut is apprehended by the intellect (soul), it can also be said that this is the truth of the intellect where truth resides as prime. Since evil comes from the good (for God made all things good, but creatures chose to become evil), and evil was said to be sin or falsity (not quite adding up to what is supposed to be whole), falsity may reside in truth or goodness in this way as an absence of or lacking in something. As for God alone, there is nothing contrary in respect to His goodness, truth, and intellect where there is nothing false found, for as it was said earlier - He is of His own order as there is nothing like Him. However, there are apprehensions (false opinions or thoughts not reflecting reality) of Him that are opposed to Him by lower creatures such as humans who are opposed to Him and angels who choose to disobey and rebel against their own nature, thus inflicting self-hatred upon themselves because they never added up to what they were supposed to be. In addition to this, there are false idols that people worship that are also contrary to God by apprehension in the intellect of the worshiper who worships what is false; so even in this, the idol is false for it cannot stand on itself alone as a God, nor does it possess such power. As some have said, “my gods speak to me,” although their idols may speak, this is not proof of a god as they claim, but is either wishful thinking, mental illness, or evil spirits attaching themselves to their false idol so as to pose as gods in order to influence the idol worshiper to pursue the sin of idol worship like what was seen in pagan Rome and many parts of the world throughout history, thereby violating the second commandment - which is to have no other gods before Him and not to worship graven images. Finally, there is nothing which compares to God that He is not aware of, for if there were such a challenger, then He wouldn’t be God! So, God is truth, and what is opposed to God, is false, hence true and false are contrary to one another, for God is what we know as truth, and everything which came forth from Him in the likeness He ordained (with the exception of freewill accidents implemented by creatures).
Whether to live belongs to all natural things?
The act (free will decision) of an imperfect being (humans, animals, angels, spirits etc.) in potentiality (accidents or actions not attributed to God) is called movement. What determines whether something is alive is the act of movement within itself. In other words, if a living thing moves - it must act within itself to move and not by something else. For example, running water moves because something other than the water moves it in nature - this does not mean the water is alive literally, but alive by the quality or state of something similar to being alive when the motion of a current which moves through the water simulates life to the viewer’s perception. In the same way, it is God who gives all life the source or starting point for movement - their very breath, cause, purpose, and calculated end by way of His agency. Furthermore, there also exists living things that are alive in varying degrees. For instance; plants, which are alive to a lesser degree as compared to higher beings, are restricted to areas and environments which they themselves can move around in order to adapt with assistance from natural causes (such as wind, temperatures, and seismic events). Animals are more alive in a higher way as compared to the plant, for within themselves they initiate motion by their free choices (not to be compared to the concept of the First Mover which puts all other things into motion). However, they are not what we consider rational beings, for they do not possess the same intellect as humans or angels which are alive and living in a more higher way because of election by God. As for humans - the composite of spirit (the intellect which shall surpass the life of the body) wrapped in flesh, bone, cartilage, and hair - known as the body, which is subject to time (beginning and end), death and decay, was made in the image and likeness of God, and throughout the ages God has taken mankind by the hand to guide, protect, to counsel, and to also discipline, as we see through His Church, scripture, the sacraments, the prophets, those who were called to service for the sake of another, and the sacrifice of The Lamb who spilled His blood for the redemption of the world. This is sufficient evidence to indicate election, in that the composite being known as human is closer to God in ways different from the angels, and higher than the plants or animals, in that men and women shall cohabitate, and the father shall be like His true Father in heaven as a minister to His family, and that the mother shall be like our true Mother in Heaven who bore God Himself within Her own flesh so as to bring salvation to everyone. Additionally, man is known to be closer to God than the animal - who roams the environment for food and engages in lower intellectual activities as compared to the human - so in this way, it could be said that the human is more alive to a higher degree than the animal. Now, what we bear witness to in the Moderni age, is BEAST like MAN, and MAN like BEAST - when we see dogs being dressed up as people for the emotional nourishment and encouragement of their human owners, receiving inheritances in legal wills, and being more well provided for than other humans who are suffering and in need. To go even further, by way of sexuality, activity, dignity, and time or effort - we see humans entering into inappropriate relationships with animals, whether sexual or emotional, and replacing the love that should be for others (people who were made in the image of God) with that of the animal. By way of activity, we see movements springing up to advocate for the abolishment of meat and production of food on a grand scale, even at a detriment to others who face food shortages and hunger. By way of dignity, we see more attention and respect given to the pet than the child, and more attention and care given to the dog than the niece or nephew. Through time and effort, we see the pursuit of pet to owner relationships by way of trips, walks, errands, and lifestyles based around the pet, so far as people begin to label themselves as “dog mom” or “dog dad” as if their pet were like real human children, and the passing up of charity such as hospital or prison visits, providing for the needs of others who are in bad situations, or giving general kindness to everyday people they encounter for the sake of their pet. Even the ancient pagan philosophers warned of the moral ramifications in treating animals better than people around them. These are clues to the spiritual state of humanity which turns from the providence and protection of God to pursue inflated vanities and hopeless pursuits of self and reinforced by temptations of the devil and evil spiritual influence. In conclusion, the elements and weather events are not alive within themselves, and moving water is not alive in that it shall move by way of a current, because none of them initiate movement within themselves like things that are alive to a higher degree in comparison such as plants, animals, people, angels, and spirits who use their impulses, desires, needs, rationality, and intellect to guide their decisions.
Whether life is an operation?
As was mentioned before, the intellect of the rational creature recognizes the essence of something as its proper object by way of sense, thus gaining proper knowledge of what something is. From there, the free will is used by way of that knowledge achieved by sense (identifying the essence of something) to achieve accidents (actions carried out by creatures not attributed to God). When the senses identify the essence of an object, such as a chair being a true chair, and a knife being a blade for cutting, we apply a proper name to it to properly identify it. Even in this, we can take those same names and apply them to meanings of other things which are not exactly the same thing by essence. For example, the body of a man is a man. But if I told you the “body” of a rifle company were moving into our sector, then you as a Soldier would understand to take up defensive positions so as to brace yourself for a large assault. You would also understand that I was not talking about a single man as in the prior example. In the same way, it can be said of life and things that are living - as names are given to it by way of external appearances and movements attributed to outside factors (such as a current moving water and someone calling that water “living”) and self-movements attributed to the true conscious self of living in a state of freewill and decision making (the woman comes to the realization of her interests and passions and decides to change her life in order to pursue them). Furthermore, to truly be alive is what exists in nature to things that are truly living, such as plants, the animals, humans, angels, and spirits. Among these, some are considered more or less alive in varying degrees by way of movement and intellect. Thus we say a cactus is more alive than a fallen tree branch, and that a firefighter or rescue team shall rescue a baby boy from a burning building before a cat, and that God loved the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, but despised the children of the disobedient angels (The Watchers) who cohabitated with women.
Whether life is properly attributed to God?
Life is in God to the highest degree compared to everything else that is perceived as “living” to another creature or being - even the creature or being itself. For the creature or being, although able to make free will choices by way of the intellect and movements innate within itself through self-prompting, still must attribute its existence and very life to the initial agency of God, who solely by Himself is pure act (the One who is in Himself by thought, intellect, knowledge, ideas and actions - an Essential Being without potentiality which are created things). For He is the perfection of all things, and not of the same order or genus of the creature or created, thus where what is “living” is found to be perfect more than all other things which is known to be “living” in a higher degree by way of what something can do freely without the initiation, prompting, influence, movement, or command of another factor outside of itself, God is alive more so than everything else in the highest degree in the most perfect way, because God is truly in Himself, void of any admixture, potential influence, outside factor or control - hence the beginning statement “Life is in God to the highest degree…” used to accurately describe how life is most properly attributed to God. The order of movement and what is moved shows us that the end (efficient cause) for what is living is directed by the form of the creature itself and a higher agency beyond its experience (God guiding people and causes to their calculated end). God acts through the form of His creatures inherent to their likeness; for example, the movement of a plant is growth and eventually decay. Additionally, the virtue God instills upon His creatures is from His agency (the Principal Agent) and not from the creature, and in this way God is with us always and guides our actions. For example, the good works of an Apostle healing the legs of a crippled man - for the man who is the Apostle cannot do something like this by his own power, but only by the power of God working and flowing through Him. The man who is the Apostle made his body a proper dwelling place for the Holy Spirit by way of virtue, thus rendering God to rest His spirit upon the Apostle and use him for the good works God chooses to engage in. To be alive and living is proper in God, and is the maximum to all things that are perceived/considered to be living - from life of the lowest degree such as prokaryotic cells that move according to their inherent nature to fulfill their life cycles to a higher degree of animals who use their sense by way of their form to execute their movements in order to achieve self-preserving/sustaining actions such as hunting and sleeping, and carry out their end by their inherent nature which is natural to them, even though they lack rational intelligence in comparison to humans and purely spiritual beings. Beyond this, there is to be found the rational intellect (the soul or spirit) existing in humans who are made in the likeness and image of the Living God, but are wrapped in flesh and organs, which we call a composite being (mixture of spirit and material matter). To go even further, there are purely spiritual beings such as the angels who were created before mankind and who were made eternal with a higher intellect of knowing things, such as the existence of God who dwells in the spirit. Angels also use their rational thoughts innate in them to guide their actions in order to serve God and to love Him, as well as carrying out His will in obedience. By these facts alone, it is apparent that the rational creature who uses his intellect to guide his movements and actions are said to be living in a higher way than things that are living to a lesser degree, including the fact that as the act of living is carried out in them, their movements and decisions are less dependent upon the movement and guidance of external agents which guides them to their calculated end. Finally, the intellect moves itself to various things, but not all things, which some is guided by nature, innate first principles given to it which the creature cannot deny - for if it were to deny its first principles of its being and existence, then the creature wouldn’t be able to live as it was meant to be (thus invoking self-hatred and destruction of itself). If one who is living uses the act of their understanding in accordance with its own very nature, this one is said to be living to the highest degree. This is best found in God, and as was mentioned earlier, is the maximum of all perfections, especially life and what it means to be alive. Therefore, life is most perfectly attributed to God and is proper to Him in the highest degree.
Whether all things are life in God?
It can be said that the living things God created are in Him in multiple ways. One, their bodies, intellect, thoughts, and spirit are held together by His divine power and authority - for He wills it that His creatures take a form (the body) and to carry out what is inherit to that form’s nature as He ordained it when He set forth the natural order of things from His ideas into material matter for His creation to interact with. For when the form of the body acts in accordance with its nature set out before it by God, in unison with the spirit (intellect) given to the man so as to know God and engage in rational decision making and actions (void of the deficiency and contagion that is sin) so as to be pleasing in the sight of the Creator; in this example, human beings carry out what is both natural and what God intended for them - so as to enter into relationship and knowledge of Him by way of which comes natural to them according to their likeness (walking with God in the flesh before the spirit returns home to where it belongs). Second, becoming the proper idea of what God made of His children, and bringing it to the fullness of what it should be in accordance with the life giving idea of them which originated from the One who formed them, and carrying out that idea so as to achieve the calculated end for which it exists. In this, it is said that what is proper in idea to God and what the creature becomes by way of that idea is one in God and not separate from the Divine Essence. This perfection or beatitude is truly life itself in God, and not simply a measure of movement so as to go from one state of being to another so as to go on a journey, for to be in God truly is to live in the highest degree.
Whether there is will in God?
As there is intellect in the human who was made as an intelligible being, so there must follow a will from that same intellect. If this is the case for the created, then all the more shall it be for the Creator - the One alone who fashions the intellect so as to make a hospitable environment for the will. Because of this, God must have a will, because He also has a Divine Intellect which pre-exists all intellects that have come forth into being by His intellect and will which called his creation forth into existence. For what is natural and living exists by way of its form, so intelligence shall exist by way of its intelligible form. In the same way, there has to be a will in God because there is intellect in Him and it so has it that God’s intellect is also His will and existence.
Whether God wills things apart from Himself?
God wills Himself and other things apart from Himself. This is so for the following reasons: One, natural things experience their own inclination to their own proper good and when that proper good is achieved, the thing finds rest in it. When the natural thing is still seeking its own proper good and has not yet achieved it, then the natural thing must be inclined to move towards it until it is found so as to achieve rest in it. The most basic example is hunger, for the woman athlete must feed herself and nurture her body in order to perform at the level which is expected of her. Additionally, her body must heal after the competition through rest and proper nutrition, for this is the proper good of her body - to feed herself and rest so as to heal her body in order to do it all over again for as long as she wills it. Second, once the proper good is achieved, it is in the heart of the created to spread that proper goodness with others so those around them can share in its goodness. For example, the woman athlete competes in a sport and takes first place through her hard work and efforts. It is expected that those around her such as her family and friends will witness her accomplishment and find joy in it for its own sake. Thirdly, just as it is for natural things and the woman athlete who won the competition to enjoy their proper goodness so as to spread it to others, so it is for the Divine Will which is God, who wills it that the goodness of God be spread to others according to His likeness as well so the joy of His creation may be made complete through God in order to achieve beatitude, which is all of creation’s ultimate end and cause which finds its rest in God as the only start and finish to which God ordains and wills to be so other things partake in His glory.
Whether whatever God wills He wills necessarily?
If a man is to protect his muscles, organs, veins, and nervous system, then it must be absolutely necessary that he has a protective layer of skin over his body. In the same way, a computer monitor must have a screen so the user can see what the computer is doing in order for the user to guide its actions. In these examples, what is necessary is absolute. In another way, what is necessary can be by supposition, in that the man can decide whether or not to cover his body with a jacket or a long sleeve shirt and for the computer user to decide which type of monitor he shall use in order to use his computer. For the computer to be put into use, using a monitor is necessary. For the man to protect his body, he must wear a protective layer of something. Furthermore, while keeping these examples in mind as it pertains to the will of God necessarily, it follows that since God wills His own absolute necessity, such as His goodness and His calculated efficient cause and purpose for all creation while providing His creatures with joy, happiness, food, and ability to multiply themselves through offspring, the laws of nature and the universe, gravity, orbital cycles, sense of smell to the nose, and sense of feeling to the touch, He does not necessarily will whatever He wills. Through necessity by supposition, God wills that things or causes are ordered to His own goodness as their end so as by way of another will (His creatures), the choice can be made to arrive at the calculated end as they see fit, so as long as it is ordered to Him as their end in truth. For example - which path shall you choose? The long hard bumpy road of despair and sin which can be navigated successfully through faith, penance, and endurance, or the long hard smoother road of denying oneself so as to do what He says as opposed to what others say? Regardless of which - trials and tribulations are on every path, so it seems for most. However, in this, His perfection stands that no other perfection can add up to the height of His maximum, and that through His wisdom and will, which is unchangeable, He allows for His will which is necessary while also allowing the wills of creatures to reach their final end which is in Him, and in turn this becomes His will which is necessary by supposition (creatures choosing which path to follow that is allowed by God in order to lead back to Him).
Whether the will of God is the cause of things?
The Divine Being of God is not limited to form, shape or any boundaries such as the created, and within Himself contains the fullness of perfection in being. Through this, the effects of His infinite perfection by way of His will and intellect guides the bullet from the rifle to the target, whereas the rifle becomes His will, and the target becomes its intended effect or calculated end, and the bullet which is fired from the rifle being the other wills of His creation as they are acting in potentiality (freedom to choose by their own will) through the agency of ACTUALITY - which is God, who is true being and true existence, first in the order of intellect where everything created in idea and material matter pre-exist in Him by way of his ideas of them, not attributed to or of a lesser order than anything in existence. In this way, God’s intellect and will is what causes something to be, do, or know and not the necessity of His nature. Although God does not always act by necessity through His will in others, by supposition we see His effects and intended trajectory (such as the flight path of a bullet heading towards its target). In this way, either directly or indirectly, the will of God, and not the nature of God (because God is intellect and will), is the cause of things.
Whether any cause can be assigned to the divine will?
Causes and happenings can be secondary to the Primary Cause, which is the Divine Will that is God’s, whose ordered causes set forth in motion throughout the universe spreads forth in a reasonable fashion, and therefore allows for secondary causes to be on the account of another. The problem where one shall go wrong or stray from truth in error, is to believe their secondary causes and effects to God’s Divine Will is above His Primary Cause, or not related or attributed to it in any way through effects that come forth from God by way of His Divine Will which allows for the secondary cause to occur. For example, the man believes he can become a mother and breastfeed his adopted or surrogate child. The Primary Cause through the Divine Will ordained that man shall carry seed for the woman, so as to impregnate her and bring forth life. The man shall not bear young and produce milk for them as a mother would. However, by secondary cause, and the error of the man who denies the Divine Will’s primary cause, which is His genetic makeup and what the man is by nature, as willed by the Life Giving Spirit which is God, the man denies the truth and earnestly believes he can produce milk as a mother could. When it does not occur, because of its impossibility both to logical reasoning and the laws of nature, the man who wants to be a mother and produce milk is thrusted into despair. In his confusion, he attributed his secondary cause, which was rooted in ignorance, to the Primary Cause, which is chiefly sourced in God, who says that man is man and shall carry seed, and that woman is woman and shall bear young and provide milk for her babies. As we see, the will comes forth from the intellect in the man, who believes in something false, but wills it anyway that he should engage in such an action that cannot occur. In the same way, the Divine Intellect belongs to God, which pre-exists and is above all created intellects, and it just so happens that His will which is PRIMARY springs forth from that same intellect, while also allowing the effects of His Primary Intellect to be seen and witnessed and experienced in secondary causes that are not directly attributed to Him, while others receive no effects whatsoever, as we see with the man who tries to produce breast milk as a mother would and cannot perform the task. However; on the other hand, the Primary Effects from God’s Divine Will is seen in the secondary cause which came forth from the woman, who decided to have children and produce milk for her young. The effects of God’s will in the secondary cause by way of the woman’s will is that she produces milk which was ordained by God’s Will alone, which is Primary and not secondary.
Whether the will of God is always fulfilled?
The will of God must always be fulfilled; either now, in the future, or in the end, when all causes and creatures, by way of sin, who strayed away from the Divine Will, are called back into order by the Universal Cause which pre-exists all other causes (human secondary actions initiated by the freewill) by way of JUSTICE through punishment. For what must be reordered to the Universal Form in the end is what we know as justice, thus making right what is wrong, and equal what is imbalanced.
Whether the will of God is changeable?
The will of God is an immovable rock, and it does not change. Rather, it is God’s will that certain things should change, in that what is created in a certain likeness shall later become a better or different likeness as He originally intended through His will. When the Lord uses words as we understand them to say that He “regrets” or “repents” of something, it must be taken metaphorically because it is a similitude that addresses change in a way we as humans can better understand Him according to our own likeness and understanding. This should not come as a surprise when somebody really ponders this reality about God, for man creates things all the time in his environment for the intentions of tearing it down or changing it. For example; temporary bridges for military use, ammunition, disposable diapers and the like. Furthermore on a grander scale, change throughout faith history can be witnessed from the original grace/covenants/promises through the Patriarchs to the Law of Moses and ultimately the new covenant through the Blood of Christ. In another way, just because the artist makes an ice sculpture for other people to witness and admire, only to have it melt in the heat later on, does not mean that the artist never intended by way of her will to create a piece of art. Rather, the will of the artist was immovable and unchangeable from the moment her intellect conjured the contemplative idea of what the ice sculpture shall appear to be, and by way of her will, transferred the idea to her hands, thus transitioning her idea to the material principle (which is her ice sculpture) viewable by everyone around her. For the artist, her work has twelve hours of existence for all to enjoy. On the other hand, for the viewer, this might only be ten minutes of existence as they perceive it, when they only take a glance at the work of art and move about their business. In this way, since time is relative in this sense, it would appear the will of the artist for her ice sculpture to exist lasted much longer than the viewer who simply glanced at the piece of work and simply forgot about the idea shortly after. So it may appear because something lasts for a long period of time, that it should not change, or that God never willed it. However, if God willed that it should change, then it will change, thus rendering His will in the end from which was intended from the beginning. Thus the will of God is unchangeable. However, this does not mean that God’s will shall not allow for inferior intermediate causes which produce effects by way of the freewill. For example, the Universal Cause for salvation ordains that His Son shall be glorified, and that we shall go through Him to the Father. How a believer does this through their choices has many effects, and exists in many forms interior to the superior form of God’s will, such as BAPTISM, the SACRAMENTS of the Church as a means of grace, and our DEEDS, for which everyone shall render an account to their Creator.
Whether the will of God imposes necessity on the things willed?
The universe must be built up and contain things for its ordering. This is not an accident, nor a series of random chance events, occurrences, or happenings as the atheist believes and at the same time preaches to others around him. No, God’s intellect and ideas are perfect. Furthermore, He alone is capable of carrying them out by way of His Divine Will, which shall never fail. It just so happens that the way God orders the universe and causes to happen by way of His Universal Form, which is the Primary Cause according to His will, allows for secondary causes (by will of creatures) which have contingent effects. God wills that some things are carried out by His necessary will and Primary Cause and also through secondary causes with attached effects that shall ultimately lead back to His Primary Cause in a different way. Simply put, if the Lord wills it to be this way, then it shall be that way, all for the good ordering of the universe which shall contain its end or rest in Him.
Whether God wills evils?
God neither wills evil to occur or not occur, rather, he permits it for a greater good according to His will. For example, there is justice because of punishment. For those who do wrong, an imbalance occurs. The wrong which may have been done was more than likely executed for a purpose the person thought was a greater good, even though an evil occurred (such as the crime for which the punishment is due). God, even though permitting it, did not cause the evil of the crime to occur, rather, He makes good come of it by way of justice and punishment in order to balance what is imbalanced. In the same way, secondary causes as a result of the person’s actions shall manifest around those who are exposed to the specific crime or conviction of it, and ultimately come out of it with something new (either understanding or material event) that wasn’t realized before the evil occurred. In another way, it can be said that the crime which was committed was evil, but according to the one who committed the crime, he did it for what he deemed as a greater good (money, stolen goods etc.). In this way, the evil that is brought on is by accident (the one who committed the crime used freewill to make a decision) as it pertains to the freewill and cause of evil, not in the sense that the criminal is innocent of something he did which clearly occurred. Furthermore, as it was said earlier, God made all things good, and it is not natural for things to become evil or do evil, rather, it is by way of accident that evil occurs in the pursuit of something. Now, in all of this, God sees the decision making of mankind (accidents), by way of their free will in pursuit of the good by way of their appetites, and as a result, He also witnesses evil being done, which is the absence of good - thus he makes good come out of evil that is incurred by the freewill and in this way he neither wills or wills what evil may occur, but rather He takes what is evil by way of accident (freewill of creatures) and turn it into a cause for good according to His design by way of His will which shall never fail.
Whether God has free-will?
God necessarily wills His own Goodness, for He alone made all things good. As stated earlier, evil comes from the good by way of accident (choices) in the freewill. When creation engages in causes and decisions which are improper to the Universal Cause (which is God’s intentions for them), deficiency (sin) occurs. It is important to remember that even though God allows a secondary cause within His Primary Cause (His Goodness in general), it is permitted for the purpose of the secondary cause to experience effects which shall ultimately lead back to an end within Him where the created finds its rest. In other words, God has a free will to go about such things in a way He deems proper according to His design which allows for a Universal Cause and secondary causes which originates in the freewill of the created. Finally, on no occasion does God will evil or sin, for such occurrences and decisions are the opposite of His Being, which is life itself, as opposed to sin, which is death - for all who hate Him love death. Rather, He makes good come from evil, and abundance comes from what is absent (put another way; sin is the lacking or absence of fullness in something as it were meant to be).
Whether the will of expression is to be distinguished in God?
Expressions of God in scripture and on the tongue are either conveyed by way of metaphor or in the literal sense in accordance to the emotional state or feeling of the one who is demonstrating the message or describing the event. For example, humans have an expression of anger when something unjust is occurring, so in that anger, punishment is described by way of words so as to better express the severity of context in what is being said. As for God and man, there is will and passion, and when a human trait or emotion is used to describe God carrying out or willing an action, the words used are more of a reflection of our own passion and is never fully expressed in God properly to its fullness. Furthermore, it must be distinguished that there is God’s will in the proper sense, and His will by metaphor. Saint Thomas Aquinas differentiates this concept by calling the proper sense of God’s will “the will of good pleasure” and God’s will metaphorically taken as “the will of expression.”
Whether five expressions of will are rightly assigned to the divine will?
The five expressions of the will are prohibition, precept, counsel, operation, and permission. Through these expressions, we demonstrate to those around us our intentions and will. Furthermore, this can be demonstrated either DIRECTLY, INDIRECTLY, or ACCIDENTALLY. When someone approaches another and gives that person an order, the will of that person is being demonstrated directly. When someone fails to prevent an action from occurring willingly, or allows private space for an event to happen, there is omission (by way of allowing an action). Additionally, permission by way of granting someone else the right to do something on your property is the expression of will by accident, in that the owner of the property removes an obstacle in place for you so as to carry out your own will, and in this case - allowing a venue for an event that may convey or support positions the owner of the property does not support or condone, but gladly allows so as to receive a profit for the rented space. Saint Thomas Aquinas calls this removal of an obstacle to the freewill an “accidental mover” and should not be confused with the concept of “The First Mover (God),” who puts all things into motion from His initial movement which was stated earlier. Going forward, a person shall declare his will by means of an agent or a hired hand so as to perform a function in accordance with the originator’s will and this is by precept. Prohibition is in opposition to precept in that someone may hire a woman to do the work, but give her instructions on what not to do in accordance with that work, and in this way, prohibition and precept work hand and in hand together so as to setup boundaries and blueprints for the intentions of another by way of their will to have something performed or carried out. Finally, persuasion is found in counsel in that a group of advisors renders calculated/educated opinions to the decision maker so as to persuade Him to follow through upon their suggestions for a stated purpose. Now, taking all of this into account, the will of the man is made known. As for the Divine Will, these points can be delegated and denominated in accordance with the Universal Form which is God’s will, which allows for secondary contingent causes (free will decisions of creatures) which shall lead back to Him so that the creature finds rest in their calculated end through God, who is the First and Last Cause. From here, we enter OPERATION, which can be referred to as the Goodness of God either in the present or future by way of the expressions of the will in creatures, and to which Saint Thomas Aquinas also describes as “the will of Good Pleasure” as stated earlier in which the Divine Will transfers itself through the freewill of creatures by way of their denominated wills (counsel, precept, permission, and prohibition) manifesting themselves into an operation so as to carry out the goodness of God’s will in accordance to His design. It is important to remember that rational creatures have freewill (which is the intellect or soul), and that they shall account for their ways and decisions because of their special election by God; this includes humans and angels. Keeping this in mind, it so happens that God has granted them special expressions (as stated earlier) of the Divine Will (which are denominated unto them) which shall be assigned to their actions and deeds. Other lower creatures/material objects who act by sense (such as the animals who move for hunger) or objects such as branches and rocks demonstrate movement solely by way of the moving things around them are subjected to the Divine Operation which also allows things (permission) or disallows (prohibition) by way of function; for example a tree swaying by the wind is permitted to rock back and forth, but it isn’t permitted to remove itself into the air and float. In conclusion, it is important to point out that the evil of sin is not in unison with the Divine Will and because of this the only expression to which it is assigned is PROHIBITION, in that someone should not do what is improper or opposed to the will of God such as murder, robbery, lying, genital mutilation, consulting the dead, cursing others by way of mouth and divination, oppression and the like.
Whether love exists in God?
In God there is love to the highest degree, because love is the first movement of the will and every appetite for which a will pursues. It is natural for the creature to seek the good both in itself and another as its first act of the will in pursuit of the appetites (wanting). For what is alive loves to do the things it does, such as eating, sleeping, multiplying its genetic structure with a partner and the like. As was stated earlier, God is the First Mover who puts all things into motion, and whom by way of His will, intellect, ideas, and Essence (which are all one thing because He alone is simple), pre-exists all elements, feelings, perfections, attributes, qualities, happenings, causes, thoughts, acts of kindness, caring, goodness, LOVE, and the like. For as it was stated earlier, God is the maximum of all things, not in the same genus or order as anything which is created. For if the creature can “love,” as we understand love, so God can do this all the more. Furthermore, as Saint Catherine of Siena once heard God explain to her how one must understand His love from The Dialogue, in summary; “I am the One who is, you are the one who is not.” This simply means that God loved both you and me so much that He took what did not exist and put it into existence. How can a human or animal love something to which they never knew existed? It would be impossible for them. But for God, this is possible, for He is the maximum of love in the highest degree, for the qualities or attributes a human displays, as mentioned earlier, is a mere fraction of what God can do or perform in the highest degree. See for yourself, in the Moderni age in Babylon, the word love is being used as a banner for sin (death), sexual immorality, perversion, decadence, depravity, ownership, servitude, oppression and the like. Love leads to life, joy and happiness and ultimately manifests itself as the pursuit and goodness of another or neighbor; turning them into another self while straying away from selfishness and vanity. But sin and disobedience leads to death, selfishness, despair, and wretchedness; so for the ones who support these things, they are not acting in love, but they are acting in hate. For what is more hateful than leading someone to death by encouraging them to do what is improper so that they perish? Even those who do not do such actions, but are lukewarm in their faith, hold distorted views of love both in their households and in their common relationships, for the lukewarm citizen of Babylon, whose country is his church, and who has turned his house and many possessions into his altar where he worships, prays, and puts his false hope into - views love as something to which someone provides material possessions to family members for, whose worth/value is linked to their productivity, and the good or protection one displays for other family members and friends is rooted in ownership and pride, not for the purpose of genuine love, but for the fact that one “protects mine,” as many put it, or someone who only does good for another so as to be seen by others or bolster their own ego and self image. Additionally, the actions of parents who only view their children as an extension of their pride/reputation/good name, or spouses who view their partners as status symbols/trophies and not as husband or wife whom by God’s Divine union established them as one flesh for the purpose of children so as to fill the heavens with souls. In all of this, humans and creatures demonstrate a lower level of love or involvement in their interests which concern their self-worth as they know it while calling it love, when nothing to which they do is truly love in the purest sense as which is found in the Living God, who loves without ulterior motive or for-profit transaction in the purest most perfect form.
Whether God loves all things?
God loves things that are in existence, because He alone made all things good. It is important to understand that the will of God is the cause of all things because He loves everything that exists. Not so for the creature, the man, or the angelic substance. Why? Simply put, the will of creatures is not the cause of the goodness in things, for when we show goodwill and loving kindness towards someone or something, it is not us that is moving it or becoming the cause of goodness, but it is us who are being moved by the object of love, which pre-exists in God before the word “love” was ever invented or established in any language or thought/feeling in the human will. In this way, God is the cause of love and the goodness of love to which created things experience and it so happens that He loves all things to which He brought forth into existence. For the faithless man deluded in his own works and allurement of self-pride, he believes he is truly good and a cause for goodness in others by his own will and act. Furthermore, he genuinely believes God does not make him good and that he alone, by his own hand, makes himself good and is a source of his own light. The devil also believed this, so we see his agency in others who are his disciples by way of pride, which was the first sin/offense committed towards God.
Whether God loves all things equally?
God wills GOOD to His creatures in various degrees according to His wisdom and care. In another way, to bring goodness to something by way of the will is to love it. It is said that understanding the love of God can be described in two ways; One, God loves all things by the act of His will in a simple fashion which has nothing to do with the intensity of love for one or another because He put all things into existence from nothing EQUALLY - Two, it can be said people wish different things and greater goods for others, according to their unique likeness as they see fit. All the more for God, who wills a greater good for some and a lesser good for others according to the likeness to which He ordained them to be. The varying degrees of goodness someone wills for another is separate from that will, for although we wish a sports athlete to go to college on a tuition, which is a good, we also wish for a Soldier who enters the military to be successful in her career and come out alive and unharmed. In comparison, the will for the two do not change in that someone may wish them both good things, protection, and success, but in the same way, varying degrees of goodness is sought for the both of them, and in this sense it can be said that God may love another more so because of the goodness or greatness He bestows upon someone. Hence some stars shine brighter than others, and some Holy Ones are beautified less than others.
Whether God always loves more the better things?
Indeed, God loves the better things more because He wills a greater good for something He alone chooses according to its likeness. The reason why someone is better than another is because God wills for them a greater good. This is evident through His only begotten Son, Christ Jesus, whose Name He alone has exalted above the lower regions, the creatures subject to the principle of matter and time in the material universe and here on earth, and the angelic substances who dwell in the heavens. In this way it can be said that God “loves” Christ more than all things in existence, because He willed the greatest good for Him, in as much as He is true God and true Man and that all things have been entrusted to Him as a Father puts His Son over His household and possessions in order to carry out responsibilities as One Authority equal to the Father.
Whether there is justice in God?
Justice comes forth from a law which is given. But God is a law unto Himself, because there is no higher power which shall hand a law down to Him, for He alone is justice for what is just and right pre-exists in Him as the source of what we know as justice. Furthermore, God apportions to each their own what is justly due by way of His wisdom. For a bear shall have claws, a fish shall have gills, and a human shall have hair; their due. This is called distributive justice. Even more so, God, who is justice, guides mankind throughout the ages so as to show him what is right or wrong so they can become aware of sin and how to avoid it, as we see with the Law of Torah which was fulfilled in Lord Jesus Christ and how its precepts influence modern society with the concept of marriage, divorce, property ownership, deeds to homes and lands, bankruptcy, weights and measures and the like. So, by His guidance, He influences the metrics of justice in human affairs - in some societies greater and in other societies lesser depending on how close to the hearts of men He is by way of their freewill to choose the good or bad. The concept of giving and receiving for the purposes of exchange such as mutual benefit or trade and the like is known as commutative justice and this is not attributed to God, but man; for the Lord gives freely and expects nothing in return.
Whether the justice of God is truth?
Where the mind (the intellect) and the knowledge of things (as they are actual) intersect at equilibrium, the mind identifies the truth as it can recognize it. As the mind is the measure of what is false or true based on the knowledge it understands, so is the work of the carpenter said to be true when his actions and work are suitable to his trade. In the same way, a punishment is said to be suitable for the crime when it comes forth from the law which administers justice. Furthermore, the justice of God comes forth from His wisdom, which is THE law of justice, which is true. Thus, the justice of God is truth.
Whether mercy can be attributed to God?
Indeed, mercy is attributed to God. For the effect of mercy is to feel the misery and despair of another like oneself. In this, measures are taken to relieve the suffering of the person by way of forgiveness and remission, and in this way, the act of mercy becomes a gift to the other. Mercy does not take away from justice, rather, it is the fulfillment of justice, just as Lord Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the law, and as God alone is the fulfillment of all causes both primary and secondary - delivering all creatures to their calculated end as the First and Last Cause. So it is for mercy, as the Holy Apostle James says, “...mercy triumphs over judgment.”
Whether in every work of God there is mercy and justice?
The works God carries out according to His wisdom, ideas, design, and will can be attributed to justice and mercy more forcefully in some, and less than others. For justice may be worked more into someone whose deeds merit such justice, while mercy may be given more to in a person because of the intentions or circumstances leading up to the deeds which were carried out, even though warranting justice in a specific degree, but also requiring a level of mercy appropriate to the correct ordering of things either by design, grace, primary/secondary cause, and by way the wisdom of The One who distributes such effects according to design. Furthermore, it can be said that the gentiles, who did not know His ways by blood or direct familial connection, received the gifts and graces of God by way of His mercy, and for the Jews who received conversion and grace from God by way of His justice because of the promises to their righteous Fathers such as Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the Patriarchs, and King David. So, in this way, justice and mercy isn’t completely attributed to what someone has done or shall do, but solely upon the decision of God, who may allow for a secondary cause (such as someone’s free will choice to choose a path to Him) or His direct action alone according to what He shall carry out by way of instrument or person or cause He prefers. In no way is God bound by any human rule, decision, or created will, in that simply we dilute His power down to a mechanical function where something is typed or punched in and a response is given. Additionally, justice and mercy is even seen distributed to the just in the world who suffer afflictions so as to cleanse their lesser faults, and in this way, as the Divine Physician prescribes the medicine of suffering, we are drawn closer back to God, and not the allurements of pleasure and idols of the world that make us forget God, who is forever.
Whether providence can suitably be attributed to God?
Providence, which is the divine care and protection of God, is most suitable to God and attributed to Him because of the Divine Goodness of God which was stated earlier. For God made all things good - even creatures like the devil who have chosen to become evil (deficient) by their own free will to do wrong (accidents not attributed to God). Furthermore, the care of providence has two important distinctions; one, “the reason of order,” which is justly called providence, is eternal and divinely inspired by the will of God which springs forth from His intellect, design, Primary Cause, Universal Cause, Primary Form, and infinitude of ideas of what things should be, ought to be, could be, is, will be, and ever shall be. Second, is the execution of order which is a government that establishes an order by way of a law that is handed down to it. These are your secondary causes within the secondary forms that provide contingent effects by their execution (somebody steals something, so a judge orders restitution be paid out to the victim by the perpetrator) subordinate to the Primary Cause within the Universal Cause and form which is from God and attributed to God. Hence, Providence is attributed to God. See for yourself, although unbelievers like to point out the sufferings and horrors within the world, where mankind is partially separated from God’s presence, while denying the actions and responsibility of the free will of people who willingly choose to do what is wrong so as to harm others, they freely attribute the actions and causes of God, which is always good, to what is evil and improper. For some of their false claims is that since God may allow something, then He alone is the direct cause of this, which is a false notion. Fact is, the Lord does not interfere with the free will of His creatures, because if He did, then nobody would be worthy of punishment or reward. Within this, it also so happens that He alone ordains that everyone shall be judged in accordance with their deeds, and when this comes to pass, either a reward or punishment shall be carried out because of the Lord’s Justice. Even in this, unbelievers who deny these facts, still falsely associate suffering, hatred, evil, and the horrors of this life to God alone - even though they enjoy their freedoms and make choices everyday so as to draw closer to Him or further away, they still refuse accountability for their ways and the ways of creatures who are given the gift of freewill, so in their darkness and hatred for their Creator, they attribute all of this evil to Him, so as to distract from their own responsibilities and shortcomings. While this happens, in their blatant ignorance, they still forget that the evil and horrors they did not experience, is rightly attributed to God because of His Divine Providence, who protects them from things they do not even perceive. Take the evil spirits for example; although they are stronger and smarter than humans, the Lord puts them in check, and permits them to only exercise themselves in areas of action that He warned us not to engage in such as witchcraft, divination, idol worship, sinful conduct, magic arts, necromancy, demon worship and the like. There are consequences for their actions, and if the evil spirits could manifest themselves at will at any given time, more than likely they would not waste a second to slit all of our throats and commit unspeakable horrors against us, because that which is spiritual and condemned hates all flesh that shall be saved through faith in Him, so in their damnation and despair, they war with the human soul which is made in the likeness and image of God. While in their spiritual combat, they strive to separate the human soul from its inheritance through temptations, lies, vanity, evil influence, confusion, ignorance, hatred, unreasonable anxiety, sexual lusts, lawlessness, perversions, genital mutilation, transgenderism, war, abominations, unspeakable crimes, blasphemies, and the like. Even in this, the Lord takes what is evil and makes good come from it by way of His Divine Will which comes forth from His wisdom that is sourced from His intellect which we attribute to His Providence.
Whether everything is subject to the providence of God?
Providence is the order of things towards their calculated end. Furthermore, all things that exist are subjected to the Divine Providence of the Living God because He is the first agent which all agencies in existence spring forth from. Not only do things that participate in existence carry out their agency by way of His agency through His guidance, protection, laws of nature, wisdom, ideas, and Universal Cause; but while also participating in existence they also demonstrate the principles of goodness the Lord has bestowed upon them according to their likeness in as much as they partake in existence through His Divine Guidance which we also attribute to His Providence. When the creature strays from the correct path of God’s goodness by way of deficiency (sin), providence may be reduced by way of the Lord’s wisdom. Additionally, He may remove the spiritual care and protection He has bestowed on somebody so as to correct them by way of suffering. In this way, even in disobedience, living things are subjected to His Providence. Not to punish His creation cruelly as a wicked master to his slaves would, but to reprove and correct all for the order and spreading of His goodness which He strives to spread through Primary (Him) Causes and secondary (us) causes as a father would towards a child he loves through the medium of discipline.
Whether God has immediate providence over everything?
There are two parts of God’s Divine Providence; one, the order of things and happenings to their calculated end. Two, the execution of this order by way of government such as the law of man which is carried out through the secondary causes of the freewill, but not independent of God’s Primary Cause. So, in this, think of God’s Providence as a football field with “out of bounds” markers and two neutral zones which is the beginning (one side of the field where a team can score a touchdown) and the calculated end (the other side of the field where another team can also score a touchdown). The teams can move about freely within the boundaries of the field, according to the “rules” (second part of Providence which speaks of execution by government) of the game by way of their freewill to choose to throw the ball, run the ball, or punt the ball back to the opposing team. Furthermore, God has immediate Providence over everything in the first aspect because He alone assigns effects to His creatures and in nature while also giving them the power to produce those effects and carry them out according to their likeness by way of His just ordering of things (the first part of His Divine Providence). For a bird shall have wings and fly, and a bear shall hibernate for the winter and survive off fat reserves. In no way can humans do these things by their natural faculties. In the second respect, as Providence pertains to execution of government, by way of God’s will which springs forth from His wisdom, He assigns intermediaries to carry out execution of justice, order, goodness and the like so as to spread His Divine Goodness by way of secondary causes (free will choice of creation) along with their contingent effects. In this way, He builds us up for what we are about to receive, which is Divine Beatitude and rest in Him. For those entrusted with power are given their power not by their own hand, but from above, for the Lord gives them this power according to His will and Divine Providence. Some may say, “well this person is wicked and evil, and he should not be in charge of anyone because of his recklessness.” Maybe true; however, realize that being subjected to wicked leaders and lawlessness, while also experiencing the horrors of warfare and injustice is the consequence of unchecked sin and vice (as a whole, not always individuals alone), and by way of God’s wisdom through His Divine Providence, He knows how to guide humanity back onto the right course as to lead back to Him, which is good. For who can appreciate what they have unless they experience losing it all? For who knows how something should taste sweet, unless they never tasted what is bitter? How can you identify what is warm and hot, unless one gets burned? How can someone love the right way, unless they experience loss of those they love? In the same way, God’s Divine Providence immediately and through intermediaries is His way for our good which shall lead back to Him, even if we do not understand it clearly at the moment. Now, in no way does this mean that the wicked and evil things that are carried out by people with authority are good in any way, or should be mimicked so that a good may result. Rather, it is better not to know the ways of evil and wickedness or imitate it in any manner because the human inclination towards evil by way of the will is subjected to such a descent. On the other hand, God, who cannot be thrusted into evil, nor can He be perverted by such temptations, knows evil and wickedness fully and completely; however, it is impossible that His will may turn to evil. Not so for the created.
Whether providence imposes any necessity on things foreseen?
Providence is to order things to their end. Now, it just so happens that the Divine Providence of God imposes what is necessary on some things and not so much on other contingency causes. For the ultimate goal is the goodness in general and perfection of the universe so as for all things to find their calculated end and rest in Him. Some are taken to this end by necessity or how God sees fit directly, and others by the secondary free will choices of creatures to which God allows to occur through them according to His wisdom which comes forth from His will by way of design which we also happen to call Divine Providence (the correct ordering of things through God). As we see with nature, what works in unison with its elements and creatures, held together by Providence, what God allows as primary or secondary shall not reduce the other, but simply allow for so as to lead back to His intention for them. To clarify this point, migration patterns shall be a source of food for far distant animal populations as seasons rotate in different regions, and the destruction of an island due to volcanic eruption shall benefit its proportional land mass over time. Through this, the ordering of things occurs either directly or through secondary events. This is also true in people by way of choice in accordance with His wisdom, for a natural event may lead a fallen away believer back to Him (necessity/directly), or another person may do this as well by their free will choice to evangelize (contingent/secondary).
Whether men are predestined by God?
Everything is subjected to the Divine Providence of the Living God. Therefore, it is proper for people to be predestined by God. Now, this is separate from the calvinist view of “double predestination” which was a product of the protestant reformation in that a sign of worldly success through material possessions confirmed in their own minds that they were saved and were going to heaven, or other views of predestination which negates the free will of man and pushes the false narrative that God has already predetermined our reward and punishment, thus there is nothing we can do better or worse so as to please Him or do good to those around us. As mentioned earlier, God allows for Primary and Secondary causes by way of the freewill so as to lead back to His end which is rest in Him. Rather, the predestination that Saint Thomas Aquinas mentions has two parts which finds its rest and end in God; one, eternal life in a state where our intellect (soul) is raised up to see Him and have the knowledge of Him in glory. The second end, reaching beyond the proportion and faculties of nature by the power of its own nature. If by the power of the creature’s own nature cannot reach for what it was meant for by its own ability, skill, knowledge, or understanding, then it must be guided to it through assistance, just as a rock on a sling is pulled back and aimed at a target. Surely, the rock (the person meant for eternal life) makes a good projectile and can damage its target (eternal life in the presence of God in glory), but that is not enough and it can not do it on its own. It needs something more; in this case, a slingshot (Providence) and someone to aim it and release it (God’s will for that soul to be saved - predestination). So it is for predestination in that God’s intellect and will, He directs men by His Providence, the just ordering of things, to glory in eternal life even if they are lacking the ability to currently do so at the moment because of sin, ignorance, disobedience, confusion, and the like. Thus there is the illuminating light from the Spirit of Grace which raises up the intellect to the knowledge of the Truth, and to which guides its projectile on to target where it should so as to experience eternal life in the realm of the living. This concept also applies to angels, as God predestined them to know Him and have no end. So it is for people, whom He gives His grace to so they are preserved.
Whether predestination places anything in the predestined?
To predestine someone or something is to have the idea of what should occur in the mind of the one who is making the decision. For example, a man purchases lumber for the purpose of building a shed. He predestines the purchased lumbar to be cut and measured by calculated dimensions and forms to be assembled into something which shall store his desired goods. In this case, the becoming of a shed for storage made of wood is the calculated end of the purchased lumbar which the builder predestines use of. In this action, nothing is in the lumber as if the decision to turn it into a shed was its own, for that resides in the builder’s mind (Predestination) and will which guides the pieces of wood in an orderly fashion to be assembled into a functional shed (Providence). Now, for the Divine Mind of God, the execution of His Providence is what we know as government, as was stated earlier, and this is a function carried out passively (as in a secondary causality allowed by God). For it was stated that God correctly orders things to their end and rest in Him, often directly (from Him actively), and by way of others through their choices and actions (from Him passively). This is what we call Providence. Now, from Providence we get Predestination, which is a type of ordering of some person’s eternal salvation. This does not belong to the person being saved, but only to God. For those who lack the ability to be saved will be given what they need to be saved as they may receive directly the Grace of God’s gifts, or receive passively from Him through others when someone hears a heart wrenching speech, intercessory prayers by devout Holy People, experience in the penal system, trials in warfare, or a series of unfortunate events that may bring the heart back to God so as to endure, survive, or go on living through the trauma experienced which may become unbearable to the soul which does not have assistance in attaining salvation through Him. Hence, God makes good come from evil, even though He doesn’t cause the evil that occurred through the actions of the free will in creatures; while even in this He carries out the decision of Predestination for others through His Providence.
Whether God reprobates any man?
God does reprobate some, but not on account of necessity as if this person were to be damned from birth, but on condition in that they do what they ought not to do in full knowledge of wrongdoing while also still refusing to repent or change their ways, so as to fall away from an end that would have resulted in their glory and beatitude. Furthermore, as Predestination falls under Providence which brings creation into glory, while also allowing for defect in them, so it is for reprobation which also belongs to Predestination in that they do not achieve that glory because of the condition they chose by their freewill. So it is for the Predestined to be glorified, it is also for the reprobate to be permitted to fall into sin and receive the punishment of damnation on account of those sins. Thus we all shall account for our deeds and motives, and the martyrs died to bring salvation to those in darkness; because if salvation exists, so must damnation exist all the more, and if nobody were accountable for their actions, then there would be no reward or punishment, nor would there be free will, or a crown of glory or a whip of chastisement.
Whether the predestined are chosen by God?
The Predestined are subjected to God’s election and love. In this way, it can be said that they are “chosen” by God in that He wills a good for them in a different way than someone else. So, in this way, they are Predestined for this good that was meant for them. Providence is also known as prudence because in another way it can be described as a plan existing in someone’s intellect for the correct ordering of something for the purpose of a calculated end. Furthermore, how can something be directed to an end, if an end was never established for that something from the beginning? For in the will, a plan is devised and its end is carried out, some necessarily (active action of God) and others conditionally (passive action of God) as was stated earlier, so it is what we call Providence; and from this, those presupposed for eternal salvation are Predestined because there is a formulated end for them by way of prudence (the plan and ordering of the will). Now, in the order of reason, Predestination must be before election, and election before love while all of this is belonging to Providence (the correct ordering of things). Now, as for love, it can be said God “loves'' the Predestined because He wills a specific good for them higher or lower than others who may also receive their own type of good from Him according to His love; for when we love someone (not as God loves someone), it is because we recognized a good in them, thus we are incited to love that good which already exists and as a result we end up loving someone. But for God, His love is the kind that causes goodness in others, for our own love does not cause good in others and in this way “election” precedes love in us. As for election to God, as He wills a good for others and takes active steps to further carry out that end state of goodness, He also reprobates others who fail the condition (free will choice to neglect what was meant for them) leading to Glory and Beatitude, thus permitting them to fall further into sin and ultimate damnation. Additionally, it is important to realize that election and love is ordered differently in God as compared to people in reverse order. So, for God, love is before election, and election comes before Predestination (all still continuing to fall under Providence) because by way of God’s great love, He is the cause of goodness in all, and those whom He loves He also elects (calls), and for those who He loves through election is also the same ones whom He Predestined according to His Divine Providence. See for yourself, when you yourself “love” something, is your belief or feeling the cause of the goodness in the thing you identified worthy of your love? No, it already existed there, and you are now coming to the realization of its presence and you cannot help but to love that quality or attribute you see to which attracts your senses (both physically and spiritually). Know this, it is really God who put that there, for His love causes goodness in others, and although the act you may think which is love being directed towards another, what you are actually doing is loving God in a lesser state or form of worship, for you see His work and presence, but you do not acknowledge it as such. Nonetheless, you love what you see and seek to be in its presence!
Whether the foreknowledge of merits is the cause of predestination?
Some in the past believed that the good deeds we may have committed in a former life are now being made manifest to us in this life on the basis of past merits. Also, there are some who have believed that the different states based on the merits of work in a past life has given us a diversity of different states of grace that are received in the present, as if Predestination were dependent upon the freewill of man to act accordingly and be rewarded in kind. Furthermore, others have said that the effects following Predestination are the reason why it occurred. This is all false, because an act (doing something) which comes forth from the free will (thinking about it) cannot happen before the free will devises the decision to carry out an act, and in this way, it cannot be said that anything began in us of our own accord which led to the effect of Predestination, or that the free will now becomes a separate flow from what is Predestination and the will of God who manifests Grace as an effect flowing from Predestination. Rather, it is one flow which is from God, whose Primary Causes allow for secondary causes, and not that they are separate or their own sources of effects, but that they are the same in that they all flow from Him as the source. So, when grace is inferred upon the individual by way of Predestination, and ultimately leading to eternal salvation and glory, the freewill is neither diminished or increased, nor is the grace being poured out from the source of the free will in the one whom is being saved, but in that all of the effects of grace, salvation, and good works are literally the effects of Predestination as God wills it. Just as the Holy Apostle Paul once said to the Romans and the Corinthians in summary: We are not sufficient to think anything of ourselves as if it came from ourselves and in a great house, there are many vessels, some for honorary use and others for dishonor. Just as God made things in their likeness; some for water, some for the air, and others by fire, so it is for the glory or shame of others according to His will. For who can question God on why a bird may have feathers or why a reptile may have scales, unless one wishes to fall into error or reprobation.
Whether predestination is certain?
The effect of Predestination will occur as it is supposed to; either by necessity (Primary Causes of God) or contingency (Secondary Causes of God) as the Lord allows according to the Divine Will. So as Predestination is of Providence, so is the order of Providence incapable of being wrong or making mistakes because of Intelligent Design which comes forth from God’s wisdom, which calls for the just and effective ordering of things as they are meant to be. Furthermore, this could be understood in two ways; one, God predestines someone to be glorified because of a decision He decided to act upon for the salvation of a soul, so the effect of this decision will occur. Second, by the merits which come forth from God’s Grace, which puts it in our hearts to have the idea of the good, to seek the good, and to carry out the good for others out of unselfishness and love for God alone. Some of this is what we choose to do, and belongs to us in a way according to what the free will allows for and accounts for, but in another way, acknowledging the power of the Living God who allows for such a spirit to persist in doing His will so as to attain glory as a gift which belongs to God alone who is the source of all righteousness found in someone who carries out good works that are visible to others. However, this can be lost by way of the free will choice to freely engage in mortal sin to which an accounting must be rendered. In this way, some who were meant for glory have fallen from glory, and that same glory which was meant for them has passed on to another so as to glorify those who value it, keep it, honor it, seek it, and who can bring themselves to preserve it.
Whether the number of the predestined is certain?
The numbers of those who are predestined for salvation are certain to God in that He alone knows what His effects in the universe shall require by way of number for the just ordering of things. For example, the number of species which are driven by their senses, such as birds and fish maintain the numbers they need to sustain their populations so as to sustain other dependent life forms interacting in nature by preserving them through His Divine Providence. But for the rational creature, and especially the mortal intellect which is the soul wrapped in bone, blood, and vessels, God preordained a number for the ultimate good of the universe, incorruptible and destined for eternal joy and glory, because of His special love and great interest in them by way of Predestination, even at the opposition of the rebellious angels who believed spirit was enough rather than spirit wrapped in flesh. As for the existence of the reprobate, those who are allowed to fall are also pre-ordained in a way that serves the good of the elect, for what is bad or evil is used for good by God so as to glorify, rebuke, correct, and guide those onto the correct path towards salvation and beautification.
Whether predestination can be furthered by the prayer of the saints?
This could be understood in two ways; one, the effect of divine ordination in that God elects someone for the purpose of salvation so that what He intends to accomplish is done. In no way is this the effect of a secondary cause, which would be the prayers or prompting of the created. Rather, it is God’s primary cause (direct action) being carried out, and this belongs to Him alone. Second, by way of contingency (secondary causes), Predestination which comes from Providence is helped along by way of good works from an intermediary or another, by way of prayer, speech, evangelization, conversation, acts of love, bravery, caring, and many more actions someone could carry out by prompting of the Holy Spirit. These things are allowed in the order of the Primary Cause within the Universal Form (the out of bounds limits which contain secondary causes). Keep in mind, actions such as prayers and good deeds of the created are not the source of Predestination, only God is, rather they are helped along by its effects. Finally, it is important to note that the Predestined must strive to do good works and seek God in prayer so the order of Predestination in others may be fulfilled in its entirety. This is accomplished through alms giving, acts of spiritual charity, feats of bravery, acts of love, and the blood and testimony of the martyrs and Saints, which are effects made perfect in those who are Predestined for the edification of the elect.
Whether the book of life is the same as predestination?
The Book of Life and Predestination are one in the same, but in different aspects. For anyone who is being called up for service, a record of such is kept with their names listed, so as to identify who is set apart for what type of service or use. Furthermore, God determined those for eternal life by His will, which comes forth from His Ideas and Intellect which are simple. So, for a book to have names ascribed to it for its set purpose is a sign in Him for those who are brought to eternal life. In a different sense, the book of life can be attributed to the Divine Energy which works in the heart and mind of the one being saved, in that His laws and precepts are written on their hearts and in their minds by way of Supernatural Grace, as the Lord promised His people would when those who were subjected to the Law of Moses did not carry out the Law of Moses because of their continuous efforts of falling short and making themselves displeasing in the sight of the Lord their God. It is also a common practice of the Church every year to have its Catechumens (those entering the Church/candidates for baptism) sign the book of life (also called the book of the elect) during Lent before their baptisms at Easter Vigil, as a sign to those of the Church and to God of their intentions to belong to Him.
Whether the book of life regards only the life of glory of the predestined?
The end state of something should be what was intended from the beginning. For example, if you hire a roofer to fix your roof, then your roof should be fixed when he is complete with his work. So it is for those who attain glory through God’s Predestination, for He will always achieve the end for which He began. To place in a more concrete way, the end of glory “shall exceed human nature,” as Saint Thomas Aquinas puts it boldly. Furthermore, the life of Grace is the aspect of an end which directs it, but is not the end within itself. For those who go so far as to draw closer to God but choose to turn back slightly (not fully) by their own freewill, may have some participation in eternal life in a relative manner, but not fully - as the Holy Apostle Paul mentioned to the Corinthians the multiple levels of heaven. Keep in mind, this in no way implies those that are destined for hell by their deeds and free will choices are to share in the glory of the just and righteous.
Whether anyone may be blotted out of the book of life?
Some opinions of men, as in the universalist sects, believe nobody will be blotted out of the book of life because a “loving god” is not capable of condemning a soul to eternal punishment. This notion is false because the good men think they do or observe in others at the present time, come to the realization of their fallen state at the point when they are blotted out of the book of life by way of mortal sin. For what is inscribed or removed on a roll of names in the book of life is not a matter of the opinion of men, but is a reality of God who is also a God of Justice and who gives each and everyone justly according to what their deeds deserve. Furthermore, the book of life is the inscription of those who are destined for eternal life in two ways: one, through Divine Predestination which has a certain trajectory that will not fail; two, from grace, for whoever has grace has been fitted in the garments of eternal life (in a relative manner). However, by mortal sin and the free will choice to do wrong and fall short by way of unchecked sin (deficiency), the one fitted in the Holy white garments of eternal life by grace can choose to remove those garments, and when they do so, they fall from grace. So, in this, it just so has it that those predestined for eternal life by God’s will are inscribed in the book of life simply, and those who are written down in the book of life by grace are said to inherit eternal life relatively, in as much as they remain in grace by way of the free will and refrain from mortal sin so as to not stumble and be blotted out of the book of life.
Whether there is power in God?
God is power to the highest degree. Power can be thought of in two ways: one, passively which is not in God (the governments, authority, influences, and rules of men); two, active power in God which is the maximum of all power set forth into existence. It is important to realize that God is simple, He alone is Actual Being (as opposed to creatures who are potential being), the maximum of all perfections, of His own Divine Essence which is His will, His knowledge, His wisdom, and His Intellect, the Unmoved who is The First Mover who puts all things into motion, the Primary Cause of all causes - for secondary contingent causes are allowed by His agency, and of course the First and Last Principle of all things. Furthermore, what is the principle of something is the cause of something, for something cannot be something without this leading it to its calculated end. Now, because of this, He truly is power that is of its own order to which nothing compares, and in this way there truly is power in God.
Whether the power of God is infinite?
Active power exists in something as much as it can be measured. For example, a flame thrower being used to clear out enemy machine-gun emplacements on a beachhead will be received in the measure according to its likeness, in that scorching hot flame shall reach upwards of 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit at a distance of twenty to thirty feet charring everything in its path until its fuel is expended. In this, the flamethrower being put into service in wartime has a finite use and purpose and its power is demonstrated for a time as it is employed correctly. Now in God, who is infinite, there can not be a measure in comparison to anything we understand, nor is there anything (both items, natural bodies, creatures of spirit and flesh) that can receive or comprehend His infinity. For His measures are the stars, the laws of the universe, and all causes and happenings start to finish. These things can not be manipulated by creatures or anything we truly can measure in our own perception of understanding. Therefore, in this way, God’s power is truly infinite.
Whether God is omnipotent?
God is said to be omnipotent in that nothing shall escape His sight or Essence of knowing, which is one aspect of omnipotence. For when a tick enters a deer, He knows it. When a fly is squished up against a wall, He knows it. When the evil man fosters schemes in his heart to oppress his neighbor so as to extract sorted gain for himself, He knows it. Furthermore, it is said that God can do all things absolutely according to His will and that His purposes shall never fail, for the building up and ordering of the universe. Also in these ways, God is known to be omnipotent as we can understand it. Finally, the true infinite form of His omnipotence is not perceivable by creatures in any measurable sense, so another proper word to describe the omnipotent perpetual state of God is infinity, to which He has power alone absolutely, which is immeasurable and inconceivable by anything which is set forth into existence from Him by way of His Agency.
Whether God can make the past not to have been?
A contradiction is impossible in the Divine Essence of God. To think something can be undone which has been done implies a contradiction, because what has been or not been in the past, so as to do or undo it, does not fall under the Divine Power. In the same way, someone who has been forgiven of past sins is forgiven and must move forward. That person has still sinned, and just because they are forgiven, does not mean they have not sinned in the past, for such a thing which had occurred in reality cannot be removed, nor is it the prerogative of God to undo what has already been done. This should not be confused with His mercy, which is greater than His wrath, because He is happy to forgive and pardon those who are truly contrite of their offenses towards Him so they may receive eternal life in Him, but in no way does it mean the thing which occurred never occurred, for this would be a contradiction and a lie. In more serious terms, a subjective reality based on untruth, and it so happens that God is objective, reality itself, and the truth to the highest degree, and there is no lack of being in Him, for He is the maximum of all perfections as we know them.
Whether God can do what He does not?
God does what He does in accordance with His absolute power. His power does not come forth from His will, but from His very nature, and in this God does what He wills to do because He can do whatever He wills so as to achieve the Divine Goodness which exceeds beyond the measure of creation. Even if He does not do something, this does mean he was incapable of doing it, but rather by way of His will, His actuality, His Divine Essence, His wisdom, His Divine Power and His Providence - which are all one in the same simply, He chose to simply not do what He could have done or put off what might be done in order for secondary causes to be utilized to which He allows within His Primary Causes of things for the just ordering and building up of the universe and beautification of His holy ones and creation. Surely, He could have done what He did not do, but by way of His wisdom which is carried out by His will, He chose to do what He has done. Therefore, God can do what He does not.
Whether God can do better than what He does?
In what is good or could be better, it could be understood in two ways: one, the essence of something is in accordance with its likeness (a tree must be a tree, and if it were cut down and changed into lumber for the building up of a house, it would no longer be a tree), for if this were altered, then the thing would seize to be the thing for which it was meant to be, and would become something else, and this is impossible (in that something wasn’t made as it was supposed to be in its natural state that it is in); two, attaining betterment for something that is already in the state it is in, so as to achieve greater goodness and beatitude, for God can make better what He has already created. Indeed, God can do better than what He does in this sense, in that He shall instill virtue and wisdom into the unbeliever by way of the Holy Spirit and Providence so this one shall be in a better state than before, ready for any good work for building up of the Kingdom of God, and preparing the soul for glory in His presence from a state that was otherwise detestable or dying by way of its free will choices to sin and do what is improper.
Whether beatitude belongs to God?
Beatitude belongs to God in the highest degree. This is to attribute what is perfect, glorious, intelligent, possessing every excellent virtue and manner, the maximum of love and charity, and the climatic state of being. All of this rightly and justly belongs to the Living God who is all of these things.
Whether God is called blessed in respect of His intellect?
To be and to understand is one in the same with God, for He is simple. For all things move to attain happiness by way of its nature, so as to find rest in its calculated end, and it just so happens that beatitude is the perfect good of an intellectual nature. Furthermore, the intellect as we know it is the soul wrapped in a human body. But God is the First intellect, to which all intellects spring forth from. In this, He is the maximum of all things, and so it is rightly said that we should call Him blessed in respect to His intellect.
Whether God is the beatitude of each of the blessed?
Beatitude is said to be the supreme good in an absolute manner. Since life in the spirit is of an intellectual existence and being, it can be said that beatitude is of an intellectual attainment and state of glory. The calculated end for the intellectual being is rest and glory in Him, and it could be understood that everyone is blessed from the occurrence that someone knows and understands God, and in another way, the act of understanding this through the created is what beautifies creatures. However, in God, this is uncreated, and has always been there from the beginning. So, the Lord for the Lord’s sake, as who is the Reward of all rewards, fulfills what is sought in the created who seeks it, and in this way, God is the beatitude of the blessed.
Whether all other beatitude is included in the beatitude of God?
What is beautiful, attractive, and worthy of admiration and exaltation is found in God who pre-exists all things that are desirable to the highest degree. For what riches may attain, God has through complete self-sufficiency. For what is sought out after fame, God obtains this in that everything living admires and moves to Him (even when rejecting Him, unbelievers and those in denial know the idea of Him is something beyond them, and in this way they also admire Him). For what is power on earth in the material principle, is omnipresence and might in God to the highest degree throughout the universe in what exists, doesn’t exist, and could exist. For what is ownership, possession, property, and false “love” to creatures (equating what is love with sexual immorality and decadence); in God it is Fathership to ownership, the breaking of a yoke to what is owned and controlled, good stewardship in what someone is responsible and accountable for, and the wishing of the ultimate good for the sake of another out of love to what is sexual immorality. So, in all of these things humans and creatures seek on earth and in the material principle His presence, and are led back to the Divine Beatitude which is in God who are all these things to the highest degree at the height of His maximum.
Section II - Scriptural Discourse for the Unbeliever
Let us pray:
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name,
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Meditate upon this mystery for up to five minutes:
The Second Joyful Mystery: The Visitation of Mother Mary to Elizabeth
Mother Mary went to visit Elizabeth who is the wife of the Levitical Jewish Priest Zechariah and who was also pregnant with John the Baptist. When our Mother approached Elizabeth and spoke, John the Baptist who was still in the womb of his mother heard her voice and leapt for joy, filling Elizabeth with the Holy Spirit.
Remember, He knew you before He even stitched you in the womb!
Close with:
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee, Blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.
On the Road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-20)
I too, was a wicked unbelieving man who persecuted the people of God. Born a Levitical Jew from my mother’s side (last name Cohen), and a southern Baptist with Irish descent on my father’s side (last name Lowry) and grew up an atheist my entire life - I never believed. I did whatever I wanted to do; drunken parties, fights, orgies, mocked people less fortunate than myself, marked my skin with tattoos of snakes, skulls, and bullets. I manipulated others; I loved firefights and explosions, pursued vanity and possessions, hated my fellow neighbor, lied, and I was disrespectful to my parents. I even killed people. When I persecuted the church, it was more personal because I did it to my own spouse.
I mocked my wife for her faith. I also insulted the Priests and accused them all of pedophilia and wrongdoing, even going as far as to oppose the infant baptism of my youngest son. I had no intention of changing my ways, or exposing and confessing my secrets to those around me whom I harmed. Until the dead of the night in the year 2020 at the age of 35, in the same year the star of Bethlehem re-appeared for the third time on 21 December 2020 since Christ’s birth, the spirit of the Lord came for me and converted me. I was at my desk by myself doing some work on a computer and suddenly goosebumps came across my arms, back, neck and shoulders and I began trembling. I never felt anything like it before. I began weeping violently and broke down crying. Almost as if something wrapped a mantle around me, something I never felt before - it was undeniable. From then on, I knew God existed, because I literally felt Him there with me. I did not see Him or hear His voice, but I knew He was there. I honor the truth and I was wrong my entire life. In that exact instance, I realized this. Although I was born seven days from my expected due date of 17 March 1985 in the flesh and sin, I was reborn in Baptism in the spirit the night before Easter in the year of our Lord 2022.
Did He make me change? No. He showed me the Spirit of Grace which is the truth and His mercy. Since I value the truth, I accepted it. I was wrong and He was right. I died that night and was reborn as a new man. Now I live for the Lord. I took the name of Paul in baptism and confirmation because of my conversion. No man converted me; the Lord did. I went to sleep the night prior and woke up the same person with no intention of changing, nor did I have any viable reason to change. I was accountable to no one, and I believed in nothing. Then, when confronted with the truth, I had to change. Why? Because I value the truth. The truth has intrinsic value and is above all of us. It is objective and incorruptible. It is my hope for the entire world that everyone comes to the truth before the day of fire, so everyone is saved. If the Lord can change me, the worst of sinners, He can change all of you as well!
I wrote a letter to God listing everything I had ever done wrong. I repented and asked for forgiveness. This is a start, but more is required. From then on, I had to tell my wife all the things I had been hiding from her regardless of how vile it was; regardless of how much it was going to hurt. I was ready to lose my house and my life for the Lord because He is the Truth, and the Truth will set me free. I must confess to you, the reader, and the entire world to honor Him, for His Namesake.
Once I did this thing and confessed my lies and sins to both God and mankind, despite what may come of me, an amazing thing happened. The yoke of the devil fell off upon my neck. From then on, he could no longer jerk me by the chain and force me to go wherever he wanted me to go and do. I was truly free like what the Lord had said from His gospel.
Now with that said, I knew I had to be baptized. Where do I go? There are thousands, if not millions of denominations out there. Simple, after reading all of scripture and studying it thoroughly, the answer became very clear to me. I must present myself to the steps of the Apostles Church, the One that has been given authority by Christ himself - the Roman Catholic Church. I followed the footsteps of the Apostles and the Levitical Priesthood, to which my ancestors are from and to which the Priesthood passed on from John the Baptist (also a Levite whose father administered sacrifice in the temple) when he baptized our Lord Jesus Christ in the river Jordan. Coming to this truth after much prayer, I realized where the fullness of worship resided, the very Church I persecuted throughout my adult years - the one from the beginning. Now, I practice the sacraments daily and am in truth. In fact, the tabernacle in Rome, and wherever the word of God is proclaimed and His body rests upon the altar is where the temple is, for it replaced the one in Judea.
One cannot be in truth if he or she does not do what the Lord commands us to do. In summary, the Lord said, "you have no life in you unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood of the new covenant."
The sacraments are there to save us and keep us awake and ready; presentable for the Lord when He returns until all is accomplished. The sacraments of His Church will carry you, strengthen you, and sustain you from a lifetime of sinful influences and demonic temptations until it is your time to return to your true Father in Heaven. Do not be tricked by the slick comments of the world and self-ambitious preachers who want to teach you all kinds of wrong things. The Lord told us plainly what to do. So, let’s do it, and our joy will be complete.
Babylon Worse Than Sodom (Acts 13:14, 43-52)
The word of the Lord is living and breathing, for it is life itself. Those who do not wish to hear the words of life and truth, prefer the words of death, and lies. Today in Babylon, its citizens thought it was good to rise and declare the following:
"Let us continue killing our children or else we will burn this place down!"
The forty days to life campaign by collaboration of the Church and other like-minded denominations was successful. The Lord heard our prayers - to put it in the hearts of the secular princes and satraps to turn back from wholesale institutionalized child murder and slaughter. The devil didn't like this - so what did the coward do? He stood up atheists, satanists, pagans, witches, and members of the occult, to whom I preach to, to go on the offensive to threaten the Church into submission. They are even going as far to say that they will burn the Eucharist - which is the body of Christ. Yes indeed - satan is angry, so he went ahead and opened up his toolbox full of screwdrivers, hammers, box cutters, and pliers to begin his work of persecution (his people) - the support of what is vile, wicked, and evil - to intimidate, threaten, use violence, and of course many mockeries and blasphemies that are associated with the supporters of child murder - who are murderers themselves (yes, the one who supports murder is a murderer). They have come out to threaten all Christians - just not the Church alone.
We should not be afraid to label them correctly for what they are - murderers. The Lord has given us a description of what a murderer truly is, and His threshold is less than mine:
"Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer."
What is more hateful than supporting the unwanted killing of another and denying them the basic right to life? You be the judge.
Like the tools satan welds in his hand to do his evil work - tools that have no breath in them, sight, senses, or taste - the atheist, the wicked, and the morally corrupt who lack faith and moral fortitude enable the evil one to enter them and fill them up like a hollow shell so as to impregnate them with his will - the will to do what he desires. Don't believe me? See for yourself - these women in the news are zealous to kill their babies! Look at some pictures on your own. They aren't zealous to feed the hungry or help the poor - no, they are motivated to slay the Lord's creation inside the holy womb and profane and defile the temple of the Holy Spirit - which is the body the Lord has apportioned all of us to glorify Him through the creation of children and acts of holiness. Then, they leave us satan's calling card - support for their murderous acts in speech. The wicked say "reproductive rights," or "healthcare" to mask their crimes against humanity and God. No, these are tricks of satan to make a cause for confusion - masking evil with a layer of light and nobility. It is no wonder satan parades himself around as a steward of goodness, while masking his true intentions until he gets up to the podium to jam a dagger through the heart of his target.
Take the example of Paul and Barnabas - how much time must one waste on those who aren't willing to listen? It is necessary they be informed - then warned - but after, one must shake the dust off one’s sandals when the message is heard and rejected. One must move on to carry the message to those who will listen. The holy Apostle and the Saint knew this. Now, how much longer until the Lord dusts off his sandals regarding these people? Are there forty good people in Sodom? Thirty? What if there are twenty? How about ten? Will He spare Babylon for the sake of ten righteous people, if indeed there are at least ten righteous people here to be found?
Only the Lord knows.
Veritas (Acts 6:9-15)
Bad things may happen to us. Does it mean the Lord has abandoned you? I don't think so. In fact, it may be that He is ever more there with you in the moment of your distress. Don't be afraid to proclaim His Name to others, and to suffer scorn, hate, and mockery for The Name – which is above all other names. Telling those around you the truth is loving them - not hating them or committing violence against them, as the ones who oppose the truth often might want you to think. Being strong in Spirit and doing what is hard for the body or the mind for the sake of another is a righteous act, even if the one receiving the message for his or her benefit does not realize it at the time. Telling someone the truth is an act of love. In fact, it may even be a higher form of love than acceptance and being kind.
What do you think?
If your child acts out at school, and you decide to proceed lightly, will that child receive the message properly? You decide - is it loving somebody by simply assisting them with their error, and not showing them the proper way, so that future trouble is averted? You be the judge.
The truth hurts. In the case of Saint Stephen, it literally kills. However, consider this:
-St. Stephen loved his fellow Israelites so much he wanted them to be in truth so that they would be saved.
-In fact, he loved them so much that he told them the truth even when he was on trial - fully knowing they would probably not receive his message in peace.
-Did St. Stephen post a positive GIF on the Pharisee's timeline, supporting their error for the sake of kindness? Did he take the Sadducees out to lunch and allow them to vent, in-turn giving them positive affirming comments such as "your truth" or "you should be happy" or "live your best life" or "be yourself?" No, he did none of these things. In fact, at the knowledge of violence that would be inflicted upon him and certain death for his mortal body, he told them what they needed to hear for their benefit. That is true love.
Allow me to clarify:
-There is only one truth; the Lord.
-The truth is objective, not subjective. This means the truth does not need our opinion to exist – it simply is, with or without us.
-What makes us happy isn't always good for us.
-Seek the Lord in truth, and He will show you the best outcome for your life which is to find Him and renounce the works of the devil and sin.
-Do not be yourself, be holy, for He is holy. If one cannot be holy, they will not be in His presence, for He alone is holy.
Why do we toil every day for things that will perish? We set up idols in our hearts above the Lord to shut Him out. If we opened our hearts to Him, and just came to the realization that the purpose of work is to share with others who have nothing, not amass large nest eggs for ourselves or acquire adult toys, we would be much happier. I would also imagine this would be pleasing in His sight, for He will give us eternal food which will never perish. Seek that. What the Lord gives you is free and will last forever.
Loud Opposing Voices Everywhere (Acts 5:34-42)
In this day in age, we find whole swathes of people and governments "fighting against God." Through their unbelief, they truly believe nobody sees their deeds or understands their wicked schemes and deceptive designs. They truly believe they are their own light - and that righteousness comes from whatever their present desires are at the time.
The modern-day Sanhedrin (the mob of unbelievers) will flog you with their lips and present a case against you for mockery and lies. They will speak ill of your reputation to others to embarrass you and dox you, to silence you so The Name would not be mentioned. There is truly no fear of God in their eyes, even as their world turns upside down from every war, plague, injustice, economic crisis, act of lawlessness playing out every day in Babylonian cities, every kind of natural disaster, wildfire, tragedy, extreme temperature shift and severe drought causing crop failures.
It's as if a group of people is so used to being cursed, that they accept these things as a normal series of events - never looking inwardly to why such awful things are happening in the first place. Why have we become so conceited? Do we wish to provoke the Lord to anger through worship of self, idolatry, and unjust witch hunts of our neighbors whom we disagree with? Are we stronger than Him? When He decides, who can reverse it? Is there anyone else to whom an appeal could be brought to once His mind is set on what to do to us for our community rebellion against Him?
These are all valid questions with varying answers depending on who you talk to. The modern man is a creature of quick service, lightning fast communication and information, modern conveniences, and out of touch with what should matter. The thought of suffering for anyone's name - even someone they think is alive and maybe a good person, would almost seem absurd to most. However, for those in Christ, it is an honor and something that should be welcomed.
Why should we suffer, one might ask? Simple, if we suffer with Him, we shall reign with Him – as it was written. For each one who takes up their own cross, denies oneself, and follows Christ, that person will share in His glory when He returns. Knowing this, we look forward to something better. Obviously, this world is passing away along with its many imperfections, blasphemies, sufferings, and trials. The holy Apostles told us to make no provisions for the flesh, for all of it is going to be thrown into the furnace. If we put our hope in what is going to be burned up, then we would be just like the pagans and those with no understanding.
Don't be attached to your possessions and the many political leanings and complications of this temporary life. There is only one thing that is needed - earnestly seeking Him in prayer, for our hope is in the second Adam and the New Man - not the first Adam, who only knew the way of the flesh. The Lord tells us in scripture that the Spirit and the temporal world are in direct conflict with one another. If we draw further away from the Spirit, the world will receive us. If we focus on the world and the desires of the flesh, we will push the Spirit away. However, the closer we draw to the Spirit, the more the world opposes us.
It's a constant battle that is being fought among those still living and who hope for something better. I say we should use the little time we have to do His will and seek Him in truth so as to honor the Spirit with our bodies in the time which has been apportioned to us. In the process, if we suffer for His namesake, then all the better, for the Spirit of the Living God rests upon such a person.
Secular Overlords Attack the Body of Christ (Acts 8:1-8)
The persecution of the Church is alive and well today. From first world governments in the west to arid regions in Pakistan where Christian minorities are forced into paying wealthy Muslim landowners and the government a Christian tax simply to exist while receiving subpar wages and barely livable conditions. In fact, Church members being rounded up and imprisoned or executed, and churches being bulldozed by mobs at the sight and approval of government authorities is still common throughout the world. I am not talking about 20th century events or events from the Acts of the Apostles - but events that still occur to this day. Don't believe me? Google it.
Demons are being driven out every day by exorcists and righteous men and women who petition their cases to the Lord in prayer for the freeing of their friends/families/loved one’s souls and those in need of great mercy. This still occurs today. The days of the Apostle Philip driving out demons in the square of a Samaritan town are the same as today - for much of the demonic activity is in the digital space. Think of it as their superhighway to sin.
Now, before Saul became Paul, he was clearly persecuting the Church and rounding up believers because he thought he was doing a service for God. In this day in age, faithless government officials and non-governmental fringe elements in society round up the people of the Lord so they are persecuted, doxed, insulted, or given disgrace/dishonor, as a service to their master - satan. The Communist Party in China literally locks people it doesn't like in skyscrapers and waits for them to be starved out, while also throwing people they do not agree with in re-education camps. Pagan society does business with such horrible actors because their products are cheap, and they love money more than the Lord or their neighbors - so they ignore many atrocities. The people who will offer you up to their gods in Babylon are people who seek money, power, fame, control because the Spirit that is in them is not from the Lord, but of satan. This was brought on by their own evil desires and idols they erected in their hearts which deny all knowledge and truth that is the Lord.
The holy Apostle was right when he said in summary:
"Their God is their stomach, their glory is in their shame, for they are only focused on earthly things."
These are the people who are rounding up the modern day Church – they are also the same ones who rounded up the early Church as well, just like Christ said would happen. They honestly believe a service is being rendered for their gods, which is cheap products, polling numbers, false social justice issues as a pretense for violence, future elections, and human reputation - all vanity and false idols which are frequented by demons. Don't be surprised when things get worse because these characters are going from bad to worse as each day passes by. But you should not fear, praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ who told us all these things. As He told us, “Our redemption draws near” for He is just around the corner.
Yes indeed - everything is right on time.
The Hand that Provides (Acts 5:17-26)
What is to be said about the ways of our brothers and sisters today? Will the spirit of the Lord and his message ever be silenced? No, it will not. Even though men of power and position may have the authority to jail the body and torment the spirit, the power of men will never be able to silence the spirit – if the spirit truly dwells in the person to which the utterance originated. You see, the spirit wants people to be taught its ways. Some need more help than others – and are completely void of The Spirit.
The Apostles were freed from their jail cells by the will of God to take the teaching of heaven to those who cannot listen or receive on their own. One may ask, “well – why can’t He just tell them Himself?” True, He probably could do this – but it is my thought that He uses people to reach others in a way not to frighten them or put the fear of death in them.
Think about it, wouldn’t you be frightened if He appeared to you as He is in the dead of night? One might fall face first dead upon the floor with heart complications. No, we know that He is not a forceful God, but a loving and merciful One. He gives you what you can handle just at the right time – and in this case, so many cannot bring themselves to believe in the truth, so preachers are sent to teach them His ways.
Ever been on a date for the first time, and the other person was just moving way too fast? So, you know what it’s like – midnight manifestations and revelations would be harsh on our mental state, which is totally conditioned for the physical world as we perceive it. Just like any harsh change on the physical body, adjustment via temperature, elevation adjustment, humidity and day/night cycle, even hourly changes due to jet lag, can have drastic negative effects upon the physical state of the body. More so for the spirit and coming to the knowledge of the truth in the night, which would forever change our perception of things as we know it.
So, the Lord frees the captives and sends them to you so that His word is preached so all can be saved (those who listen). He only gives us what we can handle. In fact, He is such a “gentleman,” and not forceful, but honors your will, many cannot even perceive the spirit as being in their midst, but it most certainly is.
Just like odorless gas, oxygen, and the clothes on our bodies that we grow accustomed to and do not appreciate or perceive all that often, so the Lord is there with us as well, providing for our needs and clothing us with His protection.
Beast Like Man (Acts 11:1-18)
The holy Apostle once said in summary:
"For the kingdom of God is not just about food and drink."
Some people consecrate their food to idols. Others to their wallets. Many to the desires of their stomachs. Rabbinical Jews who follow Torah believe in the food laws handed down by Moses. The holy Apostle Peter's vision confirmed what Christ said in the gospel:
"What defiles a man is what comes out of him, not what goes in him."
Thus, the Lord declared all foods clean. Don't be surprised at this - this is the way it was in the beginning since God created the earth, the living creatures for food, and the plants for food so man can reign over them. Today in Babylon, there are trends in food, activism, and of course entire organizations dedicated to banning consumption of meat from animals. Some of the more aggressive ones I came across used the gospels on me - as to make a case for murder and inhumane conditions. Others in society place their pets above their own family members and view their dogs or cats as sons and daughters. Some even go as far as to think the days we honor our human mothers and fathers applies to them as well because they are pet owners.
What has happened?
Simple - as man drifts away from God in this place each and every day, rejects His precepts and what was meant for them, they gradually replace the light of the Lord and his word with their own light and their own understanding of things - which are all flawed. It is no secret that married couples are abstaining from having children and replacing them with beasts. Is this a good thing? I am no judge, so I cannot say.
However, this I do know:
-The Lord clearly gave the creatures of the earth to you for food. That is their purpose. Our purpose is to fulfill what the Lord commanded us - so we fulfill what we were meant to be. This is ultimate happiness and the destiny of everyone.
-Yes - we should always be good to animals and treat them humanely. However - they shall never replace humanity and the importance of a person. Just one of the many errors Babylon is falling into today. They have placed beasts above children and pets above the sanctity of human life.
-pets are receiving human inheritances from deceased pet owners.
-pets are receiving human-like funerals.
-Pets are becoming the source of love and nourishment both in video, picture, and in person for many peoples, thus replacing what was meant for humans. Is this conditioning hostility towards fellow neighbors? I don't know, but I do know this - most people will stop to pick up a troubled dog on the side of the road before they offer the same courtesy to a living breathing person in need.
This condition is not good to which we find ourselves in. As our humanity leaves us, it is replaced with things that were meant for other purposes. Take wood and stone for example - construction material. Those who have rejected God turn to raw materials for comfort and worship (these idols are frequented by DEMONS) - but find nothing. Why? Because they are looking for something an idol cannot give them - the truth. The more one hearkens to the idol and makes it the center of his or her life, the more corrupt that idol worshiper becomes. Offending the Spirit of Grace is a serious matter, and when Grace leaves - something else fills the void. It is no wonder why in this day in age we are seeing a mental health crisis playing out among all sectors of the economy and in every institution. The love of God is running dry - and many are turning to their idols for comfort but are creating a worse condition than the first.
Now, as for our food, it is important that we say prayer over it and dedicate everything we are given for our stomachs to God. Why? Simple:
-Everything is made clean and holy through prayer.
-Your faith in the living God sanctifies your meal.
-Give glory to the One who made you and thank Him for what you have now. It may not be there tomorrow.
When I was an atheist, I did no such thing. Prayer seemed absurd to me and pointless. After I came to faith, I still had trouble doing it. However, I realize my error - anything that is not offered up to God or is done for the purpose of glorifying Him is sin for us! We are not justified by what we do - but why we do it.
Don't let anyone shame you for what you eat (except for blood). What we offer up to the Lord is an acceptable offering by faith. The ones who want to shame us about this have no understanding
-for they are only focused on the idol itself and not the power of God who sanctifies what He decides to sanctify. If He deems something worthy of His power, then it will be done. In this case
-your prayer is sanctified and given much power. The stumbling blocks of the world are the many idols and the false precepts that deny the knowledge of God and they prevent many from attaining the truth with carefully crafted words and many long paragraphs dressed up like a nice Christmas day present. Don't be fooled - the Lord said what he said.
Why change it or doubt it?
Babylon Says Your Car is Really a Boat (Acts 11:19-26)
What is a "Christian" today, according to the enemies of the faith? Depending on who you ask, here are some answers you might not find among the ranks of atheists and pagans:
-someone who believes in Christ.
-someone who does what Christ says.
Enemies of the faithful do not have the right to label us, nor is the Church defined by its enemies – even though they continue to try in vain. Like those from before, the enemies of the Church scorn and mock, and declare to themselves and others, “the Church is about to fade away. Not long now. It will be all over for them. They are on their last leg.” Like days of old and even today, those same people meet their mortality and die. Yet, the Church outlives its enemies and remains – as the Lord himself said it would.
You see, in this day in age, the devil appears to be growing in power and influence among people throughout all areas of society. We see his influence in movies, media, school, politics, courtrooms, and even among our own family members at the dinner table. He is the true master of chaos and division. Where there are false labels of others, accusations, and hateful labels given to large swathes of people to discredit them and persecute them more efficiently, there we see his presence and his works. For the one who knows scripture from a pure heart - that person can tell you that a true follower of Christ does what He says or aims to do what He says at every turn. He or she does not actively attempt to stray from His teaching. What is His teaching? Here is a reminder:
-the truth.
-receiving His flesh and blood so He remains in us and we remain in Him.
-love of one's neighbor as himself.
-care for the poor.
-care for orphans and widows.
-care for the needy.
-being holy.
-confessing one's sins and practicing the sacraments, observing and submitting to the authority of his church.
-renouncing sin and not being an accomplice to it.
-denying oneself and taking up his or her cross to follow Him.
-showing evidence of repentance through good deeds to others.
Now here is an amazing concept; one who does not do these things is not a follower of Christ. As much as the atheist and the pagan may try to label many of the fringe groups of today who use the Christian label to attack political opponents and use the teaching and name of Christ as a pretext for fleshly ambitions and vain human goals/desires for division, they are still not correct in who they falsely label as Christian. I will tell you again - one who does not do what Christ says is not a follower of Christ. The enemy will try to lump large swathes of people together who may have a common purpose in Christ together under one label, so as to justify their actions or their opposition to God by the poor actions of a group who are not fully in His teaching, then at the same time lump true believers and followers together with that group as to smear them.
These are the layers of mask the devil covers his true identity with. While persecuting - he points the finger away from his actions to deflect and insert false examples of others to cover his own true facial expression behind that mask. He gains support in this way for the ones who have no understanding and do not know what to look for. Believe it or not, most people have not read the Bible - even practicing Christians. Not even they know what to look for. Self-professed Christians who persecute their neighbors because of racial, social, cultural, political, and economic differences claim to know the Living God – Blessed be His Name forever – but do not manifest the very faith they claim by their words into real deeds. Is this proper? No – the failure to carry out our faith by way of works and deeds is a testament to our own faith – it is a self-declaration informing everyone around us who we truly love and adore. If we truly loved Him, our works would follow. But what is loved more than our True Father in Heaven? Money, power, our personal pride, our reputations, our useless possessions (which are destined for the furnace). People are willing to go to war for those things and not the right things.
What does Christ tell us? He says this in summary:
"Anyone who hates his brother or sister is a murderer. Those who are murderers will not inherit the Kingdom of God."
Now with that said - if one actively hates another for any reason - especially beyond his or her control such as their race or sexuality - that person is not a follower of Christ nor is he or she compliant with his teaching. What can be said then? When the atheist lumps true believing/practicing Christians who do good, even to their enemies, they make their persecution of us more efficient. These are the tricks of the devil.
What else did the Lord say?
"You will know a tree by the fruit that it bears."
If someone is producing hate through their speech and their faith - then they are a thorn bush calling themselves an apple tree. The master of lies - the one who calls down, up and up, down wants you to believe that the apple tree and the thorn bush in Christ are one in the same. They are not. Know what to look for.
Here is the logic of the atheists and pagans who follow satan as they persecute you for Christ - when they try to falsely label you as the one causing evil:
"The car you are driving is not a car. It is a boat."
Think about this for a second - if the car can only drive on the road and cannot tread water - is it really a boat? No. If a Christian is causing hate and division among you is he really a Christian? No. Just because someone calls themselves a Christian, it does not mean they are a Christian. See for yourself, if I call myself President of Babylon, does that now make me President of over 350 million people? No, it does not.
Push back and correct those who falsely lump you in with evil doers. Those in Christ follow Christ and they are truly Christians. Not what the walking dead says.
The Greed and Idols of the Nations (Acts 15:17-21)
The same God who stood up a people in the desert for forty years and made his presence known to, is also the same God who tells you plainly his intentions for all people. For the living God of Israel is not just the God of the Jews, nor did Christ come just to save the Jews - but all men and women. He is the author of life and the creator of all things known and unknown - even to the gentiles. So, what does this mean to those who do not believe? It means what it says.
This is hope for all of us. There is a higher authority and a greater love which does not wish for us to go about our lives continuing not to know Him and rejecting Him. He has reached out to the prophets and apostles of old to guide us and instruct us to make it known that we are not alone, even though we often tend to think we are, even against our own feelings in the matter. Today in Babylon, people are killing themselves in droves, murdering each other at random, committing mass murder in public places, and committing daily acts of lawlessness. The rejection of God is truly empowering a different spirit - one that aims to commit malice and harm among people of all races, genders, cultures, and creeds. Institutions are even turning away from the truth - even acknowledging in congressional hearings that they cannot define a man or woman because they are simply not a "biologist."
In Babylon, down is up and up is down. This is truly the work of satan - who is the master of lies and deceit. The rejection of the Lord has given room and microphone time to these practices, and it is no mistake that the evil one is taking advantage of this opportunity. The Apostles have made it ever easier for us by the grace of God to come to the truth before the day of fire, so that we be saved, by even reducing restrictions and obstacles to salvation. However, we see that many people still cannot come to believe even the simple instruction of not drinking blood, refraining from sexual immorality, idol worship, and meat of strangled animals. The idols of the world are distractions for us, for one cannot draw closer to the Author of Life while pursuing idols we harbor in our hearts.
The idols are so strong in the hearts of this people that they will kill themselves for possessions, bills, money, and human honor. They will even kill other people and enter contracts to kill other people for the pursuit of money. Entire businesses and fortune 500 companies are given rights as individuals, with their own bylaws for the purpose of making a profit at all costs. Not that I say this is wrong, but we see just how much the idols of the world are honored by humans rather than honoring the one and true only Living God. It is a true testament to what they value, and it is not profitable by any means in any real currency that is going to endure past the elements and matter when this place is judged.
Pointing Fingers (John 3:31-36)
The one who only chooses to see with the eyes, hear with the ears, and feel with the hands is of the flesh, and only knows the flesh, so in turn this person puts all of their hope in the flesh. Now their heart feels the presence of the Spirit – to which they are directly opposed to because they are of the earth and only seek earthly things. So when the Spirit manifests itself into words and truth to which they refuse to accept; anger, rejection and mockery manifests itself in the unbeliever towards the one who speaks from the Spirit.
The Spirit is greater than the flesh in every way, and the flesh – which is filled with demonic pride – is aware of this, and it cannot be silent and remain humble – it must go on the attack to maintain its level of vanity. We know the people of the flesh persecute the people of the Spirit, because their hearts rejected what was meant for them (true life in the Spirit – which is pure joy and completeness). Yes, this is satan. How could it not be? The evil one is the prince of this world – the fallen angel wants us to pursue the way of the flesh, which is our pride, earthly possessions, vain human honor, and empty glory (which often involves us hurting others or doing some harsh thing to the body).
The wicked one doesn’t want your testimony. The one who says, “down is up, and up is down,” is lawless – what does he care for such a piece of evidence? What courtroom is he interested in entering? Although we see his presence in courtrooms throughout the world in wicked people who render injustice and false sentencing. He believes he is a law for himself, by his own hand, and his own light. So, if you are this person, and do the things of the earth and the flesh and cannot hear the word of the Spirit without lashing out – know this – satan may dwell in your heart.
One allows him in through unreconciled sin and unbelief, to which many refuse to reconcile with the Lord; even though He has given everyone a clear pathway to do so by His infinite and abundant mercy. Millions in every generation have testified about the Son of the Living God - that they have seen Him, heard Him, felt Him, and experienced signs and wonders from Him in their own life. This is evidence and eyewitness testimony.
Does one not consider it evidence?
For those who do not consider eyewitness testimony as evidence, consider whether any courtroom of the flesh will set an accused free with the testimony of two to three witnesses testifying against them. None that I know of, for that person will have their freedom stripped away. The sin which is committed and not reconciled to God through baptism and confession crucifies Christ repeatedly every day. He came into the world to save us with His blood. Yet so many in the world willingly reject His gift of Grace and Life.
Lead Me to Places I do Not Wish to Go (John 21:1-19)
The Apostle Peter, who denied Christ three times before He appeared to the council of elders and the high priest, was given a second chance. He professed his love for Christ three times – thus nullifying his first three denials. Christ gave him mercy because of his love for the Holy Apostle Peter, and all of us. Look at it through the lens of our own modern day lives; our young adult years is normally filled with disobedience to authority, parents, fast driving, alcohol, premarital sex, and a host of many other sins – some mortal and others a bit less. When we become older, things change. Our lives are put into perspective, and after making so many mistakes in the beginning, we now have a careful blueprint of what to avoid and change for the better. However, not all of us do this. Many just continue to get worse and of course reject what was meant for them. The Holy Apostle Peter did not reject what was meant for him, for he took the opportunity immediately to be reconciled with Christ. We should do likewise at every opportunity. As for others dressing us and leading us where we do not wish to go – what does this mean? Surely Christ isn’t talking about pants, is He? Surely Christ is not talking about waiting in line at the DMV on a Monday morning, is He? No, so what is He truly saying?
It is obvious:
-If you truly want to find God, you must get out of your comfort zone.
-If you truly wish to seek the presence of the Lord, and do His will, you must deny yourself, take up your own cross, and follow Him.
What is my cross one might ask?
That too, is obvious:
-Suffering and tribulation for His namesake and the sake of others.
-Christ was glad to take up His cross for you, now you must do the same.
Not all people can accept this – for we are staunch advocates of being comfortable, non-confrontational, and meek when boldness is required. If Christ wanted to be comfortable, He never would have allowed himself to be nailed to the cross to redeem you of your sins. If the Apostle Peter wanted to be comfortable, he never would have been marched off to His death in Rome. The Apostle Paul likewise. The Spirit of the Lord clearly rests upon those who take up their cross with gladness for the sake of The Name. There shouldn't be anything to fear either, because what lies ahead for us is better in every way. Now, if one is not willing to lose their job, sacrifice their career, or even their own comfort for the sake of Christ, but have erected more important issues, desires, and idols in their hearts – will the spirit of the Living God truly rest upon them? The Lord knows our hearts, and He knows what we value over another because He is the scanner of the heart and mind. He looks down from His throne in heaven upon the sons of men on earth to see if anyone truly loves Him, if anyone truly seeks Him, and to see if anyone truly understands.
He will know if we think our reputation or promotion at work is more important than Him. We push God away by doing this, then expect Him to come for us on a moment’s notice, when we clearly push Him aside for other things that are vanity and self-seeking. When He doesn’t answer our call immediately, we lose faith or lash out at Him in ways not pleasing in His sight as if He were to blame for our lack of trust in Him. None of it is profitable. So with that said, yes, let’s go places we don’t wish to go. We will surely find God’s Spirit there in its fullness.
Listen to My Prayer (John 14:6-14)
"Nobody comes to the Father except through me."
Wow, what a statement! Today, there are many people alive and recently passed, who say this isn't so. Why? They believe there are many different ways to the Father. Here are a few examples:
-the law of Torah.
-through self-proclaimed pastors and churches.
-through human honor and fame.
-social media approval and followers.
-career growth and promotion.
-acceptance by others.
-belief in oneself - you are your own light - and by your own hand you will deliver yourself.
To name a few.
Now, going back to what Christ said, think of all these people doing these things and just how in direct conflict they are with the Son of the Father. Collectively, this isn't good. Now, when I first came to the knowledge of the truth in the dead of night in 2020, I didn't know anything about God. I just knew He is - Was - and Ever Shall Be. That was enough for me - because I honor the truth. My learning process, like all ignorant people learning something new, falls into the trap of pride and zealous ignorance. Once I got through the Torah and the Prophets for the first time, I was convinced that Christ is the Son of God, and not just God himself (the Holy Trinity). In fact, in my ignorance, I lashed out at other people who called Him God, not fully understanding what I was being taught as I went along in the process - but falling into the trap of zealous pride.
Yes, I was wrong again. Of course, He is God, for "He is in the Father and the Father is in Him." One blog post will not explain the Holy Trinity - nor can any man or woman do this fully. As we see in the gospel, even the Apostle Philip does not fully understand this - so how the heck can we? It's okay, don't beat yourself up over it. Many have tried - just know that He is who He says He is. Put all your trust in Him and He will lift you up. Literally, nobody goes to the Father except through the Son, so yes, He might as well be your Father until all is accomplished. We shouldn't claim anything - just that we are lesser, and He is higher, and the knowledge of Him is enough for us so we honor and love Him. I don't need to understand everything about the Author of Life - because if I needed to, then I would be declaring to Him "I don't trust you." And I will not be doing that, because I completely trust Him and so should you.
Another key point:
"Whoever believes in Me will do greater works than I do," and "you ask anything in My Name, and I will do it."
Does that mean we can ask for riches, fame, and fortune?
I don't think so. But don't quote me on it - the Lord does what he wishes because He has His own will and will act according to it, void of what your desires and pleasures may be or what you think is best. The Lord always knows what is best for us. Now with that said, asking for vain things in prayer is not a good idea. In fact, it's probably the quickest way to offend the Spirit of Grace (besides full-on sin, pride, and blasphemy) and I don't think anyone in their right mind or with the Spirit of the Living God in them would suggest you do such a foolish thing.
What does the scripture really say? Well, the second part of the quote comes after the first. First, you must TRULY believe in Him. What does this mean? Simple - you must deny yourself, take up your own cross and follow Him. A true believer follows and does. If you love Him, and you truly believe in Him, you will follow His commandments - as He commanded you. Easier said than done. Life is filled with false idols and distractions. Everywhere you turn, and at every corner, there is someone or something feeding us demonic lies about unbelief and faithlessness. So, with that said, I wouldn't be surprised if most of us who claim we believe, still have a level of unbelief. You see it on their faces when you tell them something that may have happened to you or another person, and they pass it off as false (for the sake of their comfort).
The true believer - only the Lord knows. In fact, none of us are good. Only God is good as Christ declared to you in His gospel.
Now, knowing what a true believer really is - someone who doesn't doubt, follows His commandments, and denies oneself - the second part of the scripture comes into play - "you ask anything in My Name, and I will do it." Now, many pagans and atheists say things like "prayers go unheard," and "He isn't listening," or "show us a sign."
Here is a response:
-Prayers may go unheard because one might not truly believe.
-Prayers may go unanswered or fulfilled at a time of His choosing according to His will, because they may be in direct conflict with the will of God. We lack understanding in this, so we get upset when the Lord doesn't grant it.
-He is always listening - He just doesn't always respond - or He responds in a way we cannot perceive because it is us who isn't truly listening.
-So, an "unbelieving and faithless generation looks for a sign?"
-Followers who are in Christ are not magicians for faithless pagans. Besides, none of them would believe if they witnessed something great anyway (or maybe the ones who belonged to Him and didn't know it yet would), or they would reason it away in their minds so as to deal with it and continue in their false belief system of nothing. This is an assumption. So, what am I trying to say? If one is a true believer, He will give you anything you ask for. If we truly love Him and follow Him, we will not ask for vain things, because that one would have the spirit of God in them. The vain things of this world are detestable to the Spirit of Grace and actually destined for the furnace. So why would someone in Christ ask for useless things that are going to be burned up anyway? No, true followers have their prayers heard because they are truly in Him, and He is in them.
Now, I would say that is just one way to describe why our prayers might not be answered. Make no mistake - the Lord does whatever He decides. If He wanted to grant something to an unjust, evil, or unbelieving person (like I was), then He will do it. He can do whatever He wants - know this and accept it quickly. Understand this also - the prayer of a righteous person is very powerful, like scripture tells us. It is quite possible the good things that have happened to you in life were the result of another's prayer for you. How would you know? Only the Lord knows. Trust in Him and you will not stumble.
Guilty or Not Guilty (John 12:44-50)
Today we see that a different Christ has been perpetuated throughout the world. For those who do not know Christ such as lukewarm Christians, atheists, and pagans; they use His message of love and acceptance as a tool and excuse for their many sins. Many who also fail to examine themselves and their surroundings properly also fall into this trap of not knowing the scriptures, not discerning their own spirit and the message of Christ. Those who take Christ lightly use the term "love" to be an accomplice to sin.
Well, for anyone who is not sure if they should be encouraging their brother to sin because of love; the passage from the gospel of John is a reminder of their own error. Correct, Christ did not come into the world to condemn us. He came into the world to save us and to condemn sin, do away with it, and to drive out the ruler of this world - the coward satan. However, make no mistake, what He told us plainly still stands and holds significant consequences. He tells us clearly that "His words will judge you." These same words tell us to give to the poor, to treat your neighbor as yourself, to avoid sexual immorality, and to seek and do the will of God. Most of all, we must believe. Also, we must consume His flesh and blood so as to have life in us, as offered to us daily in the Holy Mass. We must also be born of water and the spirit so our sinful bodies can die, for this is our baptism. Is He not plain with us?
For those in the world today, a corrupt, wicked, and unbelieving generation, they hear what they want to hear. Selective memories. Those who misuse the scriptures as an avenue to fulfill their own desires do not believe in the very scripture that justifies the righteous, thus they condemn themselves as if they were sinning against Christ himself and crucifying Him all over again everyday they fail to repent, confess their sins, and change.
Make no mistake; we will all account for the things we have done and failed to do. For people like myself, I will be extremely lucky if I even make it into purgatory. You want a trial on the day of judgment? Great, put in a "not guilty" plea. When you believe in your heart and confess with your tongue that "Christ is Lord," you would have entered that "not guilty" plea, thus you shall receive a trial where you will be judged according to what you have done. For the unbelieving and the wicked who willingly defy the spirit of grace - it doesn't matter what they have done. They already entered a "guilty" plea because they decided in their heart that the Son of God is not who He says He is or they just refuse to follow Him, thus they condemn themselves. No trial? The officers of the court (angels) will proceed to immediately carry them away to their punishment and take them to where they belong.
Let us always constantly assess our own position. Readjust our priorities in accordance with His will. Nothing in this world is more important than seeking the Lord and finding him so we can be saved. As for everything else? Consider it thrown into the fire.
Washing of the Feet (John 13:16-20)
I never understood the purpose of washing another person's feet when I was an atheist. In fact, I still do not fully understand it now. However, the message here is crystal clear when one can approach it from the position of Christ:
-we must serve others as an example to each other.
-do not worry about your life, but that of your brother and sister.
-true leaders serve, they do not come to be served.
Am I close? I hope so, for it is the way I see it. Witness the dismal state of leadership throughout the entire world today. Leaders from politics to social justice movements and sports teams only aim to edify themselves to have others serve their reputation and pocketbooks. Elitist mentality is ever growing among the pagan world. In fact, it is as if it were manifesting itself in something worse, something like Rome. We see what elected officials in places like Canada are doing to followers of Christ - locking them out of churches and arresting them. Crushing them with horses and preventing family members from burying their dead and visiting the sick. These wicked leaders are not washing the feet of their subjects, no, they are pouring hot oil onto them.
Take it from Christ, He is higher than us and He is perfect - the shining example of the 2nd Man and what is to come in the Spirit. I never washed another person’s feet, as the process of it seemed absurd to me. However, I must deny myself, just like you should too, so both of us can draw closer to God. I will do it at the next opportunity and so should you.
Wait for Assault Orders (John 14:1-6)
Our hearts are greatly troubled today. Even among believers as the world consumes itself in an ever-growing flame. The power of satan and the increase among wickedness in the hearts of men grow ever stronger. The desires of life and the responsibility of the pagan/secular world is deafening, crushing, and ever-more present in our lives than before. Just taking time for God, to attend mass, receive the cup and His Body, or even to take time in prayer is a challenging task in the fast-paced society we live in where the needs of others surpass our own. We have to remind ourselves too that if we do not pray, we will be cut off from the Lord. I know the demons want this, for the last thing they want you to do is pray. They will do anything they can in their power to stop you from praying:
-news cycles.
-useless distractions.
-petty arguments.
-pressure and anxiety of the world.
-barking like a dog in your ear.
-scaring you with physical signs.
-tormenting you in nightmares.
-calling you to anger through others - even your own family members.
For they know that when you do pray then you will have communication with the One who sent you to this place on earth and put you in this temporary shell. They know if you fill your soul with the voice of God, their loud screams, lies, threats, and manipulations will be drowned out. It is truly a war as the enemy is trying to close in around the followers of Christ. The lines on the front are constantly shifting and the ground is being taken or given up. For the one who doesn't pray, this person is cut off with communications to his Commander (the Lord). The demons know this - so they move in and surround us so they can destroy us. They know who prays and who does not. For the one who doesn't pray doesn't know what is going on the battlefield. Those without communications with their Commander fail to push up their line when others on the front do at the order of the Commander.
Don't be cut off from the High Command, lest you fail to go where your Commander needs you and you become surrounded and destroyed by the enemy. Be in the know against your enemy who are the forces of darkness. Pray and push forward boldly. Evil will show its back to you and flee like the cowards they are.
Like the Apostles who did not understand why their master was leaving, He reassured them that He would return. Just like the Commander on the battlefield reassures His troops in contact that He is nearby and will be there to direct them, support them, and give them the appropriate orders at the right time. He will not abandon you, so have faith and monitor your radios for the assault order. Have trouble hearing the message? Does your radio have poor reception? Receive His body and blood and you will upgrade from antenna to satellite. Then you will hear it crystal clear, so there will be no confusion.
Purge Yourself of Abominable Practices (John 15:1-8)
Through demonic vanity and pride - we think all things can be performed by our own will and action. Day by day, the rustle and bustle of society makes us an opponent to The Spirit of grace and enables us to forget The One who formed us. This scripture passage is a healthy reminder that we did not put ourselves here, and that a series of accidents in the universe did not formulate our being in an environment that is hostile to life across all corners of the known universe. For the Lord ordains that we all take our next breath, and that we are given freedom to do the things we will do in the spirit He has apportioned us and the body He has given to us on loan. I will also remind everyone of this important fact - not a second of our lives is allotted for us past the outcome of repentance and the knowledge of the truth - which is God. If it is his will we remain after, then it is clearly to serve His will and to assist others in need. He has a mission and purpose for all of us. When we accomplish it, then we will be called home.
That's right pagan - did you honestly think the Lord has put you here to pursue your lusts and passions? Did you honestly think He put you here by his own will to reject Him, pursue unclean practices such as witchcraft, divination, fallen angel worship, idolatry, greed, sexual fornication/immorality, and the many crimes associated with the receiving of demonic spirits (such as rape, murder, lawlessness, deceit, and envy)? No, He did not put you here for this purpose. What is His purpose then one might ask? He told you plainly in His instruction to you through scripture, which is a public document for all to view freely and is also the basic knowledge one must know to pursue Him in truth (a starting point). He proclaims this to you clearly in summary:
-Your body is a temple of the holy spirit which was meant to receive The Spirit of God.
-Your body is Holy - as you are Holy.
-Do not defile your temple with unclean practices both in spirit and the flesh, for when you do this, you profane His temple which is your body, and make an uninhabitable environment for The Spirit of God to which He longs to give you.
Just like what Christ declared to His Apostles - that "they can do nothing on their own," the same is true for you as well. The Lord is patient with all of us because He wants us to come to the truth and repent of our evil deeds so He can receive us. If He wasn't, we would all be destroyed immediately - for the things we have done since the time He created us has let Him down time and time again. Our own actions and words testify against us all. So, what am I proclaiming to you? HOPE. His great mercy is good news for you, for you have the time in the flesh to change what you are doing before the day of fire, when all works and flesh will be tested in the furnace. You shouldn't waste this time apportioned to you - for even the demons to whom you worship are jealous of you for they did not have a Christ to save them or a blessed Virgin Mother to intercede for them on their behalf. They hate you for not using the advantage that has been given to you so freely, that you willingly ignore, and replace instead with useless things such as possessions, honor from others, and pursuit and desires of your various passions. Make no mistake, it is confirmed by the Saints from long ago that many of them would probably return to glory if they could and had the opportunity like you do now. An opportunity you cast aside so eagerly as if other things had more power (which they do not).
Staying within the parameters of what Christ instructed you is the surest way for you as a branch to stay connected to the vine. Christ tells you plainly what will happen to you if you, being a weak dependent branch willingly break yourself apart from the vine to pursue your own spot in the field. You will wither and die, and when the angels come to find you on the day of harvest, they will gather up the chaff and throw it into the fire.Why will it so that you perish? It isn't His will - and nobody willingly wishes to throw themselves in a furnace while in the flesh. So, who else could have told you to break off from the vine so you wither, die, and be gathered up for burning? None other than the evil one and his many slaves and concubines he sends out into the world to trick you - so you are destroyed by your own hand. Don't listen to them.
Listen Here, Faithless One! (John 15:18-21)
Ever felt rejected by society? Have you ever felt that your friends, your family, your co-workers or teachers, and the many people you surround yourself with in life do not appreciate you or simply show contempt for you? Does this anger and upset you? Many youths and grown-ups deal with these feelings daily. Many have also suppressed these feelings over the course of their adult lives and now harbor deep buried pains, resentment, and hatred for the world and especially towards God. All these things can also lead one astray into alcoholism, drug use, and sexual immorality. Most of all, it can cause resentment towards the Lord, as if it were him who did this to you and rejected you.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The Lord tells you plainly that His people will be rejected by the world and hated. Listen closely to me, pagan; maybe the reason why you never fit in with the world is because you do not belong to the world? Christ also tells you this. The world belongs to satan and the unclean evil spirits, for they were cast out of heaven and brought down low to us until the time of fulfillment comes. The Lord also tells you this. They know who belongs to Christ and who doesn't - even if that person doesn't know it yet. The demons want to destroy you with your own hand and will actively seek your defilement and destruction in any way that suits them because it pleases them to do so. Do not listen to the world or its evil spirits that prowl around looking for a defenseless chick to consume. The things that have been tormenting you for so long will continue to torment you until you turn to your true Father in Heaven who will heal you, keep you, protect you, and preserve you on the day of fire. He speaks to you, even when you do not realize it. Through our dreams, He communicates with us, almost every night, and we rarely perceive it. We shut him out because we decided to listen to the unclean spirits, and not answer the phone call from our Father in Heaven. He leaves us voicemails and we allow it to fill up our inboxes. They go unread, and we grow worse.
So, the world rejects you and you pursue alternatives. What you don't realize is that those alternatives are hunting grounds for those who wish to devour you through every unclean influence and perverse act. Witchcraft, idol worship, false angel worship, occult practices, satanism, and of course the one most common that does the most harm - atheism. Unbelief is the wicked one's primary mask to cover his actions. It's the first layer of the disguise. Once you breach it, there are many more layers to remove until his works are exposed. Then you will know the truth and know how to avoid and reject his wicked works and deceits - which are all there simply to destroy you, for he has been your enemy before, now, and in the future. Man is not your enemy, even though he has no understanding. Know your enemy so you can shoot back in a firefight. If you'd follow the Lord, He would be your Shepherd, and He would give you good pasture. Like me, you are sick and need a Doctor. Christ is the Doctor. You need to check yourself into His Hospital so you can be healed. The Doctor doesn't always come to you - but you have to go to Him to be healed and check yourself in at the front desk like everyone else. Just like a hospital that will not turn away sick patients, Christ will not turn away those who have been rejected by the world and who are spiritually and emotionally sick who need someone to heal them. It is why He came in the first place - to save you - and give your life so you can have it abundantly.
To Serve a Warehouse Manager (John 15:12-17)
Read this scripture closely - does it ring true to your own heart? In the pagan and secular world, everyone is subject to another, whether they want to admit it or not. One may serve a warehouse manager to pay his bills, another a military officer to feed his family, and yet another may sacrifice his personality as a real estate agent to pull in more clients for the purposes of doing business. Politicians who are given authority to lead many and serve the people who elect them are beholden to their policies and promises they run on to get elected. All of us can agree at the bare minimum they should be held to this standard, no? People do things they do not want to do all the time and perform less than honorable tasks at the expense of another to please his or her master (employer or boss).
So, what am I saying? You are a slave to whatever masters you. You are a slave to whatever causes you to toil night and day to the satisfaction of your task master - whether it be your spouse, your child, or the warehouse manager to whom the atheists pay homage to in order to serve the desires of their stomachs. It is a little thing for you to give public human honor to those who control your flow of money, to which you use to satisfy your many desires. It is a little thing for you to bring yourself to give your life for the policy decision of someone in a suit, as we see in the armed services and police force. However, when it comes time to give your True Father in Heaven who is also the Author of Life the honor He justly deserves, The One who has given you your very self for a time, and ordains that you breathe His oxygen, drink His water, and enjoy the gladness in your heart - this is a vile and awful thing for you and you cry foul as if paying honor to God is something of a perverse act.
The Lord tells you plainly, He no longer views you as slaves - but as friends. You don't know the deep secrets of your military officer because he only reveals his plans to you when the time suits his purpose. You don't know the comings and goings of the politician who has an agenda which may not have your best interest at heart. You don't know the financial reports and the executive decisions the warehouse manager is making because he is your task master and you serve him - at the pleasure of the company. You don't know whether or not that real estate agent you commissioned will have your full interest at heart, when it better suits his purpose to cut a quick deal as to collect a commission rather than negotiating properly on terms that are more favorable and acceptable to you on your behalf. Yet, you worship these useless titles as if they held any power over you that is going to last. It won't.
As an unbeliever and a self-professed enemy to the Author of Life, you know that it is right and proper to pay these men and women honor so as to get what you want. You willfully take abuse from them. You willfully neglect your family to serve their profit and agenda. You willfully deny your own self to gain their respect and approval so they keep you around to enrich themselves. Yet when Christ tells you what he told you, that you are no longer slaves, but friends, you take offense at this? This is wrong. We are wrong as a people. We have erected so many false idols and corruption in our hearts that we cannot see what is right in front of us.
The present world is passing away with its warehouse managers and vain politicians. Don't pursue them, for they will not save you on the day of fire. Their work will be burned up - so why make it front and center of your life? What the Lord offers you is true and right, and He will give you a place in the Kingdom of God where you will belong - if you so choose it.
Do what He Says (Acts 8:26-40, John 6:44-51)
Sometimes we don't know where we are headed or why we are going there - we just do it. Maybe a hunch, a feeling, or an intuition and instinctive feeling. What is this Force? Is it the Spirit of the Lord guiding us along the path? Absolutely. It is easy to overlook such a thing as being a random thought or feeling - but you see here is the thing - since we were made in our body and our mind to glorify the Lord, we don't notice it as often as we should because it feels so natural. Almost like two pieces of a puzzle fitting together. When both pieces of the male and female connections become unison, the bigger picture manifests - and the two pieces hardly know it because there was no friction or intrusion in the matter because both were made for one another.
See for yourself - can you take a cow out of pasture, throw it into water and demand it becomes a fish? No - it will drown. Just like you - if you try to change your sex, or your gender, or what the Lord determines for you, you too will drown because you would have gone into hostile territory. You are cut off. You have been taken out of your element and your natural environment. Make no mistake, that cow will drown because it belongs in the fields eating the grass, not trying to swim like a fish. The evil spirits’ plan is for us to drown and make us think we are a fish when in fact we are simply cows in need of grass. Do cows deny what they are? No – but we do.
Now, as for satan and his many slaves and concubines, we feel the friction of their teaching and their ways. We know it’s not natural for us; hate, jealousy, enmity among neighbors, anxiety, mental health problems, and general sickness both spiritually, morally, and physically (one who hates much can never truly rest his or her head in comfort every night - for their rage for others keep them up late). Support of child murder, injustice, cheating, and improper things - all doctrines of demons. If we follow them, we will not come across our Ethiopian Eunuch someday whom we were destined to save. Philip - being a child of God and an Apostle, was led by the Spirit. Also today, those who are children of God are led by the spirit today. He tells them where to go and who to engage with at the proper time. Sometimes in words, other times in thoughts and feelings. Do what you were meant to do and quit fighting against yourself so your joy and the happiness of others may be completed in everything you do or subjected yourself to do.
As for the bread of life, which is the flesh of the Son of Man, this is truly the Eucharist. Evangelicals and other denominations do not practice this, and it is a grave mistake on their part. We know only the consecrated priests who take vows, receive the sacrament of Holy Orders, and receive laying on of the hands - which is traced all the way back to Jesus Christ himself who appointed Apostles - Bishops - Presbyters and Deacons - can turn the bread and the wine into the true flesh and blood of Christ himself. If one cannot come to believe in this - he or she is not in truth and does not do what Christ commanded them.
Don't believe me? Let me remind you what Christ said himself in summary:
"Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you will have no life in you."
What else is there to be said? Let us quit disobeying God and do what He says. My ancestors disobeyed and tested Him time and time again from the time they came out of the house of bondage in Egypt. Their punishment only gradually became more severe. From the golden calf incident to Korah's rebellion, the faithlessness of the scouts, and of course the sacrifice to demons and idol worship to Baal from the Kings era of ancient Israel. They all tested and tried the Lord's loving kindness, mercy, and commandments. Why? What for? Are we really that prideful and corrupt in heart to only accept some things the Lord told us to do - and not all of it?
If one's hope is in the Lord - then one must strive to practice everything He told us to do. Anything less is our own destruction. And I tell you this not as a cradle Catholic - but as a born Jew from the tribe of Levi who spent his whole life as an unbelieving sinful atheist stricken with pride, grief, and hate. I know what it is like to be on the other side of the fence with no hope. I know what it is like to enjoy strolling around in the dark waiting to bump into something to beat down and devour. Chaos tourism blindfolded is only good for the first few minutes of initial thrills - then it becomes frightening. When one openly disobeys his father and becomes a disobedient child - he is either disciplined or thrown out of that house. If we can accept these terms in the flesh, why would they not apply in the Spirit and even more so in the Author of Life's house? Yes, they apply.
Do what He says.
The Gospel of Death Says It Knows How to Love (Acts 14:21-27, Revelation 21:1-5, John 13:31-35)
The Holy Apostle Paul once said:
"It is necessary for us to go through many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God."
Your time on earth here is a trial by fire. The same spirit which spoke through the Apostle Paul also says, "If you wish to serve the Lord then prepare yourself for an ordeal." Yes, hard times await those who wish to serve God in truth. Persecutions, confiscation of property, jail, ridicule, hate, loss of friends and family. The Lord tells us plainly that we will be hated by all and offered up to the courts for persecution to testify for His Name. For the one who believes, this person should expect this to happen at some point in their lives. However, none of us should be troubled in heart because what else did the Lord say? "Not a hair on your head will perish."
This is encouraging. For those who hearken to the gospel of death and the void – atheists, they do not look three steps ahead on the path to which they travel. Instead, they submit to secular state worship and the grumbling of their stomachs to live in comfort and abundance. They have traded the truth of God for a temporary fulfillment and have erected false idols in their hearts to which they worship either by way of time, money, or effort. Now, for the one who can deny oneself and put away these useless things, truly God will reveal himself to that person in more ways than one. Make no mistake, one must worship in truth and put aside all that he or she once worshiped (possessions, vanity, human honor, and even money). The idols of the world are a large brick wall for us on the path to the truth which is God and ultimately eternal life. Scale the wall with urgency.
When all is accomplished, the Lord makes it crystal clear to us that we will dwell in his presence in the city He prepared for us and all these elemental hazards, worries and hardships we endured will no longer be a factor. This is encouraging, especially the part when He declares "Behold, I make all things new." What does this mean? Nobody knows for sure.
For the atheist, the satanist, the witch, the pagan, and members of the occult and all those who do wicked deeds, will they become demons of a new creation? For those who do what Christ commanded them, will they become angels of a new creation? Pray and ask the Lord yourself for these answers. We know those who walk in friendship with the Living God are not completely thrown into hell, for there is a refining process and purging that must commence if Heaven is not in our grasp initially. Take heart that even though you may think you are not worthy, in the Lord's great mercy, He still secures a place for us to be refined and made clean even after death so that we may someday dwell in His presence and stand firm in front of all the Prophets, the Patriarchs, Angels, and Saints, for it is not His will that any one of us may perish.
As for the most important commandment which covers everything in the law and the prophets, we are told to love one another. For a large brute like myself, not even I know fully what this means. How could I? I was a man of firefights, explosions, orgies, alcohol, disobedience, fights, lies, and manipulations. The way I viewed love was providing somebody something they needed. I don't know any better nor can I contemplate it accurately. If you are like me, then you know as well that to love is probably the hardest thing to do (especially those who want to harm you). However, know this; it is clearly the superhighway to God and the truth. From love comes true power when it is abundant and made to overflow like water poured into a cup. In fact, the flow is so much it spills out and engulfs other people and objects it touches as well. They will feel it because one knows when he or she is wet.
Why do you think when the Apostle James was carried off to his execution by King Herod, people around him in the crowd as he passed them were healed of their illnesses and ailments just by his mere presence passing them by? If you can love, then it will surpass all things both in this world and the next. Like the holy Apostle said in summary:
"But I will show you even a more perfect way....."
"If there is knowledge it will be done away with...."
"If I can show great wonders but have no love, then I am nothing but a banging gong or loud endures all things and knows all things."
So yes, there is a higher love that is in the Lord and what is above. Seek that. The idolater and one who follows the gospel of death (atheism) do not know what love truly is. To them, it is a form of ownership, a materialistic gesture, a reputation, and a status quo. Make no mistake, the belief in nothing truly is nothing in this life and the next and its way is death. Nothing here on earth is more important than finding the truth, recognizing the truth, living the truth, and rejoicing in the truth.
A Dark Basement (Acts 14:5-18, John 14:21-26)
We as human beings are always battling the very nature of gravity. Beyond the scientific sense of a force pushing us closer to the molten core of earth, there is another force at play that is just as powerful and weighty which carries grave consequences. Sin, our false habits, and our evil ways of the past as we knew them. Even presented with factual evidence, signs, and the truth of what is right, as the Apostles Paul and Barnabas experienced, attributing the power of God with great healings and signs still leads to the corruption in men's hearts when they see such power on display. Why is this? How can this be so? For the one who will only believe with signs, let this be a lesson to you. Signs do not produce the proper faith in all people. The freed Hebrew slaves literally saw the sea part in front of them and still fell away into their wickedness and disobedience through idol worship. We all have a natural tendency to descend the staircase to the basement and hang out in its darkness. Staying out of the basement requires effort - one must use their muscles, joints, and ligaments to ascend so as to remain out of the darkness. One step at a time, one effort at a time, two steps turn into five, and five into ten. The more effort we put into this motion (prayer, denying yourself, changing) the higher up the staircase we will ascend and there will be light for us to see and make appropriate decisions. Doing nothing (not praying, staying the same, doubling down on vanity) will leave us at the bottom of the staircase in the darkness. We will not know your surroundings because you will not be able to see.
The pagans of the Apostles' time were used to sacrificing to their gods - which were demons. In fact, even at the direct opposition to what was proclaimed to them, they still felt the need to offer sacrifice inappropriately in this manner. Even throughout the early church history, Presbyters and church leaders had to constantly remind the laity and warn them of falling back into their false elemental practices that were destroying them, even though they have been washed and sanctified. We will not reach the top of the staircase if we put no muscular effort into getting to the top. Knowing this, if one can deny himself and put in the effort to get to the top of the staircase, Christ tells us plainly what we can expect once we left the basement and shut the door behind us. We can recline in our living room, and the Lord and His Father will come in and take up their dwelling with us and we will be loved by Them. However, this will never happen unless we snap out of it and come to the realization that we do not belong in the basement. If we make the effort to ascend the staircase we will be lifted out of darkness. It starts with us and nobody else - reject the dark so light can replace it.
The Mob (Acts 14:19-28, John 14:27-31)
Imagine that? A hostile city, a mob of murderers, and a controversial message. If you know anything about chaos, mob violence, and lawlessness - you would know all these variables are a recipe for disaster. Take it from the holy Apostle Paul - even after the sons of satan dragged him out of the city and stoned him, The Spirit of the Lord raised him up upon his feet and gave him the courage to go back into that wretched place. I know how some atheists feel about this when I had mentioned the story to them - their response was this:
"Good. We will stone him again."
And other things of that nature.
Know who you are dealing with. When you are proclaiming the truth to someone you see a face, however, it may not be the face you think it is. If someone has satan truly in their heart, they will not hear your words accurately. Since the father of lies has no truth in him, he will lash out and put his vessel into a fit of rage against you. The truth is like a sharp spear penetrating their hearts. The evil one's armor is soft and weak and based on inferior fibers - the spear of truth that is from the Living God will pierce it and the evil one will cry out and retaliate against you either in words or deed. Make no mistake - for those who know, they will know who they are talking to immediately and of course you will see through the multiple layers of masks satan disguises his false righteousness in. Nonetheless you proclaim the truth, even at the threat of harm to your own life. The way the damned and self-condemned must be approached is this; one must wake up every day being ready to be persecuted, beaten, stoned, or carried off to death in order to proclaim the message of life to those who are perishing. Even if they do not listen - they must be reminded. Remember, the unclean spirits that are out in the world have a narrative of control, deceit, defilement, and malice - and for the ones who listen to them hear all of their lies and blasphemies - they have become deluded and forget what the Lord told them. Remind them. Remind them. Remind them.
Truly the Lord knew the "leader of this world was coming for him,” but he of course had no power over Him. One who is ready to die for the truth and proclaim the message of God to those who are on the way to their destruction is truly not under the power of the evil one - the master of this world. The landowner doesn't like disobedience from his slaves and concubines whom he rapes and torments - especially when those who come from another Master approach to drive out the wicked task master off the land to which he defiled, committed many murders, rapes, and profanities against the Lord his God. When in hostile territory take the ground that is earned and do not give it up. Drive satan out wherever the word of life must be proclaimed. Expect to get hit, harmed, and insulted. Don't be afraid of it. After all, it is a matter of life and death for those who can hear you.
Wolves In The Sheep Pen (1 Kings 13:33)
Who called you? Who put oil upon your head? Who laid hands upon you? By what authority do you declare to be a messenger of Christ - your own?
No, you repeat the sins of King Jeroboam, ancient King of the Kingdom of Israel who broke off from Judah after the reign of King Solomon for 40 years. He too also thought it was good to create his own priesthood and deny the ordination of the Levites who were given this task by the Holy One of Israel. The prophet Malachi says He turned your blessings into curses because you neglected and rejected the covenant of the Levitical Priesthood and became your own authority, which is no authority at all.
Today in Babylon we see the rampant sin of King Jeroboam go mainstream; from Mega Church to all the hundreds of thousands of denominations who are based on their own interpretation of scripture inspired by false apostles such as Luther and Calvin. Subjective worship of the scriptures is like idol worship brought on by their own vanity and inability to deny themselves. Take off your suit, self-authority minister of King Jeroboam, those who wear fine clothing live in government buildings and collect taxes from you.
If you were a true minister of the living God, you'd take your call to the foot of the Apostles' Church, deny yourself, practice the sacraments, take vows and minister in the clothes and vestments given to the real priesthood; the only priesthood which came from the Levites given to Christ through John the Baptist in the River Jordan (who was a Levite himself).
Since you love your fine clothes and wear suits to administer to your congregation, and love to receive your many donations to enrich yourselves - false ministers - I suggest you take them off and wear what you were meant to be wearing until you can do the right thing. Put on a sackcloth and throw ash over your heads and repent of your mimicking of King Jeroboam and your self-authority, which is no authority at all.
The altars you set up are false and there is no power in them. You don't even offer His flesh to eat or His blood to drink, nor do you have any power or authority to turn these foods and drinks into Christ, as it was given to His only priesthood handed down by God Himself. You received a different spirit, the one void of the body of Christ which is His Church and is the one from the beginning; a Holy Catholic and Apostolic one that encompasses every nation, tongue, race, and creed.
The many atheists and pagans to whom I preach, use the false examples you set in your own churches to discredit Christ and His True Church. They use your flawed examples and disobedience as a standard bearer for the rest of us to persecute the Body of Christ more efficiently. Normally I do not pursue heretics. However, you false ministers do have this going for you: you claim to believe in Christ. Now if this is true and you are not using your ministry as a means for sorted gain from vulnerable people who are spiritually sick, then you would be submitting a "not guilty" plea on the day of judgment. You will receive a trial and evidence will be presented for or against you. So therefore, I am not concerned too greatly with your antics and what you come to accept. Know this though, the ones you are corrupting with false teaching are producing more atheists and pagans than saving anyone. Not only will we all account for our own sins, false ministers, but we shall also account for the sins of those we teach falsely and lead astray. Now that becomes my problem. That makes my job harder; to snatch those from the fire who are marching off to their deaths when I must stop presenting them the truth of the Lord to explain why they didn't receive the proper spirit in their own churches when they believed, but a false one instead which destroyed their faith and created doubts in their minds, all because of you becoming a cause for yourself, false minister!. YES - many are former evangelicals who just went to your live concerts as an act of worship and bought your many merchandises that you sold them. They came to faith by the grace of God’s mercy, and people like you sent them instantly into the arena to fight demons and wicked opponents. It’s no wonder their faith was devoured, for they did not have the saving grace afforded by the sacraments, so they endured spiritual warfare. Do not act like you have no responsibility here, false minister, many have fallen away because of your pursuit of wealth, vain human honor, and autonomy in religious life. The power of Christ just isn't about playing the guitar and drums on stage, it’s about the Holy Mass and sacrifice which illuminates a follower of Christ’s very soul with sanctifying grace and is of course the bridgeway between the temporal way of things and the angelic heavenly elements.
Don't believe me? Okay. Ask Alexa - you'll believe her, right?
"Alexa, who founded the Catholic church?"
Then ask:
"Alexa, who founded the Baptist church?"
Then ask:
"Alexa, who started the Methodist church?"
And so forth. Don't like the answers?
Too bad - do what Christ and his Apostles commanded you to do (if you truly love Them and follow Them). Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him.
The Overman Will Not Endure (2 Peter 3:10-11)
Friedrich Nietzsche once said:
“No one is more inferior than those who insist on being equal.”
Scripture to the moral relativist who doesn’t believe in evil or good and who subscribes their ways to secular humanism which is void of the spirit; for it is only concerned with the temporary materialistic things of the world - the same things to which the Holy Apostle Peter declares in summary:
“...shall be burned up in the heat along with the elements...”
Pay attention and you will notice a plethora of dead 19th century philosophers on social media coming to life through the words of narcissistic people whose gods have become their stomachs, their reputations, and their bank accounts, as if the presbyters of death were preaching the gospel of death - the modern-day morality overlords of secular society. Their works follow behind them, and society grows worse by the day. See their evil works - destruction of the family, general lawlessness, and the self-degradation of their bodies thru genital mutilation and apprehension of the truth. Disagree with them? They heap abuse upon you. Remain in your corner with the gloves off, Christian man or woman, "you have no place here," is what they say to incite fear and obedience. It works on many. Push back on them. Don't be afraid. The Lord your God called you to be a conqueror, and to put these slaves of wickedness to their knees.
The atheist and the overman will not endure. Truth is not relative, it is absolute, and the Lord your God will humble our mortal souls, one way or another. All human life is precious and falls under the laws and governance of the One Who Was, Is, and Ever Shall Be. Only the demon says who is inferior and who isn't, because it has been made lower to the human soul by the will of the Lord your God. As for the master of lies, satan, his words echo in the mouths of his spiritual children, whether they perceive it or not because of their faithlessness and pursuit of self-indulgence and lower pleasures.
These dead 19th century philosophers are presbyters to the gospel of death - no words of life or salvation are in them. If you live by their words, the worm and rot will become your inheritance.
Section III – New Age Discourse For The Unbeliever
Let us pray:
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name,
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Meditate upon this mystery for up to five minutes:
The Third Joyful Mystery: The Birth of Lord Jesus Christ in Bethlehem
Behold, God came down to earth and became man for our sake. An angel of the Lord appeared to shepherds who were guarding their flocks at night in the field when this happened, and told them of this, and with great eagerness and joy, they proclaimed Him to everyone around them near the manger where the Lord was born. As well, three wise men came to worship Him while bringing gifts of frankincense, myrrh, and gold so as to pay homage to the King.
The star appeared three times since the birth of the Lord. On the first day He came into the world they tried to kill Him, on the second day the earth mourned Him while trying to kill each other, and on the third day the world ignored and rejected Him by trying to kill the thought of Him.
Close with:
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee, Blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.
Is God truly One and to whom does He give His Holy Spirit to?
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are One. Nobody who rejects the Father or the Son can keep the Holy Spirit, and anybody who rejects the Son does not even have the Father, for they are truly One!
What are the effects of being in a state of lifetime sin and unbelief, subject to morally corrupting/false idol/pagan/demonic practices and influence, void of the secure and firm protections of God’s sanctifying Grace?
Illness - both mentally and physically. Worst of all, the spiritual sickness within the person is the most concerning factor because of the future ramifications on those around this person, who shall advocate by way of their words and deeds the gospel of death to others (which is unbelief and to do what is improper and displeasing in the sight of the Living God such as worship of idols and demons), and to their very soul which was made eternal, but shall become subjected to death by way of unresolved sin both in the flesh and spirit. In this way, the sick and dying who are in the grace of God, whom have their sins rectified and confessed, and who place their hearts and minds on what is above rather than below, are said to be more ALIVE than those whose bodies are healthy, strong, but are lacking in faith and trust in the One who formed them and shall preserve them on the last day; indeed, in this way, which is true irony, the faithful who are dying in the hospitals hooked up to breathing tubes are more alive than those who are walking around strong in the flesh but are truly dead inside by way of what they came to accept in error. In this way, the dead walk, and the living find rest.
Is it true, that by the will of God, Grace enters the body of the unbelieving sinner - sanctifying him or her - thus calling this person to action, while receiving the illuminating light of grace raising up the intellect to the true knowledge of the Living God?
What God gives, He gives freely. The love and mercy of God is not something anyone can earn. However, one makes himself more worthy to receive such a gift if he shall deny himself, both in word and deed, and earnestly seek to treat others as another self, and to seek the Living God through communication with Him. Even in this, God has a will, and that will is not dependent upon the plans or worthiness of His creation. Some receive the graces of God by predestination, election, covenant promises, mercy, intercessions of those who know Him to a higher degree and are closer to Him, and the like. He pours out His spirit upon whom He wills it to be according to His design, so that an abundance of souls shall share in His glory. Even in this, people do receive His grace and forgiveness, but by way of their actions following the event, they choose to reject Him by their freewill. Either by way of unbelief, pursuit of sinful conduct, or deeds that are improper for His Holy Spirit to dwell - the receiver of Holy Grace, which is a gift, can outright reject it by way of their conduct. Nonetheless, the receiver of grace now becomes a person in a room which was darkened by their faithlessness and unbelief, only to have something of an angel walk by, turn on the lights, and open up the window curtains of the room so light can come in. Now that the light is there, the receiver of grace can look around and see where he is going and what might be hung up on the walls so he can make an informed decision to remain in the room in the presence of the light or to walk away from it down to the basement where the darkness dwells!
What must the sanctified once unbelieving sinner who received Grace do, after he/she has a change of heart and solemnly converts their heart and intention back to God - the One who called them?
Not exactly in every given order, although some may have to be in order:
1. Get on your knees and repent to God for all of your sins and offenses. Ask Him for His Holy Spirit to be given and remain within you and guide you to the truth so you may be pleasing in His sight according to His will.
2. Confess your lies to those whom you lied to. Even if it hurts greatly and even if you may stand to lose something - including your entire lifestyle. For the one who loses what is false and perishing, shall gain something much more valuable which is the truth (rest for your soul) and shall be everlasting! Right the wrongs you have with others. Forgive those who wronged you, even if you have nothing to gain. Then you shall see, the devil’s yoke shall fall from your neck, and the chains which bound you for so many years will snap, and through this - the condemned fallen angel will no longer be able to jerk you by the chains directing your movements in step with his will!
3. Pray and ask the Lord Your God for understanding of the scriptures so you may draw closer to Him and help those around you.
4. Read the bible, either in print/online form or through audiobook. Do not worry if you do not fully understand it yet. Save commentary for later. This is the starting line.
5. Take yourself to the steps of the Apostolic Church, the one founded by Lord Jesus Christ Himself, The Roman Catholic Church who offers sacrifice everyday everywhere in the world in almost every tongue - the same Church who called Apostles, Bishops, Priests, and Deacons - the successors to the Levitical Priesthood from the old testament. Now, when you follow the Priesthood, you shall find His authority.
6. Enroll yourself in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) and be catechized.
7. Write your name in the Book of Life in the Rite of Election.
8. Be baptized in the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit - by this time you will be made fully aware of your responsibilities as a Christian and true child of the Living God, for at this time you shall renounce the works of satan and become a self-professed enemy to him and the works of evil in the world. Be careful not to stumble, for the tempter shall come to isolate you, corner you, and trick you so as to separate you from your true inheritance!
9. Receive confirmation by laying on of the hands (from the successors to the Apostles which are the Bishops, Priests, and Deacons) so you may receive the Holy Spirit, be anointed with oils, and take a new name as a new creation.
10. Receive the Body and Blood of Lord Jesus Christ so He may be in you and you may be in Him.
11. Utilize the sacrament of reconciliation (confession) throughout your life when you sin again, for you shall sin everyday of your life. When you confess your sins, you shall return to the original state of your baptismal purity; for the best exorcism is a good confession!
12. Practice a life of sacraments in the Church, which shall infuse supernatural grace into you so you may stand firm in the trials ahead. Show evidence of your repentance by your deeds and conduct and try your best to avoid sinning at all costs in the wait of the promise to which is to come! Pray endlessly as much as you can throughout the day everyday!
What will the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) be like and why is it so lengthy?
You will go through a thorough examination of the scriptures with a trained catechist from the Church who will walk you through faith history, salvation, key theological points to understand about faith in Christ and the Church, and all the basics one who is entering the Church ought to know about its operation and what it believes. Furthermore, you should have open discussions with the catechist and members of your group so as to experience a fulfilling discerning process, although every parish may be different in how they operate their program. It may appear long and drawn out for many months because there is much to cover. Not everything can be said or explained in a few sessions, and it is in good care for a neighbor that the Church desires for you to know what you are getting yourself into before you enter it so there is no confusion in what everyone believes. Poor instruction or lack of training/discernment can lead to misunderstandings, faithlessness, error, frustration, and the ultimate falling away from the faith. That is why it is imperative that one discerns through the process and takes in as much knowledge as they can during RCIA.
What is a Catechumen and what will happen to me if I pass away before completing the process?
A Catechumen is someone who receives instruction in the Christian faith in order to be baptized into the Church. If you die before the process is complete, it would be considered that you have received the baptism of desire at death and are eligible for Christian burial as if you were a full member of the Church as a Christian.
What is the Rite of Election and signing into the Book of Life towards the end of my initiation journey?
Rooted in the tradition of the early Church and the book of Revelation, the Rite of Election takes place once a year during the start of Lent, where Catechumens indicate publicly among the faithful their intentions and desires of becoming a baptized Christian into the Church by signing their names in the “Book of the Elect,” thus giving them the title “Members of the Elect.”
Why must those who are sanctified and called by God renounce the works of satan?
Because darkness has no business with light. What is alive must either be living or dead and it just so happens that God is life and the works of satan is death, for by way of sin those who pursue satan and their own sins shall only receive death. Nobody can serve two masters, for satan is opposed to the will of God and by his works and deeds openly opposes everything that is good through God. For God called you to do what is proper and just, not what is improper and unjust. In other words, you must choose - for the Lord, which is the truth, or against the Lord, which is death. There is no inbetween, even if the agnostic or atheist falsely claims there to be an inbetween. Even when they claim to not be beholden to higher angelic powers and influences, you see by way of their moral decline and ethical decent, that they too fall victim to the works and will of stronger demons and their influence who are powered by their task master satan; and their works follow them in plain sight for all to see. Even more so, in fact, the power of the devil is stronger in self-professed atheists/agnostic types because they are asleep at the wheel throughout the course of the race between the cause for the salvation of souls and condemnation of souls. So, in their slumber, another driver takes over their vessel either directly or indirectly, and they are none the wiser because in their ignorance they still believe they are awake at the wheel when they are clearly fast asleep and allowing someone else in control. Do not be surprised at this, the First Pope Apostle Peter thought he was protecting Christ when the Lord revealed to them that He would be handed over to sinners and put to death. The Holy Apostle Peter said in summary “Lord, this will never happen to you!” But the Lord replied, “Get behind me satan, you do not have concern for the will of God, but merely human concerns.” Knowing this, we see that even the First Pope, a beloved Apostle, and Holy One who was granted much privilege in the Lord, still succumbed to the evil influence of the angelic tempter without even realizing it. In comparison, what can we say about one another in this matter? All the more for us, all the more for us. So we look to Christ’s Church and sacraments by our faith to renounce the works of satan both in mind, body, spirit, words, and sacraments, as if His Church also says “Get behind me satan,” to us daily when we are filled with distractions and human concerns brought on by the devil so as to separate us from the Living God by carrying out a stranger’s will which shall only lead to our destruction.
Will the washing away of original sin through Baptism in the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit really bring me into Christ’s death and resurrection?
Yes. The Lord said it himself in summary - “What is spirit must be born of spirit and water in order to enter the Kingdom of God.” And in another way, if the same life giving spirit that was from the Father raised Christ Jesus up from the dead, then that same life giving spirit which dwells in you shall raise your mortal body to life as well on the last day. The flesh is temporary, for it must die, because it has a beginning and an end which is subjected to decay/corruption and death. The spirit is eternal and your true Father in Heaven is happy to give you life eternal in His presence!
At my Baptism, will I truly die to the flesh and all of its works, while also being reborn in the spirit, thus being made anew eternally into the covenant of what is to come when all is accomplished?
Yes. Not all of this may come on you at once, or you might not feel the earth rumbling or see the lights of the Church simmering - but nonetheless, the power of the Living God is ever present in you working through you in ways you cannot imagine. The Lord is a gentleman, and He will not give you what you cannot handle, for He shall guide you along the way and give you pieces of what you can handle until eventually your mind, body, soul, will, and very bones cry out to carry forth His work. As the Holy Apostle said in summary - “put on the new man!”
Will I truly receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit when the descendants of the Apostles, which are the Bishops, the Priests, and the Deacons throughout the world who are in communion with the Seat of Peter - which is the Pope, lay their hands upon me in confirmation with oils signifying my election?
Yes. The effects of this do not occur immediately or in a short time, but over the period of your entire life in a subtle manner, so as long as you remain faithful, devout by way of the sacraments in the Church which are instruments of grace for you, and make it a cause to deny yourself continually so as to walk hand and hand with Him. You may stumble along the way, but since He shall beholding your hand, He will lift you back up so you do not fall.
What do the anointing of oils signify?
In baptism and confirmation, it signifies strength, the gifts of the Holy Spirit along with its seal in finality, and sets one apart as Holy; symbolizing their sanctification as a new creation.
Shall I take a new name once I become a new creation, and why would I even do this?
You will get an opportunity to choose a new name; preferably from a Saint who came before you and who is closer to God in a higher degree than most. Many people feel personal connections to Saints by way of their own characteristics, history, traits, and trials/tribulations. In no way does this indicate idol worship or worship of a human person who walked the earth at some point as some heretical sects falsely claim. If anything, it is imitating the spiritually of somebody who has God’s ear and is closer to God than most in a higher degree as was mentioned earlier. For example, if you wanted to know how to perform a task, would you not seek out a teacher who has performed the task before and perfected it, or would you seek someone who has nothing to do with the task you wish to learn about? So, it is for the Saints who know God, and who dealt with trials and tests of their faith in a meritorious manner, thus they are beautified and have been proven to stand in the presence of the Living God even after their death. The Church does not worship Saints, but they are given a level of respect as we ask them to pray for us because they have been proven to be pleasing in God’s sight. Some people also do not choose a Saint, but the Saint chooses them! Some people are also drawn towards specific Saints based on events in their own lives - for sometimes a Saint takes on somebody and reveals themselves to that person either by signal graces or in dreams and byways of miracles. Others are attracted to the missions of specific Saints that they carried out on earth; for example, the Apostle Paul was sent to proclaim the truth to the gentiles and pagans, and if somebody converted from paganism, that person might feel a closer connection to that Saint and choose to take His name at confirmation. In another way, some Saints may have had a specific disease that the new Christian might also have, and in this way there is a relationship through suffering. It is always good to discern these things and look into many stories of the Saints because God has not been silent for the past 2,000 years since Christ called His Apostles and given them authority for His Church, for He reaches out to His people in every generation and makes Himself known to them by way of the Holy Spirit. The people who declare “the Saints are dead,” are not in the fullness of worship, nor do they trust in the power of God, for the same life-giving spirit which raised Christ from the dead also gives life to His Holy Ones when their souls leave their bodies. Truly, God is life, and whoever puts their hope in Him shall live, for all are alive to Him even if their bodies/flesh have perished! Finally, this symbolizes the old saying “out with the old, in with the new.” You have died through baptism in Christ Jesus through the water, and now have been reborn into Him as an eternal being through Him. So He is called “The First Born from the Dead,” an example of many offspring of brothers and sisters who are to follow in the spirit - YOU!
When Transubstantiation occurs through the act of the Priest carrying out the Holy Mass - what is going on here?
The bread and the wine becomes the true FLESH and BLOOD of Lord Jesus Christ!
When I receive the Body and Blood of Christ in the bread and the wine during first communion - what happens?
You fulfill the word of the Lord when He says in summary, “Whoever eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood has eternal life and I shall raise them up on the last day,” and “Whoever eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood remains in Me and I in him.”
Going forward after RCIA, Rite of Election, Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion, what are the ramifications of continuing to receive the Body and Blood of Christ even in the state of unworthiness, which may occur later on after these processions are completed?
Those who approach the altar to receive the Body and Blood of Christ in an unworthy manner, shall be guilty of sinning against the Body and Blood of Christ. The Holy Apostle Paul tells the Corinthians this; that if they were more discerning within themselves of their actions and what they truly believe in, then they would not be suffering from illness (both physical/mental) and sickness. Furthermore, the Apostle says it is the Lord correcting their flesh so that their souls may be saved before judgment. It is also suggested by the Apostle that such a hard lesson can be avoided if we understand our responsibilities as Christians and what we must do in order to receive the Lord’s Flesh and Blood in a worthy manner. Many people, in their own error, falsely believe they are “entitled” to the Body and Blood of Christ, even when they are unrepentant, do not follow or try to understand basic Church teachings, harm of others, breaking of the commandments, God’s law, natural law, denial of basic dignity to others, deciding to pursue false things that are improper, willingly harming others with their hands and mouth, reinforcing their own selfishness, and supporting the evil acts of people such as mass baby killing, genital mutilation, teaching and promoting sexual immorality to little children and the like. In their darkened minds and delusional state brought on by unconfessed sin and a non-contrite heart, they forget that even though they may not physically do these things, they are guilty of it nonetheless when they support its actions by way of their APPROVAL. Furthermore, they fail to confess such things or be sorry for them, thus making themselves unworthy to receive Christ in this manner. Those who do these things and receive Christ within their bodies, only harm themselves, and those who support them in this matter are also helping these people to harm themselves. Regardless, there is free will, for all are free to make their own decisions (whether or not they are right or wrong) and although every situation is not known to man, the Priest, or an extraordinary minister - God alone knows the state of worthiness in the person who seeks to receive Christ Jesus. Please keep this in mind!
What does it mean to enter into the act and Rite of Marriage in the Church Christ Himself established through His Apostles 2,000 years ago?
For a baptized Christian man and woman to enter into supernatural union with each other, as ordained by God, for the purpose of children. In this way, the man and the woman, who is holy, becomes one flesh, and the act to which they carry out because of love aims to fill the Kingdom of God with souls through faith in Christ’s promise and the authority of His Church, which is the visible sign of His presence on earth. This is good.
Through Reconciliation and doing Penance, shall I return to my original state of Baptism like before?
Yes. For after one is washed, his or her sins are forgiven. Especially original sin. However, you shall sin everyday of your life going forward, and when you confess your sins to the successors of the Apostles, which are the Roman Catholic Priests who are also the successors to the Levitical Priesthood, you shall return to your original state of cleanliness in baptism. Be careful in this, the devil does not like this, and will try in more ways than one to tempt you to sin, so as to separate you from your inheritance, which is God.
Since I was absolved of original sin in Baptism, what happens if I fail to confess my individual sins going forward from the time I was washed until the day my earthly body expires?
You would have died in a state of sin. This is not good, for whatever sins that are not rectified in the flesh, shall be rectified in the spirit.
So, I confessed my individual sins through the sacrament of Reconciliation after my Baptism, but I never carried out the prescribed Penance issued by the Priest who absolved me of my sins as a condition for my absolution - what are the effects of this?
When the Priest says your sins are absolved by the authority of the Church, it is based on the condition you carry out your penance. Saints such as Padre Pio came across souls from purgatory that did not do their prescribed penance while they were alive, and therefore needed spiritual alms from him to move them along into the presence of Perpetual Light.
What is the sacrament of The Anointing of the Sick and when should I use it?
The sacrament is given by The Church to heal the sick and those who may become sick. A Priest will determine this when you ask him. Some instances for using the sacrament are if someone is about to go into surgery, if somebody is sick in the hospital, or if somebody is dying of an illness. When the anointing is performed, your sins are absolved, and the prayers to God from the Church shall heal the afflicted (either spiritually or physically), as the Holy Apostle Paul says.
What is the sacrament of Holy Orders and how does it concern me as a new believer?
This is the mark of the Bishop, the Priest and the Deacon. As a new believer, you should know that these sacred positions are set apart for sacred use in the service of the Church (the Seat of The Holy Apostle Peter in Rome, the 2,000 year old Roman Catholic Church). Also, they are the successors to the Apostles and the Levitical Priesthood. For when you follow the Priesthood, you follow the authority of God.
Why should I follow the path of the Saints before me through joining a religious order?
It's not good to reinvent the wheel, nor is it good to walk into uncharted waters. Surely, the ultimate good is to draw closer to God through prayer and spiritual practices pleasing in His sight, and what better way than to imitate the spirituality of a chosen holy one such as a Saint who was pleasing in the sight of the Lord, and who also have verified miracles both in life and after death (of the physical body) attributed to them. In another way, if you were wanting to learn how to do something, then you would find someone who is an expert in the matter and has experience, not someone with no experience. So, in this way, we imitate what has worked, so as to achieve the end of drawing closer to The One Who Formed Us.
Why should I ask the Saints for help and prayer in my endeavors and spiritual formation?
Because they stand in the presence of God. If people on earth can petition human judges on our behalf, then the Saints in heaven can petition the Ultimate Judge, who is God, on our behalf as well, for He loves justice and mercy. This concept pre-exists in Him before any human court, tribunal, or counsel. So, take your petitions to Him and those who stand in His presence.
What is the power of Prayer and why is it so important?
Those who pray talk to God. When the phone line is busy because you are using it to talk to your true Father in Heaven, the devil, who is also calling you trying to get you to pick up the phone who is always trying to tempt you to sin (separation from God by way of non-being and death), will hear a busy signal when he calls while you are in the spiritual act of praying, and in this way, you will not be subjected to what he has to say.
What is Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament?
A time period usually after Holy Mass in the Catholic Church to converse and draw closer to Christ through meditation over His Body in the blessed sacrament. As for many, their questions are answered here.
What is the power of the Rosary?
The power of God through Christ’s Mother who obtained promises for those who devoutly recite it for the salvation of souls. Given to Saint Dominic during the Albigensian Heresies in Southern France in the 13th century for the conversion of sinners. It is one of the most powerful prayers of The Church.
Can one preach the Rosary, and why should they do this in evangelization efforts?
It is possible to preach the Rosary as a form of prayer and public speech. There are different methods to this, and each one should practice how they would go about it. Normally starting off with an “Our Father” prayer publicly, then preaching on the mysteries of Christ from the bible and the Rosary, while adapting personal testimonial examples shall bolster the engagement of the speech. Furthermore, invoking Christ’s Mother in the middle of key talking points with the “Hail Mary” prayer shall also suffice. Then finally, closing the speech with a “Glory Be” prayer and “Hail Holy Queen.” Furthermore, it was said to Saint Dominic that when he was having trouble converting the heretic Cathars in Southern France in the 13th century, he had no success for up to a decade when he went about it his own way, so he prayed to God for help, and the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary appeared to him and gave him the Rosary so as to lift the veil of blindness upon the heretics who would hear his speech, and from there, they would convert. This applies a supernatural element, void of human pride and construct, and bears every good fruit for the building up of the Kingdom of God.
Is the Rosary the modern weapon of our age to combat the forces of darkness in the spiritual arena of good versus evil?
Yes. Anti-aircraft missiles shoot down planes. Tank mines destroy tanks. So shall the prayer of the powerful Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary make coward demons flee, while defeating heresies, unbelief, and decreasing vice.
Will praying the Rosary for the conversion of sinners be effective?
If nobody can say “Jesus Christ is Lord” without the Holy Spirit, then all the more nobody can say “Hail Satan” without the unholy spirit, which is the influence of the demons and the fallen angel coward. So, rather than hate one’s enemies as the unholy spirit wishes to persuade, so as to fight their sins and many abominations with more or like sins of anger and outrage on your part so as to isolate and trick you, or to pursue threats, fights, and unproductive hateful arguments with insults - rather, turn to our advocates who dwell in the Heavens for their conversion through the most powerful intercessory prayer in human history - The full Holy Rosary. Simply put, the Holy Rosary is an effective tool of angelic warfare, and the principle basis for which you use it is for the purpose of escalation of force. For what attacks you and others in society calls for a likewise level response. The enemy’s unholy spirit is supernatural, and divinely inspired/influenced by angelic beings aiming to take by force through the subordinate/weaker will of humans steeped in sin. This cannot be fought with elections, diplomacy, false “love” as confused atheists suggest, many useless worded policies that consist of thousands of pages that nobody will read; no, the unholy attacks upon the world and all that is good require a Holy defense and supernatural level response so as to meet the enemies of the Lord in the arena on equal setting so as to stab through their armor with sharp spears and successfully deflect their blows with properly welded shields. Going into combat with evil by your own ways and hand will never work, for you will be utterly defeated and more than likely become like them or worse. Use the power of the Rosary that your Mother gave you to vouch for the salvation of souls and to counter the forces of darkness. See for yourself; can an army successfully engage enemy tanks on the battlefield with nothing but rifles? Can troops respond successfully to enemy artillery being shot off from miles away with grenade launchers? No, anti-armor counter measures must be deployed to engage enemy tanks. Counter artillery batteries must also be established to return the hurt tit for tat. So, it is for the Holy Rosary and the forces of evil. Choose the proper instrument for the job so you may be successful in your mission and trust in the power of the Living God who shall deliver you and those around you. Not by your hand, but by His alone. So, in conclusion, yes, saying the Rosary for the conversion of sinners will be effective indeed, because Your Mother said so!
Should I use the Rosary to comfort the sick and dying?
Yes. Praying the Rosary over the sick and dying brings healing and comfort to their spirit and flesh, and sometimes even wakes them out of comatose; moreover, removing their pains at times in accordance with the Lord’s will. However; most importantly, it prepares their soul for what they are about to receive so as to align their will with the Lord’s will, thus bringing their soul to its calculated rest in Him.
Is there vast spiritual protection for oneself through devotion to the Rosary?
Yes. Mother Mary made these promises to Saint Dominic when she gave him the Rosary for the conversion of sinners and salvation of souls, and to all of those who shall be devoted to her most Holy Rosary:
1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall receive signal graces.
2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.
3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.
4. The Rosary will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire for eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.
5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.
6. Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just he shall remain in the grace of God, and become worthy of eternal life.
7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church.
8. Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints in paradise.
9. I shall deliver from Purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.
10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.
11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.
12. All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.
13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death.
14. All who recite the Rosary are my sons and daughters, and brothers and sisters of my only Son Jesus Christ.
15. Devotion of my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.
By continuing to deepen a personal devotion to the Rosary, will the soul experience a further on-going conversion of self, ultimately molding the heart and mind of the Baptized Christian Believer into the likeness of Christ the Redeemer, while rejecting the vanities and false pursuits of the world while more aligning the heart and mind to eternal heavenly things?
Yes. The heart will gradually be converted back to God while thoughts and desires of heavenly things will replace the thoughts and desires of worldly things. You will literally feel this power and presence in you the more you meditate on the mysteries of Christ through the Holy Rosary on a daily basis.
Do the demons fear the Rosary?
Absolutely. In fact, they cry out in pain to it and avoid it at all costs. For what is holy, is unbearable to them, for the spiritual flame is hotter than the temporal flame, and in this way, the Holy Rosary is unbearable to them. Furthermore, Mother Mary gave us the Rosary, and she is the most humble of all creatures. But the demons are the most prideful, and even though a wicked spirit can imitate states of goodness (for the purpose of envy), and play like they love or can honor higher beings, they cannot imitate humility, for it is the exact opposite of their original sin which was pride. So it follows they cry out in pain and cannot hide their torments from it.
In the letters to the Churches from the Book of Revelation, what denominations/Christian sects of today were they referring to?
The Catholic Church.
For no so-called “christian denomination” of today existed at that exact time. The same Church is still here today - 2,000 years later! The Apostle John was not referring to any denomination that should spring up over 1,000 years later. Whoever might believe such a thing is simply altering reality or living within a subjective false view of their faith.
What about fallen away believers of the Christian faith - including other denominations outside of the Church?
When this occurs, then it could be suggested that scripture is fulfilled from the Book of Revelation Chapter 13, Verse 18, when it says “Wisdom is needed here; one who understands can calculate the number of the beast, for it is a number that stands for a person. His number is six hundred and sixty-six.” And from the Book of John Chapter 6, Verse 66, which also says, “as a result of this, many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him.” Some parallels to note here; the Apostle John also wrote the book of Revelation, and he is also the author of the Gospel of John which is his own eye witness testimony. The scripture also suggests, if we pay close attention, that those who turned away from Christ Jesus so as to not accompany Him anymore did so when He revealed to them that they must eat His Flesh and drink His Blood so there be life in them. Furthermore, “the beast” could be attributed to the ACTION of no longer following Christ and thus turning away from Him, while reference to “the man” from the Revelation scripture could be referring to the author of Revelation and the Gospel of John who described this action of turning away/disobeying Christ’s instructions by way of the chapter and verse. Furthermore, this opinion should not be bound to it alone, for scripture - which has no origination in the human will, can mean MANY things ALTOGETHER in MANY different timeframes and in MANY different ways which are also true, thus demonstrating to the reader the grand design and will of the Creator who puts such things into motion by His wisdom and ideas, for He alone gives hints of His presence to those who are looking for them! Nonetheless, those who truly turn away, regardless of whether someone wishes to incorporate these scriptural verses, do so on their own account and freewill. However, it is not to say that they are not INFLUENCED by their decisions, as we see with the serpent convincing the woman in the garden to eat the fruit, and by way of agency (persuasion and tricks of the devil), the woman convinced her husband to also do the same! Furthermore, false denominations are also the works of the devil, for even if someone is not worshiping the devil, they are still succumbing to his design and will through ignorance. As we see with people who worship false christs which are merely mirror images of their sinful desires they want Him to accept as if He would change for them, when He said nothing of the sort! Additionally, as we see with the many heresies throughout the history of the Church for 2,000 years since the Lord walked the earth in the flesh, if the devil cannot take your faith, he will dilute it and confuse it so as to trick you into lesser worship which leads rise to error and improper things, as we see with the Evangelical Lutheran sect of Babylon utilizing transgender bishops! However, this does not mean that those who are part of other denominations are evil, for there are friends of God who know God, even though they may not be in the fullness of worship!
Section IV – Letters and Speeches
Let us pray:
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name,
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Meditate upon this mystery for up to five minutes:
The Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Presentation of the Baby Jesus in the Temple
In accordance with the law of Moses, Mother Mary and Saint Joseph brought the Messiah to Jerusalem for Him to be presented to God. While there, He saw Simeon and the Prophetess Anna, who both praised Him and proclaimed the child to all who were looking for the redemption of Israel.
A light to the gentiles and the glory of Israel. Out of the darkness you must step into the light.
Close with:
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee, Blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.
First Letter To An Orthodox Rabbinical Levitical Jew
I am sending you this letter to warn you of your error. My uncle, look at what you have become? Nobody who has God in his heart would treat his family the way you do. The Lord is not there – satan is. I care about you my uncle, and I wish for your soul to be preserved. Through your worship of the Rabbis – who do not know God, you have grown worse, to the point of idolatry.
The Orthodox sect of Judaism is a new sect, formed recently in the past few hundred years in Eastern Europe, for they even have their own dialectic language – Yiddish, which is not biblical, but rabbinical and false. The Christ that I profess to you has been worshiped for over 2,000 years, and he was before Moses and the garden – and he has a temple everywhere in the world where sacrifice is given, and the continual liturgical prayers are said all throughout the world by all believers as in the days of old. Your false Rabbis are not from the line of Aaron like we are, nor can they offer sacrifice in the temple, for they do not have a temple to do such a thing, nor do they follow their own law which they preach by offering the blood upon the altar for the sins of the people. They will not even honor the dead in a cemetery, as the law clearly states ONLY a PRIEST from the line of AARON who is going to offer sacrifice for the SINS of the people must adhere to. Yet, your false Rabbi friends ignore these commandments, and twist the words of God to suit their own false traditions – which are human precepts and not spiritual, nor do they have any real power.
The First Commandment tells you plainly:
“You shall have no other Gods before me.”
Yet, you nullify the word of God, and his Son, through the false teachings and manipulations of dead Rabbis. You hold their word over the Lord, the one who gives you life, the one who will preserve you from the coming fire, and The One Who Was, Is, and Ever Shall be. He was before the Jews, your false traditions, and the fake Rabbis. Did you know, my uncle, that the Rabbi who officiated over your brother’s funeral pulled up in an electric vehicle, and he called YOUR brother mentally handicapped? Not only did he say this, and upset your sister (my mother), but he also mocked your brother at his very funeral before me and my father buried him fully – he referred to your brother as a “prophet,” and not in a good sense, but a mocking sense, as if YOUR brother was a source of entertainment for him. Did you know uncle, that our ancestors, the wicked generations before us who rejected the Lord our God in the wilderness and throughout ancient Israel, killed the prophets? Not only did they kill the prophets – but they rejected them, tortured them, and persecuted them. Why do you worship such a group who does not know God, seeks to nullify the words of God, gives you false teachings and permits evil to enter your heart? They have no signs – nor do they know the spirit of the Living God. They have nothing to teach you – for they themselves do not know God, nor do they receive visions and wisdom and miracles as of old.
They follow a law that is expired, by our own scripture in Tanakh – read
Lamentations 2:9:
“The law is no more.”
Behold, Moses told you himself:
“Before you enter the land you are to possess, I give you a curse and a blessing. Do what the law says and be reveled amongst the nations. Do not do what the Lord says, and follow foreign Gods, (which Solomon and all the Kings of Israel did [except David] and you will be cursed and taken into exile and humiliated among the nations.”
Uncle – are you blind? What has happened over the past 3,000 years? Our ancestors failed to keep the law, which was a curse, and for that, they were taken into exile. Why do you think we speak English today? We are Americans – foreigners in exile. The exile I mention is not the exile you believe though, for the true exile for those who truly believe in the power of God refers to the Kingdom of Heaven, which was meant for our people, preached by God’s one and only Son, the One whom you reject. I tell you plainly uncle, when your body dies, your soul will remain. It will approach the gates of Heaven and you will see The Christ standing there beside the Living God, the one you falsely profess to worship through false Rabbinical commentary. When you see the Son of the Father there, you will realize that everything you did in life was wrong, and that you had no understanding, or love for your neighbor or self. The Lord will open his arms to you, and the Lord Jesus Christ – Son of David – the Messiah meant for you and me, will also welcome you. But what will you do, Uncle? You will turn away – because you could not honor the truth in the flesh – how will you do it in the spirit? You will realize, that once you step out of the darkness that you are in, which is your life, that all knowledge you accumulated in the flesh will be worthless. All your learning, worthless. Everyone who ever existed in the spirit will see you for what you are, and simply know everything about you, even your deepest secrets and hidden motives, and on that day, you will tell yourself – “I am not dressed properly to be received by the Lord my God. My garments are stained. I know what I will do, I will walk the nether regions and purify myself and get my garments clean, then I will return into his arms.”
Uncle, it doesn’t have to be the way you make it. You do not have to suffer in perpetual purgatory, where most never make it out. I will pray for your soul on that day and give you spiritual alms so you can move on to the presence of the One who formed us. However, make it easy on yourself Uncle, DENY yourself, take up your CROSS, and FOLLOW Him. For your sake, not mine.
Don’t listen to the Rabbis. They can’t save you or preserve you. Only the Lord can. The reason you are suffering in the place of torment you are in is because you listened to the gospel of death your entire life. By way of vanity, you tried to know more than God, and study your way to spiritual things, which is impossible. Why is it impossible? Because the spirit knows all things, even your heart and your motives. It was meant for you, but you reject it through false vanity and racial traditions/pride that are not proper for the next life and beyond. You will do well to rid yourselves of these things, for they are chained weights that weigh you down on your journey to eternal life. Be well my uncle, and I will pray for you.
Your Nephew
Second Letter to an Orthodox Rabbinical Levitical Jew
I have received your letters and voicemails, thank you for keeping me in your thoughts, even if it is in a negative fashion. I hope you are doing well. There are a few things I wish for you to consider and ponder, my dear uncle:
-Mankind in general, especially the Jewish people, are not the authority of the truth. Who is the authority? None other than the Lord our God, whose Divine Essence is the truth, to which no other truth can compare. If something cannot be accepted because of our own pride or subjective opinions born out of hate and ignorance, this does not mean we are in the truth, but are lacking the truth, and have chosen to remain in a lie which is willful ignorance. I know that you know the just decrees of our God, but by your words and deeds, you still continue to reject what was meant for you since the creation of the world.
Consider in the days of Moses, when our people were led out of Egypt to the desert. Every one of them witnessed the power and glory of the Lord, who parted the sea for them so they could escape pharaoh's hand, all while at the same time, dropping the water upon our enemies so as to wipe out pharaoh’s army and send then to a watery grave - as their deeds deserved. With the Hebrew’s own eyes, they witnessed these things - the great power of the Lord, who encased Mount Sinai with a fiery cloud, and the earth trembled before the congregation of the Israelites eyes. The only one who could walk through this frightening blazing cloud of fire and glory was the Holy Prophet Moses, for any human or animal who approached the mountain were to be stoned to death. Our fathers witnessed this, and yet, they still TURNED ON HIM and succumbed to UNBELIEF, SIN, and IDOLATRY with the golden calf, for even our High Priest Aaron thought it good to partake in this wicked work. You are like them, and so are the rabbis and unbelieving Jews of today, who think they can stand by their own hand and not God’s.
My uncle, my point is, our people do not have a good track record of faithfulness. All through the bible, they disobey and resist the Holy Spirit, which was meant for them. Even Moses had enough, and succumbed to their grumbling and disobedience, even after putting down thousands of heretics and rebels within our own congregations, for you a descendant of Levi put them down with the sword in the name of the Lord our God for the sake of His Name. Because of this, Levi was made special in the eyes of the Lord - entrusted with the Priesthood and tabernacle, the music, the temple guards, the Holy teaching of scripture to the Israelites with readings, and the many ministries that accompanied these tasks. You know, dear uncle, just as well as I do, that going forward, the Israelites rebelled against the Lord your God, even when they begged Moses to send us PROPHETS such as him because they could not hear the word of the Lord at the base of the mountain, at their own request, when they cleansed themselves for three days and refrained from defiling themselves with women up until the event, so as to be made pure in the sight of the Lord their God in order to hear His commandments. But do you remember what happened? They could not hear Him, for their hearts were not ready to hear Him, and the sound was unbearable to them, thus they begged Moses to interpret, and from that day on, the Lord your God would give us prophets so as to guide our way in truth.
Now, what did we do to those prophets? We killed them. We tortured them. We did not listen - thus the Lord our God took back His inheritance to which He gave us, both our temples and our nation for thousands of years. Our Kings turned on the Lord and were taken into exile for this. Those who hated us ruled over us, and we were taken into exile all throughout the world. It is why you speak English, and I also speak English, because of the FAITHLESSNESS of our fathers.
-Turn back to the Lord your God in truth. The rabbis whom you falsely worship, are not from the Priesthood of Aaron, nor are they from Levi - but are a cause for themselves, and they are the spiritual descendants of Korah the rebel who challenged Moses in the days of disobedience in the desert, and the priestly line of King Jeroboam, who believed ANYONE could become a minister besides Levi, thus nullifying the words of the Living God, and making himself a reproach, a curse, and a byword throughout history. The Holy Prophet Malachi told you himself my dear uncle, “The Lord has cursed the false ministers' blessings.” I know what these false ministers tell you my uncle - that you should not petition the Lord your God in prayer for others, that you are bound by The LAW which was an intermediate guideline for murderers, those who sleep with their relatives, those who steal, and people who harm others and do not honor a contract, as well as those who extort widows and manipulate orphans, carried out by a mediator through way of an angel in the absence of the promise that were given to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs - who were RIGHTEOUS before and without the law, but were pleasing in the sight of the Lord their God by GRACE alone, the same Grace today which now has saved billions of people throughout the earth who seek the only Son of the Living God, and to which is now the fulfillment of the Law in Christ Jesus who is the First and Last, the One by His agency brings all living things, happenings, causes, and events, including the Law - to their calculated end and fulfillment; Lord Jesus Christ, who was meant for YOU as well, even though you prefer to be like your ancestors who challenged Moses in the days of faithlessness.
Make no mistake my uncle, unless you change and come to the truth, you shall be like Korah and his lot; sucked into the ground with all of your possessions, for in the same way he thought he could challenge Moses, and that he thought the entire congregation was “holy” as he put it, and when he thought nobody had to listen to Moses, God’s friend, in the same way, the disobedient rabbis and rebels think they are “holy” as well, and they challenge the only begotten Son of the Living God as if the Lord their God shall abandon His only Son, whom He raised up in Glory and will send back to the earth to judge it and rule over it as the King of Kings, as promised through King David, and like the days of disobedience, the Lord your God shall show you, me, and everyone who is “holy.” There is no argument here my uncle, we will see for ourselves, with our own eyes. I assure you of this my uncle. Make no mistake. The rabbis and fallen away Jews who turned on the Lord their God pursued many vanities, inflated sense of self, they worship their subjective version of the scriptures to adhere to their own causes and human appetites, and they regurgitate the scriptures, especially the Torah, over and over again through endless pointless commentary so as to stay relevant for the sake of false human reputation, honor, pride, and honorable seats at banquets. Do you honestly think the Lord your God is not aware of their ways? My uncle, of course He is! It is why He told you plainly through His Son, “Ignore them, they are blind guides, for if the blind leads the blind, BOTH shall fall into a pit!” and also “they are like white-washed tombs, clean on the outside, but filthy and filled with all kinds of wickedness on the inside.”
-I only want the best for you, and I do not want you to perish, although you are so focused on it. Whoever, or whatever unclean spirit that comes to you and whispers in your ear, telling you that I am your enemy, and wish you harm and death, is clearly lying to you. I would never hurt you, and I would never wish ill for you. It is why I tell you the truth today, so you get baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, as the Lord your God commanded you, so you shall receive eternal life. It is the only way for you that will have a positive outcome in your favor, for anything less is error, confusion, hatred, antics, and death. The evil you brought into your life by way of your unconfessed and unaddressed sins has surrounded you as an army does with catapults who are besieging a city. You are under constant attack, and it is very obvious.
-It is clear what you must do by way of your freewill, my dear uncle - SAVE yourself: One, get on your knees and beg the Lord your God and His Son for forgiveness of all your sins and your ways, ask them for the Holy Spirit. Request a Catholic Priest, who is the descendent of the Apostles, who were called and established by Lord Jesus Christ, Son of David, the King of Israel, and the King of the Universe, who in turn was baptized by John the Baptist, who was also the son of a Levite Priest (follow the Priesthood and there you shall find God’s authority), for him to baptize you and discuss options to bring you into full communion with the Church which is the Body of Christ, which has endured persecution and attacks for 2,000 years, and stands longer than any temple period, the same Church with God’s authority who makes sacrifice for sin EVERYDAY through the bread which is the BODY and BLOOD of Christ, the same Church which is spread out throughout the world in every tongue, language, race, creed, and nationality - they are the descendants of Levi and the Apostles, not the false rabbis who spurn the Levitical Priesthood and teach you false things. This is the starting point for you, and literally the path of life for you. Anything less is death.
-Consider my words in truth my uncle, for I only want what is best for you, and I do not want you to die. Our relatives, who are already dead in the flesh, know the truth now and they would agree with me based on what they know now as a spirit. Do not worry about them, I offered a Holy Mass for them in name through the Church, for the repose of their souls, for the sins we do not address in the flesh shall be rectified in the spirit, then only you shall be relieved of your torments by way of spiritual alms from the living, and this will be infinitely harder for us in the spirit to deal with, for many torments await tormented spirits who could not come to the fullness of worship in the flesh. Don’t go through that pain my dear uncle, it's clearly not worth it.
Consider changing my uncle, for your sake, not mine. I only want good things for you and I do love you very much, even if you do not love me back or care for me in the same way. How could I not love you, my dear uncle? If I love God, which I most definitely do, then I have no option but to love you as well, and it is definitely not a choice, but a duty and what is right. Even those who wish to bring you harm, you should love them as well, because every man and woman is made in the image of the Lord our God, and when you hate another person because of something they did to you or perceived to have done to you, you also attack the image of God. As the Son of The Living God told all of us - “be perfect, as your true Father in Heaven is perfect.”
Your Nephew
A Speech To The Prisoners….
Let us begin our discussion in prayer,
(sign of the cross)
In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
O’ Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will proclaim your praise (+).
O’ God, come to my assistance, Lord make haste to help me (+).
Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel…
Lord God, from you the Father, every family on earth derives its name. Thus we are all connected as family members through your Name, made in your image and likeness since the beginning of creation. Our First Mother, Eve, was of the flesh. But from our Second Mother, Mary - The Holy Mother of God and Queen of Heaven, a life-giving spirit, destined to dwell in your presence for eternity through your only Begotten Son. Please open our hearts and our minds, and send us your Holy Spirit. Amen.
(sign of the cross)
Hello, my religious name is Paul-Patrick and I will be discussing “God in our relationships.” A little information about myself, I was born a Levitical Jew and spent most of my life as an atheist in the Army. I served three combat tours to Iraq as an Infantryman. I never believed in anything nor was I interested in religion, for I was a man of explosions, firefights, drunkenness, orgies, wobbly and dizzy street fights and I did whatever I wanted to do. I wasn’t treating my family or my neighbors right, and I was a liar and a cheater. Furthermore, I defiled myself with many women throughout my life, and I have blood on my hands. I manipulated other people and harmed them in more ways than one. I was selfish, full of greed, hateful of others, and filled with all kinds of vanity and wickedness; for I had no intention of changing. Then the Lord came for me in the dead of the night and converted me Himself in the year 2020. From then on, I knew He existed; so from there, I had a choice to make, FOR the Lord, who is the truth, or AGAINST the Lord, which is the road to destruction. I honor the truth, and I was wrong and He was right. I do not stand here before you today on my own accord, but for His Namesake, for He loves all of you and your families, and shall mold you into what you were meant to be by His Divine Will and Providence, which is the best outcome for you if you let Him into your hearts. Since my conversion, my family relationships have improved greatly. Even my voice and speech have improved, because I was a severe stutterer for my entire life, even to the point where people thought I was mentally handicapped when I would attempt to speak to them. Trust in the power of God, for He alone can do anything. I was baptized into the Church in 2022 and was received into the Dominican Religious Order this year as a layman. Now I live for the Lord and not for myself.
I invite all of you to take notes of key words or thoughts that may come into your heart throughout the discussion. You will get an opportunity to share it with the group.
All of us here today are many different things to people we care about. Some of us are sons, husbands, fathers, brothers, uncles, boyfriends, fiances, and friends. The people we know look up to us, and they look at us as an example for them to follow or learn from. Even when we think we are not setting the examples we wish to convey to those we love and care for, we still provide value both to them and in the sight of the Lord our God. Each and every one of you holds unique value both to God, society, and those around you.
Now at this time, if all of you would follow me for a second, close your eyes and lift up your soul back to a time when you were with a loved one and recalled the joy of that relationship.
Wait 20 seconds…
Now keep your eyes closed, and bring yourself back to a time when those relationships experienced tension, pain, and struggle.
Wait 20 seconds…
Now open your eyes, and replace that pain with the crushing pressure of the Chief Corner Stone, which is Christ Jesus. Christ cares about where you are going, and not where you have been. What is in the past, should stay in the past so we can learn from it and become better sons of God for the sake of who we love and care for. Our Lord mentioned “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” as being the only unforgivable sin. What does this mean? My friends, this means that someone could not forgive themselves for what they have done in the past, even when the successors of the Apostles give them absolution in confession after they confess their offenses to God, self, and man. Truly if you can not forgive yourself, and believe that the Lord our God forgives you as well, then forgiveness is impossible, and this is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Know that God loves you, and also loves those you love to a higher degree than we could ever comprehend, and for us to love others around us as God loves, then we must accept His Divine Power to forgive us for what we have done. This is the first step forward to repairing our broken relationships through the Living God.
As men, our primary vocations are to be Ministers to our family and friends. In addition to this, to be Ministers to our neighbor, treating them as another self. When God is at the center of both our minds and our hearts, the temple of our bodies becomes a suitable dwelling place for His Spirit. This effect spills over like water overflowing out of a cup. You, the vessel, are the cup. God’s spirit is the water, and this is how a God centered life shall affect relationships with those you love. Even strangers, for water discriminates against no one in regard to wetness. Recall the way you used to handle your problems your own way and on your own terms. Did it always work out in your favor? When we put our trust in God, He acts on our behalf through ourselves, other people, and material events. The best outcome for us is always the result. I encourage all of you to bring prayer and the invocation of the Holy Spirit into your relationships so as to bind them, heal them, and preserve them.
When you leave here, the tempter will come to isolate you, corner you, and trick you. Drown out the voice of evil influence by communication with your true Father in Heaven through daily consistent prayer. Think of it this way my friends, if you are on a phone call with the One who will give you good advice, all you will hear is God’s voice and not the false words of something else. The voice of God you seek and listen for devoutly will repair your broken relationships. Trust shall also spring forth from this effect over time.
Surprisingly enough, most people do believe in God, even those who just do not know it yet. Many of us are distracted by the idols of the world that make us forget about the truth, but it is never too late to bring those around you back to God through you. Our families sometimes can be on fire for God, and cold towards God, or lukewarm. Remember that the Lord is the glue of the family unit, for it is what He alone established. Repairing your family and friends through Him will never fail, even if it isn’t exactly on the timeline we expect or in the way we envisioned. Seriously, gorilla glue has nothing on Him; that was a joke. Bring prayer into the familial spectrum constantly, and the Lord will act. Remember this though, incremental changes are always a good approach. If you come off too forcefully, it might put someone on the defense. Start out by showing real interest in the person you are trying to repair the relationship with, then become helpful in any way you can. It starts with God in you, then you must bring God to others so He can repair that relationship between the both of you. This can not occur until trust is established in good faith and genuine love for neighbors.
Finally, remember that God is not only in you and in those you love, or those you prefer to be around, or those who might look like you, no - He is also in those who think they hate you at the moment or wish to harm you in ignorance because of the influence of the demons and satan. As the Lord said, “forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” Christ died for those who hated Him just as much as He died for those who loved Him. For all are children in the image of the Living God, and when we treat others better than the way we treat ourselves, even in the face of persecution and struggle, that is a grace from God for our benefit. For the good we give in return for the bad is a credit to our account, for nothing escapes the sight of the Creator.
Let us pray,
End with prayers:
(sign of the cross)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Hail Holy Queen. Amen.
(sign of the cross)
Surrender Letter To satan
You are surrounded. Your forces are cut off on all sides, and your troops (the demons) are hiding in their holes so they will not be shot. Your trenches are abandoned by your slaves, and they continue to lose ground day by day. They no longer occupy their positions. They have fled in droves.
As for your troops, who remain hidden, but choose to send out the lower ranking to cause our forces minor skirmishes and harassing fire, their morale is at an all-time low. They do not wish to keep the fight going - for the captured ones have revealed this to our leaders on the ground. We know they do not wish to die but have deluded themselves into thinking they can still launch a counter-offensive and retake territory they have already lost in great humiliation and crushing defeat. They are scared, tired, starving, and wish to be in glory again if given the opportunity. Tell them to come out of their holes with their hands up, so they will be taken prisoner and not be shot or blown to pieces in the hiding spots they now cower in.
As for yourself, relinquish your command and end your rebellion. By the blood of the King, he has already defeated you. The longer you wait to surrender, the worse it will be for you and all your forces. Consider it in truth - there is no reason for you and your forces to have to die. However, they will be destroyed if you do not accept the terms laid out for the unconditional surrender of your troops and your secondary forces. Surrender quickly - for the window of opportunity for you is already closing.
Section V - Prayers
Let us pray:
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Meditate upon this mystery for up to five minutes:
The Fifth Joyful Mystery: The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
At the conclusion of the Passover, Mother Mary and Saint Joseph were returning by caravan back to their hometown of Nazareth, when they noticed the child Jesus was not accompanying them. Concerned, they returned to Jerusalem to discover Him instructing the teachers of The Law in the Temple courts. When they had asked why He had done this to them, the child Jesus replied, “Don’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?”
Not by our skill Lord, no, not by our hand or understanding, but by Yours alone!
Close with:
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee, Blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.
The demon said it would blizzard on that day and it did.
Wash away my sins – even those of my children.
Lay your hands upon me and I shall take the name of Paul, for you converted me along the road to destruction, off to death was where I was headed!
My ways and my pride have been cut down with sharp devices and brought low, as you thought it good, O Lord, so that I may serve you as you see fit.
Make me worthy, and I shall bend the knee and open my mouth.
Your flesh into my flesh.
Your blood into my blood.
Flashes of light, everything explained and said, without even a word uttered.
Take up residence under my roof and dine with me, so that I be in you, and you be in me.
Lord, please help me.
Do not allow me to be tricked by the wicked.
Protect my ears from the gospel of death, the belief in the unbelief, and the cult of the worm.
Give me faith, truth, and hope. Bring me a shield of your light that shall deflect the words of rot and decay.
These teachers of mine tell me lies.
They falsify narratives and reinvent history to align with their corrupt belief system.
They do not love me.
They do not love each other.
They do not love the truth.
They do not love You.
They only love themselves, and for themselves, only do they stand.
In your majesty O Lord, if you were to appear to them in the flesh, they would bend the knee.
Yet, they see you every day and do not.
Son – where is your faith?
Daughter – are you easily swayed?
Father – why do you doubt?
Mother – so you do not understand?
Uncle – still in denial?
Sister – turn back to your youth, when you were pleasing in His sight!
Brother – put down the club and remember what the Lord said to the Apostle Peter before He was carried away to make all things new!
In these last days Lord my God, become my divine teacher, and instruct me on your ways with the Spirit of Truth.
I have seen men become rich.
I have seen men become poor.
None are happy, no one is satisfied.
Their idols are sports, and their altars are places of strong drink.
They bow down to the work of other sinner’s hands.
Because I love you, my God, they mock and insult me.
But I am in mourning for them because I do not want them to die, even though they have already become the walking dead.
What am I to do Lord?
Please strengthen me.
Let me dwell in your presence O Lord, both in every city and town, where Your Majesty stays enthroned upon the tabernacle of angels and life itself.
Your encased embodied vessel radiates the truth and understanding – a warm comforting presence of knowledge and courage.
Open the doors to the Church and let me in – there is peace, understanding, and truth here. I seek refuge in your presence.
Outside is the darkness, where the gold toothed merchant sways and peddles his neighbor for sorted gain, the thief breaks in and steals, the sexually immoral mutilate their genitals and appropriate your bow of the covenant as a symbol for their sexual immorality, and where wicked people sacrifice their children to demons for future professional and financial prosperity.
Your gaze pierces them. Your watchful eye sees them. You knew them from way back then and even until now.
Just a little longer – and your plan made perfect!
But hear my petition O Lord, hear my plea and my cry just this one time – a lowly sinner who loves You!
Is there even fifty righteous men and women in Babylon? What about forty who are contrite? Maybe thirty who have potential? How about twenty who are worthy?
Lord My God, will you stay your hand for the sake of ten righteous men and women in Babylon who will repent and change their ways?
Your children do not know you. Neither do their parents.
A career here, a promotion over there, and a vacation from time and time again.
Those who have forgotten you have occupied their minds with useless things.
You call them, but they do not answer.
You leave them messages, but they do not listen.
When the evil one calls them, they pick up the phone.
This wicked one whispers in their ears and tells them things they want to hear.
This wicked one encourages them to offend you and do what is wrong and they rejoice in his instructions against you.
This wicked one tells them up is down, and down is up.
Right is wrong, and wrong is right.
Man is woman, and woman is man.
Violence is peace, and peace is violence.
Lawlessness is order, and order is lawlessness.
Justice is injustice, injustice is justice.
Cold is hot, and hot is cold.
Good is bad, and bad is good.
The Bread of Life is just a memorial meal and nothing more!
For how can one drink His blood and eat His flesh? Cannibal! Abomination! Law breaker!
Hurl your insults at me – see that I am ready.
These Babylonians rejoice in their wickedness against you, Lord My God.
For the ones who resists, the enemy comes to choke them, to shake them violently into agreement with their ways.
The weak in heart in spirit submit, and they repeat what the destroyer tells them.
The faithless are too afraid to even challenge and risk being choked by the demon, for they love and look up to it, and do its will – because its what they decided in their own minds to set out and accomplish for the sake of the false idols that are their bellies, their lower pleasures, their vanity, approval among mere men and women, and their desirable comforts to which they sold the Author of Life, the Living God, the God of Israel for.
Not so with the children of the Living God, not so.
Protect my ears, O’ Lord, and I will fortify my fighting position.
Those who are confused and dying, shout louder, scream at the top of your lungs. Repeat the words of your master.
The Lord is in I and I am in Him. Raise your voice even louder because I still cannot hear what you have to say.
Take off your mask, satan, I see you!
In the night, you take me places I have never been.
You fly me to places I did not know.
Not then did I know, nor did I understand when in a little while.
But not only until later did I realize something of what you showed me.
You did not hold back the truth, nor did you lie to me to tickle my ears.
You speak to all your creations, every night, in their dreams, in their thoughts, testing them and guiding them.
Our hearts you test, our minds you scan. Our actions you reward and punish.
Show me what is right and just in your eyes, Lord my God, and I will carry it out.
Yes, I will give you my first born.
You withhold the firing pin.
You cloud the scope.
When I fired on your angels, you did not allow the hammer to fall.
In my ignorance, I resisted you, my Lord. Forgive me.
I protected what was wrong and unjust, even to the point of shedding blood because I thought it was right.
I do not know better than you Lord of Hosts, Creator of the Universe.
Spare me on the day of fire, so I can vouch for the ones I encounter.
I did not fully understand then, but behold, I do now!
You came for me in the dead of night.
Even when I was dead, you brought me back to life.
You made me choose, either the truth or something other than the truth.
I honor the truth – so I chose you, Lord my God.
You illuminated me with the light that is both warm and cold, an invisible beam which sent goosebumps down my neck, and made the hairs on my arms stand up.
You wrapped your garment of sanctifying grace around my lifeless body; as I was enveloped, I could not resist – even though I clearly could.
I was evil and wicked, worthy of death, yet you sanctified me, Lord my God.
You told me with no words, “turn back.”
So, I did.
Now, my life is yours – my true life.
He Who bends the bow and snaps the spear, show me what I must do.
How can mere mortals contemplate your words and what you show them unless you provide the food for thought?
Where was I headed?
Where was I going?
You knew from the beginning that my ways were death.
So, what did you do?
In the night, you showed me where I was headed and where I was going.
The dark is cold, and the smell of fear lingers.
Bunk beds aligned in every row, multitudes of us there, unaware of what we should do, or how we even got there.
Silence to whimper, whimper to cries, cries to anger and shouting. Confusion sets in.
Fornication becomes the rule, cannibalism the practice. Like they did in their first life, so they do in their second.
I hid among the bodies; I crawled through the chaos to safety. Some others were with me whom I do not know.
We escaped this wretched place, this holding area of terror and sorrows.
The lower regions were behind us, and the upper regions shed their light as we approached.
There we waited for our ride to take us down the river.
Nothing looked familiar, for I knew this place not. Ancient stone structures all around.
Many lifetimes passed us by as we waited to board the ferry that would take us away.
When we got on, I sat at the stern.
When we departed, I was relieved to leave this wretched place – the land of my fathers, where Saint Patrick once walked.
As I stared down the tributaries we passed, I could see multitudes of people standing on the water out in the middle of the river.
They kept repeating actions over and over again.
Often not performing them correctly, only to retry again and again, without understanding.
The ferry began making stops along its route.
Each time, more passengers would get off – until I was left alone.
This was frightening, for I did not know what it meant.
When the boat came to its final stop, I disembarked.
I walked up to the top of a towered building where I met a man sitting behind a desk.
He asked me questions I cannot perceive, nor am I capable of remembering.
He did not tell me how I did.
Then he dismissed me, back to the land of the living I shall return!
Dwell inside me, O Lord.
Pour out the cup of my sin and pride, put it in my heart to drink of it no more.
In pain and truth, I turn to you. O Holy Spirit.
In tearful sorrow, I turn to you, O my King.
In my contrite heart for the wrong I have done to you, I turn to you, O Father Almighty.
If I do not make it home to you from the ferry at the appointed time, please do not remove my chair from the dinner table.
Do not let my portion go to waste.
Although years of men may pass, and my name be forgotten by them, do not stop purging and refining me, until all my uncleanliness and sin is washed or burnt away.
Only then will I be made proper to dwell in your presence.
Only then will I stand appropriate for you in truth and glory.
Do not forget me, O Lord.
Purge me quickly before the ship returns.
Make me understand.
My body has withered.
My bones are brittle.
My muscles are gone.
My strength has subsided, my stamina has vanished.
I was once mighty, then I became nothing.
By my own hand, the wrinkles form, the frailty transcends, and the rot sets in.
But you, O Lord, have called me.
You have brought me back to life.
You make me stand.
You give me strength to my body, density to my bones, and life to my spirit.
Your bread fed my bones and my muscles.
I am faster now.
My new strength surpasses the former.
Over obstacles I hurdle – the distance I jump is great.
Those behind me struggle to keep up, they cannot trail me for long.
But you O Lord, far ahead of me, The One I cannot pass.
I am cut off.
The enemy moves into my home.
Into my mother, there it is!
Into my son, there it is again!
Into my friends, it’s not you who speaks!
Into my heart, leave this instant!
Into my thoughts, no, I will not do it!
Out in the cold you belong, banging on my dwelling windows in the dead of the night.
Your hoofs are loud and annoying, they stomp the wooden floor beams with rage, anger, and necessity.
Sign of the cross here, sign of the cross there.
So, you flee like the cowards you are.
By the grace of The One who formed both you and I, may He do me this favor; manifest yourself at my level so I can chop off your head!
Storm clouds form.
A contrite heart and a deep love with repentant tears dripping down.
Eyes closed, sign of the cross.
Lightning fills the sky – its effects seen through a layer of flesh.
Carry me away to my death O Lord, so I may glorify your name.
The heavens respond with a thunderous lightning bolt.
The dwelling shakes.
It could be felt in the chest – its vibrations straight to the heart.
Slumber sets in, a deep rest ensues.
A man approaches…
“Here, put this on!” He orders.
It’s a white robe.
When I was younger, I ate the food set aside for children – no understanding in it.
When I was older, I ate the food of angels, set aside for the children of the Living God – The Holy One of Israel.
As a child, I did not know any better.
As a child, I cursed you.
As a child, I put you to the test.
As a child, I cast you off as false.
I did not follow your precepts.
Nor did I know your ways.
For this, in my ignorance, you reproved me.
You instructed me and disciplined me.
You made my speech lame, and my words mangled.
A laughingstock and joke I had become to my relatives, my friends, my peers, and my superiors.
For these lips cursed you my Lord and my God in both privacy and public, then these same lips became mute and jumbled – earning both scorn, amusement for others, laughter, mocking, and pity.
I was made a byword by others, an example of what not to say or be.
In my correction, you counseled me and trained me, for you did not abandon me, even though I had abandoned you.
By your love you corrected me, and by your love you returned my speech – making my tongue straight again and my shame brought low.
I was wrong and you were right.
For a man doesn’t truly know what is sweet until he tastes what is truly bitter.
When the Lord Your God is in you, you become more than just a servant, but a friend. Friends talk to each other, and they help one another out at the right time when it is needed.
Eyes wide shut.
My eyes awaken atop a floating raft in the middle of waist deep shallow water.
Behold, I see men and women gathered off into the distance conversing before a fire by a dock.
I walk over to them, struggling through the water.
Once in their presence, I make myself known to them.
They are talking to my uncle.
He is crying, weeping, and sobbing.
“I should have known better!” he lamented.
The people around him are friendly and encouraging.
“How could you have known?” one says sadly and softly in a regretful tone of voice.
“It’s the way you were raised, it's not completely your fault!” another console.
“It will be okay. You are here now.” Someone concludes.
We talk about things and the time passes.
“Take me to bed. I am tired.” My uncle says.
He cannot walk or do much of anything on his own strength because he has become too weak like a strawman. I must carry him to his assigned living quarters.
We arrived, and I said further kind words to him. After this, he asks me to leave so he can be alone with his thoughts and grief.
I make my way urgently back to the people I just met, curiously wanting to know more about them.
Along the way, I am prevented from going forth where I came from.
To my surprise, a black man in green Priestly vestments is blocking my path. He is lying on the ground with a liturgical book in his hand.
He stares at me intently.
I approach him and kiss him on the forehead.
I placed my hand on my prayer beads that are attached to my hip.
Then I ask, “will you bless my Rosary?”
The Priest touches my prayer beads and begins chanting in a foreign language I do not understand.
Then, in my own tongue, he concludes, “you will use this on a demon nobody has ever heard of.”
Eyes wide open.
Your flesh is the flesh of my fathers, O Lord – it brings me back to the days of old.
I haven’t seen you in so long.
I covered your head and placed a vestment around your neck, like the son of Aaron that you are.
Then I read out loud to you the words of truth and life.
You trembled in fear and awe, recalling the days of old.
At my departure, you said; “this is the last time I am going to see you!” You began to shed tears.
I kissed your hand, and replied, “we will see each other again in spirit!”
Then you died.
But your soul lived on.
You walked the nether regions, knowing the truth, trying to come to terms with it.
You visited me in the night, on your knees, looking at me perplexed, although now possessing full understanding.
I looked back at you and did not say a word – even when the evil spirits tried to entice us to sin even in this realm.
You came to me again, later – asking me to “wash your feet!”
I rebuke you in my anger, I said – “ask me to petition the One Most High! I alone can do nothing for you! Nor will I wash the feet of the dead, but only the living, as I was commanded!”
“You had your whole life to believe! Now I must be a cause for sin?” I rebuked you and saw you no more.
My alms are paid in prayer to The One who formed everything that Was, Is, and Ever Shall Be - not defiling myself with the dead.
Only He can save you now if He chooses.
Then you left your improper dwelling to a one more suitable for your likeness because a Holy Mass was offered in your name.
A great light shone towards you through the crack in the wall.
How can one invite a friend into their home, without also extending the invitation to His Mother?
I arrived at a place of meeting - a great location where merchants meet to buy, sell, and trade.
As I stroll along, and wallow in my own vanity – I hear a beautiful engulfing chorus off into the distance singing.
There is a Holy Queen, and they are Hailing Her! Her image is large and plastered across a giant wall at the end of the path I walk upon.
Groups of men I do not know walk past me and pay her homage, then go off about their business.
Her image stares at me, as if She was testing and observing me.
A great pain enters my left hand, and bone begins to protrude out of my forearm. My prayer beads are wrapped around my hand, and my hand begins to swell up. I cannot remove the beads.
Now in agony, holding my afflicted arm and unable to move it, I stumble back the way I came asking anyone I could for help. The merchants ignored me.
Others, who were tall and very large, did not want to help either. I pleaded with them for medical attention or to at least send me somewhere I could be seen by a professional.
One of them pointed me in the direction of one well-to-do merchant who was dressed in fine clothing and kept a neat and tidy storefront for her business.
I sat down where she directed me, and we had a discussion.
She tried to convince me to take the beads off my wounded swollen hand, but I refused.
Then she looked at me in anger, her voice changed, and a multitude followed out of her mouth screaming in many voices towards me:
“Bring yourself down to our level! Come down here with us and say those things!”
Lord my God, slay the wicked spirits in my midst. Drive them out into arid places, never to return.
And if it’s your will that they shall return…
Let them cry out in agony when they approach your Holy Rosary. Let them feel all of it!
Lord my God, whatever you deem to have power, will have power.
Even a lowly man’s beads of wood to which he calls forth and makes separate from the world.
My human mother was harsh with me.
But my spiritual Mother wrapped Her mantle around me and protected me, even when I did not perceive it or acknowledge it.
She cried out in pain to your Rosary, O Forever Virgin Queen!
Then I knew – how could I not?
Priest who baptized me and my children, anointed us with oil, laid hands upon me, gave me the food and drink of angels, heard my confessions, and married me, bless my Rosary!
Priest who became my daughter’s Godfather, bless my Rosary!
Large Priest who tells jokes all the time, bless my Rosary!
Old Priest who talks a lot, bless my Rosary!
Monsignor, who released my relative from purgatory through the Holy Mass, bless my Rosary!
Bishop to the diocese I fall under, bless my Rosary!
Priest in a different state who lives in a large city, bless my Rosary!
Priest in a different state who lives in the same large city, bless my Rosary!
Priest from India, bless my Rosary!
Priest of the Christmas Holy Mass where my relatives reside, bless my Rosary!
Priest of the city where the first abortion was committed in Babylon, bless my Rosary!
Dominican Friar Priest, bless my Rosary!
Deacon to the town I live in, bless my Rosary!
Deacon to the sick and dying, bless my Rosary!
Deacon who fills in often, bless my Rosary!
Deacon to the prison ministry, bless my Rosary!
Deacon to my daughter’s Godfather, bless my Rosary!
Sister who did not want to bless my Rosary, bless my Rosary!
Other Sister who did not want to bless my Rosary, bless my Rosary!
My wife, mother of my children, bless my Rosary!
Priest who blocked my path, bless my Rosary!
Quiet Priest, bless my Rosary!
Bishop to the city filled with demons, bless my Rosary!
Traveling Dominican Priest, bless my Rosary!
Divine Mercy Priest, bless my Rosary!
English Tudor Priest, bless my Rosary!
Prison Priest, bless my Rosary!
Soft spoken ROC city Priest, bless my Rosary!
Arm my hand for war and see that I will slay your enemies, O Lord.
For I am not alone – they are with me and so are you.
I am well fed by your bread, my spirits are high, and I am ready to charge forward at your command!
What shall I fear?
Lord, I am a simple and stupid man. My way doesn’t work – obviously. Show me the way, in the way that I can understand, as I receive you under my roof so I can have understanding. Put it in my heart to tell others what they must know to come to you, for the Salvation of Souls...
The food you give me, O Lord, calls me to recall the things that I called upon, and of course the things that I overlooked…
I am who I was, but then I was no more and became someone else.
As an infant in Christ, I needed milk, not solid food – for solid food is for the mature!
So, you changed me, Lord My God, and called me to your service? I don’t know any better, nor do I know what is good and right regarding you – so I simply start out with what I am familiar with from long ago.
Decades has it been since I entered a place that honors your name.
There I was, seated in the synagogue, by the exit door, trying my best to get to know you.
Then suddenly, a woman crashes through the doorway – she stares right at me and yells “HAVE A NICE DAY!”
She walks off laughing at the top of her lungs.
Those in the temple are frightened.
Lord, in my time rejecting you and pursuing death – did I make other friends who now miss me?
Obviously, they aren’t my friends. More like slave masters.
My yoke and my chains are removed, because You alone removed them for me.
O Lord, give me knowledge and understanding to compete effectively in the digital Areopagus, all for the Salvation of Souls…
With the Bread and Blood of truth – manifest your words into my fingers so my tweets become like sharpened arrows piercing into the teaching and doctrine of demons.
Put your Holy Spirit in me and I will confront them in the public square. Word for word, I will challenge their lips and crush their lies.
The wicked, they sacrifice their blood and cut themselves because of me. They want evil spirits to come into me and harm me, so I will be silenced.
I cannot stop proclaiming your words, my Lord. It is in my bones – if I do not proclaim your gospel to them, my body will fail!
I am an embarrassment to my friends and loved ones. They do not claim me.
They speak deceitful words and mock me for proclaiming you to those who are dying.
My friends whom I once given my life for ignore me and pass me by as if I were a stranger, all for the sake of Your Name, Lord My God.
The darkest corners of the human mind are made lit and illuminated for all to see.
You have always seen this, Lord My God, but my humanity only sees this little thing, and I can barely hold on.
Strengthen me day by day with the food and drink of angels, so the manna you provide to the world becomes an eternal fortress of protection for my soul.
The demon now has a platform and a voice for all to follow.
The wicked subscribe and tune in to every episode of their favorite teacher who tickles their ears with what they want to hear.
The atheist, the heretic, the witch, the pagan, the satanist, and the occultist all possess legions and multitudes of followers. Their contents fill the airwaves like the sands of the sea.
But in your wisdom, O Lord, you allow it for a little while so that a greater good will come from it.
See that their work will be cut down. Their magic arts, their curses, and their false teachings…
…all thrown into the fire.
Lord My God, your food and drink is the fuel for dreams of understanding, knowledge, and what will come to pass…
Neon lights everywhere light up the dark city.
My home is my automobile, an object of scorn to those who label me as a “MURDERER” at every corner light I stop at on my way from place to place.
Dimly lit signs for dishonest merchants selling sexual immorality and depravity. They have established a good business for themselves.
I walk the streets in rags and robes, what little I do have is on my shoulders and rests on my back.
Nobody will receive me.
Nobody will hear me.
Nobody will listen to me.
My heart is empty and broken from loss.
Booths of perversion are set up along the main avenues and side streets – available for anyone who wishes to pay. Both adults and children – even whole families are in attendance.
In the sickness of my human nature and longing to sin, I see what the wicked do, and I am tempted to partake in it in public, just as they do.
In my despair I moan and cry out – Lord God, deliver me from this wretched existence! What has Babylon become? Better to have lost my life at an early age than to grow old and see what it has become!
Some of my clothes are missing, especially my pants! I lean back into the public bench as a parade of children walk by holding signs supporting the wickedness of their parents.
I have lost all hope and tears run down my eyes as I fall into a sobbing slumber.
Some time has passed.
Then a man wakes me up and forces me to stand on my feet.
He dressed me while I was asleep, and I did not perceive it.
He covered my shame and strengthened me.
From there, I wasn’t supposed to know the rest…
Vulnerable and exposed, I shared a bathtub with three friends.
One was murdered.
The other was alive but fell away from the truth.
And the third, who was sitting across from me, believed everything I had to say.
Our God is real.
He knows us.
He sees us.
We will be with Him someday.
The murdered man didn’t believe it.
The living one who fell away didn’t believe it.
The one across from me says, “I believe you!”
I responded, “When did you start believing in God?”
He says, “When I died.”
In shock, “When and how did you die?” I asked.
“From meth about three months ago.” He concluded.
Time to wake up.
Time to find my friend.
I found him and he is alive.
I tell him everything, and he breaks down crying.
“I have been doing meth and almost died in a car accident. Twenty feet of my intestines were removed and now I walk with a limp on a cane. My wife and kids left me, I lost my job, and I was thinking about using it again.” He tells me.
The Lord Your God doesn’t want you to die. Don’t do it.
But will he listen? Does he truly believe?
The bread of life reveals to us the will of the Lord. Great are His ways!
I am AWOL because I had fled my unit by way of the woods. Its protective concealment and dense brush aided in my escape.
I am with someone else I knew from long ago, me and him escaped together. We are still in our uniforms and wearing our war-fighting gear.
We are tired and need rest. We find a hut deep in the woods that is worn down. We take refuge in it.
My partner goes into one of the rooms to get some rest and I go into the other. There are no beds, just dirty floors filled with debris and rodents.
I sit down in the corner and rest my head against my knees. I am still wearing my helmet and have placed my goggles over my eyes to help keep part of my head warm.
Time has gone by.
Then, I hear rumbling off into the distance. The sound of tracked vehicles approaching our hideout.
It draws ever closer, and I don’t move, but remain in my resting state.
The closer they approach, the louder the vehicles are. The roaring engines of military vehicles and men barking orders as they approach.
I glanced out the window for a moment and saw a vehicle come into view – a turret and its gunner were positioned behind a machine gun.
I sat back down and placed my head up against my knees once again.
Soldiers entered our hideout, enough to be a full fire team.
They were heavily armed and had many pouches on their vests. Some took a knee and others secured other parts of the building. A separate team entered the room across the building where my accomplice was resting, and I saw him no more once they began to talk to him.
As for me, a Commander-like figure walked into the room. He had His face covered. He had other Soldiers with Him who were armed and protecting Him.
I kept my head down for a while. The Commander took a knee in front of me and remained silent until I addressed Him.
“Sir, I wouldn’t kill our own guys. I am not a murderer.” I explained in fear, expecting Him to be angry with me.
The Commander replies: “When can you deploy for me?”
I cannot give Him a straight answer because I am afraid.
So, I make up excuses.
One of His Lieutenants takes off his helmet and stares at me smiling…
Lord, because I am in You and You are in me, You alone can hear my prayer! Do you always answer when I expect You to, or do you do it perfectly at the right time, according to Your will?
I place myself on top of a hill that oversees the town.
It begins to rain off in the distance, perfect weather for a bow – a sign of the covenant the Lord our God made with Noah and his descendants.
Lord, I want to see your bow shoot across the town! Please hear my prayer!
I do not lose heart, for I have done wrong by putting you to the test!
Days pass and I forget about what I asked for.
Then one day, when I least expect it, and the weather is clear, I spot a rainbow shooting across the sky.
It ends right on top of my house!
Great are your ways Lord, for you do not give us what we want, but you give us what we need!
You bring me low, and I sob at the sight of your glory!
Your hand alone has stretched out the universe, for the stars are the works of Your hand.
I denied myself, as You commanded.
Then one night, when I look out into the night sky, I see something odd.
A star, moving out of its orbital place! Back and forth, up, and down, zigzagging!
The Lord’s prayer is recited.
As a response, you pulsate in the night sky!
Great are the works of your hands, for I tremble at your glory and majesty.
All glory and honor be to you, Lord my God, forever and ever!
Put your hands on my head Priest and pray for me.
Let me convert the atheist, the satanist, the witch, the pagan, and members of the occult through the power of the most Holy Rosary.
Then you asked the Lord for me to do this thing, and to convert Jews, heretics, protestants, and other opponents of the truth I could not remember.
You asked God for the fire of an apostle in my heart, and the courage to shed blood for Him if needed.
Where should I go?
So, King Henry VIII’s priest says human babies in the holy womb are like chicken eggs.
Let me pray for him.
So, King Henry VIII’s priest promotes sexual immorality and decadence.
Let me pray for him.
But then it comes to me while still in the act, goosebumps upon my skin, and my hairs raise up to the roof.
It speaks another language I do not understand.
Then it says, “I am a demon.”
Nothing to say to you, wicked spirit, depart from me!
So, King Henry VIII’s priest is told that as a minister he has responsibility for others to lead them away from sin, not towards it, and that whoever came for me in the night did not like the fact that I was praying for him.
But King Henry VIII’s priest said nothing…
So, I heard the voice:
“Trust the shepherd and not the master.”
And in my vanity, I thought I heard you and was now like a prophet.
Error upon error, from one rabbit hole to another rabbit hole.
But I love the Lord my God, His Divine Mother, who is also My Mother, and His Church.
So, the great Saints of the Church reminded me of this truth in their liturgy:
“Who else is the Master of the house who oversees the many shepherds, but Lord Jesus Christ?”
So, I had the humility to say, “I am an idiot. A wicked man. How dare I think the Lord would talk to me in this manner, a matter of new revelation?”
Depart from me evil spirits, I don't care what you have to say!
So, we were kids, and I stood in the doorway staring at you.
You got nervous.
But I saw us together, many years later, and we both perceived it not.
So, we went our own ways, and fell into our own error.
But our God brought us back to each other, fulfilling what He showed me, even when I did not acknowledge it.
So, the Lord fulfills His promises in us, and shows us what is to come.
Oh, so I say that I shall pray for you because you need it…
…but then you do a rite over my name, so as to send a demon after me?
Don’t you remember what the Lord your God said?
“Those who curse shall be cursed!”
Still with your tricks and your temptations.
Go get baptized.
Still you lie to me about vain material possessions I am not concerned with.
Go get baptized.
You tell me not to donate an organ to my dying wife.
Go get baptized.
You attack my wife and my family.
Go get baptized.
You call me to anger through temptations of greed and envy.
Go get baptized.
You want me to be angered at my dead uncle for not giving me an inheritance I never asked for.
Go get baptized.
You torment me over things I have no control over.
Go get baptized.
So, you tempt me with vanities and insults about my form.
Go get baptized.
So, you say you follow Him, but you are a Jew, so you don’t need to do what He says.
Go get baptized.
You said to my father; “He thinks Mother Mary is his mother, but that isn’t true I will always be his mother!”
Go get baptized.
You say God already talks to you and that you are already baptized in this way.
Go get baptized.
You say my family wants to harm me, and that only you care for me.
Go get baptized.
You know when I pray. You know things you should not know about us.
Go get baptized.
You lie to me time and time again and you call me to anger time and time again.
Go get baptized.
I do not want to hear it anymore, for there is only one thing you should do now. As for everything else? Tell it to your Mother!
Go get baptized.
As the Holy Apostle Matthew says from Chapter Eighteen, Verse Seven:
“Woe to the world because of things that cause sin! Such things must come, but woe to the one through whom they come!”
I stopped the car at The Landmark, between the Parthenon and the Epicurus.
She told me to get out of the car and walk up and down the street to get a feel for preaching in the dark city.
There I saw you, with your bald head, as a homeless man, smiling at me.
I handed you my prayer card of the Holy Apostle Paul, five dollars, and we prayed.
I continued walking, until a younger man stopped me and asked for money.
I too gave him five dollars, my Saint Patrick prayer card, and we did a prayer.
Then he asked me my name and I answered incorrectly. So, I corrected myself. Then he smiled.
So, I continued walking, and when I looked over my shoulder, I saw the man to whom I gave the Saint Patrick prayer card across the street walking along with me, staring at me with his hands in his pockets.
When I got back in my car, I saw the bald-headed man with a cup of coffee in his hand, throwing trash at somebody’s car in a parking spot while the driver was inside looking upset. The bald-headed man was acting crazy. But he wasn’t crazy.
She was upset with me because I didn’t do what she said, for I didn’t preach anything out loud.
Later, she replaced my cards that I had given away because I was sad about losing them.
I didn’t notice then, because it took me so long, but I realized it later in the dead of night in prayer; staring at these new prayer cards, they looked familiar…
In fact, I saw these people earlier in the day, at The Landmark, between the Parthenon and the Epicurus.
Come, prostrate yourself before the blessed sacrament, ask for understanding and pray earnestly – perhaps He will show you what will befall the nations who turned away from Him in the days to come?
You call Sons and Daughters to the foot of your throne so they may give an account. Your way is just and true, for You alone, Lord my God, put it in my heart to do what is good and right.
You fill your house with the laughter of children, infants, and babies – all Holy in your sight.
You call what is nothing into existence. By your will alone, a person partakes in your being.
I had my sons – it was time for my body to rest.
But You, O Lord, had other plans.
Not my idea to bring another person into the world, not my idea at all. In fact, it was harmful to my wife’s health and our financial situation.
But I made a covenant with you, Lord of Hosts: make my child and wife healthy during the pregnancy and I shall consecrate this newborn to Your Name. This child shall belong only to you, Lord my God!
You know my heart. You always knew that I wanted a daughter, even though my three sons were all I could produce.
You shined rays of light down upon us when we carried out your will. I was the only one who had seen it.
Against all odds, she came – seven months later.
Born on the same day just as my wife arrived in my country as an orphan when she was a young child. This was your gift and sign to us. But you had another…
When she was born, I heard her cries coming from across the operating room. They called me over.
When I approached her, she died right in front of me. She stopped breathing.
My mind was blank.
Then moments later, You returned her breath and sent her back to me, reminding me regarding the work of your hands.
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God of Hosts, Master and Creator of the Universe.
All praise, glory, and honor belong to You alone!
We do not give ourselves our own bread of life, for we cannot even save ourselves! The Lord gives us His Flesh and Blood for the life of the world, so that we may become spiritual brothers and sisters to Him and sons and daughters of His Mother, Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven – Ever Virgin, Holy, and True!
You allowed me to experience the tears and the groans.
The way of the Lord.
You allowed me to visit your children while they suffer.
The way of the Lord.
You allowed me to feed your wounded lambs in time of their distress.
The way of the Lord.
You let me comfort their families.
The way of the Lord.
Take a prayer card.
The way of the Lord.
Take a Rosary.
The way of the Lord.
Pray for healing.
The way of the Lord.
Pray for rest for the soul.
The way of the Lord.
Share the stories of your holy children with me, so I may know their feats.
The way of the Lord.
You allowed me to visit them in shackles.
The way of the Lord.
You allowed me to feel their pain so as to share in their suffering.
The way of the Lord.
One says, “I am dying, and it sucks.” then another says, “I am now useless,” while another says nothing at all - but you are with them and I see that now.
The way of the Lord.
The irony is this; those who are sick and dying in their faith are more alive than those who are healthy who walk the earth in no faith, for they are truly the walking dead, and this is the irony of it all.
The way of the Lord.
So, you cut yourself and spill your blood in sacrifice so as to curse me.
But you only harm yourself.
You say, “There have been some like you before, you are not the first, and won’t be the last.”
Then you say, “I blaspheme the Holy Spirit, and therefore I cannot turn back.”
But you don’t understand what you are saying.
You never applied for the job, so how can you be rejected in an interview that never occurred?
The Lord shall come for you at the appointed time, when your heart is ready, then you will have a decision to make, satanist!
For the Lord or against the Lord!
Life or death!
You choose…
There is only One Christ to receive, not many. He sends his messengers forth to terrorize the one who wants to corrupt you. He makes their dreams and nightmares a living hell, if what they decide to do in their heart is against His will for you. Where is the one who tries to trick you? Where is the one who tries to corrupt you? The Lord your God sent them away in terror, for in tears they turn to human counsel!
Deeds are one’s proof of repentance and faith. How can one have the energy to carry out deeds without caloric energy from the bread and wine of faith?
The One who truly loves you will provide for you and feed you, even until the end of the age, when the love of many will grow cold! Even upon an empty altar and Church, prayers are given to you night and day. Be alone there and pray, and you shall hear them all around you!
In the dead of night, I closed my eyes.
You took us somewhere else we had never been before.
Waiting and waiting, the lobby elevator finally opened with someone in it who gave us orders.
You were told, “it is time to come with us now.”
So, you listened…
…stepping forward until the doors shut behind you and departing my sight.
Yet, I remained.
Then I was alone.
Until after a little while, a woman approaches me needing help.
I tried to help her, but something was off.
I wasn’t dressed properly.
In the dead of night, I opened my eyes…
…and I wept bitterly
To proclaim the gospels to atheists (because I was one), satanists, witches, pagans, and members of the occult. Third Order Lay Dominican.
Volume I
The One God Commentary for the Unbeliever
Copyright © 2023 Paul-Patrick
All rights reserved.
I am blessed to be a Third Order Lay Dominican. However, the ideas expressed in this book are my own and do not represent the endorsement of or position of the Order of Preachers as a whole.
Permission granted to any Christian of the Catholic Faith for the purposes of evangelization, education, and general spreading of the truth for the Salvation of Souls. No rights given for the purpose of profit or alteration of this work.
Author’s promise to the reader and the Lord:
“I shall give any monies I receive for this work to vocations of the faith and the poor for the building up of the Kingdom of God.”
Commentary regarding Saint Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae derived from: ST part (I), Q. 1-26 from
Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. and are used by permission of the copyright owner. All Rights Reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
1 Corinthians 14:7-8, 10-11:
…likewise, if inanimate things that produce sound, such as flute or harp, do not give out the tones distinctly, how will what is being played on flute or harp be recognized? And if the bugle gives an indistinct sound, who will get ready for battle? It happens that there are many different languages in the world, and none is meaningless; but if I do not know the meaning of a language, I shall be a foreigner to one who speaks it, and one who speaks it a foreigner to me.
Let us pray:
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name,
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
Meditate upon this mystery for up to five minutes:
The First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation of the Lord
The Angel Gabriel came to Mother Mary and told her that she would have a Son and that He would be called Jesus, and that He would be great and save mankind from its sins. Our Mother replied, “Behold, I am the handmaiden of the Lord, may it be done to me according to your word.”
My Mother is also your Mother, even if you do not fully realize it yet!
Close with:
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee, Blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.
Whether, besides Philosophy, Any Further Doctrine is Required?
The salvation of man is so important that it must be built up by not only philosophical science through human reason, but also divine revelation through divine knowledge, which is a real sacred science. Seeking the Lord on a personal level gives rise to knowledge of divine things, which in turn manifests itself into good deeds – from which other people in society benefit. The more this happens, the better society becomes as a whole – a society which knows the way of the Lord and the precepts of the One Most High. A society void of knowing God descends into chaos and carries out the will of the evil one – whether it is intentional or unintentional in man. The closer we come to the judgment, the more man sets aside the divine in exchange for flawed human reason and vain pursuits which is sourced chiefly upon the principles of faithlessness and unending love for oneself (demonic pride). As it is written in 2 Timothy 3:1-9, the Apostle warns of the dangers that will be present in the last days while emphasizing the need for prudent individuals to be aware of the folly that will overcome man due to the increase in wickedness, and to avoid its influence towards the conclusion and fulfillment of God’s plan for all of creation.
Whether Sacred Doctrine is a Science?
Sacred Doctrine is a science because it comes from the principles revealed by God – which is a science that is above all things, just as a lesser science like the light of natural intelligence such as the knowledge of numbers which leads to a higher science such as the creation of a structure or machine confounded upon the principles of the lesser science through the understanding of mathematics. Principles revealed by God still exist in the world today, even though the secular world does not acknowledge its source. Court systems, bankruptcy, marriage, and the concept of property ownership are all principles set forth by the divine to which all in society are benefactors – even to those who do not acknowledge Him.
Whether Sacred Doctrine is One Science?
Sacred science is one science because all its parts and members lead back to the one source that is sacred, and to which its knowledge came from, that is God. In the secular world of today, science as sourced from accepted academia – which is influenced by political meddling and partisan belief systems – has morphed into a type of pseudo-religion with its own high priests (presbyters who preach the gospel of death – which is the belief in unbelief). These presbyters of the worm and rot have harnessed a cult following which declares that everything is an accident, and that something can come forth from nothing – which is impossible. These presbyters are so influential, that students, faculty, and people who are in respected positions stay their tongue in the appropriate settings, often choosing not to engage the radical belief system of nothing for fear of losing their status in society or suffering open persecution. For those who do challenge, they are dealt with through public ridicule, loss of opportunity and sanctions – often implemented by their school system, their professional association, or the wicked within the public who have the loudest voices, following, and influence.
Whether Sacred Doctrine is a Practical Science?
Practical science involves the concern of human operations, while Sacred doctrine is concerned with God and his works which is mankind. Nonetheless, Sacred doctrine is more of a speculative science because it involves divine things and revelations that are from the One Most High. With all things considered, Practical science can be viewed as the handiwork of God in the sense that all things shall lead back to Him. Sacred doctrine includes both because science and the things of the divine complement one another. In the world, people will consider the operation or end state of the matter or thing, and of course, the process it took to get there, but hardly ever placing special emphasis upon the source or the creation of what caused the thing to achieve its state of being in the present time it was observed. Practical science does not refute the existence of a God, but only presents to us what it took to come to our conclusion of the matter at hand. The discovery and secrets revealed by practical science only leads to more questions and unknown things, which in turn, when a solution is found, gives rise to more questions. Knowledge of the divine can answer those questions in a way we can understand them if one is willing to accept them – all in accordance with our faith in Him, to which all peoples are at different levels of spiritual development, and many, unfortunately, are in a complete state of unbelief and denial. So as a result, they settle for practical science or solely on the function of being.
Whether Sacred Doctrine is Nobler than other Sciences?
The point of a lesser practical science is to expertly define why something does what it does and how to successfully repeat similar results. All sciences are subordinate to Sacred doctrine because they all come from what is sacred and divine. The study of practical science will never disprove The One who created it or made it through His will possible for others to observe it, study it, and replicate its procedures.
Whether This Doctrine is the Same as Wisdom?
Sacred doctrine is wisdom above all wisdom. For the one who ponders the highest cause of all things, which Is above all things, follows a higher principle that explains all other lower principles. That person is also rightfully referred to as “wise.” For the one who does not ponder what is above, but simply labors and toils on the things that are in plain sight or below, his concerns stem from lower principles and purposes, whose source originates from a lower wisdom which is subordinate to God who is greater.
Whether God is the Object of this Science?
God is the object of this science. We also call it theology - the study of the science of the divine. The principles of this science include God as the subject matter and study. Others also view the study of such a science to be something else – such as salvation, signs, members of the body – to which Christ is the head, and other explanations that occur through miracles or unknown factors that cannot be understood or even perceived by way of human understanding. In all of this, they are referenced to God.
Whether Sacred Doctrine is a Matter of Argument?
Faith rests upon an unshakeable foundation of truth to which nothing can be demonstrated against as evidence to the contrary. Although sciences can be debated and discussed on the principles that make up the science, and new understanding can be presented by an additional discovery or proof of something that adds to the science, Sacred doctrine stands as divine revelation that calls all sub-sciences into being, even the point of dictating its rules of operation and outcomes. If one cannot accept the divinity of what is passed down through Sacred doctrine, then all that is left is the answering of objections to faith – seeing as how faith rests upon infallible truth and cannot be disproven. Hence, there is no argument against faith that can be demonstrated, only objections that can be answered. In present times, the opposite has occurred, where people believe the sub-sciences dictate divine knowledge and revelation or disprove the existence of such matters. For example, the cult of Darwinism, and the theory of evolution, which simply presents as how things change or evolve, have replaced the principle of central creation, and is used in such a way that it has become the unspoken rule for all things, almost as if it has metastasized into a religion within itself – the belief in the unbelief.
Whether Holy Scripture should use Metaphors?
Sacred science should use metaphors to convey divine things by way of material corporeal things. In scripture, divine lessons and spiritual truths are said in a way that all can identify them because mankind is both spiritual and material. What better way to convey the spiritual lessons through material examples to a student who is material by nature. Many non-believers or self-professed enemies of God like to make their arguments in the literal sense when attacking Holy Writ. When they attack the metaphors of Holy Writ, they often attempt to align the meaning of the lesson in the literal sense to scrutinize or deconstruct the spiritual message in the metaphor. In this instance, the original context is always removed and replaced with a hostile one.
Whether in Holy Scripture a Word May Have Several Senses?
Scripture itself consists of many senses – the historical or literal sense, the metaphorical sense, the spiritual sense, the analogical sense, the allegorical sense, and of course prophecy. The author of Holy Writ is God, who has poured out his Holy Spirit upon the authors of scripture. Furthermore, Holy Writ can tell of the past, the present, and the future all at the same time, even in the same words or sentences. In addition to this, through the knowledge and infinite wisdom of God, statements and stories of the bible can be applied both to great and small in every generation. To go a step further, the same scriptures also have applicable properties for all people as well throughout all time periods. As the Holy Apostle Peter once said in summary: “No scripture has its origin in the human will.” For He is all in all, and what He says can not only mean one thing but many things all at the same time through the infinite wisdom of His Majesty. The wars of the 20th century play-out like modern day bible stories – for example, the Six-Day war, World War I & II, and the use of mass atomic weapons which mimic events such as Sodom and Gomorrah.
Whether the Existence of God is Self-Evident?
Things in the world exist in two ways – known by us, and not known by us. When the essence of something is understood by all, it is accepted by all and becomes common knowledge. However, there are disputes of knowledge and knowing – mainly because the essence of something is not recognized by another but may be known to someone else. By way of a predicate and a subject, a proposition is established. For the existence of God, the predicate and the subject IS the proposition, for the Lord is truly in himself and exists through himself – to which all things that exist must come forth from. However, the Essence of God is not self-evident and must be demonstrated by familiar things man can associate to the material world through effects. Just as it was made known to the witnesses of great signs and miracles in the past, the same Essence of God is still ever present in our own day, even though the material world and its legions of unbelievers do not recognize it. As it was self-evident then, so it is now. The effects of God demonstrating his power in society are given a preferable label along with a different name to those who do not acknowledge Him with the intention of denying His self-existence.
Whether It Can Be Demonstrated That God Exists?
Causes are known by their effects (demonstrations). If bubbles can be seen forming at the top of the water, one can infer there is a fish or air pocket present below. So, one can see the effects of God in the world, and that everything that exists has a purpose, thus God demonstrates His effects to us which originates from Him as the First Cause. Nothing is an accident to God – how can it be? From a human perspective in our own experienced ways, does one accidentally bake a cake, accidentally build a house, or accidentally dress oneself in the morning before work? No, for a cake has ingredients that must be put together by the cause and will of another. A house must be planned and constructed by the efforts of many. Clothing must be made, purchased, and placed on one’s body in a desired fashion to cover nakedness, but it does this through a successive order, not accidentally as if it were to skip many steps to achieve its end state on the basis of chaos and randomness. In the metaphysical sense, it just so happens that man who has the freewill to choose many different things, just as he may determine what form he shall mold a lump of clay into, experiences a mode of being which is dependent on the will of God - and to Him, there is no accidents. But to the man who chooses many things, the act of his free will are “accidental” in the sense he chose to do something that God has not decided, but has entrusted the person to do through the ultimate gift of free will, which is the ability to choose and decide, which is what is referred to by Saint Thomas Aquinas as accidental, and outside the scope of what is not accidental which is God, who does not make any accidents, but ordains mankind to choose. Hence, there are no accidents in God, for this is impossible, and it just happens to be that SOMETHING cannot come from NOTHING, for this is impossible as well - but in mankind, through his freewill given to him by God, the choices that come forth by his hand is accidental in the sense it comes from the free will. For the purpose of understanding, it is important to determine what Saint Thomas Aquinas means by “accidents” in that He is not referring to God and the universe in this way, but the choices of humans, who are beings in potentiality as opposed to God who is being in actuality. These concepts will be discussed in further summary points.
Whether God Exists?
The existence of God is proven in five ways: one, all things that are in motion have been set forth in motion by another. Trace this back to the original “unmoved mover,” and this is what you will find that we know as “God.” Two, God is the first efficient cause, which successively places all other causes into effect that works to an ultimate effect or end. Efficient causes other than God do not have their own cause, except for God alone, and cannot work to their own end – but will always fall into the design the Lord wills. If efficient causes were their own and not successive, that is, one cause causing another to occur, causes would go on to infinity. However, this is impossible, because the Lord has set an order of efficient causes in place that originates with Him that ends in an ultimate effect that He wills. The third way – possibility and necessity; for every necessary thing has its necessity in another, which makes that thing possible. “Something” cannot come from “nothing,” for this is impossible. Things that are, must come from something that Is, Was, or Both – God. The fourth way God can be proven is through successive degrees or changes. For something to reach its climax or “maximum,” it must gradually move upward the scale of intensity, effect, and perfection. Just as warm turns to hot and hot turns to fire, the feeling of heat is made perfect through the maximum of fire in its perfect state. Since fire is the cause of warmth and is also what makes an object hot, it serves as the ultimate cause for what makes something warm and hot. Therefore, there must be something that causes all goodness and perfection in all things to which we know as God – the ultimate maximum for all things set forth into existence. The fifth way is governance of the world. Natural bodies that lack intelligence (things such as storms and wave or wind patterns, slugs, worms, and ants) work towards an end almost all the time in the same fashion to achieve its end. Whatever is lacking in intelligence cannot achieve an end unless something was directing it that possesses intelligence and knowledge. Ultimately, an intelligent being directs its actions to an end, and this is what we know to be God. Secular data driven societies, as in the modern age, use datasets, statistics, and information collecting through surveys, exit polls, and registrations to build the profile of a person to better understand them and place them in datasets where their behaviors can be predicted on a larger scale and replicated through simulations. From there, a product line is determined, a course of action, or direction is taken. The pagans and unbelievers use swathes of recorded answers and actions to determine how they will extract sorted gain from others to harness additional power for themselves. In the absence of faith and morality, they direct their actions on the premises of probability; however, in blindness and error, they fail to consider the probable series of events which clearly demonstrate the surety of their very existence. Consider all the known variables in the universe that prevent life from occurring. To one who does not believe in the existence of God, this person may claim that all life is “accidental.” According to this unbeliever, the belief that all life is an accident and taken simply by chance can be represented as the value of 1 (for there is only one reason why something occurred – it is the outcome the unbeliever favors). Now, let’s just say that there are over 100,000 variables (there are more) in the known universe that can prevent life from occurring (stopping the accidental formation of life by way of chance – total outcomes). Through simple probability formula, we now have the following:
1 (the belief that life is an accident)
100,000 (variables in the known universe that prevent life from occurring)
When we divide 1 into 100,000, we receive 0.00001. In other words, there is a less than one percent chance, considering the known variables in the universe that prevent life, that life can accidentally occur. Nobody of a sound mind would risk their investments or their money on a less than one percent chance of receiving something in return or returning a profit – yet the unbeliever is willing to take this bet with his or her soul. Now let’s flip the equation around; for the one who believes in God and declares that He has made and created all things into being – including life itself, this position can be represented as 1 (favorable outcomes). Now, for the believer in God, this person declares there is only one outcome (the Lord’s will) and that position too can be represented as 1 (total outcomes). Yet again, through simple probability formula, we now have the following:
1 (the belief in God)
1 (God wills it that life must occur)
When we divide 1 into 1, we receive 1. In other words, there is a one-hundred percent chance God brings all things into existence that never were. So, what is the problem? It’s not that the concept of a higher cause and “unmoved mover” is impossible – in fact, He alone is the only thing that makes sense. The reason is obvious, for it is the one who says, “down is up, and up is down,” satan, he is the one who whispers in the ears of men. He tells them that their purpose and reason for existence is accidental, and that life can form itself out of nothing – which is impossible. Yet, in our age, the belief in the unbelief, the belief in nothing, the gospel of death, is truly a religion within itself that worships the void, the worm, and the rot. It just so happens these ones are the ones who commit the most harm in society – using all resources available to them to proselytize everyone around them through their destructive habits and attitudes that always lead themselves and others to sin. The opposite of life, which is from God, is death and when sin matures it always equals death.
Whether God is a Body?
It is impossible that God is a body because He is the One who is unmoved and the very Force that puts all bodies in motion. All bodies must be set forth in motion by the unmoved, which simply Is, and does not require anything beyond Himself to be put in motion, for there exists no such thing that can move the Unmoved, to which we refer to as God. All things that are, apart from the Unmoved, which is God, must come from the Force which puts them into being. An apple does not come before the tree, and a cake does not come before the baker. The tree and the baker put the apple and cake into motion and being, just as God puts the apple tree and baker of the cake into being so the apple and the cake may exist. God is the maximum of nobility from which lesser noble bodies are put into existence from Him. A body alone without a soul is a corpse, decaying and returning to the earth. A living body with a soul is a composite and is known as an animated body, which is the opposite of an inanimate body that is void of the soul. A human being made in the likeness and image of God is special in the sense that our reasoning, intelligence, and longing of our souls to seek Him in truth are superior as compared to animals. By way of the world, we can either draw closer to Him by rejecting the trends of modern-day life, which is everything that is opposed to God, or we can pull further away from Him by our actions in succumbing to the temptations, desires, noise, and confusions of the world. It is important to differentiate between being of the world and participating in the world while not being part of it for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
Whether God is Composed of Matter and Form?
God is not composed of matter and form because these are attributes found in a body. It is proven that God is not a body and cannot be measured or contemplated in fullness by way of the corporeal sense alone. Since mankind is corporeal, that is consisting of matter and form, which is a body, and must be moved by the original Unmoved Mover who puts all things into existence, it would be impossible that God is composed of such elements because He is the Creator of such elements and does not need them to Be for the sake of His own existence because He alone was before them. By way of perfection, God is the true source of all perfection, to which the created owes tribute to their Creator, who is also the maximum of what is perfect. Matter and form are also associated with agency by which the agent pursues a cause within its material bodied form. God is the original cause, the One who puts all Causes into being, who is of His own essence formed within Himself, thus it is impossible that God be composed of matter and form, which is corporeal, for God is incorporeal and is the One who calls the corporeal into being. Thus, it is impossible that God would be composed of matter and form, for He alone is everywhere and can be found in all things put into existence because all things in existence came from Him. Things that come forth from a source do not equate to it becoming the source itself, rather, they become a representation of the source in the form of matter and composition. Corporeal worship of matter manifests itself into desire and pleasure. Pursuit of these properties alone, void of God, will lead to sin (death). The body is made of both soul and body, spirit, and matter. In the days of faithlessness and boastfulness, the children of the dark have become filled with demonic pride. We see that matter and form has become the unspoken rule. You need a job to be respected. You need money to be taken seriously. You need substantial achievements to be recognized as worthy of honor. You need sculpted physiques to be attractive and worthy of a partner. Although these examples come with the past and can co-exist with a soul in great rapport with God, it has occurred that the true nature of mankind’s composite state of body and soul is being rejected for the corporeal sense, which is lesser, and often dominating all things in life of the composite. In other words, the Moderni Man has replaced his true nature with a false one that is temporary and void of the spirit that was given to him for his benefit by the One Most High.
Whether God is the Same as His Essence or Nature?
Something can be defined as a thing which represents it, but not describing it in fullness. For example, a machine that is functional, that is, to complete a specific task effectively to the specifications it was designed to complete, can be described in this manner in the sense that it carries out its function to be recognized by someone who observes it. In the same way, humanity may be of a human, but it is not the only part that makes up a human. The flesh, the blood, the eyes, and even the ligaments are also part of that human, but alone is not the fullness of the human. The effects of something are a representation of that person or thing, such as a woman singing a song. The song being sung is not the woman, but is a mere representation of her, especially if she wrote it herself. In the same way, since God is His own essence and nature, the effects of Him in the world consisting of matter and form may represent Him to a degree, but never in its fullness, because as stated earlier, God does not consist of matter and form, but is truly in Himself. Thus, God is the same as His essence and nature, for it is also written, “The Lord is One.” Knowing that the Lord is fully active in the world to varying degrees, some greater than another, and others being a better representation of Him, we see that in Babylonia, society in general terms within itself is having trouble depicting Him more accurately. Through misinformation, lies, faithlessness, and even the supposed faithful using Him to sell merchandise and extract sorted gain for themselves as for the purpose of ministry and false worship, we see that the effects of God as represented by supposed believers who claim to know Him represent Him to a lesser degree. A church without an altar that is void of the Body of Christ (his presence) as compared to a Church with an altar containing His presence is an example of demonstrating the fullness of God to a lesser degree.
Whether Essence and Existence are the Same in God?
God is His own essence and existence because He is the first efficient cause. In created things, its existence may differ from its essence, which indicates another agent at work that is either prior in time or coming later. Nothing created can create itself, for this is impossible. God’s existence must be His own essence because He is the One who Creates and is therefore not the Created. As we see with sin, which was not created by God, but is the product of a potentiality from creatures who were given a free will from God who is the actuality, or the Unmoved, it just so happens that the existence of the sinful man, who is destined to die in his ways, becomes separated from the path shown to him for what his essence was designed to be which is the path of life and goodness in God, void of sin. A schism between essence and existence is occurring and growing larger among swathes of people throughout the world, especially in western societies, where the boy strays from his essence to become a girl in existence, which is false. A woman knows what is good and just but decides to do what is evil and wrong, thus straying from her essence given to her by the First Efficient Cause, which is God, who made her in goodness, but now has become an instrument of death by way of sin, which is the state of existing while perpetually opposing her essence given to her.
Whether God is Contained in a Genus?
God is not contained in a genus, for a genus must come before what exists, summing up its principles and attributes into a categorical spectrum understandable by whoever contemplates it. Not true for God, because nothing comes before Him, therefore, God is not contained in a Genus. People who do not know the Living God often attempt to depict His words and testimony as a falsity - lumping the belief in God into false categories, for example, Christian nationalism, mythology, fanfiction, sci-fi, or magic. In this sense, these labels are not the principles of any genus for what they are attempting to describe, which is God, who is indescribable, nor are they appropriate categorical elements to describe what they heap abuse upon through lack of understanding and ignorance.
Whether in God There are any Accidents?
It is impossible that there be any accidents in God. For it was concluded earlier that God is an actuality, and not a potentiality. In other words, He is the Unmoved (actuality) that makes all things moving (potentiality). There can be accidents caused by those of the moving, who are moved by the First Mover, who Himself is Unmoved. For people like you and me, we incur fault and perform accidental things we regret every day, because our potential is divisible by infinity (as we understand finite/infinite things), according to the free will the Lord has given us. Not so in God, for He doesn’t give Himself anything, or needs anything from anyone else, for He was before all things, and everything He puts into existence is purposeful and intentional. For what springs forth from the created that is not good or accidental can also be called a privation (not quite right/lacking in something) according to Saint Thomas Aquinas. This is not attributed to God but is recognized as a deficiency. It is also proper to call what we know as a deficiency “sin.” For the man does not quite add up to what he was made for, when he decides (accident) to pursue lower pleasures and desires such as sexual immorality, thus defiling the Holy Temple that is his body, and rendering this sacred space inhospitable for God’s Holy Spirit, which was meant for him since the beginning of the age. In the same way, a decision (accident) the woman makes to pursue a career that calls her to lie and harm others financially, would be a deficiency of the good, for not telling the truth in order to take something from someone that does not belong to her is what we would attribute to sin - for it is a lack of charity that one does this and an act of selfishness. As the atheist falsely proclaims, “this was the Lord’s doing” and “I wouldn’t do this if He alone did not make me this way.” is false. For the things men and women do by their own free will are accidents and not attributed to God, for He is not the cause of sin, nor did He ever invent sin. Everything that the Lord made is “good.” Thus, it is impossible that what He made would be deficient or evil, for this is the decision (accident) of creatures, which come forth from their free will that was given to them as a gift from God, and is the sole variable that shall separate the created from the creator in the age to come. For the purpose of understanding this concept any further, it is important to realize the accountable actions on the Lord’s part stops at the measure where the created makes a choice, for He ordained that they shall choose (accidents) and either be glorified or condemned according to their ways. Does mankind receive help along the way? Of course they do, by way of grace.
Whether God is Altogether Simple?
God is simple; for He has no quantitative parts, no matter or form, He is not a composite being like creatures and humans, nor is His essence separated from His existence, He does not belong to a genus, nor can He be categorized in such a way. He is void of accident and contradiction, unlike created things, to which all things must adjust accordingly to in potentiality from actuality – which is God, the ultimate efficient cause, Unmoved in the sense He makes all things both matter, form, and the creature move. In His simplicity, He is absolute, not a part consisting of many parts, but the unifying force which causes all parts that are composite and complex to unite. People in the world do not value simplicity, nor do they recognize its treasure. Complex composite creatures strive further to make composite plans with complex points and outcomes, to the point they become unreachable. If they are reachable, those plans heap abuse upon other creatures, to which those creatures fall victim to. In the simplicity of God, His points, instruction, and handiwork has been made clear for all to see. But the world does not accept His simplicity, but chooses many complexities, even complex things that make no sense at all, which in turn start out as accidents (free choices) and then gradually morph into destructive outcomes. If the purpose of avoiding what is simple (God) is to do good by way of complexity (the way of the world), then the man who rejects what is simple finds himself achieving less than he ever intended, and in the process harming others according to the complex ways of this world that he pursued which is prone to deficiency (sin) and disorder.
Whether God Enters into the Composition of Other Things?
God cannot enter the composition of other things in the sense that He is co mingling with animated composite beings consisting of matter and form, for it would be impossible because what is a composite form consisting of matter in the animated sense is potentiality (created things, divisible by infinity) and is posterior of actuality and an efficient cause, which is simply God alone. The leg itself does not just kick the ball, but the man who controls his own leg uses his free will to enact the matter assigned to his form which puts forth in motion his composite parts (body and soul) to fulfill the act of kicking the ball. It has been proven previously that God is simple, and is not composite, nor is God in potentiality, which is the realm of the composite and created, but is before it in actuality and primacy. Therefore, God does not enter into the composition of other things in the sense we would think in reality. Furthermore, God does not enter us as if He is going to become us, nor does He need to do this. He may influence us by His will and the messengers He sends, but He does not enter into the composition of our bodies or things around us, for all of this belongs to Him in a different and much higher way than we can understand.
Whether God is Perfect?
God must be perfect because He alone is the first principle and first efficient cause which is before any material principle that consists of matter which is imperfect. Superseding all causes and principles, God is of His own order, unlike anything else that is set forth as potential, and is perfect in every way. If God was not of this order, then it would not be God, but a mere potentiality and not actuality to which all things come forth from. Secular and pagan society holds the material principle, which is imperfect, higher than the efficient cause of all things, which is the first principle, to which we know as God. It is why they do not recognize God or His perfection in creation, because they have chosen to worship the material principle (potentiality/imperfection) over what is the first principle (actuality), which is God and is perfect, thus becoming deluded in their thinking and corrupt in their souls, settling for idols of wood, stone, and vain human honor. Just as the Holy Apostle Paul says in Romans 1:19-25, informing the gentiles and first believers to avoid idol worship and to be aware of the truth of their surroundings as evidenced through the lens of their newfound hope and faith.
Whether the Perfections of All Things are in God?
Everything that is perfection or perfect within a genus or effect is set forth from the first efficient cause, which is God and who is the very essence of perfection to which comes forth in created things, matter, forms, elements, and the like. Since God is the prerequisite to a genus or a thing that does something, it is logical to infer that through His agency, perfection comes – whether in the form of heat to fire, cold to ice, or acts and expressions of love and goodness in humans. The perfection of love, which is selfless and perfect in every way, and demonstrable in humans from God, is misaligned or distorted in pagan society. Those who reject the existence of God and the many perfections He alone bestows upon mankind and created things, have turned love into a corporeal action, a way of providing material needs, or a self-serving arrangement consisting of many parasitic emotional exchanges that are not found in love, but are found in servitude, slavery, and bondage. They view love as a type of ownership, and do not know what it is like to love, which is perfect and comes from God. Some value the beast and pet over their fellow brother and sister who are made in the likeness of God and declare on many occasions that they love their subjects more than their neighbors, relatives, and co-workers. But this is not love, but ownership. Thus, like the demons, they take by force, and misuse and distort the perfections of the Living God to make what He made perfect, and which comes from Him alone, into something lesser and void of perfection, all while denying His existence and the very gift which came forth from Him in the example of love.
Whether Any Creature Can Be Like God?
God is the first universal principle of all things set forth. As much as something is like its being, it is like God, but not exactly like God in the fullness as God, for God transcends all genus and being. We may see an effect to the likeness of God from a creature or thing within a set genus, but God is not like the creature, for this would be impossible as the Creator does not mimic or come forth from the created. For example, we could claim, “my friend runs like a cheetah.” A human is not a cheetah, nor can it ever become a cheetah. In the same way, a human being cannot run as fast as a cheetah, although we may say that someone can “run like a cheetah.” In this way, the likeness of the fast athlete mentioned can be associated with a cheetah, although it is clear the person will never mimic the complete likeness of a cheetah. So also in this way, a person can be like God in that this person loves much and brings comfort to the one who is in need, ultimately being like God to that person in the sense of comforting a sorrow. However, such an example is subject to distortion and confusion because society attempts to misalign the values and being of God to make Him like them who are created, sinful, and imperfect. They do this in vain, for He is not like us in as much as He should conform and change to us, who are lesser and only a being by participation, in comparison to God, who is an Essential Being. Therefore, God’s love for us does not equal approval of our actions, for even though we may be like Him in ways that belong to our existence by participation, He is not like us, no matter how much we try to make Him like us. If that were the case, then He wouldn’t be God, and there would be no need for a messiah, for man himself would become his own light and salvation, to which we know is impossible. Why? Because if the angels, who were made stronger and smarter than us thought they could become their own light, but instead, descend into depravity, ugliness, imperfection, sin, and the likeness of fiery hell, us as humans all the more who think we can become our own “light” shall fall into this same error - for we are weaker and less intelligent than the fallen angels who became demons and are self-condemned because of their disobedience and pride - for pride alone is the hallmark of the demon and is the one thing it cannot disguise well. The demon can mimic virtue so as to trick others to its ways and doctrines, but they cannot resist their own pride and vanity. For if they were to do that, they would no longer be demons!
Whether Goodness Differs Really from Being?
Goodness and being are the same, for a thing that exists in its fullness is goodness. The only difference between goodness and being in idea is that goodness possesses an aspect of desirability, which in turn is striving for perfection, something all things seek to obtain within themselves both small and great. To be is simply not enough, for one must seek perfection or attempt to obtain it, in accordance with its being. In our daily lives, we seek a false sense of goodness in inanimate objects, vanity, false pretenses, injustice, sin, and violence. We heap abuse on others for the pursuit of our own goodness, which can never be achieved in its fullness without God as the sole objective, for goodness within ourselves or the goodness sought in other things will always fall short when we reject Him, who is prior to being.
Whether Goodness is Prior in Idea to Being?
Being is what something is in actuality. It is proper for the intellect of intelligible beings to realize they exist in actuality since their own conscience is aware of its own existence. This comes first before goodness, for the goodness one may want to seek is a desirable attainment of perfection in idea. Thus, being in idea is prior to goodness. The secular world declares all beings exist by way of accidental formation and that there is no absolute goodness or truth, for all is relative to one another, void of evil and good. They say this very thing as they actively attack the good and support the evil in their daily lives and throughout the world. Logical reasoning did not bring them to this conclusion, nor did supernatural grace. What brought them to this conclusion is the influence of evil; the one who says, “down is up, and up is down.” The wicked one. Who did he tell this to? To 19th century pseudo-cult philosophers trying to make a living for themselves by proclaiming the gospel of death to would be listeners. Philosophers like Jung, Bentham, Nietzsche, Marx, and Darwin. The Moderni Man of this age worships their secular morality overlords at the altar of false relativism. Just because one does not believe in good or evil does not mean they are no longer subject to its power. What we know as goodness is the ongoing perfection of union with God, who is the First and Final Cause. What we know as evil is the deficiency of the good (which is God) or a half shape which never could come to full circle.
Whether Every Being is Good?
Any being that is not God is a creature from God. Since God is the ultimate good and The One from whom all beings come forth from, it can be said that every being is good because they were all made good by God who is the ultimate and first good. Even people, events, or actions we deem as evil or not good have an element of goodness whether it was prior in time before the act or a consequence of evil that leads to a greater good after the act or event is committed (which is the work of the Lord who makes even the good come out of evil). For the deficiency of goodness can be described as a basketball missing the basket when shot. It falls short, and doesn’t quite add up, and is what we call “evil.” However, it is important to remember that God made all things good in His likeness according to His will as they should be and the perfect outcome for anything is fulfilling its purpose as God intended. The waters were made good, but sometimes a hurricane forms over them, in the same way, ice is good as well - but exposed too long you can freeze to death, fire is good for it keeps us warm and dry - but get too close to it and it shall burn your flesh. For the fallen angels were made good without pain or suffering in the full knowledge of God, but in their goodness, they chose to not quite meet the mark, and become evil - thus condemning themselves. In the same way, man and woman were made good in the likeness and image of God the Father, but by their own free will and choices (accidents) they chose disobedience and sin which ultimately led to death. It is God who made us good, but not all of us wish to remain that way. For the starting point is good, and if one remains in it, that person shall remain as God intended - which is good. But if that person strays from the goodness the Lord ordained and ruled, that person has much to fear, because the deficiency of their actions and disorder shall lead them on paths of destruction that will bring evil into their lives, even though they were made good and perfect in the eyes of God, and they shall never achieve a higher state of perfection other than what the Lord has ordained for them as creatures. For only “God is good alone,” and by His hand further good sprang forth, which is us and all living things as we know them. Now in Babylonia, man says “I cannot accept how the Lord made me. I know what I will do, I will become a woman!” A demon told them this. For it were the demons who originally rebelled and chose to become what was not meant for them. So naturally they too, would pursue, dwell, influence, whisper, and flock to the sins of men, and encourage it further so as to draw them further from their inheritance - which is God alone. The man of this age - the one who turns from God to pursue secular humanism, atheism, satanism, and occult practices, false idols, and the lower pleasures and desires of the flesh make themselves deficient as the fallen angels did and if they do not change, like the angels, the Lord shall enter into judgment with them as well. This is not a better “becoming” or evolution, as some who heard the gospel of death proclaim, no - it is an act of devolving and descending to lesser heights and lower regions, for the one who draws further away from God becomes uglier, more confused, hateful, more prone to sin, and thus plunges oneself further into the abyss that is the darkness where the unclean spirits dwell and every kind of torment awaits them so as to destroy them.
Whether Goodness Has the Aspect of a Final Cause?
All things made by God desire goodness according to their form and state of being. Just as a honeybee’s goodness is the labor it puts into the honeycomb, for the good of the colony, so it is for the man to replicate himself through his seed and produce viable offspring for his family lineage. The goodness of the vine produces solid healthy pumpkins, which are ripped from the vine and later discarded, while the apple tree recesses for the winter for another future harvest during the following warmer season. What is first in its cause is also last in its cause, thus goodness also precludes the idea of an efficient and formal cause. This principle remains true from least to greatest – from individual creature to the very plan God has laid out for mankind since the creation, the fall in the garden, the law, the prophets, the coming of the Messiah (when the Lord walked the earth in the flesh), and the end of the age where all created things are called back to the Creator to account for their ways so as to experience complete beatitude or eternal condemnation.
Whether the Essence of Goodness Consists in Mode, Species, and Order?
Something is as good as it is supposed to be, so far as it is perfect. Perfection is desirable and is what all things ascertain to. For example, the goodness of the human heart is to pump blood throughout the body to keep itself alive. The perfection of the heart is to pump blood to vital organs efficiently and effectively. Its measure, or mode, shows that the form it takes to pump blood suits the purpose of pumping blood to the heart in an efficient manner, thus sustaining blood flow and ultimately life. Species come from form, considering that everything which does something has a form, and whether that something is added to or taken away determines its species. For example, the hearts of mammals differ from the hearts of reptiles and amphibians, and this belongs to species. As for its ultimate end or final cause, according to its species – this is the order. The order of the human heart is to keep the person alive and functional for the duration of his or her span of life. In other words – self-preservation. In further questions, there will be a deeper understanding of differentiating between parts that make up a composite body that has been fashioned with a soul which is the intellect. All things considered, Mode, Species, and Order are the essence of goodness, for as it was addressed previously that God made all things “good.”
Whether Goodness is Rightly Divided into the Virtuous, the Useful, and the Pleasant?
Goodness is divided into the virtuous, the useful, and the pleasant based upon the principle of desirability as it pertains to living things moving from beginning to end in their form, being, and appetite. The goodness of virtue can be found in the appetite to which it moves for its own sake. In other words, moral excellence for its own sake, not for any ulterior motive. As for usefulness, the movement of the appetite towards a thing desired which completes or puts to rest the desire of the appetite or the thing that was sought but has now been fulfilled. In other words, solving problems, completing a task which holds a desirable end state, or meeting a need both for oneself and others. As for the thing which fulfills or brings the appetite to a conclusion in the form of rest in the thing desired, can be called the pleasant. For example, the man is bored and leans towards appreciating artwork and cultural traditions. He uses his allotted time in boredom to attend an art gallery showing, resulting in the satisfaction of his appetite towards creative expression, thus putting the desire or need to rest for the time being through the activity conducted.
Whether God Is Good?
The preeminence of the good ultimately belongs to God, who is the First and the Last – the efficient cause that brings all things to an end, according to God’s essence who imposes Species, Mode, and Order on all things put forth into being. For what something does, is according to its likeness and is desirable to the creature who carries out the action. Goodness and perfection are sought out in the created thing according to its likeness and this is what we recognize as a pursuit to know God and draw closer to Him. All things that are in “being” put their calculated end to God whether they fully realize it or not. Some find this goodness of knowledge in pursuits that lead to goodness, and the knowledge of Him without ever encountering the gospel – thus indicating a higher intelligence bringing forth a calculated end in the being who shouldn’t know Him, but does anyway, despite the odds and circumstances that prevent knowledge of a higher truth.
Whether God is the Supreme Good?
God is the supreme good in a simple fashion in the way all things that are good flow from Him as the first efficient cause, as explained previously. Just as something cold may come from a drink, which one can call “cold,” so there exists a better “cold” in the form of air conditioning. Even then, a more perfect and good cold exists beyond a drink and central air, and that can be found in ice. So, it is the same for God, who is the supreme good in every way, even though there is goodness in other created things to which He alone is the source.
Whether to Be Essentially Good Belongs to God Alone?
The perfection of all things is found in God essentially. The perfection found in something else is good by participation or accidental, in that the thing demonstrating the perfection is demonstrating what comes from God. God alone is goodness to which everything in existence finds its end or fulfillment. For example, when a man rides a horse, the horse will demonstrate speed by using its legs to go forward. In the same way, the horse is demonstrating utility by also providing transportation for the man, who is the rider. The goodness of speed and the usefulness of transportation is being demonstrated on the horse by participation. However, the goodness of speed and usefulness in the horse is just an example of what usefulness in transportation and speed can do when confined to this one event with its circumstances. Surely, the speed of a meteorite is faster than a horse but cannot be a means of transportation for the man. In the same way, the speed we recognize in the meteorite and the horse is called “participation,” and is good; good in the way it was meant to be good according to its likeness, and to which the speed is perceived. A more perfect speed that can equate and surpass both the horse and the meteorite from above and below can essentially be found in God, who proportions the goodness of speed to the meteorite and horse in such a way the created things can carry out the function of demonstrating speed.
Whether All Things Are Good By the Divine Goodness?
All things that are in being are good, for they were made good by The One to which all goodness flows from. This is the Divine Goodness. However, there is also goodness in the sense that something has being, so that something is good to the point it was made in such a way – imitating the principle of divine goodness according to its likeness. Even pagan philosophers of early Europe acknowledged through their many writings a goodness rooted in a divinity to which they were unaware of, because it has not been revealed to them. Nonetheless, by natural knowledge of a higher principle and source to which all mankind possesses, even to the remotest regions of the world, the innate knowledge of the Living God exists, along with His effects, attributes, and characteristics associated with goodness according to the likeness of the thing in being.
Whether God is Infinite?
God is the First Principle from which infinity is attributed to. Depending on what someone would consider the first principle as, the finite and the infinite could be improperly co-mingled, as were the case for the ancient pagan philosophers who held the view that the material principle of body and form, thus going forth into the entire universe, was that First Principle. As the Saint explains in his discourse, this is false, because where these philosophers co-mingled finite attributes with the infinite, who is God and not constrained to material body and form, their future assessments were flawed because their principal view of infinity was false. Clearly, the God of the Universe is not and cannot be received by anyone or anything and is of His own Essence and Being, to which all things that come into being are denominated from, thus He is Perfect and Infinite.
Whether Anything but God Can Be Essentially Infinite?
Anything outside God is from God and not infinite. Infinity belongs to God alone, who is the First Principle. Although something may have infinite potential, this is not absolute infinity. For example, a squared limestone block could be carved into an unimaginable number of shapes and figures by the sculptor. In the relative sense, the forms and shape in potentiality is infinite in matter (by way of accident or free choice the sculptor engages in). However, not in the absolute self-subsisting way that is God who is infinite in a much more perfect way matter and form can never attain to, nor can the human intellect ever fathom in fullness.
Whether an Actually Infinite Magnitude Can Exist?
An infinite magnitude cannot exist because everything that exists has a surface, a body, a form, and a boundary line or term. In other words, the thing that is finite has a boundary, and must form something of a body through its surface, thus filling a space determined by its likeness. Now, even if a mathematician says, “let this line be infinite,” as we often see in algebraic visual expressions, this would not mean that the line is actually infinite. The mathematics teacher simply takes what is finite, subtracting what is intended for use, and calls what he uses “infinite” for the sake of the problem or lesson to illustrate a concept that the human mind by way of its form and likeness can understand. Infinity belongs to God alone, who is His own essence, and is of a separate order from creatures who are finite and are constricted to their form, boundaries, and terms, thus filling the space they were ordained to according to His will.
Whether an Infinite Multitude Can Exist?
God has ordered all things in a state that can be measured by His agency. Thus, an actual infinite multitude cannot exist because God has set a number to all things according to His will as Creator so they may be measured and put into use, as stated earlier. However, in potentiality (accidents or the choices creatures can make on their own by the freewill which was given to them), the idea of an infinite multitude could exist by way of the principle of division because the decisions the free will allows is not confined by what is actual.
Whether God Is in All Things?
God is indeed in all things in multiple ways: one, by way of agency in something, just as a real estate agent has authority to represent the interest of her seller. Two, where the mover of the moved comes into contact, resulting in the moved being moved on the initial action of the mover, who is God. Thus, resulting in some kind of action or understanding of the intellect. Three, as long as something is in being, God must be present there, for something that is in being has its own essence because God created it. In the same way, the essence of God is also present, not as the essence of the person, but of its own essence at the same time while subsisting within it.
Whether God is Everywhere?
God fills a space by way of another through agency, will, influence, through creatures – giving them breath, hope, love, and the like. In another way, God fills a boundary directly in that His very presence is there, for He fills a place with being and existence. Furthermore, both the corporeal and incorporeal nature that is God can move in and out of one place or many places all at once, multiple times, or individually, because He is God, and this belongs to Him alone as He is of a different order of being as we know it. In this way, He alone is indeed everywhere.
Whether God is Everywhere by Essence, Presence, and Power?
By way of essence, God is in all things in the way He is their Efficient Cause and is present in all things that are created by Him. God is strongly present in the rational creature who is known by Him by way of intellect, particularly the Saints, through grace. By way of power and presence, God is present in the way that creatures and the like are subjected to His laws, rules, boundaries, limits, and likeness associated with its kind. In the same way, His authority can be felt and experienced in the operation of a creature in as much as they are limited or allowed to a function and understanding of the intellect. For example, a chicken’s likeness is to lay eggs, both to repopulate, but to also feed other living creatures. The chicken does not need to be instructed on the matter but acts upon it by design and power from the One whom it was created by. Just as the insect pollinates crops for food, the honeybee makes its honey – delicate ecosystems are the product of creative design, influence, and power – not accident, as the atheist, who believes in a series of accidents causing perfect conditions might suggest. The power of God is in all these things, working to an intelligent outcome. As for the person who does not perceive or acknowledge the force of God, even in their own lives, the atheist does not accidentally get to work on time or do his laundry. The atheist must wake up on his own and deliberately get dressed and prepare his day. He may drink some coffee and take transportation to his job. Through all these successive actions, he deliberately arrived at his place of work, not accidentally. In the same way, perfect occurrences cannot appear out of an electric blender of many different ingredients and causes. If this were the rule, matter would be a disorderly and ugly blend of many things that are nonsensical. However, this is not the case, for the very essence of God is actively guiding all things to their purpose and calculated end.
Whether to Be Everywhere Belongs to God Alone?
To be everywhere primarily and absolutely belongs to God alone and is proper to Him. Where He is not, there is no being or existence, for anything that Is must have His presence in some way. It is impossible that God would not be capable of this, or that something else other than God would be capable of the same function, especially as a creature – which is impossible.
Whether God is Altogether Immutable?
It is impossible that God is changeable from the perspective of movement, in that He alone is the Unmoved, and that there is nothing more to gain or lose, add or take away as it pertains to Him by any movement alone that may occur in potentiality by Him because He alone has already been there since before the beginning was a beginning. In other words, movement is not of His order for He is the Unmoved who puts all things into motion. This also confers His simplicity. Claims or instances in scripture where God appears to change or is changeable in the sense to a human is either metaphorically described within its context or misunderstood by the human intellect in the sense that He moves or changes in a way we perceive it to be, when this isn’t what is occurring. In the same way the sun is said to move into a house, not literally, for if that were the case, everything in its path and presence would be burned up - but in that its sun rays enter and shine upon the objects and areas within the path of its rays.
Whether to Be Immutable Belongs to God Alone?
The creature and the created can be silenced by God at any given time according to His will or for any purpose He deems necessary. This is so because all things come forth from God and that their very being of existence is dependent on the will of another, which in this case is God alone. If He were to cease causing the existence of something, then that something (whether a natural or spiritual body) would truly cease to exist. Therefore, it is evident that only God alone is immutable because His existence is not subjected to anything else. On the other hand, creatures and created bodies are subjected to a First and Last Efficient Cause - which is God, who draws all things of an order, species, and genus to their calculated end, who is the First Principle, and who is also the Unmoved who puts all things into motion as a being in actuality (real) as opposed to created things who are beings in potentiality (accidents - freewill choices).
Whether This Is a Good Definition of Eternity, “The Simultaneously – Whole and Perfect Possession of Interminable Life”?
In this statement, words are changed to more accurately describe eternity in the sense we as beings in potentiality (created creatures) can more accurately attribute our understanding of time to what is eternal. For time is a succession of movement, from start to finish, and therefore before and after. However, with eternity, there is no movement of such, but a subsisting whole continually lacking in nothing. For what is eternal and interminable has no beginning and no end. For what is whole is complete and lacking in no parts. For what is possessed is held firmly in place and unmovable. As for eternity, it can also be something that is in being and also alive. For the simultaneously-whole, it is replaced by the thought of time which is imperfect, and given a better and accurate description lacking in nothing in a more perfect and subsisting way. Much of society in the Moderni age views time as the creator, the law, the only beginning and end, or unspoken rule which is subject to nothing – especially the Living God who created it to which they do not acknowledge. Also, in the warped sense, they may view truth as relative and time as absolute in the sense that the truth can change according to the predicament at hand or can align to one’s morality for pragmatic purposes according to specific situations while time in itself is absolute and made perfect. The impossibility of these ideas is the theology of the atheist and the pagan - who follow the material principle, which is subject to corruption, as the first principle.
Whether God is Eternal?
God alone is eternal just as He alone is immutable in a completely supreme way because He alone is in His own essence in as much as He would also be His own eternity, where unlike time - there is no beginning or end.
Whether to Be Eternal Belongs to God Alone?
God is indeed eternal because of His immutability. However, other bodies and creatures participate in His eternity by way of receiving a kind of immutability from Him in accordance with His will. For example, it could be seen that a planet or something in nature on earth has a likeness to eternity in that it never goes away and remains beyond many successive generations to people and the observable universe. Also, in the same way, creatures such as angels and humans participate in his eternity by election to stand in His presence through Sainthood or obedience to what they were made for, as in the good angels who glorify God. In this way, they participate in the likeness of His immutability and eternity which transcends time and all measured successive movements from start to finish.
Whether Eternity Differs from Time?
It appears that eternity and time are not the same thing. What is movable, corruptible, and changeable is subject to time. What is permanent, unchanging, and everlasting is the measure of eternity. In conclusion, eternity is simultaneously whole (void of movement) while time is the measure of movement and the created thing or being that is corruptible and changeable. It is not proper to apply eternity to time because eternity measures what is permanent while time measures what is temporary.
The Difference of Aeviternity and Time?
Aeviternity is the mean between time and eternity and is most proper for the dominion of the angelic beings and the substance of heavenly bodies. For time has a start and an end which is corruptible and subject to change, while eternity has no beginning or end and is immutable and unchangeable, so exists aeviternity where it is said that there is a beginning but no end and that change can be annexed to it such as angelic beings were made unmovable in their nature but are changeable in their decisions (such as the fallen angels deciding to turn on God and be cast down as a consequence of their actions). Since corporeal beings such as humans are subject to time, which is corruptible, and are subject to successive movements, a start and an end; when the soul leaves the body – it shall enter Aeviternity, just as the angelic substance are subjected to, where there is beginning, but no end.
Whether There is Only One Aeviternity?
It appears that there is to be only one aeviternity. Although there may be multiple heavens, they all fall under one aeviternity. This is because all things that are in being both in the flesh and the spirit are measured by one – especially regarding time. So, with that said, if time is measured by one, then aeviternity shall be measured by one all the more. It is not that the first thing measured in aeviternity is the cause of all things that spring forth from it, but that it is the first thing measured in the simplest way. In other words, there appears to be only one time, one aeviternity, and one eternity – not many of each.
Whether One Adds Anything to Being?
It appears that “one” does not add anything to being. In fact, it is what being is, as any being that is either simple or compound (consisting of many parts as a whole) sustains itself as one, and does not become divisible or undivided. In other words, to be “one” is to “be” in the literal sense. It cannot be an addition to what already is.
Whether One and Many Are Opposed to Each Other?
“One” implies the idea of something measured and being the principle of things numbered, while “multitude” is the measure as to what something is measured by. They are opposed to one another because what is “one” is whole and indivisible. What is “multitude” can also be said to be as one, as someone would describe “a multitude of fish” just as many car parts create a car, but it is still the opposite of “one” because they are divisible by their parts as a whole.
Whether God is One?
One as a number is attributed to material things and belongs to mathematics so as to number things that are created. This does not apply to God from a numerical sense in that He is beholden to matter in this way. Evidently, God is One in the following ways: through simplicity, one thing can be conveyed to many, but that one thing can only be one, and not many. It is impossible that the person who is reading this text also exists somewhere else, and although other people may perceive you as the reader in different ways or have different opinions of you, it still so has it that there is only one of you, and there shall only be one of you going forward. That is the simplicity of God; so in the same way, God can only be One and not many. As through the infinity of His perfection, as God alone contains the perfection of all things and is lacking in nothing. Whether somebody experiences a perfection and becomes fully aware of its attributes, this person would realize that the perfection encountered or experienced is not a manifestation of its own, nor is the perfection exhibited isolated solely to this single user – because we see that what is fast in one person is also fast in another, and we also see that what is very smart in someone else can also be replicated or surpassed in someone else across the world without ever coming into contact with such a person, or we may see an armored rhino fitted with natural durable armor and able to withstand blows from a sledgehammer while at the same time we can compare a microscopic Tardigrade who as a species alone appears to be indestructible; even in space to cosmic radiation, and in the same way we also see that these attributes of perfection flows forth from a higher power which is the maximum of armor, toughness, intelligence, and speed, to which the source comes from, and that is only something that comes from God, to which He alone is lacking in nothing, and is also the maximum of all things in perfection. Finally, the unity of the world demands that things are ordered to each other either to serve one another or complement one another as in a hierarchical chart from successive categories and genus with the basis of outline being by order of one. In another way, the First Principle, that is the One who sees it good to order everything in this way, because what was First, which is God, is most perfect, where everything else that is ordered is set forth from.
Whether God is Supremely One?
God is one in the highest degree because He is His own Essence, His own Subsisting Substance, His own Simplicity, His own Being, and of course The One who Is Who puts all things that isn’t into being. In other words, The Holy Trinity holds the First Place as being Supremely One.
Whether Any Created Intellect Can See the Essence of God?
God is supremely knowable, but not in the same way to every type of intellect. Some are closer to God, while others are further away – as the Psalmist says, “The Lord is on high, but cares for the lowly and knows the proud from afar” (Psalm 138:6). If it were true that the created intelligence of man could never fathom or come to know God in any such way, beatitude would be impossible to obtain, and man would perpetually remain in darkness with no understanding. However, this is not so, as we see with the faith and the Church and its many clergy and Ministers, Priests, Bishops, and Deacons who know God and carry out His will – including the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, and Saints. It is more than just a knowing of authority, but a call one receives prior in time to the act, for the one called feels the Lord both internally and outside his or her body and can discern the presence of God in many other things, including oneself, thus guiding one’s course of actions in a way better described without words. This is the attainment of the First Principle, which is what mankind was built for – to be in union with God and to glorify His Name through the attainment of beatitude. Furthermore, in a lesser way, we see this guiding principle among those who do not even wish to attain knowledge of Him as to achieve glory, but display its desire to a lesser degree through natural wonder and wanting to realize and know the effects of things and why they come into range of the intellect as something knowable and identifiable – like the secular sciences and many arts throughout the cultures of the world. Finally, if the intellect in the rational creature was not capable of adhering to and seeking out the First Cause of all things, which is the First Principle – that is God, to which all attain their final outcome through, its natural desire to know things and attain a higher degree of completeness in the intellect of one’s surroundings and knowing would be void, and that person would be something like an animal or less than rational creature. As for coming to the vision or knowing or understanding of the full essence of God, more so at a higher degree than other created intellects, the blessed and those on the road to Sainthood are granted sight of the essence of God in ways others at a lesser degree have not attained.
Whether the Essence of God Is Seen By the Created Intellect through An Image?
By way of the natural senses and corporeal things pertaining to matter, the limited faculties that provide us with eyesight show us what things appear to be in matter by their likeness through created intellect, not by their essence. For example, a person knows the game of baseball. So, when this person sees a bat and a baseball lying on the grass on the way to work in the morning; more than likely the game of baseball will show up in their mind so as to create an association with what the eyes are seeing in the created forms and likeness that are the circular baseball and the cylinder shaped baseball bat in order to make sense of it by way of the created intellect. God is the first intellectual power, and the most perfect one – to which all intellectual powers spring forth from by His design and creation. For the created intellect to come into the realization of what it is actually seeing by way of the essence of something beyond its likeness, there exists the factor of something outside of the creature’s intellect which raises its own intellect in a higher way to understand God and the essence of things it is observing as it pertains to God; an illuminating light if you will. In other words, one may see an image representing God, but will not know it to be anything else unless that person’s intellect is raised up to the knowledge and light of the knowledge of God through grace and the glory of His illuminating light – which enhances the intellect to recognize Him. In this way, the created intellect worships in a better way and draws closer to God in a higher degree. It would appear that in the Moderni age, so many are living in darkness and sin, which clouds the intellect and prevents the light of grace from entering, and reinforces the walls of ignorance and unbelief in many thus preventing them from recognizing any light that shines through the cracks of the perimeter walls they setup in their own hearts that acknowledge the truth of the One and Only Living God. Additionally, those who are closer to God in a lesser degree and not in its fullness, view any kind of image that represents God or has been given sanctity and power through His will – to include objects and images that honor Him, as a form of idolatry and false worship. This is rooted in recent religious formations dating back to the the middle part of the second millennium - where the practice really set sail - and has morphed through such denominations such as calvinism and other denominations that formulate their own rules on the matter in accordance with their own councils formed throughout the generations void of communion with the Seat of the Apostle Peter. Furthermore, according to the theology of these movements on individual levels, the fear of committing idolatry outweighs the goodness of honoring God through various images and works of art and objects, as we see with some people who would rather be alone and sick in the hospital without any holy images or prayer beads in their company. This appears to be the result of doctrinal error rooted in recent sub-Christian movements ingrained and infused in the minds of successive generations, centuries, and splitting/schism of denomination that holds newfound charismatic leaders implementing their own subjective view of worship and doctrine that is not beholden to anything objective like we see to the Magisterium. Lastly, what the Lord deems to have power – will have power. An Ark of the covenant for the Israelites to which only the Levites could carry, lest you die? Yes. A staff for Moses? Yes. A Cross for the faithful? Absolutely. All are examples of God’s power. Knowing what it represents and holding it in reverence to honor God is not idolatry. Worshiping the object as if it were a God, as the secular atheist in society does for his bank account, his career, possessions, and reputation, are better examples of what true idols are and their many effects they have on the soul of the one who lives for them so as to worship them.
Whether the Essence of God Can Be Seen with the Bodily Eye?
God cannot be seen by the sense of the eye or the imagination, but only by the intellect. Now, if an angelic or demonic entity is seen, as people have claimed to have seen, they are perceiving a creature that is also created by God and are not observing God’s essence, therefore, it is a “created” thing they are observing. The eye belongs to matter and the corporeal world and does not possess the capacity to see what is raised above it unless of course it is granted to it by the will of the One who sets all things into motion and raises the intellect in a higher way that can recognize Him and things beyond matter.
Whether Any Created Intellect by Its Natural Powers Can See the Divine Essence?
The created intellect knows and can identify matter with its given organs. However, to see beyond what matter is, such as the Divine Essence, as the angels see, is only possible by grace and not by nature alone. The created things that have their being in individual matter are subject to nature and can only be viewed according to nature and natural means, such as the sense of smell and sight. However, what is divine is of a different essence, and beyond matter, and is blind or invisible to the natural senses unless grace is infused to see or be made aware of more prominent realities through attainment of the divine intellect. Critically, there are two cognitive powers possessed in the soul; one, is the act of the corporeal organ that recognizes individual matter by nature, secondly, is the intellect which is not beholden to any corporeal organ and is the key to the Divine Essence by which we make God’s presence and divine things known to us such as angels, wicked spirits, and the influence of the Holy Spirit. Angelic being’s intellect, which is raised up on the divine within the measure of aeviternity, are predisposed to know these things by way of their intellect because by one movement they enter into knowing, salvation, condemnation, obedience, and disobedience because they were made eternal without suffering, hunger or mortality and of course their salvation or condemnation can be attained by one decision or movement as it was before the fall of man when the bad angels rebelled against their nature and became self-condemned and the good angels remained true to their nature and remained in grace. However, as it goes with created mankind, who can either attain salvation or condemnation by many successive movements as subject to time, where there is a beginning and an end, and salvation or condemnation can be reached by many movements and decisions. Our intellect is not completely raised up to the Divine Essence in this present life because we are subject to ignorance, hunger pains, death, and suffering. However, it does not mean that we cannot experience some of the Divine Essence in acceptable portions according to our likeness before the appointed time of our bodies to transition to sole spiritual forms.
Whether the Created Intellect Needs Any Created Light in Order to See the Essence of God?
The created intellect needs intelligible light that is grace and is from God to illuminate the understanding and wisdom of the knower so as to recognize the Divine Essence in things, other people, places, and within its own person. This illumination or light of glory is recognized in scripture as an understanding given to the person in a higher degree that is raised up to knowledge of the Living God and is beyond corporeal matter and the natural world which is recognized by the natural senses. In other words, a medium is used to know and see the essence of God, which is grace, but not in the way that the medium changes or alters His essence, but that it is needed to perceive the Divine Essence, as an intelligible factor attached to the human intellect enhancing its ability to know and understand – just as night vision goggles enhances the users perception and view of the woods in the dark of night. Finally, what is created is natural to the creature such as observance of ice and fire or wind and taste; however, the disposition of what is natural is to its form – for example; fire must be hot, and a spider must have many legs, but for the one who receives illuminating light and divine grace, that person is raised up to a likeness conforming to the form that is God which is divine.
Whether of Those Who See the Essence of God, One Sees More Perfectly Than Another?
Each and every soul shall shine in its glory according to its likeness – while some receive more splendor and majesty than another. If all of us were equal so as to see God for who He is, we would all be the same and equal in Heaven. However, this is not the case, because some are more beautified than others while some are closer to God in a higher degree and further away from God in a lower degree. Also, it so has it that there are multiple levels of heaven and hierarchies established closest and furthest to and from God based on love, as we see with the Seraphim. Because of the heart inflamed with charity and the willful urge to carry out good for others, even at the detriment of one’s own health, comfort, lifestyle, and well-being – this one becomes more closely aligned with the second Adam and the kind of human that is to inherit the earth once all is accomplished and is also the kind of worshiper the Lord seeks. In this way, one makes himself more receptive to what is about to be received and thus can receive it – ultimately resulting in a higher beautification (which is the attainment of the First Principle in Glory – true happiness and joy) than others who may have been less inclined to receive what was being given or is only capable of receiving a lesser portion of glory according to its likeness.
Whether Those Who See the Essence of God Comprehend Him?
No created creature or thing can comprehend God in His fullness. For if this were so, God would have competition, and He wouldn’t be God, or there would be many gods, and as we have addressed previously, this is impossible. However, some and others may comprehend a portion of Him in a higher or lesser way as He determines according to His will and whom He chooses to reveal Himself to. As for the great Fathers in the past have said in summary – “Knowing a portion of Him is great gain.” For any created intellect cannot grasp His fullness, not even angelic beings – for He is infinitely knowable, but impossible to know infinitely, for it is beyond the capability of any created thing to comprehend such a thing. It is also said that the blessed and people like the Apostles, who are closer to God than most in a higher degree or better way, attain three attributes aligned to the soul and God – they are: hope, faith, and charity. Through these three attributes aligned with God, they are held closer to Him in a better way, thus fulfilling the object of their desire in God through these attributes, just as a hearty meal fills the desire of a hungry belly and completes it, or when a long-lost loved one is reunited with his or her family member, thus fulfilling the longing of love and familial companionship in the heart that was already desired.
Whether Those Who See the Essence of God See All in God?
Those who see the Essence of God are much better off in more ways than one for those who do not see the Divine Essence of God. However, it so has it they do not know all things, because in order to know all things in God, one must fully comprehend Him perfectly, and this does not belong to any creature or created thing, but God alone who can comprehend Himself, knows Himself, and is infinitely in Himself. Even the angels do not know all things, even though it may appear this way according to a human being’s mode of knowing in comparison. With that in mind, keep note that it's not the full attainment of glory and beatitude for humans to know all things through God, but to know God in the best way according to our likeness and the illuminating light of grace. Additionally, knowing God and comprehending God in anyway more so than another is great gain – even knowledge wise being tapped into the divine superhighway of information and knowing, almost like the internet and supercomputers, however, this isn’t the purpose of knowing God (to attain supernatural knowledge), but to know God in fullness as to complete what we were made for and that is to glorify our Creator and be made whole in that alone. Finally, it is impossible that any created thing could see all in God, for no created thing can comprehend His infinity and know infinite things like Him. If such a thing were given freely, it would probably be abused or used as a means for detestable sorted gain and profit, as we see with the occult using knowledge of curses and demonic rites to oppress and extract sorted gain for their clients and their targeted enemies.
Whether What Is Seen in God by Those Who See the Divine Essence, Is Seen through Any Similitude?
The Divine Essence of God that is united to the intellect of the person who sees God actually sees the Essence of God even if it is by way of a likeness or an image. Why? Because any likeness or image is pre-existent in God and is what God may choose to present His essence through. Not that the thing or creature in its likeness being seen is God in itself – independent; in a general example, like a bear or a deer roaming through the woods past an observer, but God using the image to convey His essence in a way the one who sees can understand and comprehend. Not that the deer or the bear is God, but that the Divine Essence of God is using the animals according to His will for the purpose of the message or vision to the one who is observing. These principles also apply to sacred images in paintings, pictures, and sacred displays conveying the Essence of God by way of a similitude the observer can associate to the material principle as he knows them and can identify knowable concepts and ideas through the corporeal organs. These possibilities are given to the human to identify perception through sight, smell, taste, and human feeling/sensations conveyed by the brain and central nervous system - such as seeing a Holy image and receiving a tingling down the spine accompanied by goosebumps, or the hairs on the skin rising at the presence of something the intellect (which is the soul) can identify.
Whether Those Who See the Essence of God See All They See in It at the Same Time?
Knowing and understanding what the Essence of God is demonstrating is a simultaneous act or movement, not many successive ones. For example: say one is pondering a life decision to pursue a career, but first must attend an accredited university in order to receive licensure for the career one wants to partake in. From there, one must figure out how to pay for that education, so this person decides to get a job in order to save up for such a pursuit. This would be an example of many successive movements to the goal of attaining a specific career and is directly opposed to the “simultaneous” or instant” in the way the Divine Essence of God who demonstrates or conveys knowledge and understanding to us. In another example, the simultaneous of knowing something with a singular word could be described in this way: the word “justice” may suggest the following: law courts, prosecutors, lawyers, judges, discovery of evidence, courtroom guards, weapons, paperwork, cameras, security, sorrow, joy, microphones, artwork, and authority of a government, even a certain way people in court may dress such as suits, ties, and leather shoes. With the single word, “justice,” one can determine and distinguish many things and avenues of knowing, and in the same way, the Essence of God conveys understanding and knowledge in one simultaneous movement, not many successive ones as the prior example demonstrates.
Whether Anyone in This Life Can See the Essence of God?
The true Divine Essence that is God cannot be seen in this life, for if this were so, no man could live any longer in his mortal body, as confirmed in the scriptures with Moses. For what we recognize as Divine Essence is given by way of “similitude,” or in other words, images or effects that our minds can perceive, process, understand, and learn from to use for edification of other people who know God to a lesser degree. Some varying opinions on this have inferred that to see the Divine Essence, or Him for Who He Is, the outpouring of love shall “make the heart explode” or His comprehension is not fitted for our mortal flesh, thus its power shall destroy it. However, in more simpler terms, it is so that we are composite bodies consisting of corporeal matter with a soul which is our intellect given to us as a gift which is also the image of the Living God to know Him through His effects in the world and to seek Him. Corporeal matter can only know and see matter that is natural to it by its forms. Also, the Divine Essence cannot be known through material things in the way the spirit knows it, which is the most accurate and truthful depiction. However, if one were to draw closer to spiritual things, this person would have to neglect corporeal things in matter, and in this way, this person would be more capable of perceiving and understanding abstract intelligent things that only the spirit can discern such as dreams, divine revelations, presence of spirits, and foresight.
Whether God Can Be Known in This Life by Natural Reason?
The knowledge of God’s Essence is by grace, which is a higher truth, and is a gift of the Holy Spirit. The knowledge of God by natural reason belongs both to the bad and good person, even the one without faith or grace, because both the good and bad can know many truths even in a lesser way as compared to something that knows a truth in a higher way - nonetheless, both know the truth, even if the good and bad have a differing knowledge of it by degree of understanding. When the bad says “I don’t know Him” or “there is no proof of His existence,” it's not that this person cannot understand the truth by natural reason, for it has been made known to them, it is because this person rejects the truth, or refuses to acknowledge it through internal bias and rejection of what was meant for that person, or further influence from the demons who encourage wickedness and denial in mankind. With all of this said, it is still manifest to everyone by natural reason the existence of God, because God’s effects and images are clearly seen in the world for all to observe - both the bad and the good, both the believing and unbelieving, both the accepting and those in denial. If this wasn’t so, nobody could ever come to “conversion,” because such possibility would not be possible for the thoughts of a person or ways he or she accepted a way of life to change and move onto something better, which is God and the truth. Additionally, we see that there is the knowledge of God to a lesser degree in remote parts of the world throughout history and present times who did not have the gospel or the law preached to them, but they clearly knew a God existed regardless, which is evident through their culture, traditions, and belief system. All of these fall within the sphere of the observable universe and can be detected by the senses, for our natural knowledge can only take us far as the senses go, and as it goes, the senses can detect spiritual things and know God even if they cannot see Him, hear Him, smell Him, or touch Him in the way we experience corporeal things around us, but know Him by His effects in our surroundings, ourselves, and through others in more ways than one. This is knowing God to a lesser degree which is limited by our corporeal bodies of the flesh. Once we become spirit, and our soul leaves our body, then we shall know Him in a more accurate and better way beyond sense, which is a higher degree of truth and knowing than the corporeal flesh can provide by way of sense.
Whether by Grace a Higher Knowledge of God Can Be Obtained Than by Natural Reason?
Even though the revelation of grace which brings one to God in a higher degree does not reveal the full scope of “knowing” God for who He truly is in its fullness, without any further knowing to be added to it, it still increases our relationship and knowledge of His presence and effects in the world which are observable to all, both unbelieving and believing, but perceived in different ways, some more accurately and others less accurately (for those who do not attribute the proper effects to God that come from Him in the world around us) and those who only recognize something of Him by way of natural reason void of the illuminating light of supernatural grace. Nonetheless, it is by grace that we attain the higher knowledge of the Living God, and shall receive divine revelation, and spiritual things the corporeal flesh alone cannot decipher, for example - coming to the knowledge and acceptance in the heart that God is Three in One, and that God is One in Three. In the same way, knowing in the heart that the Five wounds of Christ are Seven, and the Seven wounds of Christ are Five. Not everyone might see this though, because of the layers or veils obstructing the objective of knowing something for what it is. By way of visions both private and prophetic as from scripture, the illuminating light of grace puts objects, places, and people into a sensible vision that can accurately describe what the Lord is conveying for the purpose of edifying others. For example, if one were to keep out light from entering into a room, that person may put up a blind. In addition, add a curtain as well. From there, there shall be no light of knowledge of divine knowing, or there may be a dimmer version of the light penetrating into the room. With supernatural divine grace that brings us to God in a higher degree of knowing, this illuminating light pierces the curtain and the blind, and still continues to light up the room in its brilliant radiance. If you were to be in that room, it would be impossible for you not to see what is around you and observe the light which engulfs your very being. Additionally, the light may illuminate a picture on your wall, so you may see it more clearly for what it is, even though you knew what it was earlier when there was no light, but you had a different perception of it. In the same way, the perceiving between natural reason and grace interact with our intellectual ability, which is part of our soul that was given to us by God to know Him, and is not attributed to any corporeal organ of the flesh - and is what separates us from rational beings who are made in the image of the First and Last Cause as compared to irrational animals who roam the earth for food, devour one another, and become food for us in kind. Finally, it can be said that “faith” is knowledge in itself without a vision from the person experiencing it, but its source coming from God alone who gives one faith to know Him more deeply and accurately in league with the intellect which alone is supernatural and unlike anything in comparison to it that is known to man in any creature or unintelligible body or form.
Whether a name can be given to God?
A name can be given to God in a way that the creature can describe its own understanding of what God is to itself and others around it. However, the name given to God will never portray the Divine Essence accurately because creatures that are in the corporeal flesh are not capable of seeing the Essence of God, for it is beyond the understanding of the creature to do this, nor could it perceive it and live, because the Divine Essence of God is before the creature, and raised up above all of its senses, intellect, and understanding. However, the creature can assign names to God so as to describe God, even though the name given to God does not represent God in His fullness. Furthermore, calling an “apple” an apple is an accurate expression of the essence of what is described. In this case, an apple. For one can bite into it and remove its seeds and be filled with its sugary richness. The senses can identify the apple in more ways than one and the intellect understands fully its role and purpose in its created environment. But with God, we only know Him by His effects, and what He chooses to reveal to us as for the edification of self and others. His Essence cannot be seen or fathomed, so no name will ever fully describe Him accurately and justly. Nonetheless, the created still assign names and descriptions to their Creator so as to identify ideas and things to the intellect that perceives God and shares in His message with others around them.
Whether any name can be applied to God substantially?
Any name that is applied to God by the created (creature) may describe Him in some way according to the perception of the one conveying the name, but whether or not the name altars or affects His substance in any way is completely impossible. For the names given to God by creatures has no effect on Him, because all names, descriptions, and things that simply exist to our own senses in our world are completely pre-existent in God. Additionally, the names we give God is less of a charge against Him, and more of an indicator or measure of us indicating our relationship to God. To further elaborate, negative names that are applied to God affects His substance in no way, but simply reminds the listener of just how close or far away from God that creature is who is naming Him. See for yourself, if you were to go up to an atheist and ask him about God, he may respond with something like, “I don’t follow your ‘Sky Daddy.’” The atheist would say this in a negative way, but this insult or mockery would have no effect on God, and would actually signal to the hearer of the message that this person is further away from God, because of the false mocking name he used to describe God. Seeing as how this harms God in no way or benefits Him in anyway, it is also a good indicator to the state of grace (or lack of) that soul is in, and in by doing so - the creature who attempts to name God effects itself more than the label it gives or apportions to God, either negatively or positively, for the one who praises God shall not go unrewarded, and the one who curses God shall not go unpunished. Now, walk up to a Priest and ask Him about God, and he may refer to God as, “The Lord,” or “God the Son,” or “God the Father,” or “God the Holy Spirit,” or “The Blessed Trinity.” By these names of God, they pay honor to Him, but still do not affect Him in any way that His substance must change substantially. Moreover, it is just an indicator of the reverence one may show for their Creator, and is a reminder to the observer that this Priest is closer in relationship to God than the atheist is, simply by their words alone, for if we know God by His effects, then we must also know creatures more intimately by their effects (what they say and do or reveal to us by their good and bad deeds) as well.
Whether any name can be applied to God in its literal sense?
Some names are given to God by creatures in the metaphorical and literal sense. Both are proper depending on their context. For example - in the metaphorical sense, God could be referred to as “The Rock,” or the “Foundation” of the faith and hope in the believer, and this would be a proper metaphorical name for God because although He is just not a rock alone or a poured concrete slab of rebar for the base of a building, we also know Him to be the One who keeps all things into being in a more higher and eminent way, and this of course pre-exists any metaphor or material matter in our known environment that could describe Him. In the same way, for example, in the literal sense - God could be called “Good,” and this would be a true literal statement, even though it does not describe everything about the Divine Essence, it nonetheless contains Good in it, which also describes God because He alone is Good and is the source to which all Goodness comes from.
Are any names applied to God synonymous?
Names given or applied to God are not all the same in idea. For God Himself is One in reality, but many in idea, so as far as creatures can associate Him in a suitable manner to their intellect - such as “God is All,” or “God is in the clouds,” or “God is in our hearts”, or “God is just, or “God is love,” or “He who fashioned us in the womb,” or “The One who stretched out the universe with His hand.” What is obvious here is that by what was said - it transmits a different idea about God - even though the One reality in all these statements is God. The created intellect obtains understanding of the First Principle (God), which sets all other principles into motion and being (created things), and then flushes many ideas of that First Principle into substances it can describe and understand so as to magnify the various perfections God apportions to creation in an imperfect manner because creatures can only imitate His likeness, but never portray it in its fullness - even though some may display it in a higher or lesser degree depending on love, faithfulness, denial of self, deeds, and election. Never can this occur all in one idea or understanding, but many ideas and understandings, thus all one reality which is God. Finally, the perfections that are manifest in creatures, such as charity, wisdom, love, and justice etc. that are apportioned among all of them, pre-exist in God completely and in the most perfect manner.
Whether what is said of God and of creatures is univocally predicated of them?
God is of a different order than anything which exists in a genus. No name that belongs to God also belongs to creatures, for anything a creature has is a quality from God - to include wisdom, strength, talent and the like. It is not proper to say “God has wisdom like Socrates,” because God was before and after Socrates, and everything Socrates displayed - including wisdom and the power to argue - came from none other than God alone as an apportioned attribute or quality which is in Him in a more better and perfect way. Therefore, the essence and substance of something depends on the genus they are categorized under and because of this God and creatures are known differently by their effects in an equivocal manner.
Whether names predicated of God are predicated primarily of creatures?
Does the child name the parent? Does a pet leash the master? Can a building pre-exist its architectural design plans? No - for all of these come after. So, in the same way, names are applied to God rather than creatures because anything which is being described such as a trait or attribute or even a thing that does something pre-exists in God in a more higher and perfect way, to which all things such as creatures flow forth from. However, it is not wrong to refer to God in the metaphorical sense so as to convey Him to others in a higher degree or honorable mention, such as “God carries the message of truth like a bullet,” and “The Truth of God is like the Sun - shooting rays of heat across the sky, for it is impossible that anyone on the ground not feel its heat!” These examples carry an imperfect truth as we can perceive them by the things we know and can relate to while paying honor to the First and Last Cause, which is God, although not quite describing Him accurately and fully - as this is impossible in the created, just as it is impossible that the child names the parent - for the parent had a name that was given before the existence of the child, and whether or not the child wishes to “rename” the parent later on, it shall not matter, for the name the parent has pre-exists whatever name given to the parent by the child. So it is with God, who pre-exists the child, the parent, and any name that could be given to them by another.
Whether names which imply relation to creatures are predicated of God temporally?
Names as they relate to creatures such as “governor,” and “mayor,” or “chieftain” and the like is how the creature identifies the likeness of what is being described in such a way they know how to react or respond to what they are about to encounter, receive, or interact with and this belongs to them in a temporal way. In the same way, when we call “The One Who Is” - “Lord,” it's not so much that we are affecting His Essence, Being, or changing anything about His Substance, rather we are speaking of things we can describe in accordance with our nature so they can be identified and reacted to in the proper manner. Next, coming to this realization, it can be said that the relation that is established between creatures and God in regard to a name is a temporal function, not something originating from eternity. Also, as it was said before, God is of His own order outside of creation, and everything that is in existence temporally is ordered to Him, while the relation is from creatures to God, but not God to creatures in any true sense other than idea as creatures are referred back to Him.
Whether this name “God” is a name of the nature?
God is made known to us by His effects in the world around us. It is not possible for us to know fully or even see His nature as it is, but we can recognize His divine nature by His effects, and when we apply or assign Him names which depict Him in a manner our intellect recognizes - we signify many attributes associated with Him as we do other things. For example, if we call the Lord - “A High King,” we also infer to other creatures that this important title oversees the operations and accountability of everything within a King’s dominion, and in comparison - allows us to identify correctly what we are describing in the likeness we associate to other things. Is the Lord exactly like a King? No, but - He is like a King in the way we associate Him to one, as in the literal sense He is the King above all Kings - The One who pre-exists the title to begin with. So, the name of something we give it can describe the nature of something as we understand it, without completely depicting the full nature of God in its fullness - because this is unknowable to the created.
Whether this name “God” is communicable?
The divine nature is only conveyed by some idea, description, or less than perfect image or example within the realm of the material principle (by participation or accident such as a human portrayal of God in a painting) that creatures can identify and recognize. Names occur not in reality as we declare them, but they occur in our own mind as we perceive them - so in this way, the reality of God by His name is not communicable in reality to the divine nature, but it is communicable in as much as we can understand it and talk about it or make it known to others by signifying Him through a name to which others can recognize. The meaning of “God” in your own mind might not be the same as the meaning of “God” in the mind of another, thus the two conflict, however, in reality, the name itself “God” which attempts to communicate the divine nature is not affected in anyway, nor can it even be perceived properly in fullness within the form of the body fixated to the material principle that makes up nature and the universe.
Whether this name “God” is applied to God univocally by nature, by participation, and according to opinion?
The name “God” is an idea which resembles the likeness of many things to people as they perceive it. The idea of God includes the opinion of the human being as he can relate to The Name. For example, someone who refers to God as “The Blessed Trinity,” would be correct in that by words he has identified the divine nature. Now, a pagan can relate the idea of God to a block of wood, or a demonic spirit posing as a God - even though this is false, as a block of wood is simply a block of wood and subjected to the material principle, and also that a demon is just a spiritual creature without a body, even though it may think it is something more because of demonic pride and to trick the pagan further into sin so as to worship it so the pagan descends into further error. Even then, in this example - the human who is correct in associating God to the Blessed Trinity still only has an idea of it - to which the divine nature resides, but can only demonstrate some kind of likeness to it as he alone understands it, just as Saint Augustine experienced with the boy trying to collect the ocean water into a sand hole he dug up while he was stuck pondering the mystery. Therefore, it would be proper to conclude that the name “God” is applied analogically, because it is a mixture of some senses and reality, but lacking in others as anyone can really understand it under the signifying label of a single word or name.
Whether this name, HE WHO IS, is the most proper name of God?
The name HE WHO IS, is most properly applied to God in three ways: One, by what it signifies. The Name does not signal form or creature or what is created or anything of the like - but EXISTENCE in its fullness, which presupposes the idea of a cause or movement. Secondly, by way of the universality of its use. The more precise or restricting the word is, the narrower the chances of the name being applicable to things. For example, if I asked somebody to goto the grocery store and purchase milk - many options could be purchased such as Lactaid, whole, 2%, or even soy milk. However, when I ask for lactose free milk, the options are narrowed from four to one. Furthermore, if I were to ask someone to goto the grocery store to “purchase me something,” then the realm of possibility the word “something” signifies widens from one to four possible items, to possibly thousands of items the helper decides to bring back to me. So, in the same way, the name HE WHO IS captures a more absolute perspective of what we are talking about and attempting to describe in God who should not be subjected to the mere likeness of a creature, or a stone, or a block of wood - for all these things prexist in Him. Third and lastly, the significance of multiple things all at once - such as before, now, after, future, and never ending - all of these words can fall under the name HE WHO IS because all of the words that are described fall under this name, which is properly fitted to God in a more higher way than terms associated to the likeness of creatures as one understands them.
Whether affirmative propositions can be formed about God?
Affirmative propositions about God can be formed by the human intellect - which is a gift from the Divine Nature so as to know and recognize God. For humans were made Holy and in His image, possessing the full capability within themselves to know God. Also it was given to human beings to accept or reject Him by way of our free-will choices (being in participation which produces accidents, as opposed to an essential being in actuality - which is God). In addition, it has been said that God Himself is simple, and is of His own essence and truly within Himself, not requiring anything else to Be, as He alone is His own self-subsisting substance sustaining Himself as the First Cause and Principle of all things in being. Realizing this, it is hard for the human intellect to comprehend a simple form that is of its own essence, like God is simply. The human intellect is material and understands compound things (because humans are compound beings who are both corporeal and spiritual). So, when given an idea that is simple, man’s intellect (which can only see the material principle), must add something else to it so as to identify it in terms it can comprehend or understand. Nonetheless, it still so happens that man can recognize and come to know God by his intellect because the intellect is an operation of the soul, which is beyond the material principle, and not attributed to any corporeal organ of the flesh. With that said, the intellect may not come to know God in the fullness of His essence, but man can come to know God by recognizing His effects around Him and the likeness of other things He can attribute to God by way of the divine intellect the Lord gifted him. Hence, true propositions can be formed about God because He alone has given us the ability to do so as to have a more established relationship with Him as son/daughter to Father would in a household where a family dwells. This is His ultimate gift to us - that we should come to know Him by our own free-will - for the Lord wants children in His house, not pets. Satan wants pets and slaves he can oppress, torture, rape, and abuse. Not so with God - who gives the creature the choice to choose Him or reject Him, to be under His roof or to live outside from His presence.
Whether there is knowledge?
In God, the pure perfection of His substance is absolute knowledge and not comparable to any quality, deficiency, potentiality, habitual tendency, or marker and signal. The knowledge or brilliance of a man, although admirable among men, while works are worthy of material rewards, these perfections exist in a higher state in God than man himself, and we see the perfections of these attributes man displays as being pre-existent in God in a much higher way. Additionally, the perfections in knowledge, knowing, and wisdom that flows from the Living God are not qualities of Him as we see qualities in other things and people, but merely His substance which is pure act, for they are natural to Him, and part of His Essence and Essential Being. It also happens that God occupies the highest place in knowledge because He is immaterial, and infinity. The cognitive is a function of the immaterial, which is found in the rational creature and is what we know as an intelligent being which is not only limited to its form. In the irrational creatures and things, such as plants, which are purely material, you cannot find the light of rationale or intelligence like you would if the plant was compared to the bear. For the plant is closer to the material principle in its pureness more than the bear, because the bear displays cognitive functions so as to find food for itself and preserve its own life, while also caring for its young, and weighing risk/reward with its actions - thus demonstrating a higher immaterial cognitive function than the plant. In the same way, the immaterial principle, the more it strays from the corporeal forms of the world, the higher it is raised up in knowledge, as we see the composite human who is a mixture of soul (intellect) fashioned to a body of corporeal organs and parts.
Whether God understands Himself?
God understands Himself by way of Himself through His own understanding of Himself which is a kind of knowledge that pre-exists all knowledge and is the highest form of knowing. For God is a subsisting Essential Being in Actuality, whose actions is pure act, as opposed to the creature's actions, which is act in potentiality (accidents) and who are beings by participation in that they participate in existence by way of God who provides life, being and existence to everything that never was. In other words, He called forth those who “were not” by His pure love for them, a love that transcends and is higher than all love known to creatures, for creatures cannot love something they do not know to exist, but God is capable of this as He took those who did not exist and put them into existence by way of His agency and great love for them.
Whether God comprehends Himself?
God is free from all matter and potentiality, as He is cognitive and spirit, which is not confined to the principle forms and constraints of matter. Thus, He is the maximum of “knowing” or “knowledge” in that He alone is in the order of the infinite (which is of His own order, not occupied by anything else like Him), as all things which come forth from Him such as creatures are in the order of the finite, and subdivided by their order of genus and species, and marked by their measures and modes of operation according to their likeness which are subjected to the principle of matter and time - which has a start and end (the measure of matter from start to finish, life and death), and is subject to corruption and death, as opposed to the infinite which has no beginning or end (God), and is whole lacking in no parts (also God), and with the angelic substance such as aeviternity where there is beginning but no end. Thus, He comprehends Himself and knows everything about Himself because He is all knowing and pre-exists all knowledge that there is to know.
Whether the act of God’s intellect is His substance?
God is of His own Essence, simple, and within Himself, possessing all knowledge, while fully comprehending Himself, for He is of His own order as an Essential Being in actuality whose Substance is subsisting within Himself.
Whether God knows things other than Himself?
God must know Himself perfectly because He is the maximum of all knowledge pre-existing all knowledge as it can be known to anything that is created. Since all things come forth from Him, and that He alone has knowledge of everything going forth into existence, for they were in Him prior to their occurrence of being, it so happens that God knows all things even outside Himself, for since He knows Himself completely, and all things must come from Him as they were made from Him, He necessarily knows things other than Himself because those things pre-exist in Him. As for the freewill, what occurs or comes forth from free will choices of the creature, is pure potentiality and not actual (the decisions and choices made by God), thus they are called accidents (the free will choices of creatures not caused by God). Finally, since God sees and knows Himself through Himself because of His own Essence, which He fully understands, it occurs that He also sees other things from the viewpoint of Himself, and not exactly from the viewpoint of self which comes forth from the created as the creature would see itself, for the creature pre-existed in God before the creature itself was aware of its own existence, as the creature existed in the form of an idea coming from the Essence of God, which was non-existent before God decided to put forth the created into existence by pure act.
Whether God knows things other than Himself by proper knowledge?
Having proper knowledge of something means to know the general idea of something so as to understand what makes it work, its purpose, its components, and what kind of activity it engages in and why - additionally, having general knowledge of something can also help one to better incorporate it into their reality, for the one who doesn’t have any knowledge of something becomes ignorant and oblivious to its reality and existence. Regardless, just because a creature does not have general knowledge of a specific thing, does not mean that thing shall cease to exist. It shall exist regardless, and the creature will just remain ignorant. As we see with those who subscribe to the false belief of atheism - their lack of proper knowledge in things is not a pursuit of learning or correction, but a way of life, which is a pseudo-cult of the worm, the religion of unbelief, and the belief that SOMETHING can come from NOTHING, which is impossible. Additionally, atheists do not have special knowledge of spiritual things because they reject them, and do not wish to understand them because of innate bias (often provoked by demonic entities attracted to their sins and idol worship of their material possessions). As for God, who has proper knowledge of Himself, most definitely has proper knowledge of all things, because all things came forth from Him. Moreso, He also has special knowledge of things - not in the way creatures have them, but in the special way that nothing is invisible to His sight, nor is any creature hidden from His gaze. For the Lord God knows the parts of the creature, the creature’s heart, the creature’s intentions, and the creature’s thoughts - because God infinitely is the maximum of all things, including all subsets of knowledge.
Whether the knowledge of God is discursive?
The divine knowledge that is God’s “knowing” is not discursive like human knowledge is. For humans, we arrive at a conclusion from start to finish by many successive movements. Once we learn something about a subject, we go on to the next subject, often taking some things we learned from the previous subject and applying it to the next subject in a different way we can understand it. Often enough, this isn’t appropriate - but for the laborer who studies and writes, he must feel that his works are producing some kind of fruit, regardless of their origin, so he applies what he shouldn’t apply just for the sake of applying it in a discursive fashion for the purposes of a point or goal that is conjured in the man’s head - often related to a reward or a principle the man adopted that he is sticking to, regardless of how many texts he comes across to the contrary. In another way, by way of principles we arrive at conclusions of things. This is not applied to God because God sees everything as a whole for what they are through Himself all at once (eternity), which is perfect, and lacking in no parts - as man must seek parts to add from many different subjects in successive movements (time).
Whether the knowledge of God is the cause of things?
Natural things in the universe as we know them is the mean between knowledge of God and our knowledge. What we know to be natural to us by way of matter is caused by God’s knowledge, for God’s knowledge alone is the cause of all things. Just as a designer has knowledge of the design in her head, the design exists in ideas through her knowledge. From there, the designer uses her hands to transfer the knowledge of the design which exists as an idea from her knowledge to the paper, thus the design now exists in the material world and becomes observable by all things around it. So it is for God, whose knowledge of creatures and created things pre-exist the creatures being existent in the material principle and even before they become aware of themselves. Does it mean the created creature is infinite? No, but the knowledge of the created remains in the idea of the creator before and after, even if the created do not perceive or no longer exist in the way they were originally created because of death, which is change and a different time of movement that is successive. For anything that must live in the spirit, must also die in the flesh. In the same way, for a flower to blossom, its seed must die, thus it shall be changed.
Whether God has knowledge of things that are not?
The things that are not actual, but are true, exist in what is potential, and even in this God knows it. How? Because He is actual existence, while the created things that come forth which are in being exist in potentiality in that they experience their being by way of God’s agency, who is an Essential Being, as compared to the creature, who is a being by participation. As for things that are not, but are potential, such as the ideas or imagination of creatures, even God knows this, because He knows Himself, and it so has it that everything has come from God in that their being pre-exists in Him, thus nothing is hidden from His sight - even things that have not come into being, but are merely the thoughts of the man who is planning to carry out something in the future. If this wasn’t so, and if something was actually hidden from God or void of His knowledge or knowing - then He wouldn’t be God, but a mere creature appearing in knowledge of things that are whole, but lacking in something that isn’t noticeable to lower intellects. This is the way it is for those who worship demons and proclaim them as Gods - even though spiritual creatures with higher intelligences and strength than corporeal humans in the flesh, nonetheless they are still creatures, and although they may have a higher knowing compared to us, their knowledge is not in the same order as God, who is of His own order and Essence, and whose knowledge pre-exists everything in the universe, beyond the universe, creatures, plants, animals, thoughts and ideas.
Whether God knows evil things?
God sees evil and darkness through light. Just as He is the good and knows the good, He too also knows evil, for evil is a deficiency of the good, and God made all things good according to their likeness, measure, genus, order, and species. Because He made the good, it does not mean that He shall be ignorant of evil, for what a creature lacks in fullness, God is also aware of, and this is also what we know to be as “evil.” Furthermore, the knowledge of God is not the cause of evil, but is the cause of good whereby evil is known. Things are known by way of surpassing or lacking in something - so it can be said that righteousness is beyond the good or is the imitation of the good, while sinning or falling short of the good is what we know as evil - thus a deficiency of the good, and it so has it that God is also aware of what falls short of the marker that is a perfect good according to the likeness of something.
Whether God knows singular things?
God knows singular things because all singular things pr-exist in Him in a much higher way. To recognize, know, and understand a singular concept for the man - such as the beauty of a forest, or the evil of an action so justice may be rendered fittingly and appropriately, is to seek the perfection in something that is sought and knowable. How can a judge become more perfect in rendering justice if he is not aware of the evil and injustice or crimes that come across his presence? The just judge must be aware of these things - not so that he may imitate them, but so that he can understand the parts of the act so as to justly render appropriate decisions, hence the singular concept of justice. As for God, He already knows all these things better than us, and any good in this effort we display is a quality already found in Him in a more perfect and higher way. God knows discord, and even though the perfections humans display that are divided among each other in a lesser way conflict with one another in the singular concept, as if they were opposed or united to each other - God possesses them and holds them unitedly, knowing the singular concepts without any lack of knowing by way of His simple intellect which is knowledge of both material and immaterial things that ever could exist and ever shall exist going forward. Therefore, God is the cause of things by His knowledge - extending to the material and immaterial principle, consisting of singular concepts and things - individualized in matter by His own Essence.
Whether God can know infinite things?
There is no boundary of knowledge for God, for His knowledge has no boundaries, and if His knowledge did have a boundary, then He would have placed it there. Even in that, He would know where those boundaries lie, and even in this, He could move those boundaries wherever He wishes. Therefore, the knowledge of God extends to infinite things, for this is the domain of the eternal, which has no beginning or end and is simultaneously lacking in no parts, but made whole completely - including knowledge. The idea of infinite things is in relation to quantity, and the idea of quantity consists of parts. Knowing things part by part is to know all of them successively. But to know something infinitely does not belong to the creature, but to God, who also knows part by part up to infinity according to His measure or rule. Knowing that He alone sets the measure or quantity of parts that should be known, it is proper to say that He knows infinite things. Why, and how can this be, says the atheist? Because the knowledge of God is simply the measure of all things, so it would be proper to Him that He would know them, just as a landowner may set up land markers around His plot of land and remember where the boundary markers are set.
Whether the knowledge of God is of future contingent things?
The works of men and creatures are subjected to freewill. God himself has fashioned the creature and given it a freewill, thus the decisions that are made and carried out by creatures are known by God. Additionally, ideas that belong to the creature which result in measurable practical action is also known by God, even before they occur. This is possible because God has knowledge of all contingent things that are dependable upon another, and as stated earlier, the decisions of creatures are subjected/dependent/contingent upon the freewill which has been gifted to them by God. Furthermore, God resides in eternity. The corporeal creature (man and animal) resides in time (the successive movement from start to finish - subject to decay, corruption, and death) which is lesser than eternity. As it was stated before, eternity is the simultaneous whole lacking in no parts or knowledge where there is no beginning or end. Time is a successive measure where one thing may be known by coming to know it part by part by way of successive bounding. For example, if one wishes to fix the engine of a car, he must first know how to identify the problem (first part), then from there disassemble what is necessary so as to replace what is broken (second part), then finally reassembling the engine and testing the result (final part). When all parts are combined, the engine shall work, which is a practical function which was originally contingent upon the idea of the man knowing the car needed to be fixed so it can be put into operation once again. The freewill of the man chose to engage in this action, and he reached this action by many successive movements (subjected to time). For God, who dwells in eternity and is not subjected to time alone, is already lacking in no parts by way of understanding. For example, picture a taxi driver driving a cab (time) from point A to point B in the city. He knows where to go in his head, but he gets there turn by turn and road by road. While this is going on, the blimp above him with cameras can observe and know what is going on at point A, while also being observant of point B, while also seeing the path of the taxi driver and the many streets he has passed and will be encountering shortly as he continues to drive. So it is for God, who knows dependent things from a higher and more perfect position lacking in nothing as compared to the creature’s perspective.
Whether God knows enunciable things?
It is within the realm of the human intellect to form enunciations (ideas, proposals, thoughts, plans, concepts, judgements and opinions). If the man can think it, then God knows it, even if it were to never be carried out. What the man may think in the future that exists in potentiality, but hasn’t been realized yet either in thought or action, God also knows this as well. Man can know something by way of his own intellect successively in the order of one; for example, man looks at an animal and identifies its species to understand what he is looking at. Division of the intellect and ideas of understanding is the process of the creature, who understands something successively by idea one at a time. For God, His essence is simple and He truly knows all things by their own essence by way of His intellect which is also simple, and can understand all things known to the specific thing or creature all at once, because His knowing and intellect is not lacking any parts of knowledge, nor is there a beginning or end to such knowledge in Him. Therefore, the species of the divine intellect is capable of understanding and knowing all things in their fullness without any lack of knowing.
Whether the knowledge of God is variable?
God’s knowledge is also His substance. It is not so much that God changes or His knowledge of something changes because of the variations of something such as creatures, plants, and elements within the universe, but that those variations or species and orders are from God, and exist in the form of variety in the way which He ordained to be so which cannot be variable to God. His knowledge of this does not shift or change, rather, it is the created who shifts in accordance with the Creator’s divine providence (His intervention in the universe) and will. Therefore, God’s knowledge is invariable and never changing, but pre-exists all knowledge that is knowable to any created intellect - even if the created think they are changing in a specific manner and have the ability to do so by way of freewill. We see this error among the pagans and atheists who believe they can become something they were never made to be or meant to be - such as man to woman and woman to man, or human to dolphin or man to cat, as we see with some people in the Moderni age who spend time, blood, and treasure subjecting themselves to many surgeries to install features of an animal to their body, such as altered cheeks and whiskers, splitting of the tongue so as to imitate a lizard, and having surgeons install claws or fangs into their hands and feet. God’s knowledge surpasses the knowledge of anything created, and just because a man thinks he can become a woman or a cat does not mean they will now become such a thing, nor will God ever change what He ordained someone to be.
Whether God has a speculative knowledge of things?
Speculative knowledge has reference to the truth for the sake of itself, while practical knowledge references the truth for the sake of making or doing something. There is also a mixture of speculative and practical knowledge which can be referenced for a stated purpose. Knowing this, we see the three elements of speculative knowledge: One, is the knowledge of something known. Two, the manner in which something is known by. Three, The end part where speculative knowledge considers a truth to be had or taken, as opposed to practical knowledge where an operation has come to its final conclusion or something is made. God most definitely has a speculative knowledge of things because He is the truth which is absolute, and in the same way He is fully capable of considering and observing the truth of His own Essence which is simple, as He is fully aware of Himself in every way, along with other things which come forth from Him as well. God (Essential Being) also has a practical knowledge of what He can make (actuality) or is made by another in a period of time (accidents occurring in potentiality), even if something else is made by creatures/humans (beings by participation) according to their free will (potentiality) that is not attributed to Him (accidents); including evil (deficiency). For the Lord’s practical knowledge in this sense isn’t that He is the cause of evil or implements it, but in the sense we can understand it, He is the skilled craft worker who is called in to fix a deficient part of the building by way of His skill and what comes natural to Him.
Whether there are ideas?
Ideas must exist in the divine intellect. In order for something to spring forth in matter or become observable to others in nature - the idea must preclude the practical outcome. The form of things and concepts other than themselves (as in physical matter) are ideas in the creature, which pre-exist in God. Also, the purpose of an idea is known for two ends: the form in itself and the principle of knowledge in it. Things generated at random and by chance are not the calculated end directed by guidance from another as we see with creation of the world, the universe, and creatures, as well as humans - who all work together in their own way to a calculated end. This is because the concept of man, creatures, the world which was purposefully put here for us and the universe originated in the divine intellect of God, who presupposes all of these things in idea, and springs them forth into matter as He wills it, and guides them all to their calculated end. Therefore, there are ideas which result in form and principle of knowledge, for all things purposefully created by design and an agent (God) work towards their calculated ends through their forms and their knowledge which was given to them by the Divine Essence - all originating in the ideas and intellect of God.
Whether ideas are many?
There is a plurality of ideas in both God, man, and creature. For God, His Essence is not the idea, but the source from which ideas are formulated and understood. Understanding the form of something and its many parts in accordance with the idea that sprang forth from the artist, shows us that not only does the artist understand his work such as a painting, but that he also understands that he understands it - thus demonstrating that the artist fully comprehend the idea of what he makes and why he makes it, in a way that nothing of the art that the man creates is hidden from his sight as the man knows his art’s very essence. In the same way, God understands many things, and just not in a general way, but a more higher and intimate way - to include the parts of what is being understood, and the self-awareness through His own Divine Essence that He understands that He understands what is known, thus understanding the idea and essence of what is being observed as knowable to Him truly in fullness. For in the Divine Mind there exists proper ideas of all things as they were made in their own likeness apportioned by God as good and not in need of changing. In other words, God made what He did through the idea of what that thing or creature ought to be. Denial of this is faithlessness and lack of trust in God’s providence. His knowledge and wisdom also comes forth from His Divine Essence in the form of many ideas. God is fully aware of all the parts to an idea that form it, and He knows the best outcome for them even if He shall fashion freewill decisions (accidents existing in potentiality) to creatures, who often make the wrong decisions (things opposed to what God ordained for them). For every creature has its own proper species which acts in accordance with the Divine Essence in the degree of its likeness it has been apportioned. The ideas of secular society which are opposed to God in every way work in direct contradiction to the ideas of the Divine Essence - as we see playing out in the secular school systems which have driven out God from their presence. The disorder of sin (deficiency or not quite meeting the mark), which denies everything God has planned for them, which is the highest good, is self-evident in the teachers who are carrying improper messages to students in the classroom about sexual immorality, gender theory, self-mutilation, and false morality and self-centered egotistical ethics. Even at the opposition of parents, activist teachers who do not know God or His ways, radicalize their classroom, and enforce their system of false beliefs upon vulnerable children which only seeks to make them moving parts attributed to the machine of the secular state while often receiving backing from politicians and higher power structures which were originally implemented to render justice and fairness and prevent these type of manipulations on the institutional level, but have now failed to achieve their started purposes. As we can see, the idea of justice and righteousness, which is God inspired, is dwindling at the foot of radical secular humanism brought on by faithless individuals who pursue their sins and lower pleasures. They are filled with hatred for God and neighbor, and prefer to push their violent and aggressive agendas at all costs - even to the detriment of society and oppression of those whom they disagree with. Therefore, in all of this, it is apparent there are many ideas in the world, but the essence of each is known purely and completely in God because He sees them through His own Divine Essence, where there is no lack of knowledge or understanding. In the creature, he knows ideas as well, but not as many as God, and he understands them in a lesser way as opposed to the Divine Intellect which springs forth from the Essence of God.
Whether there are ideas of all things that God knows?
There are different types of ideas existing in the mind of God. In God, these ideas are proper as they should be, lacking in nothing as the Divine Essence formulated the thought of them. Therefore, God has the idea of things in their fullness within Him as He knows them.
Whether truth resides only in the intellect?
A thing is true because it simply “is.” Not because a thing is true. Truth is not the truth for its own sake, but that it is absolute and void of another’s relative opinion based on limited knowledge or innate bias. Things that are understood to be true are known essentially or accidently. For example, the inventor knows her invention, and the idea of it is essential to her even as it is in a form created for all to observe, see and use. As for those who use her invention, they know it to be true by accident, because although the idea is not essential to them, nonetheless - they make use of her invention and have knowledge of it in the practical sense. Primarily, truth resides in the intellect - mainly the Divine Intellect, which all living creatures have a share in as far as their intellect can perceive its likeness. Second, the truth resides in things as they are related to the intellect in principle. For example, everyone knows a mother shall love her children regardless of what they do, however, not every mother loves her children regardless of what they do. The truth of the principle is “motherly love,” which is primal and innate, but based on individual factors, there are variables that shall diminish this. Truth cannot be universal or relative, but absolute - requiring the knower who is lacking in knowledge or understanding to either be wrong, correct, or a mixture of both. For example, if nobody else on earth were alive, and therefore the sun could no longer be seen or observed - would the sun cease to exist? Absolutely not, for the sun does not need the approval of mankind to exist, nor does it require humans to observe it with their intellect to be in existence, for the Divine Intellect of the Living God put it into being through His idea, which is true. Therefore, the truth is absolute.
Whether truth resides only in the intellect composing and dividing?
In its primary aspect, the truth resides in the intellect just as long as the knower can recognize the form of the truth being displayed in the likeness it can perceive it. In another way, something may be known by sense up to a certain degree, however, for that sense to recognize what it is experiencing it must divide and compose the attributes it is experiencing so as to weigh it against the intellect and understand what is being observed; ultimately coming to the truth of something. Sense alone cannot do this. The conclusion of truth must be reached by way of composing and dividing concepts and knowable things so as to interpret with the intellect what is being observed.
Whether the true and being are convertible terms?
What is true and what is being are convertible terms. Something that simply IS, must be true. The “IS” that is being referred to here is the term BEING. For something that is in “being,” it shall be observed by someone or something at some point - either in the material or spiritual principle. Even if nobody knows of the thing that is in being by their own knowledge, since no idea or knowledge is hidden from God, He can give this knowledge of being, which is true, to someone who normally would not have such knowledge - according to His will and purpose. We see this with the Saints, prophets, and blessed throughout history who have been given knowledge of events and circumstances in time periods they were never in nor would they have any knowledge of unless it wasn’t for a third party agency. In this case, the ultimate agency, which surpasses and is above all agencies - The Living God who is One. We also see that in the example of the Saints and chosen, truth is related to knowledge in so far as it refers to recognizing what is or was in being at some point. Furthermore, what is GOOD is also convertible to being, for the Lord made all things “good.” In addition to this, what is true also adds further to the intellect which is an operation of the soul and not linked to any specific corporeal organ as compared with the sense of taste to the tongue.
Whether good is logically prior to the true?
As it was said earlier that what is truth and goodness are convertible to being, because what is being shall contain the two, it must also be said that they both differ in idea. For what is true comes before the good, for in order for something to be good, it must exist or be, thus we have what is true manifesting before what is good. Said in another way, what is true is more closely related to being than what is good, for what is true occurs immediately in a simple fashion. A more appropriate seat or placement of the good is to understand that what is good must come before what is desirable - for example, the man knows the fish and vegetables are good for his body and shall fulfill his appetite and sustain his bodily functions, so as a result he desires to eat these things because they are good in itself and for him as well.
Whether God is truth?
As it was said earlier, truth is found in the intellect according to its ability to understand and perceive something accurately as it is in reality absolutely, also being observable to others around it who can also concur its absoluteness, even though this is not within the capability of everyone who observes the same thing. Recognizing the truth by way of the intellect absolutely, as opposed to relatively, is to recognize the truth to a higher degree. Objective truth is higher than subjective truth, because it takes all things into consideration as opposed to subjective truth, which does not take all things into consideration, but chooses to ignore specific variables or other truths as it relates to the truth which is being observed. Even in this, the truth as it relates to the intellect is found in the greatest and highest degree in God, who is the maximum of all intellects and truths, for His being isn’t only a part of His intellect, but is the very act of His intellect for what He chooses to do with His intellect is the measure and cause of every created intellect which springs forth from His intellect. So, in this way, it is why we say that “nothing is hidden from His sight,” and that “whatever qualities, attributes, perfections, or knowings of the intellect that is observed in a creature, can be found more perfect in the highest degree in God, whom is the source of such quality, attribute, perfection, and knowledge of the intellect.” Literally, God is “truth,” for He sets the measure for all things to bump off from - the First and Last Cause, and the One who brings all intellects, creatures, causes, beings, and happenings to their calculated end according to His will by way of His intellect. As for sin, this is not attributed to God, because sin is “not-being,” and a deficiency within the realm of potentiality (freewill choices not attributed to God) by way of an accident in which there is no truth. To reinforce this concept, there is no “truth” in non-being and deficiency; therefore, it is more accurately described as “something missing the mark” or “void of truth” and “not quite adding up to what something was meant to be,” by way of sin. Although it is “true” that someone may commit sin, to say that this person “sins by way of God '' is a fallacy involving the misrepresentation of the freewill, actuality, potentiality, essential being, potential being, and accidents. In other words, God's action is Actuality, and He is an Essential Being who made all things good, for in Him there are no accidents. By way of His agency, people come into being, thus people are beings in potentiality. People are also given a freewill as a gift by God to choose, and the choices they make are what we call "accidents," which can also be sinful. As it was stated earlier, sin is non-being, thus the more someone sins and refuses to rectify it, the more subject they become to non-existence, and when the freewill action of non-being matures or reaches its terminal illness phase, death enters the equation, because death itself is also non-being, as opposed to life, which is God and life in the spirit. For in summary by way of scripture it is said: "You will die in your sin." Many nonbelievers and opponents to the free will confuse this critical intersection and understanding, or they do not understand the basic elements and components of it, hence they enter into a fallacy of accidents as Saint Thomas Aquinas mentions.
Whether there is only one truth, according to which all things are true?
As it was stated earlier, truth exists primarily in the intellect, and secondarily among things in accordance with the Divine Intellect which is from God alone (for He has given us the ability to see the truth in the things He ordains to exist in our natural environment). When speaking of truth in the human mind in accordance with a created intellect, there can be many truths a human is aware of by way of the things known to him in the degree or level he can understand them. Furthermore, we know the Divine Intellect from God knows all things because it is literally the source of the truth that is to be had, which is absolute. He has given every intellect in existence a share of the divine intellect, although not every creature can apprehend it to the same degree. Some have a higher degree of knowing by way of the divine intellect, while others have a lesser degree of knowing and recognizing truth by way of that same intellect. In this sense, all things that are true are one. In another way, we know they vary in degrees as each intellect can perceive them. Also, in a different way, how we apply analogical and equivocal concepts may have elements of the truth for a stated purpose, but may not display the fullness of what something is true in the literal sense. For example, telling someone “it's hotter than hell out here,” or “my name is mud,” takes elements of truthful things and concepts to portray an artistic state of being one wishes to convey to another. Now that it is established that there is only one truth which many kinds of truths in varying degrees can formulate, it is also important to take notice of subjective truths, which is not in the realm of absoluteness. For if someone lies about another, and speaks falsehood, even if they believe in their own lies, the truth shall remain unaltered. Even if other people were to believe a lie or falsehood from another, it would not make it the truth - even if a mob with pitchforks and burning torches threaten to put someone to death over a statement or belief which is contradictory to the truth, and if that subjected person were to say what the mob preferred him to say under duress so as not to execute him, it will not mean that the truth they are being forced to manipulate now becomes altered in any way, nor does this mean the lie they have grown to accept will now somehow become more true. For as mentioned earlier, God is the Highest Principle, and the First and Last Cause, to which all truth flows from. He would know what the truth is, regardless of what the mob says or how violent the mob may become. Even in the same way, if there were elements of the truth in the mob’s false position, but were still false in what they believe or say, their version of the truth would never become “THE” truth to God, who is above all creatures, species, genuses, created things of spiritual and corporeal matter, and who is of His own Order. For as it was stated earlier, sin is an accident caused by the free will choices of creatures, and for when a creature decides to engage in what is non-being (sinful actions), such as lying or manipulation of the truth, that creature no longer has the light of truth in them, but the opposite, which is darkness and death. For the Lord hates those who lie and pursue falsehood, because He is the truth and the light, and for whoever cannot accept the truth or draw near to it, they shall oppose the truth and pull further away from it into darkness, where their falsehoods shall remain and not be exposed to the unbearable searing truth of light which is His presence.
Whether created truth is eternal?
Things that are professed and announced upon the lips for everyone to hear is a product of the intellect which is also the spiritual soul. For a woman’s intellect deems something to be true, and then it follows that she must proclaim the truth to other people around her so as her intellect apprehends what is being said with the tongue. Although humans can create their own ideas and thoughts by the freewill, these thoughts shall not be eternal (as in everlasting in the pool of divine intellect) outside of something that God already foreknew. It is impossible that a created intellect could fashion an idea that was not already knowable to God in pre-existence through His Divine Intellect, which alone is eternal, and before any created intellect that came into existence. Created truths that endure and are absolutely true and shall be eternal are chiefly sourced in God, who already knew the truth that would be professed and proclaimed upon the tongues of mortals for all to witness and hear. In conclusion, the truth in the divine intellect alone has eternity, and as it was mentioned earlier, the intellects of creatures and mortal beings such as humans have varying shares of this which they are able to contemplate, profess, understand, and formulate in varying degrees according to their intellect as they have the ability to apprehend it, thus some stars shall shine more brightly than others, and some mortals shall be less beautified than others when all is accomplished.
Whether truth is immutable?
The truth upon the created intellect may vary as new knowledge is brought to light so far as the intellect can recognize it and apply it going forward. In the same way, the opinion of someone can change from true to false, and false to true, often alternating its positions based on variable factors revealed to the intellect at later times (light of grace, new knowledge, clash of wills in debate proving an argument wrong and demonstrating the humility to accept fault so as to change a position, and manipulation). Now, the created intellect is subject to a lack of knowing some things while also having the ability to know many things. However, there also exists an intellect that has no alternation of opinion and contains the knowledge of which nothing can escape or remain hidden from, and this is what we know as the immutable truth which is the divine intellect. In other words, it is the “gold standard” of truth, which nothing else shall surpass in value or truthfulness, and in this way, the truth of the divine intellect is immutable. Furthermore, in the divine intellect, true and false cannot change, as by way of the created intellect which experiences mutable truths to it by way of the forms it encounters and recognizes or is not familiar with. Truth in the divine intellect is immutable.
Whether falsity exists in things?
It is necessary to find what is false so what is true can be recognized or identified. In things and objects, neither what is true or false can be found without relating it to the intellect of someone. What is artificial by way of accident (human freewill choices to do or create something), such as the art of a man who paints snowscapes and other depictions of nature, may fall short to previously accepted standards of artwork either in himself prior in time or other works of more renowned artists in comparison. We know what is false as compared to what is true, for the one who observes the man’s art knows what a false work ought to be. Now that same intellect also recognizes what are natural things in accordance with the Divine Intellect and artificial things which are the work of humans. For example, the alignment of the stars and the planets receiving their day and night cycles in unison with one another; example from the works of the Divine Intellect, which causes celestial bodies to come into order amidst a sea of chaos and explosions - tasks which are impossible for man or any created being because these kind of occurrences and happenings are dependent upon God alone, in whom there is nothing false that can be found. For what comparison do we have to what God creates, since He alone created it and is One, within His own order and self, giving everything else which exists cause and purpose through His knowledge and wisdom? There is no other. Therefore, He is the ultimate truth, because nothing else besides Him put such a work of creation in motion, for He is the First and Only Standard to which all works align and compare beneath His providence, but never surpassing it. Furthermore, creatures who possess the gift of freewill, such as angels and humans, possess the voluntary power of the intellect to pursue what is true - which is virtuous deeds and being obedient to the order of the Divine Intellect, for which they were made to carry out its purpose; also possessing the ability to pursue falseness which is the evil (deficiency) of sin (non-being). Lying (hating the truth) and vanity (inflated sense of self) are examples of what is false and opposed to the Divine Intellect, to which such creatures can freely accept or reject, either to their destruction or eternal life. Additionally, in relation to the intellect and natural things humans have the ability to recognize false and truthful things in the relative sense: one, by way of identifying the worthiness of a cause or belief according to their values or what they know by way of knowledge in accordance with those values. Two, a quantity or thing which is obviously lacking in something - for example, an icecream cone purchased at a snack stand lacking the ice cream, but only consisting of the cone. The customer could say, “I purchased an ice cream but only got this ice cream cone.” He would be correct in that his purchase and offer was false. Three, a person believes in harming others for sordid gain. To the person, this action seems profitable and feasible, and the deficiency of his moral being, which is false as compared to what is true, just, and good, allows him to commit such acts willingly and without remorse (until he is caught). Finally, the intellect knows what is to be true by recognizing what it should be. In the same way, the intellect shall know what is false by recognizing what it should not be. As evil and faithlessness increases and the operation of the demon becomes more widely accepted throughout social circles, media channels, and institutions, we shall see in many that the confused will grow more confused, and that what is true shall become false, and what is false shall become true, and what is good shall become evil, and what is evil shall become good to those who choose to reject the Divine Intellect, which is God, to follow the doctrines and teachings of damned angelic beings and their influence throughout the world by way of negativity and anything/everything opposed to God.
Whether there is falsity in the senses?
The senses, such as the eye, the ear, the nose, the tongue, and the sense of touch apprehend sensible things around them truly. For example, the nose can smell food that has gone foul, indicating that the meat is rotten and not fit for human consumption. Not that the nose knows truth or is truth, but that the nose signals to the human intellect a true apprehension of something in as much as the intellect of the person can perceive it - in this case, the smell of tainted meat indicates danger to one’s health, so by way of the intellect, the person decides to avoid the food for the sake of one’s health. Going further with this, it can be said that the likeness of a thing can exist in the senses in three ways: One, prime to its own nature; in other words, seeing the color blue as blue, or recognizing a triangle’s three points and identifying the triangle accurately for what it is - a triangle. Second, of its own nature alone and not prime, as in smell the likeness of similar things, or identifying many shapes and sizes common to many senses. Third, neither prime nor of its own nature, but accidentally, such as staring at a pile of garbage alongside the road through thermal imaging devices and seeing many objects present that do not exist in the area that is being perceived, even though the many shapes and contrasts made the appearance of such objects falsely. Taking these points into account, it can be concluded that sense has no false knowledge as it detects its objects properly, but by way of accident, the senses may receive improperly by way of distortion, confusing other colors, objects, tastes, and odors with things it recognizes elsewhere, or rendering a false judgment, such as when a person is sick and they cannot taste anything, even though what they may be eating may be full of abundant flavorful. In the same way, it can be said that not all things in reality are sensed or seen in the world around us. For the corporeal eye cannot see what is spirit by its normal action alone because it is in accordance with the material principle which is subject to time (beginning and end, life and death). As for the atheist, who relies upon sense alone and the material principle, he fails to realize that once his senses give out, and the materials that make up his fleshly body fail and die, the material principle for him shall be non-existent in his reality, and now he would find himself as a bodiless spirit; intellect alone, roaming about back and forth trying to make sense of it all - fully coming to the realization of “knowing” that he spent his earthly life rejecting his spirit which was made eternal, while putting all that time and effort into his body and worldly things, which are temporary and subject to death. At this point, there is no turning back, but to only go forward.
Whether falsity is in the intellect?
So as the sense of smell is to the nose, which truly apprehends many different smells and odors, so does the intellect truly apprehend the essence of something by way of knowledge that is proper to it. In the same way sense can be distorted or subjectively false, in that the nose may be stuffed up and unable to smell specific odors at the moment, so can the intellect experience falsity in its operation accidentally by way of improper knowledge, a poor spiritual/emotional disposition, or innate bias by way of sin which leads to lying and manipulation to satisfy vice, greed, and lower pleasures or desires. The intellect judges and dissects concepts and ideas reasonably and accurately through the essence of something so as to find a truthful disposition. For example, the process of a prosecutor, defense lawyer, judge, and jury. All of them dissect the case at hand, which are the actions of the defendant to find whether or not he is at fault truthfully in order for a just judgment to be rendered. Carving up timelines and events of the act in question by many different parties who shall scrutinize the facts and events, including testimony of witnesses, victims, and the accused - many intellects involved in the trial shall expose the essence of what is being scrutinized. Even in this, the essence of something could be corrupted by way of how the intellect apprehends it. For example, we see that bias is always meant to be rooted out when selecting a jury - such as radical affiliations, racism, and other warning signs of a compromised individual judging a case fairly and truthfully. These biases shall distort the correct judgment of the intellect upon the case at hand that is to be judged (the essence of the act in question). In conclusion, the intellect truthfully apprehends the essence of things, just as the senses truthfully apprehend objects of sense such as smell or hearing. However, both are subject to distortion and some level of falsity by way of accident (free will choices to distort or corrupt by way of sin, foreign influence or agent, innate bias, vice, etc.).
Whether true and false are contraries?
True and false are opposed to one another. Indeed, they are contrary to one another. What is true is not the same as affirmation, for affirmation simply is in agreement with something, or provides emotional encouragement. One can still be wrong and provide bad advice and false encouragement while calling it the “truth.” For what is false, is opposed to the truth and is its opposite. With negation, nothing is asserted, and in other words can be described as the absence of something. Contraries assert something specifically by way of their subjects. To reinforce this concept; they take firm positions regarding something while defending it from anything in opposition to it. For example; the woman says the ocean has water. This would be true. On the contrary, a man says there is no water in the ocean. This would be false. The truth says there is a proper apprehension of something as identified by the intellect (the soul) of a person or angel (which is pure spirit). Even in this, God is the first and only truth, and is the very standard of it in a much higher way than what the intellect of the human spirit or angel can apprehend. What is false is opposed to this, thus we see that what is opposed to God such as the evil spirits, the rebellious angels, and the human spirits who follow them, act in a manner contrary to what is Holy (set apart). For example, as we see in the Holy Mass of the Church which is carried out everyday around the world, there is also the black mass of the satanic church in contrary to it, with their own ministers and vestments acting in the opposite of what the Holy Mass offers so as to be in opposition of Christ’s Body - which is the Church. Additionally, we see this with satanic inversion (mockery of God) with the six color rainbow flag as opposed to the true seven colors of the rainbow, demonic hour where spirits are more active at 3:00 AM in opposition to when Lord Jesus Christ died at 3:00 PM on the cross, challenging the sanctity of marriage between men and women for the purpose of children and replacing it with same sex unions that are not capable of being recognized by God as a covenant, transgender mutilation from man to woman, and woman to man, and the many prayers of the Church that are used and replaced with salutation to the chief fallen angel by satanic and occultist groups opposed to God (these examples could be summed up as the ordinary actions of satan and evil working through others commonly/everyday in the world). Furthermore, it could be said that what is true is goodness, life, and from God alone, while what is false is not-being, sin, opposed to life - which is death, and is what could also be called evil. To go even further, what is true can be found in things, for a coconut is truly a coconut, but when the truth of that coconut is apprehended by the intellect (soul), it can also be said that this is the truth of the intellect where truth resides as prime. Since evil comes from the good (for God made all things good, but creatures chose to become evil), and evil was said to be sin or falsity (not quite adding up to what is supposed to be whole), falsity may reside in truth or goodness in this way as an absence of or lacking in something. As for God alone, there is nothing contrary in respect to His goodness, truth, and intellect where there is nothing false found, for as it was said earlier - He is of His own order as there is nothing like Him. However, there are apprehensions (false opinions or thoughts not reflecting reality) of Him that are opposed to Him by lower creatures such as humans who are opposed to Him and angels who choose to disobey and rebel against their own nature, thus inflicting self-hatred upon themselves because they never added up to what they were supposed to be. In addition to this, there are false idols that people worship that are also contrary to God by apprehension in the intellect of the worshiper who worships what is false; so even in this, the idol is false for it cannot stand on itself alone as a God, nor does it possess such power. As some have said, “my gods speak to me,” although their idols may speak, this is not proof of a god as they claim, but is either wishful thinking, mental illness, or evil spirits attaching themselves to their false idol so as to pose as gods in order to influence the idol worshiper to pursue the sin of idol worship like what was seen in pagan Rome and many parts of the world throughout history, thereby violating the second commandment - which is to have no other gods before Him and not to worship graven images. Finally, there is nothing which compares to God that He is not aware of, for if there were such a challenger, then He wouldn’t be God! So, God is truth, and what is opposed to God, is false, hence true and false are contrary to one another, for God is what we know as truth, and everything which came forth from Him in the likeness He ordained (with the exception of freewill accidents implemented by creatures).
Whether to live belongs to all natural things?
The act (free will decision) of an imperfect being (humans, animals, angels, spirits etc.) in potentiality (accidents or actions not attributed to God) is called movement. What determines whether something is alive is the act of movement within itself. In other words, if a living thing moves - it must act within itself to move and not by something else. For example, running water moves because something other than the water moves it in nature - this does not mean the water is alive literally, but alive by the quality or state of something similar to being alive when the motion of a current which moves through the water simulates life to the viewer’s perception. In the same way, it is God who gives all life the source or starting point for movement - their very breath, cause, purpose, and calculated end by way of His agency. Furthermore, there also exists living things that are alive in varying degrees. For instance; plants, which are alive to a lesser degree as compared to higher beings, are restricted to areas and environments which they themselves can move around in order to adapt with assistance from natural causes (such as wind, temperatures, and seismic events). Animals are more alive in a higher way as compared to the plant, for within themselves they initiate motion by their free choices (not to be compared to the concept of the First Mover which puts all other things into motion). However, they are not what we consider rational beings, for they do not possess the same intellect as humans or angels which are alive and living in a more higher way because of election by God. As for humans - the composite of spirit (the intellect which shall surpass the life of the body) wrapped in flesh, bone, cartilage, and hair - known as the body, which is subject to time (beginning and end), death and decay, was made in the image and likeness of God, and throughout the ages God has taken mankind by the hand to guide, protect, to counsel, and to also discipline, as we see through His Church, scripture, the sacraments, the prophets, those who were called to service for the sake of another, and the sacrifice of The Lamb who spilled His blood for the redemption of the world. This is sufficient evidence to indicate election, in that the composite being known as human is closer to God in ways different from the angels, and higher than the plants or animals, in that men and women shall cohabitate, and the father shall be like His true Father in heaven as a minister to His family, and that the mother shall be like our true Mother in Heaven who bore God Himself within Her own flesh so as to bring salvation to everyone. Additionally, man is known to be closer to God than the animal - who roams the environment for food and engages in lower intellectual activities as compared to the human - so in this way, it could be said that the human is more alive to a higher degree than the animal. Now, what we bear witness to in the Moderni age, is BEAST like MAN, and MAN like BEAST - when we see dogs being dressed up as people for the emotional nourishment and encouragement of their human owners, receiving inheritances in legal wills, and being more well provided for than other humans who are suffering and in need. To go even further, by way of sexuality, activity, dignity, and time or effort - we see humans entering into inappropriate relationships with animals, whether sexual or emotional, and replacing the love that should be for others (people who were made in the image of God) with that of the animal. By way of activity, we see movements springing up to advocate for the abolishment of meat and production of food on a grand scale, even at a detriment to others who face food shortages and hunger. By way of dignity, we see more attention and respect given to the pet than the child, and more attention and care given to the dog than the niece or nephew. Through time and effort, we see the pursuit of pet to owner relationships by way of trips, walks, errands, and lifestyles based around the pet, so far as people begin to label themselves as “dog mom” or “dog dad” as if their pet were like real human children, and the passing up of charity such as hospital or prison visits, providing for the needs of others who are in bad situations, or giving general kindness to everyday people they encounter for the sake of their pet. Even the ancient pagan philosophers warned of the moral ramifications in treating animals better than people around them. These are clues to the spiritual state of humanity which turns from the providence and protection of God to pursue inflated vanities and hopeless pursuits of self and reinforced by temptations of the devil and evil spiritual influence. In conclusion, the elements and weather events are not alive within themselves, and moving water is not alive in that it shall move by way of a current, because none of them initiate movement within themselves like things that are alive to a higher degree in comparison such as plants, animals, people, angels, and spirits who use their impulses, desires, needs, rationality, and intellect to guide their decisions.
Whether life is an operation?
As was mentioned before, the intellect of the rational creature recognizes the essence of something as its proper object by way of sense, thus gaining proper knowledge of what something is. From there, the free will is used by way of that knowledge achieved by sense (identifying the essence of something) to achieve accidents (actions carried out by creatures not attributed to God). When the senses identify the essence of an object, such as a chair being a true chair, and a knife being a blade for cutting, we apply a proper name to it to properly identify it. Even in this, we can take those same names and apply them to meanings of other things which are not exactly the same thing by essence. For example, the body of a man is a man. But if I told you the “body” of a rifle company were moving into our sector, then you as a Soldier would understand to take up defensive positions so as to brace yourself for a large assault. You would also understand that I was not talking about a single man as in the prior example. In the same way, it can be said of life and things that are living - as names are given to it by way of external appearances and movements attributed to outside factors (such as a current moving water and someone calling that water “living”) and self-movements attributed to the true conscious self of living in a state of freewill and decision making (the woman comes to the realization of her interests and passions and decides to change her life in order to pursue them). Furthermore, to truly be alive is what exists in nature to things that are truly living, such as plants, the animals, humans, angels, and spirits. Among these, some are considered more or less alive in varying degrees by way of movement and intellect. Thus we say a cactus is more alive than a fallen tree branch, and that a firefighter or rescue team shall rescue a baby boy from a burning building before a cat, and that God loved the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, but despised the children of the disobedient angels (The Watchers) who cohabitated with women.
Whether life is properly attributed to God?
Life is in God to the highest degree compared to everything else that is perceived as “living” to another creature or being - even the creature or being itself. For the creature or being, although able to make free will choices by way of the intellect and movements innate within itself through self-prompting, still must attribute its existence and very life to the initial agency of God, who solely by Himself is pure act (the One who is in Himself by thought, intellect, knowledge, ideas and actions - an Essential Being without potentiality which are created things). For He is the perfection of all things, and not of the same order or genus of the creature or created, thus where what is “living” is found to be perfect more than all other things which is known to be “living” in a higher degree by way of what something can do freely without the initiation, prompting, influence, movement, or command of another factor outside of itself, God is alive more so than everything else in the highest degree in the most perfect way, because God is truly in Himself, void of any admixture, potential influence, outside factor or control - hence the beginning statement “Life is in God to the highest degree…” used to accurately describe how life is most properly attributed to God. The order of movement and what is moved shows us that the end (efficient cause) for what is living is directed by the form of the creature itself and a higher agency beyond its experience (God guiding people and causes to their calculated end). God acts through the form of His creatures inherent to their likeness; for example, the movement of a plant is growth and eventually decay. Additionally, the virtue God instills upon His creatures is from His agency (the Principal Agent) and not from the creature, and in this way God is with us always and guides our actions. For example, the good works of an Apostle healing the legs of a crippled man - for the man who is the Apostle cannot do something like this by his own power, but only by the power of God working and flowing through Him. The man who is the Apostle made his body a proper dwelling place for the Holy Spirit by way of virtue, thus rendering God to rest His spirit upon the Apostle and use him for the good works God chooses to engage in. To be alive and living is proper in God, and is the maximum to all things that are perceived/considered to be living - from life of the lowest degree such as prokaryotic cells that move according to their inherent nature to fulfill their life cycles to a higher degree of animals who use their sense by way of their form to execute their movements in order to achieve self-preserving/sustaining actions such as hunting and sleeping, and carry out their end by their inherent nature which is natural to them, even though they lack rational intelligence in comparison to humans and purely spiritual beings. Beyond this, there is to be found the rational intellect (the soul or spirit) existing in humans who are made in the likeness and image of the Living God, but are wrapped in flesh and organs, which we call a composite being (mixture of spirit and material matter). To go even further, there are purely spiritual beings such as the angels who were created before mankind and who were made eternal with a higher intellect of knowing things, such as the existence of God who dwells in the spirit. Angels also use their rational thoughts innate in them to guide their actions in order to serve God and to love Him, as well as carrying out His will in obedience. By these facts alone, it is apparent that the rational creature who uses his intellect to guide his movements and actions are said to be living in a higher way than things that are living to a lesser degree, including the fact that as the act of living is carried out in them, their movements and decisions are less dependent upon the movement and guidance of external agents which guides them to their calculated end. Finally, the intellect moves itself to various things, but not all things, which some is guided by nature, innate first principles given to it which the creature cannot deny - for if it were to deny its first principles of its being and existence, then the creature wouldn’t be able to live as it was meant to be (thus invoking self-hatred and destruction of itself). If one who is living uses the act of their understanding in accordance with its own very nature, this one is said to be living to the highest degree. This is best found in God, and as was mentioned earlier, is the maximum of all perfections, especially life and what it means to be alive. Therefore, life is most perfectly attributed to God and is proper to Him in the highest degree.
Whether all things are life in God?
It can be said that the living things God created are in Him in multiple ways. One, their bodies, intellect, thoughts, and spirit are held together by His divine power and authority - for He wills it that His creatures take a form (the body) and to carry out what is inherit to that form’s nature as He ordained it when He set forth the natural order of things from His ideas into material matter for His creation to interact with. For when the form of the body acts in accordance with its nature set out before it by God, in unison with the spirit (intellect) given to the man so as to know God and engage in rational decision making and actions (void of the deficiency and contagion that is sin) so as to be pleasing in the sight of the Creator; in this example, human beings carry out what is both natural and what God intended for them - so as to enter into relationship and knowledge of Him by way of which comes natural to them according to their likeness (walking with God in the flesh before the spirit returns home to where it belongs). Second, becoming the proper idea of what God made of His children, and bringing it to the fullness of what it should be in accordance with the life giving idea of them which originated from the One who formed them, and carrying out that idea so as to achieve the calculated end for which it exists. In this, it is said that what is proper in idea to God and what the creature becomes by way of that idea is one in God and not separate from the Divine Essence. This perfection or beatitude is truly life itself in God, and not simply a measure of movement so as to go from one state of being to another so as to go on a journey, for to be in God truly is to live in the highest degree.
Whether there is will in God?
As there is intellect in the human who was made as an intelligible being, so there must follow a will from that same intellect. If this is the case for the created, then all the more shall it be for the Creator - the One alone who fashions the intellect so as to make a hospitable environment for the will. Because of this, God must have a will, because He also has a Divine Intellect which pre-exists all intellects that have come forth into being by His intellect and will which called his creation forth into existence. For what is natural and living exists by way of its form, so intelligence shall exist by way of its intelligible form. In the same way, there has to be a will in God because there is intellect in Him and it so has it that God’s intellect is also His will and existence.
Whether God wills things apart from Himself?
God wills Himself and other things apart from Himself. This is so for the following reasons: One, natural things experience their own inclination to their own proper good and when that proper good is achieved, the thing finds rest in it. When the natural thing is still seeking its own proper good and has not yet achieved it, then the natural thing must be inclined to move towards it until it is found so as to achieve rest in it. The most basic example is hunger, for the woman athlete must feed herself and nurture her body in order to perform at the level which is expected of her. Additionally, her body must heal after the competition through rest and proper nutrition, for this is the proper good of her body - to feed herself and rest so as to heal her body in order to do it all over again for as long as she wills it. Second, once the proper good is achieved, it is in the heart of the created to spread that proper goodness with others so those around them can share in its goodness. For example, the woman athlete competes in a sport and takes first place through her hard work and efforts. It is expected that those around her such as her family and friends will witness her accomplishment and find joy in it for its own sake. Thirdly, just as it is for natural things and the woman athlete who won the competition to enjoy their proper goodness so as to spread it to others, so it is for the Divine Will which is God, who wills it that the goodness of God be spread to others according to His likeness as well so the joy of His creation may be made complete through God in order to achieve beatitude, which is all of creation’s ultimate end and cause which finds its rest in God as the only start and finish to which God ordains and wills to be so other things partake in His glory.
Whether whatever God wills He wills necessarily?
If a man is to protect his muscles, organs, veins, and nervous system, then it must be absolutely necessary that he has a protective layer of skin over his body. In the same way, a computer monitor must have a screen so the user can see what the computer is doing in order for the user to guide its actions. In these examples, what is necessary is absolute. In another way, what is necessary can be by supposition, in that the man can decide whether or not to cover his body with a jacket or a long sleeve shirt and for the computer user to decide which type of monitor he shall use in order to use his computer. For the computer to be put into use, using a monitor is necessary. For the man to protect his body, he must wear a protective layer of something. Furthermore, while keeping these examples in mind as it pertains to the will of God necessarily, it follows that since God wills His own absolute necessity, such as His goodness and His calculated efficient cause and purpose for all creation while providing His creatures with joy, happiness, food, and ability to multiply themselves through offspring, the laws of nature and the universe, gravity, orbital cycles, sense of smell to the nose, and sense of feeling to the touch, He does not necessarily will whatever He wills. Through necessity by supposition, God wills that things or causes are ordered to His own goodness as their end so as by way of another will (His creatures), the choice can be made to arrive at the calculated end as they see fit, so as long as it is ordered to Him as their end in truth. For example - which path shall you choose? The long hard bumpy road of despair and sin which can be navigated successfully through faith, penance, and endurance, or the long hard smoother road of denying oneself so as to do what He says as opposed to what others say? Regardless of which - trials and tribulations are on every path, so it seems for most. However, in this, His perfection stands that no other perfection can add up to the height of His maximum, and that through His wisdom and will, which is unchangeable, He allows for His will which is necessary while also allowing the wills of creatures to reach their final end which is in Him, and in turn this becomes His will which is necessary by supposition (creatures choosing which path to follow that is allowed by God in order to lead back to Him).
Whether the will of God is the cause of things?
The Divine Being of God is not limited to form, shape or any boundaries such as the created, and within Himself contains the fullness of perfection in being. Through this, the effects of His infinite perfection by way of His will and intellect guides the bullet from the rifle to the target, whereas the rifle becomes His will, and the target becomes its intended effect or calculated end, and the bullet which is fired from the rifle being the other wills of His creation as they are acting in potentiality (freedom to choose by their own will) through the agency of ACTUALITY - which is God, who is true being and true existence, first in the order of intellect where everything created in idea and material matter pre-exist in Him by way of his ideas of them, not attributed to or of a lesser order than anything in existence. In this way, God’s intellect and will is what causes something to be, do, or know and not the necessity of His nature. Although God does not always act by necessity through His will in others, by supposition we see His effects and intended trajectory (such as the flight path of a bullet heading towards its target). In this way, either directly or indirectly, the will of God, and not the nature of God (because God is intellect and will), is the cause of things.
Whether any cause can be assigned to the divine will?
Causes and happenings can be secondary to the Primary Cause, which is the Divine Will that is God’s, whose ordered causes set forth in motion throughout the universe spreads forth in a reasonable fashion, and therefore allows for secondary causes to be on the account of another. The problem where one shall go wrong or stray from truth in error, is to believe their secondary causes and effects to God’s Divine Will is above His Primary Cause, or not related or attributed to it in any way through effects that come forth from God by way of His Divine Will which allows for the secondary cause to occur. For example, the man believes he can become a mother and breastfeed his adopted or surrogate child. The Primary Cause through the Divine Will ordained that man shall carry seed for the woman, so as to impregnate her and bring forth life. The man shall not bear young and produce milk for them as a mother would. However, by secondary cause, and the error of the man who denies the Divine Will’s primary cause, which is His genetic makeup and what the man is by nature, as willed by the Life Giving Spirit which is God, the man denies the truth and earnestly believes he can produce milk as a mother could. When it does not occur, because of its impossibility both to logical reasoning and the laws of nature, the man who wants to be a mother and produce milk is thrusted into despair. In his confusion, he attributed his secondary cause, which was rooted in ignorance, to the Primary Cause, which is chiefly sourced in God, who says that man is man and shall carry seed, and that woman is woman and shall bear young and provide milk for her babies. As we see, the will comes forth from the intellect in the man, who believes in something false, but wills it anyway that he should engage in such an action that cannot occur. In the same way, the Divine Intellect belongs to God, which pre-exists and is above all created intellects, and it just so happens that His will which is PRIMARY springs forth from that same intellect, while also allowing the effects of His Primary Intellect to be seen and witnessed and experienced in secondary causes that are not directly attributed to Him, while others receive no effects whatsoever, as we see with the man who tries to produce breast milk as a mother would and cannot perform the task. However; on the other hand, the Primary Effects from God’s Divine Will is seen in the secondary cause which came forth from the woman, who decided to have children and produce milk for her young. The effects of God’s will in the secondary cause by way of the woman’s will is that she produces milk which was ordained by God’s Will alone, which is Primary and not secondary.
Whether the will of God is always fulfilled?
The will of God must always be fulfilled; either now, in the future, or in the end, when all causes and creatures, by way of sin, who strayed away from the Divine Will, are called back into order by the Universal Cause which pre-exists all other causes (human secondary actions initiated by the freewill) by way of JUSTICE through punishment. For what must be reordered to the Universal Form in the end is what we know as justice, thus making right what is wrong, and equal what is imbalanced.
Whether the will of God is changeable?
The will of God is an immovable rock, and it does not change. Rather, it is God’s will that certain things should change, in that what is created in a certain likeness shall later become a better or different likeness as He originally intended through His will. When the Lord uses words as we understand them to say that He “regrets” or “repents” of something, it must be taken metaphorically because it is a similitude that addresses change in a way we as humans can better understand Him according to our own likeness and understanding. This should not come as a surprise when somebody really ponders this reality about God, for man creates things all the time in his environment for the intentions of tearing it down or changing it. For example; temporary bridges for military use, ammunition, disposable diapers and the like. Furthermore on a grander scale, change throughout faith history can be witnessed from the original grace/covenants/promises through the Patriarchs to the Law of Moses and ultimately the new covenant through the Blood of Christ. In another way, just because the artist makes an ice sculpture for other people to witness and admire, only to have it melt in the heat later on, does not mean that the artist never intended by way of her will to create a piece of art. Rather, the will of the artist was immovable and unchangeable from the moment her intellect conjured the contemplative idea of what the ice sculpture shall appear to be, and by way of her will, transferred the idea to her hands, thus transitioning her idea to the material principle (which is her ice sculpture) viewable by everyone around her. For the artist, her work has twelve hours of existence for all to enjoy. On the other hand, for the viewer, this might only be ten minutes of existence as they perceive it, when they only take a glance at the work of art and move about their business. In this way, since time is relative in this sense, it would appear the will of the artist for her ice sculpture to exist lasted much longer than the viewer who simply glanced at the piece of work and simply forgot about the idea shortly after. So it may appear because something lasts for a long period of time, that it should not change, or that God never willed it. However, if God willed that it should change, then it will change, thus rendering His will in the end from which was intended from the beginning. Thus the will of God is unchangeable. However, this does not mean that God’s will shall not allow for inferior intermediate causes which produce effects by way of the freewill. For example, the Universal Cause for salvation ordains that His Son shall be glorified, and that we shall go through Him to the Father. How a believer does this through their choices has many effects, and exists in many forms interior to the superior form of God’s will, such as BAPTISM, the SACRAMENTS of the Church as a means of grace, and our DEEDS, for which everyone shall render an account to their Creator.
Whether the will of God imposes necessity on the things willed?
The universe must be built up and contain things for its ordering. This is not an accident, nor a series of random chance events, occurrences, or happenings as the atheist believes and at the same time preaches to others around him. No, God’s intellect and ideas are perfect. Furthermore, He alone is capable of carrying them out by way of His Divine Will, which shall never fail. It just so happens that the way God orders the universe and causes to happen by way of His Universal Form, which is the Primary Cause according to His will, allows for secondary causes (by will of creatures) which have contingent effects. God wills that some things are carried out by His necessary will and Primary Cause and also through secondary causes with attached effects that shall ultimately lead back to His Primary Cause in a different way. Simply put, if the Lord wills it to be this way, then it shall be that way, all for the good ordering of the universe which shall contain its end or rest in Him.
Whether God wills evils?
God neither wills evil to occur or not occur, rather, he permits it for a greater good according to His will. For example, there is justice because of punishment. For those who do wrong, an imbalance occurs. The wrong which may have been done was more than likely executed for a purpose the person thought was a greater good, even though an evil occurred (such as the crime for which the punishment is due). God, even though permitting it, did not cause the evil of the crime to occur, rather, He makes good come of it by way of justice and punishment in order to balance what is imbalanced. In the same way, secondary causes as a result of the person’s actions shall manifest around those who are exposed to the specific crime or conviction of it, and ultimately come out of it with something new (either understanding or material event) that wasn’t realized before the evil occurred. In another way, it can be said that the crime which was committed was evil, but according to the one who committed the crime, he did it for what he deemed as a greater good (money, stolen goods etc.). In this way, the evil that is brought on is by accident (the one who committed the crime used freewill to make a decision) as it pertains to the freewill and cause of evil, not in the sense that the criminal is innocent of something he did which clearly occurred. Furthermore, as it was said earlier, God made all things good, and it is not natural for things to become evil or do evil, rather, it is by way of accident that evil occurs in the pursuit of something. Now, in all of this, God sees the decision making of mankind (accidents), by way of their free will in pursuit of the good by way of their appetites, and as a result, He also witnesses evil being done, which is the absence of good - thus he makes good come out of evil that is incurred by the freewill and in this way he neither wills or wills what evil may occur, but rather He takes what is evil by way of accident (freewill of creatures) and turn it into a cause for good according to His design by way of His will which shall never fail.
Whether God has free-will?
God necessarily wills His own Goodness, for He alone made all things good. As stated earlier, evil comes from the good by way of accident (choices) in the freewill. When creation engages in causes and decisions which are improper to the Universal Cause (which is God’s intentions for them), deficiency (sin) occurs. It is important to remember that even though God allows a secondary cause within His Primary Cause (His Goodness in general), it is permitted for the purpose of the secondary cause to experience effects which shall ultimately lead back to an end within Him where the created finds its rest. In other words, God has a free will to go about such things in a way He deems proper according to His design which allows for a Universal Cause and secondary causes which originates in the freewill of the created. Finally, on no occasion does God will evil or sin, for such occurrences and decisions are the opposite of His Being, which is life itself, as opposed to sin, which is death - for all who hate Him love death. Rather, He makes good come from evil, and abundance comes from what is absent (put another way; sin is the lacking or absence of fullness in something as it were meant to be).
Whether the will of expression is to be distinguished in God?
Expressions of God in scripture and on the tongue are either conveyed by way of metaphor or in the literal sense in accordance to the emotional state or feeling of the one who is demonstrating the message or describing the event. For example, humans have an expression of anger when something unjust is occurring, so in that anger, punishment is described by way of words so as to better express the severity of context in what is being said. As for God and man, there is will and passion, and when a human trait or emotion is used to describe God carrying out or willing an action, the words used are more of a reflection of our own passion and is never fully expressed in God properly to its fullness. Furthermore, it must be distinguished that there is God’s will in the proper sense, and His will by metaphor. Saint Thomas Aquinas differentiates this concept by calling the proper sense of God’s will “the will of good pleasure” and God’s will metaphorically taken as “the will of expression.”
Whether five expressions of will are rightly assigned to the divine will?
The five expressions of the will are prohibition, precept, counsel, operation, and permission. Through these expressions, we demonstrate to those around us our intentions and will. Furthermore, this can be demonstrated either DIRECTLY, INDIRECTLY, or ACCIDENTALLY. When someone approaches another and gives that person an order, the will of that person is being demonstrated directly. When someone fails to prevent an action from occurring willingly, or allows private space for an event to happen, there is omission (by way of allowing an action). Additionally, permission by way of granting someone else the right to do something on your property is the expression of will by accident, in that the owner of the property removes an obstacle in place for you so as to carry out your own will, and in this case - allowing a venue for an event that may convey or support positions the owner of the property does not support or condone, but gladly allows so as to receive a profit for the rented space. Saint Thomas Aquinas calls this removal of an obstacle to the freewill an “accidental mover” and should not be confused with the concept of “The First Mover (God),” who puts all things into motion from His initial movement which was stated earlier. Going forward, a person shall declare his will by means of an agent or a hired hand so as to perform a function in accordance with the originator’s will and this is by precept. Prohibition is in opposition to precept in that someone may hire a woman to do the work, but give her instructions on what not to do in accordance with that work, and in this way, prohibition and precept work hand and in hand together so as to setup boundaries and blueprints for the intentions of another by way of their will to have something performed or carried out. Finally, persuasion is found in counsel in that a group of advisors renders calculated/educated opinions to the decision maker so as to persuade Him to follow through upon their suggestions for a stated purpose. Now, taking all of this into account, the will of the man is made known. As for the Divine Will, these points can be delegated and denominated in accordance with the Universal Form which is God’s will, which allows for secondary contingent causes (free will decisions of creatures) which shall lead back to Him so that the creature finds rest in their calculated end through God, who is the First and Last Cause. From here, we enter OPERATION, which can be referred to as the Goodness of God either in the present or future by way of the expressions of the will in creatures, and to which Saint Thomas Aquinas also describes as “the will of Good Pleasure” as stated earlier in which the Divine Will transfers itself through the freewill of creatures by way of their denominated wills (counsel, precept, permission, and prohibition) manifesting themselves into an operation so as to carry out the goodness of God’s will in accordance to His design. It is important to remember that rational creatures have freewill (which is the intellect or soul), and that they shall account for their ways and decisions because of their special election by God; this includes humans and angels. Keeping this in mind, it so happens that God has granted them special expressions (as stated earlier) of the Divine Will (which are denominated unto them) which shall be assigned to their actions and deeds. Other lower creatures/material objects who act by sense (such as the animals who move for hunger) or objects such as branches and rocks demonstrate movement solely by way of the moving things around them are subjected to the Divine Operation which also allows things (permission) or disallows (prohibition) by way of function; for example a tree swaying by the wind is permitted to rock back and forth, but it isn’t permitted to remove itself into the air and float. In conclusion, it is important to point out that the evil of sin is not in unison with the Divine Will and because of this the only expression to which it is assigned is PROHIBITION, in that someone should not do what is improper or opposed to the will of God such as murder, robbery, lying, genital mutilation, consulting the dead, cursing others by way of mouth and divination, oppression and the like.
Whether love exists in God?
In God there is love to the highest degree, because love is the first movement of the will and every appetite for which a will pursues. It is natural for the creature to seek the good both in itself and another as its first act of the will in pursuit of the appetites (wanting). For what is alive loves to do the things it does, such as eating, sleeping, multiplying its genetic structure with a partner and the like. As was stated earlier, God is the First Mover who puts all things into motion, and whom by way of His will, intellect, ideas, and Essence (which are all one thing because He alone is simple), pre-exists all elements, feelings, perfections, attributes, qualities, happenings, causes, thoughts, acts of kindness, caring, goodness, LOVE, and the like. For as it was stated earlier, God is the maximum of all things, not in the same genus or order as anything which is created. For if the creature can “love,” as we understand love, so God can do this all the more. Furthermore, as Saint Catherine of Siena once heard God explain to her how one must understand His love from The Dialogue, in summary; “I am the One who is, you are the one who is not.” This simply means that God loved both you and me so much that He took what did not exist and put it into existence. How can a human or animal love something to which they never knew existed? It would be impossible for them. But for God, this is possible, for He is the maximum of love in the highest degree, for the qualities or attributes a human displays, as mentioned earlier, is a mere fraction of what God can do or perform in the highest degree. See for yourself, in the Moderni age in Babylon, the word love is being used as a banner for sin (death), sexual immorality, perversion, decadence, depravity, ownership, servitude, oppression and the like. Love leads to life, joy and happiness and ultimately manifests itself as the pursuit and goodness of another or neighbor; turning them into another self while straying away from selfishness and vanity. But sin and disobedience leads to death, selfishness, despair, and wretchedness; so for the ones who support these things, they are not acting in love, but they are acting in hate. For what is more hateful than leading someone to death by encouraging them to do what is improper so that they perish? Even those who do not do such actions, but are lukewarm in their faith, hold distorted views of love both in their households and in their common relationships, for the lukewarm citizen of Babylon, whose country is his church, and who has turned his house and many possessions into his altar where he worships, prays, and puts his false hope into - views love as something to which someone provides material possessions to family members for, whose worth/value is linked to their productivity, and the good or protection one displays for other family members and friends is rooted in ownership and pride, not for the purpose of genuine love, but for the fact that one “protects mine,” as many put it, or someone who only does good for another so as to be seen by others or bolster their own ego and self image. Additionally, the actions of parents who only view their children as an extension of their pride/reputation/good name, or spouses who view their partners as status symbols/trophies and not as husband or wife whom by God’s Divine union established them as one flesh for the purpose of children so as to fill the heavens with souls. In all of this, humans and creatures demonstrate a lower level of love or involvement in their interests which concern their self-worth as they know it while calling it love, when nothing to which they do is truly love in the purest sense as which is found in the Living God, who loves without ulterior motive or for-profit transaction in the purest most perfect form.
Whether God loves all things?
God loves things that are in existence, because He alone made all things good. It is important to understand that the will of God is the cause of all things because He loves everything that exists. Not so for the creature, the man, or the angelic substance. Why? Simply put, the will of creatures is not the cause of the goodness in things, for when we show goodwill and loving kindness towards someone or something, it is not us that is moving it or becoming the cause of goodness, but it is us who are being moved by the object of love, which pre-exists in God before the word “love” was ever invented or established in any language or thought/feeling in the human will. In this way, God is the cause of love and the goodness of love to which created things experience and it so happens that He loves all things to which He brought forth into existence. For the faithless man deluded in his own works and allurement of self-pride, he believes he is truly good and a cause for goodness in others by his own will and act. Furthermore, he genuinely believes God does not make him good and that he alone, by his own hand, makes himself good and is a source of his own light. The devil also believed this, so we see his agency in others who are his disciples by way of pride, which was the first sin/offense committed towards God.
Whether God loves all things equally?
God wills GOOD to His creatures in various degrees according to His wisdom and care. In another way, to bring goodness to something by way of the will is to love it. It is said that understanding the love of God can be described in two ways; One, God loves all things by the act of His will in a simple fashion which has nothing to do with the intensity of love for one or another because He put all things into existence from nothing EQUALLY - Two, it can be said people wish different things and greater goods for others, according to their unique likeness as they see fit. All the more for God, who wills a greater good for some and a lesser good for others according to the likeness to which He ordained them to be. The varying degrees of goodness someone wills for another is separate from that will, for although we wish a sports athlete to go to college on a tuition, which is a good, we also wish for a Soldier who enters the military to be successful in her career and come out alive and unharmed. In comparison, the will for the two do not change in that someone may wish them both good things, protection, and success, but in the same way, varying degrees of goodness is sought for the both of them, and in this sense it can be said that God may love another more so because of the goodness or greatness He bestows upon someone. Hence some stars shine brighter than others, and some Holy Ones are beautified less than others.
Whether God always loves more the better things?
Indeed, God loves the better things more because He wills a greater good for something He alone chooses according to its likeness. The reason why someone is better than another is because God wills for them a greater good. This is evident through His only begotten Son, Christ Jesus, whose Name He alone has exalted above the lower regions, the creatures subject to the principle of matter and time in the material universe and here on earth, and the angelic substances who dwell in the heavens. In this way it can be said that God “loves” Christ more than all things in existence, because He willed the greatest good for Him, in as much as He is true God and true Man and that all things have been entrusted to Him as a Father puts His Son over His household and possessions in order to carry out responsibilities as One Authority equal to the Father.
Whether there is justice in God?
Justice comes forth from a law which is given. But God is a law unto Himself, because there is no higher power which shall hand a law down to Him, for He alone is justice for what is just and right pre-exists in Him as the source of what we know as justice. Furthermore, God apportions to each their own what is justly due by way of His wisdom. For a bear shall have claws, a fish shall have gills, and a human shall have hair; their due. This is called distributive justice. Even more so, God, who is justice, guides mankind throughout the ages so as to show him what is right or wrong so they can become aware of sin and how to avoid it, as we see with the Law of Torah which was fulfilled in Lord Jesus Christ and how its precepts influence modern society with the concept of marriage, divorce, property ownership, deeds to homes and lands, bankruptcy, weights and measures and the like. So, by His guidance, He influences the metrics of justice in human affairs - in some societies greater and in other societies lesser depending on how close to the hearts of men He is by way of their freewill to choose the good or bad. The concept of giving and receiving for the purposes of exchange such as mutual benefit or trade and the like is known as commutative justice and this is not attributed to God, but man; for the Lord gives freely and expects nothing in return.
Whether the justice of God is truth?
Where the mind (the intellect) and the knowledge of things (as they are actual) intersect at equilibrium, the mind identifies the truth as it can recognize it. As the mind is the measure of what is false or true based on the knowledge it understands, so is the work of the carpenter said to be true when his actions and work are suitable to his trade. In the same way, a punishment is said to be suitable for the crime when it comes forth from the law which administers justice. Furthermore, the justice of God comes forth from His wisdom, which is THE law of justice, which is true. Thus, the justice of God is truth.
Whether mercy can be attributed to God?
Indeed, mercy is attributed to God. For the effect of mercy is to feel the misery and despair of another like oneself. In this, measures are taken to relieve the suffering of the person by way of forgiveness and remission, and in this way, the act of mercy becomes a gift to the other. Mercy does not take away from justice, rather, it is the fulfillment of justice, just as Lord Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the law, and as God alone is the fulfillment of all causes both primary and secondary - delivering all creatures to their calculated end as the First and Last Cause. So it is for mercy, as the Holy Apostle James says, “...mercy triumphs over judgment.”
Whether in every work of God there is mercy and justice?
The works God carries out according to His wisdom, ideas, design, and will can be attributed to justice and mercy more forcefully in some, and less than others. For justice may be worked more into someone whose deeds merit such justice, while mercy may be given more to in a person because of the intentions or circumstances leading up to the deeds which were carried out, even though warranting justice in a specific degree, but also requiring a level of mercy appropriate to the correct ordering of things either by design, grace, primary/secondary cause, and by way the wisdom of The One who distributes such effects according to design. Furthermore, it can be said that the gentiles, who did not know His ways by blood or direct familial connection, received the gifts and graces of God by way of His mercy, and for the Jews who received conversion and grace from God by way of His justice because of the promises to their righteous Fathers such as Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the Patriarchs, and King David. So, in this way, justice and mercy isn’t completely attributed to what someone has done or shall do, but solely upon the decision of God, who may allow for a secondary cause (such as someone’s free will choice to choose a path to Him) or His direct action alone according to what He shall carry out by way of instrument or person or cause He prefers. In no way is God bound by any human rule, decision, or created will, in that simply we dilute His power down to a mechanical function where something is typed or punched in and a response is given. Additionally, justice and mercy is even seen distributed to the just in the world who suffer afflictions so as to cleanse their lesser faults, and in this way, as the Divine Physician prescribes the medicine of suffering, we are drawn closer back to God, and not the allurements of pleasure and idols of the world that make us forget God, who is forever.
Whether providence can suitably be attributed to God?
Providence, which is the divine care and protection of God, is most suitable to God and attributed to Him because of the Divine Goodness of God which was stated earlier. For God made all things good - even creatures like the devil who have chosen to become evil (deficient) by their own free will to do wrong (accidents not attributed to God). Furthermore, the care of providence has two important distinctions; one, “the reason of order,” which is justly called providence, is eternal and divinely inspired by the will of God which springs forth from His intellect, design, Primary Cause, Universal Cause, Primary Form, and infinitude of ideas of what things should be, ought to be, could be, is, will be, and ever shall be. Second, is the execution of order which is a government that establishes an order by way of a law that is handed down to it. These are your secondary causes within the secondary forms that provide contingent effects by their execution (somebody steals something, so a judge orders restitution be paid out to the victim by the perpetrator) subordinate to the Primary Cause within the Universal Cause and form which is from God and attributed to God. Hence, Providence is attributed to God. See for yourself, although unbelievers like to point out the sufferings and horrors within the world, where mankind is partially separated from God’s presence, while denying the actions and responsibility of the free will of people who willingly choose to do what is wrong so as to harm others, they freely attribute the actions and causes of God, which is always good, to what is evil and improper. For some of their false claims is that since God may allow something, then He alone is the direct cause of this, which is a false notion. Fact is, the Lord does not interfere with the free will of His creatures, because if He did, then nobody would be worthy of punishment or reward. Within this, it also so happens that He alone ordains that everyone shall be judged in accordance with their deeds, and when this comes to pass, either a reward or punishment shall be carried out because of the Lord’s Justice. Even in this, unbelievers who deny these facts, still falsely associate suffering, hatred, evil, and the horrors of this life to God alone - even though they enjoy their freedoms and make choices everyday so as to draw closer to Him or further away, they still refuse accountability for their ways and the ways of creatures who are given the gift of freewill, so in their darkness and hatred for their Creator, they attribute all of this evil to Him, so as to distract from their own responsibilities and shortcomings. While this happens, in their blatant ignorance, they still forget that the evil and horrors they did not experience, is rightly attributed to God because of His Divine Providence, who protects them from things they do not even perceive. Take the evil spirits for example; although they are stronger and smarter than humans, the Lord puts them in check, and permits them to only exercise themselves in areas of action that He warned us not to engage in such as witchcraft, divination, idol worship, sinful conduct, magic arts, necromancy, demon worship and the like. There are consequences for their actions, and if the evil spirits could manifest themselves at will at any given time, more than likely they would not waste a second to slit all of our throats and commit unspeakable horrors against us, because that which is spiritual and condemned hates all flesh that shall be saved through faith in Him, so in their damnation and despair, they war with the human soul which is made in the likeness and image of God. While in their spiritual combat, they strive to separate the human soul from its inheritance through temptations, lies, vanity, evil influence, confusion, ignorance, hatred, unreasonable anxiety, sexual lusts, lawlessness, perversions, genital mutilation, transgenderism, war, abominations, unspeakable crimes, blasphemies, and the like. Even in this, the Lord takes what is evil and makes good come from it by way of His Divine Will which comes forth from His wisdom that is sourced from His intellect which we attribute to His Providence.
Whether everything is subject to the providence of God?
Providence is the order of things towards their calculated end. Furthermore, all things that exist are subjected to the Divine Providence of the Living God because He is the first agent which all agencies in existence spring forth from. Not only do things that participate in existence carry out their agency by way of His agency through His guidance, protection, laws of nature, wisdom, ideas, and Universal Cause; but while also participating in existence they also demonstrate the principles of goodness the Lord has bestowed upon them according to their likeness in as much as they partake in existence through His Divine Guidance which we also attribute to His Providence. When the creature strays from the correct path of God’s goodness by way of deficiency (sin), providence may be reduced by way of the Lord’s wisdom. Additionally, He may remove the spiritual care and protection He has bestowed on somebody so as to correct them by way of suffering. In this way, even in disobedience, living things are subjected to His Providence. Not to punish His creation cruelly as a wicked master to his slaves would, but to reprove and correct all for the order and spreading of His goodness which He strives to spread through Primary (Him) Causes and secondary (us) causes as a father would towards a child he loves through the medium of discipline.
Whether God has immediate providence over everything?
There are two parts of God’s Divine Providence; one, the order of things and happenings to their calculated end. Two, the execution of this order by way of government such as the law of man which is carried out through the secondary causes of the freewill, but not independent of God’s Primary Cause. So, in this, think of God’s Providence as a football field with “out of bounds” markers and two neutral zones which is the beginning (one side of the field where a team can score a touchdown) and the calculated end (the other side of the field where another team can also score a touchdown). The teams can move about freely within the boundaries of the field, according to the “rules” (second part of Providence which speaks of execution by government) of the game by way of their freewill to choose to throw the ball, run the ball, or punt the ball back to the opposing team. Furthermore, God has immediate Providence over everything in the first aspect because He alone assigns effects to His creatures and in nature while also giving them the power to produce those effects and carry them out according to their likeness by way of His just ordering of things (the first part of His Divine Providence). For a bird shall have wings and fly, and a bear shall hibernate for the winter and survive off fat reserves. In no way can humans do these things by their natural faculties. In the second respect, as Providence pertains to execution of government, by way of God’s will which springs forth from His wisdom, He assigns intermediaries to carry out execution of justice, order, goodness and the like so as to spread His Divine Goodness by way of secondary causes (free will choice of creation) along with their contingent effects. In this way, He builds us up for what we are about to receive, which is Divine Beatitude and rest in Him. For those entrusted with power are given their power not by their own hand, but from above, for the Lord gives them this power according to His will and Divine Providence. Some may say, “well this person is wicked and evil, and he should not be in charge of anyone because of his recklessness.” Maybe true; however, realize that being subjected to wicked leaders and lawlessness, while also experiencing the horrors of warfare and injustice is the consequence of unchecked sin and vice (as a whole, not always individuals alone), and by way of God’s wisdom through His Divine Providence, He knows how to guide humanity back onto the right course as to lead back to Him, which is good. For who can appreciate what they have unless they experience losing it all? For who knows how something should taste sweet, unless they never tasted what is bitter? How can you identify what is warm and hot, unless one gets burned? How can someone love the right way, unless they experience loss of those they love? In the same way, God’s Divine Providence immediately and through intermediaries is His way for our good which shall lead back to Him, even if we do not understand it clearly at the moment. Now, in no way does this mean that the wicked and evil things that are carried out by people with authority are good in any way, or should be mimicked so that a good may result. Rather, it is better not to know the ways of evil and wickedness or imitate it in any manner because the human inclination towards evil by way of the will is subjected to such a descent. On the other hand, God, who cannot be thrusted into evil, nor can He be perverted by such temptations, knows evil and wickedness fully and completely; however, it is impossible that His will may turn to evil. Not so for the created.
Whether providence imposes any necessity on things foreseen?
Providence is to order things to their end. Now, it just so happens that the Divine Providence of God imposes what is necessary on some things and not so much on other contingency causes. For the ultimate goal is the goodness in general and perfection of the universe so as for all things to find their calculated end and rest in Him. Some are taken to this end by necessity or how God sees fit directly, and others by the secondary free will choices of creatures to which God allows to occur through them according to His wisdom which comes forth from His will by way of design which we also happen to call Divine Providence (the correct ordering of things through God). As we see with nature, what works in unison with its elements and creatures, held together by Providence, what God allows as primary or secondary shall not reduce the other, but simply allow for so as to lead back to His intention for them. To clarify this point, migration patterns shall be a source of food for far distant animal populations as seasons rotate in different regions, and the destruction of an island due to volcanic eruption shall benefit its proportional land mass over time. Through this, the ordering of things occurs either directly or through secondary events. This is also true in people by way of choice in accordance with His wisdom, for a natural event may lead a fallen away believer back to Him (necessity/directly), or another person may do this as well by their free will choice to evangelize (contingent/secondary).
Whether men are predestined by God?
Everything is subjected to the Divine Providence of the Living God. Therefore, it is proper for people to be predestined by God. Now, this is separate from the calvinist view of “double predestination” which was a product of the protestant reformation in that a sign of worldly success through material possessions confirmed in their own minds that they were saved and were going to heaven, or other views of predestination which negates the free will of man and pushes the false narrative that God has already predetermined our reward and punishment, thus there is nothing we can do better or worse so as to please Him or do good to those around us. As mentioned earlier, God allows for Primary and Secondary causes by way of the freewill so as to lead back to His end which is rest in Him. Rather, the predestination that Saint Thomas Aquinas mentions has two parts which finds its rest and end in God; one, eternal life in a state where our intellect (soul) is raised up to see Him and have the knowledge of Him in glory. The second end, reaching beyond the proportion and faculties of nature by the power of its own nature. If by the power of the creature’s own nature cannot reach for what it was meant for by its own ability, skill, knowledge, or understanding, then it must be guided to it through assistance, just as a rock on a sling is pulled back and aimed at a target. Surely, the rock (the person meant for eternal life) makes a good projectile and can damage its target (eternal life in the presence of God in glory), but that is not enough and it can not do it on its own. It needs something more; in this case, a slingshot (Providence) and someone to aim it and release it (God’s will for that soul to be saved - predestination). So it is for predestination in that God’s intellect and will, He directs men by His Providence, the just ordering of things, to glory in eternal life even if they are lacking the ability to currently do so at the moment because of sin, ignorance, disobedience, confusion, and the like. Thus there is the illuminating light from the Spirit of Grace which raises up the intellect to the knowledge of the Truth, and to which guides its projectile on to target where it should so as to experience eternal life in the realm of the living. This concept also applies to angels, as God predestined them to know Him and have no end. So it is for people, whom He gives His grace to so they are preserved.
Whether predestination places anything in the predestined?
To predestine someone or something is to have the idea of what should occur in the mind of the one who is making the decision. For example, a man purchases lumber for the purpose of building a shed. He predestines the purchased lumbar to be cut and measured by calculated dimensions and forms to be assembled into something which shall store his desired goods. In this case, the becoming of a shed for storage made of wood is the calculated end of the purchased lumbar which the builder predestines use of. In this action, nothing is in the lumber as if the decision to turn it into a shed was its own, for that resides in the builder’s mind (Predestination) and will which guides the pieces of wood in an orderly fashion to be assembled into a functional shed (Providence). Now, for the Divine Mind of God, the execution of His Providence is what we know as government, as was stated earlier, and this is a function carried out passively (as in a secondary causality allowed by God). For it was stated that God correctly orders things to their end and rest in Him, often directly (from Him actively), and by way of others through their choices and actions (from Him passively). This is what we call Providence. Now, from Providence we get Predestination, which is a type of ordering of some person’s eternal salvation. This does not belong to the person being saved, but only to God. For those who lack the ability to be saved will be given what they need to be saved as they may receive directly the Grace of God’s gifts, or receive passively from Him through others when someone hears a heart wrenching speech, intercessory prayers by devout Holy People, experience in the penal system, trials in warfare, or a series of unfortunate events that may bring the heart back to God so as to endure, survive, or go on living through the trauma experienced which may become unbearable to the soul which does not have assistance in attaining salvation through Him. Hence, God makes good come from evil, even though He doesn’t cause the evil that occurred through the actions of the free will in creatures; while even in this He carries out the decision of Predestination for others through His Providence.
Whether God reprobates any man?
God does reprobate some, but not on account of necessity as if this person were to be damned from birth, but on condition in that they do what they ought not to do in full knowledge of wrongdoing while also still refusing to repent or change their ways, so as to fall away from an end that would have resulted in their glory and beatitude. Furthermore, as Predestination falls under Providence which brings creation into glory, while also allowing for defect in them, so it is for reprobation which also belongs to Predestination in that they do not achieve that glory because of the condition they chose by their freewill. So it is for the Predestined to be glorified, it is also for the reprobate to be permitted to fall into sin and receive the punishment of damnation on account of those sins. Thus we all shall account for our deeds and motives, and the martyrs died to bring salvation to those in darkness; because if salvation exists, so must damnation exist all the more, and if nobody were accountable for their actions, then there would be no reward or punishment, nor would there be free will, or a crown of glory or a whip of chastisement.
Whether the predestined are chosen by God?
The Predestined are subjected to God’s election and love. In this way, it can be said that they are “chosen” by God in that He wills a good for them in a different way than someone else. So, in this way, they are Predestined for this good that was meant for them. Providence is also known as prudence because in another way it can be described as a plan existing in someone’s intellect for the correct ordering of something for the purpose of a calculated end. Furthermore, how can something be directed to an end, if an end was never established for that something from the beginning? For in the will, a plan is devised and its end is carried out, some necessarily (active action of God) and others conditionally (passive action of God) as was stated earlier, so it is what we call Providence; and from this, those presupposed for eternal salvation are Predestined because there is a formulated end for them by way of prudence (the plan and ordering of the will). Now, in the order of reason, Predestination must be before election, and election before love while all of this is belonging to Providence (the correct ordering of things). Now, as for love, it can be said God “loves'' the Predestined because He wills a specific good for them higher or lower than others who may also receive their own type of good from Him according to His love; for when we love someone (not as God loves someone), it is because we recognized a good in them, thus we are incited to love that good which already exists and as a result we end up loving someone. But for God, His love is the kind that causes goodness in others, for our own love does not cause good in others and in this way “election” precedes love in us. As for election to God, as He wills a good for others and takes active steps to further carry out that end state of goodness, He also reprobates others who fail the condition (free will choice to neglect what was meant for them) leading to Glory and Beatitude, thus permitting them to fall further into sin and ultimate damnation. Additionally, it is important to realize that election and love is ordered differently in God as compared to people in reverse order. So, for God, love is before election, and election comes before Predestination (all still continuing to fall under Providence) because by way of God’s great love, He is the cause of goodness in all, and those whom He loves He also elects (calls), and for those who He loves through election is also the same ones whom He Predestined according to His Divine Providence. See for yourself, when you yourself “love” something, is your belief or feeling the cause of the goodness in the thing you identified worthy of your love? No, it already existed there, and you are now coming to the realization of its presence and you cannot help but to love that quality or attribute you see to which attracts your senses (both physically and spiritually). Know this, it is really God who put that there, for His love causes goodness in others, and although the act you may think which is love being directed towards another, what you are actually doing is loving God in a lesser state or form of worship, for you see His work and presence, but you do not acknowledge it as such. Nonetheless, you love what you see and seek to be in its presence!
Whether the foreknowledge of merits is the cause of predestination?
Some in the past believed that the good deeds we may have committed in a former life are now being made manifest to us in this life on the basis of past merits. Also, there are some who have believed that the different states based on the merits of work in a past life has given us a diversity of different states of grace that are received in the present, as if Predestination were dependent upon the freewill of man to act accordingly and be rewarded in kind. Furthermore, others have said that the effects following Predestination are the reason why it occurred. This is all false, because an act (doing something) which comes forth from the free will (thinking about it) cannot happen before the free will devises the decision to carry out an act, and in this way, it cannot be said that anything began in us of our own accord which led to the effect of Predestination, or that the free will now becomes a separate flow from what is Predestination and the will of God who manifests Grace as an effect flowing from Predestination. Rather, it is one flow which is from God, whose Primary Causes allow for secondary causes, and not that they are separate or their own sources of effects, but that they are the same in that they all flow from Him as the source. So, when grace is inferred upon the individual by way of Predestination, and ultimately leading to eternal salvation and glory, the freewill is neither diminished or increased, nor is the grace being poured out from the source of the free will in the one whom is being saved, but in that all of the effects of grace, salvation, and good works are literally the effects of Predestination as God wills it. Just as the Holy Apostle Paul once said to the Romans and the Corinthians in summary: We are not sufficient to think anything of ourselves as if it came from ourselves and in a great house, there are many vessels, some for honorary use and others for dishonor. Just as God made things in their likeness; some for water, some for the air, and others by fire, so it is for the glory or shame of others according to His will. For who can question God on why a bird may have feathers or why a reptile may have scales, unless one wishes to fall into error or reprobation.
Whether predestination is certain?
The effect of Predestination will occur as it is supposed to; either by necessity (Primary Causes of God) or contingency (Secondary Causes of God) as the Lord allows according to the Divine Will. So as Predestination is of Providence, so is the order of Providence incapable of being wrong or making mistakes because of Intelligent Design which comes forth from God’s wisdom, which calls for the just and effective ordering of things as they are meant to be. Furthermore, this could be understood in two ways; one, God predestines someone to be glorified because of a decision He decided to act upon for the salvation of a soul, so the effect of this decision will occur. Second, by the merits which come forth from God’s Grace, which puts it in our hearts to have the idea of the good, to seek the good, and to carry out the good for others out of unselfishness and love for God alone. Some of this is what we choose to do, and belongs to us in a way according to what the free will allows for and accounts for, but in another way, acknowledging the power of the Living God who allows for such a spirit to persist in doing His will so as to attain glory as a gift which belongs to God alone who is the source of all righteousness found in someone who carries out good works that are visible to others. However, this can be lost by way of the free will choice to freely engage in mortal sin to which an accounting must be rendered. In this way, some who were meant for glory have fallen from glory, and that same glory which was meant for them has passed on to another so as to glorify those who value it, keep it, honor it, seek it, and who can bring themselves to preserve it.
Whether the number of the predestined is certain?
The numbers of those who are predestined for salvation are certain to God in that He alone knows what His effects in the universe shall require by way of number for the just ordering of things. For example, the number of species which are driven by their senses, such as birds and fish maintain the numbers they need to sustain their populations so as to sustain other dependent life forms interacting in nature by preserving them through His Divine Providence. But for the rational creature, and especially the mortal intellect which is the soul wrapped in bone, blood, and vessels, God preordained a number for the ultimate good of the universe, incorruptible and destined for eternal joy and glory, because of His special love and great interest in them by way of Predestination, even at the opposition of the rebellious angels who believed spirit was enough rather than spirit wrapped in flesh. As for the existence of the reprobate, those who are allowed to fall are also pre-ordained in a way that serves the good of the elect, for what is bad or evil is used for good by God so as to glorify, rebuke, correct, and guide those onto the correct path towards salvation and beautification.
Whether predestination can be furthered by the prayer of the saints?
This could be understood in two ways; one, the effect of divine ordination in that God elects someone for the purpose of salvation so that what He intends to accomplish is done. In no way is this the effect of a secondary cause, which would be the prayers or prompting of the created. Rather, it is God’s primary cause (direct action) being carried out, and this belongs to Him alone. Second, by way of contingency (secondary causes), Predestination which comes from Providence is helped along by way of good works from an intermediary or another, by way of prayer, speech, evangelization, conversation, acts of love, bravery, caring, and many more actions someone could carry out by prompting of the Holy Spirit. These things are allowed in the order of the Primary Cause within the Universal Form (the out of bounds limits which contain secondary causes). Keep in mind, actions such as prayers and good deeds of the created are not the source of Predestination, only God is, rather they are helped along by its effects. Finally, it is important to note that the Predestined must strive to do good works and seek God in prayer so the order of Predestination in others may be fulfilled in its entirety. This is accomplished through alms giving, acts of spiritual charity, feats of bravery, acts of love, and the blood and testimony of the martyrs and Saints, which are effects made perfect in those who are Predestined for the edification of the elect.
Whether the book of life is the same as predestination?
The Book of Life and Predestination are one in the same, but in different aspects. For anyone who is being called up for service, a record of such is kept with their names listed, so as to identify who is set apart for what type of service or use. Furthermore, God determined those for eternal life by His will, which comes forth from His Ideas and Intellect which are simple. So, for a book to have names ascribed to it for its set purpose is a sign in Him for those who are brought to eternal life. In a different sense, the book of life can be attributed to the Divine Energy which works in the heart and mind of the one being saved, in that His laws and precepts are written on their hearts and in their minds by way of Supernatural Grace, as the Lord promised His people would when those who were subjected to the Law of Moses did not carry out the Law of Moses because of their continuous efforts of falling short and making themselves displeasing in the sight of the Lord their God. It is also a common practice of the Church every year to have its Catechumens (those entering the Church/candidates for baptism) sign the book of life (also called the book of the elect) during Lent before their baptisms at Easter Vigil, as a sign to those of the Church and to God of their intentions to belong to Him.
Whether the book of life regards only the life of glory of the predestined?
The end state of something should be what was intended from the beginning. For example, if you hire a roofer to fix your roof, then your roof should be fixed when he is complete with his work. So it is for those who attain glory through God’s Predestination, for He will always achieve the end for which He began. To place in a more concrete way, the end of glory “shall exceed human nature,” as Saint Thomas Aquinas puts it boldly. Furthermore, the life of Grace is the aspect of an end which directs it, but is not the end within itself. For those who go so far as to draw closer to God but choose to turn back slightly (not fully) by their own freewill, may have some participation in eternal life in a relative manner, but not fully - as the Holy Apostle Paul mentioned to the Corinthians the multiple levels of heaven. Keep in mind, this in no way implies those that are destined for hell by their deeds and free will choices are to share in the glory of the just and righteous.
Whether anyone may be blotted out of the book of life?
Some opinions of men, as in the universalist sects, believe nobody will be blotted out of the book of life because a “loving god” is not capable of condemning a soul to eternal punishment. This notion is false because the good men think they do or observe in others at the present time, come to the realization of their fallen state at the point when they are blotted out of the book of life by way of mortal sin. For what is inscribed or removed on a roll of names in the book of life is not a matter of the opinion of men, but is a reality of God who is also a God of Justice and who gives each and everyone justly according to what their deeds deserve. Furthermore, the book of life is the inscription of those who are destined for eternal life in two ways: one, through Divine Predestination which has a certain trajectory that will not fail; two, from grace, for whoever has grace has been fitted in the garments of eternal life (in a relative manner). However, by mortal sin and the free will choice to do wrong and fall short by way of unchecked sin (deficiency), the one fitted in the Holy white garments of eternal life by grace can choose to remove those garments, and when they do so, they fall from grace. So, in this, it just so has it that those predestined for eternal life by God’s will are inscribed in the book of life simply, and those who are written down in the book of life by grace are said to inherit eternal life relatively, in as much as they remain in grace by way of the free will and refrain from mortal sin so as to not stumble and be blotted out of the book of life.
Whether there is power in God?
God is power to the highest degree. Power can be thought of in two ways: one, passively which is not in God (the governments, authority, influences, and rules of men); two, active power in God which is the maximum of all power set forth into existence. It is important to realize that God is simple, He alone is Actual Being (as opposed to creatures who are potential being), the maximum of all perfections, of His own Divine Essence which is His will, His knowledge, His wisdom, and His Intellect, the Unmoved who is The First Mover who puts all things into motion, the Primary Cause of all causes - for secondary contingent causes are allowed by His agency, and of course the First and Last Principle of all things. Furthermore, what is the principle of something is the cause of something, for something cannot be something without this leading it to its calculated end. Now, because of this, He truly is power that is of its own order to which nothing compares, and in this way there truly is power in God.
Whether the power of God is infinite?
Active power exists in something as much as it can be measured. For example, a flame thrower being used to clear out enemy machine-gun emplacements on a beachhead will be received in the measure according to its likeness, in that scorching hot flame shall reach upwards of 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit at a distance of twenty to thirty feet charring everything in its path until its fuel is expended. In this, the flamethrower being put into service in wartime has a finite use and purpose and its power is demonstrated for a time as it is employed correctly. Now in God, who is infinite, there can not be a measure in comparison to anything we understand, nor is there anything (both items, natural bodies, creatures of spirit and flesh) that can receive or comprehend His infinity. For His measures are the stars, the laws of the universe, and all causes and happenings start to finish. These things can not be manipulated by creatures or anything we truly can measure in our own perception of understanding. Therefore, in this way, God’s power is truly infinite.
Whether God is omnipotent?
God is said to be omnipotent in that nothing shall escape His sight or Essence of knowing, which is one aspect of omnipotence. For when a tick enters a deer, He knows it. When a fly is squished up against a wall, He knows it. When the evil man fosters schemes in his heart to oppress his neighbor so as to extract sorted gain for himself, He knows it. Furthermore, it is said that God can do all things absolutely according to His will and that His purposes shall never fail, for the building up and ordering of the universe. Also in these ways, God is known to be omnipotent as we can understand it. Finally, the true infinite form of His omnipotence is not perceivable by creatures in any measurable sense, so another proper word to describe the omnipotent perpetual state of God is infinity, to which He has power alone absolutely, which is immeasurable and inconceivable by anything which is set forth into existence from Him by way of His Agency.
Whether God can make the past not to have been?
A contradiction is impossible in the Divine Essence of God. To think something can be undone which has been done implies a contradiction, because what has been or not been in the past, so as to do or undo it, does not fall under the Divine Power. In the same way, someone who has been forgiven of past sins is forgiven and must move forward. That person has still sinned, and just because they are forgiven, does not mean they have not sinned in the past, for such a thing which had occurred in reality cannot be removed, nor is it the prerogative of God to undo what has already been done. This should not be confused with His mercy, which is greater than His wrath, because He is happy to forgive and pardon those who are truly contrite of their offenses towards Him so they may receive eternal life in Him, but in no way does it mean the thing which occurred never occurred, for this would be a contradiction and a lie. In more serious terms, a subjective reality based on untruth, and it so happens that God is objective, reality itself, and the truth to the highest degree, and there is no lack of being in Him, for He is the maximum of all perfections as we know them.
Whether God can do what He does not?
God does what He does in accordance with His absolute power. His power does not come forth from His will, but from His very nature, and in this God does what He wills to do because He can do whatever He wills so as to achieve the Divine Goodness which exceeds beyond the measure of creation. Even if He does not do something, this does mean he was incapable of doing it, but rather by way of His will, His actuality, His Divine Essence, His wisdom, His Divine Power and His Providence - which are all one in the same simply, He chose to simply not do what He could have done or put off what might be done in order for secondary causes to be utilized to which He allows within His Primary Causes of things for the just ordering and building up of the universe and beautification of His holy ones and creation. Surely, He could have done what He did not do, but by way of His wisdom which is carried out by His will, He chose to do what He has done. Therefore, God can do what He does not.
Whether God can do better than what He does?
In what is good or could be better, it could be understood in two ways: one, the essence of something is in accordance with its likeness (a tree must be a tree, and if it were cut down and changed into lumber for the building up of a house, it would no longer be a tree), for if this were altered, then the thing would seize to be the thing for which it was meant to be, and would become something else, and this is impossible (in that something wasn’t made as it was supposed to be in its natural state that it is in); two, attaining betterment for something that is already in the state it is in, so as to achieve greater goodness and beatitude, for God can make better what He has already created. Indeed, God can do better than what He does in this sense, in that He shall instill virtue and wisdom into the unbeliever by way of the Holy Spirit and Providence so this one shall be in a better state than before, ready for any good work for building up of the Kingdom of God, and preparing the soul for glory in His presence from a state that was otherwise detestable or dying by way of its free will choices to sin and do what is improper.
Whether beatitude belongs to God?
Beatitude belongs to God in the highest degree. This is to attribute what is perfect, glorious, intelligent, possessing every excellent virtue and manner, the maximum of love and charity, and the climatic state of being. All of this rightly and justly belongs to the Living God who is all of these things.
Whether God is called blessed in respect of His intellect?
To be and to understand is one in the same with God, for He is simple. For all things move to attain happiness by way of its nature, so as to find rest in its calculated end, and it just so happens that beatitude is the perfect good of an intellectual nature. Furthermore, the intellect as we know it is the soul wrapped in a human body. But God is the First intellect, to which all intellects spring forth from. In this, He is the maximum of all things, and so it is rightly said that we should call Him blessed in respect to His intellect.
Whether God is the beatitude of each of the blessed?
Beatitude is said to be the supreme good in an absolute manner. Since life in the spirit is of an intellectual existence and being, it can be said that beatitude is of an intellectual attainment and state of glory. The calculated end for the intellectual being is rest and glory in Him, and it could be understood that everyone is blessed from the occurrence that someone knows and understands God, and in another way, the act of understanding this through the created is what beautifies creatures. However, in God, this is uncreated, and has always been there from the beginning. So, the Lord for the Lord’s sake, as who is the Reward of all rewards, fulfills what is sought in the created who seeks it, and in this way, God is the beatitude of the blessed.
Whether all other beatitude is included in the beatitude of God?
What is beautiful, attractive, and worthy of admiration and exaltation is found in God who pre-exists all things that are desirable to the highest degree. For what riches may attain, God has through complete self-sufficiency. For what is sought out after fame, God obtains this in that everything living admires and moves to Him (even when rejecting Him, unbelievers and those in denial know the idea of Him is something beyond them, and in this way they also admire Him). For what is power on earth in the material principle, is omnipresence and might in God to the highest degree throughout the universe in what exists, doesn’t exist, and could exist. For what is ownership, possession, property, and false “love” to creatures (equating what is love with sexual immorality and decadence); in God it is Fathership to ownership, the breaking of a yoke to what is owned and controlled, good stewardship in what someone is responsible and accountable for, and the wishing of the ultimate good for the sake of another out of love to what is sexual immorality. So, in all of these things humans and creatures seek on earth and in the material principle His presence, and are led back to the Divine Beatitude which is in God who are all these things to the highest degree at the height of His maximum.
Section II - Scriptural Discourse for the Unbeliever
Let us pray:
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name,
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Meditate upon this mystery for up to five minutes:
The Second Joyful Mystery: The Visitation of Mother Mary to Elizabeth
Mother Mary went to visit Elizabeth who is the wife of the Levitical Jewish Priest Zechariah and who was also pregnant with John the Baptist. When our Mother approached Elizabeth and spoke, John the Baptist who was still in the womb of his mother heard her voice and leapt for joy, filling Elizabeth with the Holy Spirit.
Remember, He knew you before He even stitched you in the womb!
Close with:
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee, Blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.
On the Road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-20)
I too, was a wicked unbelieving man who persecuted the people of God. Born a Levitical Jew from my mother’s side (last name Cohen), and a southern Baptist with Irish descent on my father’s side (last name Lowry) and grew up an atheist my entire life - I never believed. I did whatever I wanted to do; drunken parties, fights, orgies, mocked people less fortunate than myself, marked my skin with tattoos of snakes, skulls, and bullets. I manipulated others; I loved firefights and explosions, pursued vanity and possessions, hated my fellow neighbor, lied, and I was disrespectful to my parents. I even killed people. When I persecuted the church, it was more personal because I did it to my own spouse.
I mocked my wife for her faith. I also insulted the Priests and accused them all of pedophilia and wrongdoing, even going as far as to oppose the infant baptism of my youngest son. I had no intention of changing my ways, or exposing and confessing my secrets to those around me whom I harmed. Until the dead of the night in the year 2020 at the age of 35, in the same year the star of Bethlehem re-appeared for the third time on 21 December 2020 since Christ’s birth, the spirit of the Lord came for me and converted me. I was at my desk by myself doing some work on a computer and suddenly goosebumps came across my arms, back, neck and shoulders and I began trembling. I never felt anything like it before. I began weeping violently and broke down crying. Almost as if something wrapped a mantle around me, something I never felt before - it was undeniable. From then on, I knew God existed, because I literally felt Him there with me. I did not see Him or hear His voice, but I knew He was there. I honor the truth and I was wrong my entire life. In that exact instance, I realized this. Although I was born seven days from my expected due date of 17 March 1985 in the flesh and sin, I was reborn in Baptism in the spirit the night before Easter in the year of our Lord 2022.
Did He make me change? No. He showed me the Spirit of Grace which is the truth and His mercy. Since I value the truth, I accepted it. I was wrong and He was right. I died that night and was reborn as a new man. Now I live for the Lord. I took the name of Paul in baptism and confirmation because of my conversion. No man converted me; the Lord did. I went to sleep the night prior and woke up the same person with no intention of changing, nor did I have any viable reason to change. I was accountable to no one, and I believed in nothing. Then, when confronted with the truth, I had to change. Why? Because I value the truth. The truth has intrinsic value and is above all of us. It is objective and incorruptible. It is my hope for the entire world that everyone comes to the truth before the day of fire, so everyone is saved. If the Lord can change me, the worst of sinners, He can change all of you as well!
I wrote a letter to God listing everything I had ever done wrong. I repented and asked for forgiveness. This is a start, but more is required. From then on, I had to tell my wife all the things I had been hiding from her regardless of how vile it was; regardless of how much it was going to hurt. I was ready to lose my house and my life for the Lord because He is the Truth, and the Truth will set me free. I must confess to you, the reader, and the entire world to honor Him, for His Namesake.
Once I did this thing and confessed my lies and sins to both God and mankind, despite what may come of me, an amazing thing happened. The yoke of the devil fell off upon my neck. From then on, he could no longer jerk me by the chain and force me to go wherever he wanted me to go and do. I was truly free like what the Lord had said from His gospel.
Now with that said, I knew I had to be baptized. Where do I go? There are thousands, if not millions of denominations out there. Simple, after reading all of scripture and studying it thoroughly, the answer became very clear to me. I must present myself to the steps of the Apostles Church, the One that has been given authority by Christ himself - the Roman Catholic Church. I followed the footsteps of the Apostles and the Levitical Priesthood, to which my ancestors are from and to which the Priesthood passed on from John the Baptist (also a Levite whose father administered sacrifice in the temple) when he baptized our Lord Jesus Christ in the river Jordan. Coming to this truth after much prayer, I realized where the fullness of worship resided, the very Church I persecuted throughout my adult years - the one from the beginning. Now, I practice the sacraments daily and am in truth. In fact, the tabernacle in Rome, and wherever the word of God is proclaimed and His body rests upon the altar is where the temple is, for it replaced the one in Judea.
One cannot be in truth if he or she does not do what the Lord commands us to do. In summary, the Lord said, "you have no life in you unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood of the new covenant."
The sacraments are there to save us and keep us awake and ready; presentable for the Lord when He returns until all is accomplished. The sacraments of His Church will carry you, strengthen you, and sustain you from a lifetime of sinful influences and demonic temptations until it is your time to return to your true Father in Heaven. Do not be tricked by the slick comments of the world and self-ambitious preachers who want to teach you all kinds of wrong things. The Lord told us plainly what to do. So, let’s do it, and our joy will be complete.
Babylon Worse Than Sodom (Acts 13:14, 43-52)
The word of the Lord is living and breathing, for it is life itself. Those who do not wish to hear the words of life and truth, prefer the words of death, and lies. Today in Babylon, its citizens thought it was good to rise and declare the following:
"Let us continue killing our children or else we will burn this place down!"
The forty days to life campaign by collaboration of the Church and other like-minded denominations was successful. The Lord heard our prayers - to put it in the hearts of the secular princes and satraps to turn back from wholesale institutionalized child murder and slaughter. The devil didn't like this - so what did the coward do? He stood up atheists, satanists, pagans, witches, and members of the occult, to whom I preach to, to go on the offensive to threaten the Church into submission. They are even going as far to say that they will burn the Eucharist - which is the body of Christ. Yes indeed - satan is angry, so he went ahead and opened up his toolbox full of screwdrivers, hammers, box cutters, and pliers to begin his work of persecution (his people) - the support of what is vile, wicked, and evil - to intimidate, threaten, use violence, and of course many mockeries and blasphemies that are associated with the supporters of child murder - who are murderers themselves (yes, the one who supports murder is a murderer). They have come out to threaten all Christians - just not the Church alone.
We should not be afraid to label them correctly for what they are - murderers. The Lord has given us a description of what a murderer truly is, and His threshold is less than mine:
"Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer."
What is more hateful than supporting the unwanted killing of another and denying them the basic right to life? You be the judge.
Like the tools satan welds in his hand to do his evil work - tools that have no breath in them, sight, senses, or taste - the atheist, the wicked, and the morally corrupt who lack faith and moral fortitude enable the evil one to enter them and fill them up like a hollow shell so as to impregnate them with his will - the will to do what he desires. Don't believe me? See for yourself - these women in the news are zealous to kill their babies! Look at some pictures on your own. They aren't zealous to feed the hungry or help the poor - no, they are motivated to slay the Lord's creation inside the holy womb and profane and defile the temple of the Holy Spirit - which is the body the Lord has apportioned all of us to glorify Him through the creation of children and acts of holiness. Then, they leave us satan's calling card - support for their murderous acts in speech. The wicked say "reproductive rights," or "healthcare" to mask their crimes against humanity and God. No, these are tricks of satan to make a cause for confusion - masking evil with a layer of light and nobility. It is no wonder satan parades himself around as a steward of goodness, while masking his true intentions until he gets up to the podium to jam a dagger through the heart of his target.
Take the example of Paul and Barnabas - how much time must one waste on those who aren't willing to listen? It is necessary they be informed - then warned - but after, one must shake the dust off one’s sandals when the message is heard and rejected. One must move on to carry the message to those who will listen. The holy Apostle and the Saint knew this. Now, how much longer until the Lord dusts off his sandals regarding these people? Are there forty good people in Sodom? Thirty? What if there are twenty? How about ten? Will He spare Babylon for the sake of ten righteous people, if indeed there are at least ten righteous people here to be found?
Only the Lord knows.
Veritas (Acts 6:9-15)
Bad things may happen to us. Does it mean the Lord has abandoned you? I don't think so. In fact, it may be that He is ever more there with you in the moment of your distress. Don't be afraid to proclaim His Name to others, and to suffer scorn, hate, and mockery for The Name – which is above all other names. Telling those around you the truth is loving them - not hating them or committing violence against them, as the ones who oppose the truth often might want you to think. Being strong in Spirit and doing what is hard for the body or the mind for the sake of another is a righteous act, even if the one receiving the message for his or her benefit does not realize it at the time. Telling someone the truth is an act of love. In fact, it may even be a higher form of love than acceptance and being kind.
What do you think?
If your child acts out at school, and you decide to proceed lightly, will that child receive the message properly? You decide - is it loving somebody by simply assisting them with their error, and not showing them the proper way, so that future trouble is averted? You be the judge.
The truth hurts. In the case of Saint Stephen, it literally kills. However, consider this:
-St. Stephen loved his fellow Israelites so much he wanted them to be in truth so that they would be saved.
-In fact, he loved them so much that he told them the truth even when he was on trial - fully knowing they would probably not receive his message in peace.
-Did St. Stephen post a positive GIF on the Pharisee's timeline, supporting their error for the sake of kindness? Did he take the Sadducees out to lunch and allow them to vent, in-turn giving them positive affirming comments such as "your truth" or "you should be happy" or "live your best life" or "be yourself?" No, he did none of these things. In fact, at the knowledge of violence that would be inflicted upon him and certain death for his mortal body, he told them what they needed to hear for their benefit. That is true love.
Allow me to clarify:
-There is only one truth; the Lord.
-The truth is objective, not subjective. This means the truth does not need our opinion to exist – it simply is, with or without us.
-What makes us happy isn't always good for us.
-Seek the Lord in truth, and He will show you the best outcome for your life which is to find Him and renounce the works of the devil and sin.
-Do not be yourself, be holy, for He is holy. If one cannot be holy, they will not be in His presence, for He alone is holy.
Why do we toil every day for things that will perish? We set up idols in our hearts above the Lord to shut Him out. If we opened our hearts to Him, and just came to the realization that the purpose of work is to share with others who have nothing, not amass large nest eggs for ourselves or acquire adult toys, we would be much happier. I would also imagine this would be pleasing in His sight, for He will give us eternal food which will never perish. Seek that. What the Lord gives you is free and will last forever.
Loud Opposing Voices Everywhere (Acts 5:34-42)
In this day in age, we find whole swathes of people and governments "fighting against God." Through their unbelief, they truly believe nobody sees their deeds or understands their wicked schemes and deceptive designs. They truly believe they are their own light - and that righteousness comes from whatever their present desires are at the time.
The modern-day Sanhedrin (the mob of unbelievers) will flog you with their lips and present a case against you for mockery and lies. They will speak ill of your reputation to others to embarrass you and dox you, to silence you so The Name would not be mentioned. There is truly no fear of God in their eyes, even as their world turns upside down from every war, plague, injustice, economic crisis, act of lawlessness playing out every day in Babylonian cities, every kind of natural disaster, wildfire, tragedy, extreme temperature shift and severe drought causing crop failures.
It's as if a group of people is so used to being cursed, that they accept these things as a normal series of events - never looking inwardly to why such awful things are happening in the first place. Why have we become so conceited? Do we wish to provoke the Lord to anger through worship of self, idolatry, and unjust witch hunts of our neighbors whom we disagree with? Are we stronger than Him? When He decides, who can reverse it? Is there anyone else to whom an appeal could be brought to once His mind is set on what to do to us for our community rebellion against Him?
These are all valid questions with varying answers depending on who you talk to. The modern man is a creature of quick service, lightning fast communication and information, modern conveniences, and out of touch with what should matter. The thought of suffering for anyone's name - even someone they think is alive and maybe a good person, would almost seem absurd to most. However, for those in Christ, it is an honor and something that should be welcomed.
Why should we suffer, one might ask? Simple, if we suffer with Him, we shall reign with Him – as it was written. For each one who takes up their own cross, denies oneself, and follows Christ, that person will share in His glory when He returns. Knowing this, we look forward to something better. Obviously, this world is passing away along with its many imperfections, blasphemies, sufferings, and trials. The holy Apostles told us to make no provisions for the flesh, for all of it is going to be thrown into the furnace. If we put our hope in what is going to be burned up, then we would be just like the pagans and those with no understanding.
Don't be attached to your possessions and the many political leanings and complications of this temporary life. There is only one thing that is needed - earnestly seeking Him in prayer, for our hope is in the second Adam and the New Man - not the first Adam, who only knew the way of the flesh. The Lord tells us in scripture that the Spirit and the temporal world are in direct conflict with one another. If we draw further away from the Spirit, the world will receive us. If we focus on the world and the desires of the flesh, we will push the Spirit away. However, the closer we draw to the Spirit, the more the world opposes us.
It's a constant battle that is being fought among those still living and who hope for something better. I say we should use the little time we have to do His will and seek Him in truth so as to honor the Spirit with our bodies in the time which has been apportioned to us. In the process, if we suffer for His namesake, then all the better, for the Spirit of the Living God rests upon such a person.
Secular Overlords Attack the Body of Christ (Acts 8:1-8)
The persecution of the Church is alive and well today. From first world governments in the west to arid regions in Pakistan where Christian minorities are forced into paying wealthy Muslim landowners and the government a Christian tax simply to exist while receiving subpar wages and barely livable conditions. In fact, Church members being rounded up and imprisoned or executed, and churches being bulldozed by mobs at the sight and approval of government authorities is still common throughout the world. I am not talking about 20th century events or events from the Acts of the Apostles - but events that still occur to this day. Don't believe me? Google it.
Demons are being driven out every day by exorcists and righteous men and women who petition their cases to the Lord in prayer for the freeing of their friends/families/loved one’s souls and those in need of great mercy. This still occurs today. The days of the Apostle Philip driving out demons in the square of a Samaritan town are the same as today - for much of the demonic activity is in the digital space. Think of it as their superhighway to sin.
Now, before Saul became Paul, he was clearly persecuting the Church and rounding up believers because he thought he was doing a service for God. In this day in age, faithless government officials and non-governmental fringe elements in society round up the people of the Lord so they are persecuted, doxed, insulted, or given disgrace/dishonor, as a service to their master - satan. The Communist Party in China literally locks people it doesn't like in skyscrapers and waits for them to be starved out, while also throwing people they do not agree with in re-education camps. Pagan society does business with such horrible actors because their products are cheap, and they love money more than the Lord or their neighbors - so they ignore many atrocities. The people who will offer you up to their gods in Babylon are people who seek money, power, fame, control because the Spirit that is in them is not from the Lord, but of satan. This was brought on by their own evil desires and idols they erected in their hearts which deny all knowledge and truth that is the Lord.
The holy Apostle was right when he said in summary:
"Their God is their stomach, their glory is in their shame, for they are only focused on earthly things."
These are the people who are rounding up the modern day Church – they are also the same ones who rounded up the early Church as well, just like Christ said would happen. They honestly believe a service is being rendered for their gods, which is cheap products, polling numbers, false social justice issues as a pretense for violence, future elections, and human reputation - all vanity and false idols which are frequented by demons. Don't be surprised when things get worse because these characters are going from bad to worse as each day passes by. But you should not fear, praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ who told us all these things. As He told us, “Our redemption draws near” for He is just around the corner.
Yes indeed - everything is right on time.
The Hand that Provides (Acts 5:17-26)
What is to be said about the ways of our brothers and sisters today? Will the spirit of the Lord and his message ever be silenced? No, it will not. Even though men of power and position may have the authority to jail the body and torment the spirit, the power of men will never be able to silence the spirit – if the spirit truly dwells in the person to which the utterance originated. You see, the spirit wants people to be taught its ways. Some need more help than others – and are completely void of The Spirit.
The Apostles were freed from their jail cells by the will of God to take the teaching of heaven to those who cannot listen or receive on their own. One may ask, “well – why can’t He just tell them Himself?” True, He probably could do this – but it is my thought that He uses people to reach others in a way not to frighten them or put the fear of death in them.
Think about it, wouldn’t you be frightened if He appeared to you as He is in the dead of night? One might fall face first dead upon the floor with heart complications. No, we know that He is not a forceful God, but a loving and merciful One. He gives you what you can handle just at the right time – and in this case, so many cannot bring themselves to believe in the truth, so preachers are sent to teach them His ways.
Ever been on a date for the first time, and the other person was just moving way too fast? So, you know what it’s like – midnight manifestations and revelations would be harsh on our mental state, which is totally conditioned for the physical world as we perceive it. Just like any harsh change on the physical body, adjustment via temperature, elevation adjustment, humidity and day/night cycle, even hourly changes due to jet lag, can have drastic negative effects upon the physical state of the body. More so for the spirit and coming to the knowledge of the truth in the night, which would forever change our perception of things as we know it.
So, the Lord frees the captives and sends them to you so that His word is preached so all can be saved (those who listen). He only gives us what we can handle. In fact, He is such a “gentleman,” and not forceful, but honors your will, many cannot even perceive the spirit as being in their midst, but it most certainly is.
Just like odorless gas, oxygen, and the clothes on our bodies that we grow accustomed to and do not appreciate or perceive all that often, so the Lord is there with us as well, providing for our needs and clothing us with His protection.
Beast Like Man (Acts 11:1-18)
The holy Apostle once said in summary:
"For the kingdom of God is not just about food and drink."
Some people consecrate their food to idols. Others to their wallets. Many to the desires of their stomachs. Rabbinical Jews who follow Torah believe in the food laws handed down by Moses. The holy Apostle Peter's vision confirmed what Christ said in the gospel:
"What defiles a man is what comes out of him, not what goes in him."
Thus, the Lord declared all foods clean. Don't be surprised at this - this is the way it was in the beginning since God created the earth, the living creatures for food, and the plants for food so man can reign over them. Today in Babylon, there are trends in food, activism, and of course entire organizations dedicated to banning consumption of meat from animals. Some of the more aggressive ones I came across used the gospels on me - as to make a case for murder and inhumane conditions. Others in society place their pets above their own family members and view their dogs or cats as sons and daughters. Some even go as far as to think the days we honor our human mothers and fathers applies to them as well because they are pet owners.
What has happened?
Simple - as man drifts away from God in this place each and every day, rejects His precepts and what was meant for them, they gradually replace the light of the Lord and his word with their own light and their own understanding of things - which are all flawed. It is no secret that married couples are abstaining from having children and replacing them with beasts. Is this a good thing? I am no judge, so I cannot say.
However, this I do know:
-The Lord clearly gave the creatures of the earth to you for food. That is their purpose. Our purpose is to fulfill what the Lord commanded us - so we fulfill what we were meant to be. This is ultimate happiness and the destiny of everyone.
-Yes - we should always be good to animals and treat them humanely. However - they shall never replace humanity and the importance of a person. Just one of the many errors Babylon is falling into today. They have placed beasts above children and pets above the sanctity of human life.
-pets are receiving human inheritances from deceased pet owners.
-pets are receiving human-like funerals.
-Pets are becoming the source of love and nourishment both in video, picture, and in person for many peoples, thus replacing what was meant for humans. Is this conditioning hostility towards fellow neighbors? I don't know, but I do know this - most people will stop to pick up a troubled dog on the side of the road before they offer the same courtesy to a living breathing person in need.
This condition is not good to which we find ourselves in. As our humanity leaves us, it is replaced with things that were meant for other purposes. Take wood and stone for example - construction material. Those who have rejected God turn to raw materials for comfort and worship (these idols are frequented by DEMONS) - but find nothing. Why? Because they are looking for something an idol cannot give them - the truth. The more one hearkens to the idol and makes it the center of his or her life, the more corrupt that idol worshiper becomes. Offending the Spirit of Grace is a serious matter, and when Grace leaves - something else fills the void. It is no wonder why in this day in age we are seeing a mental health crisis playing out among all sectors of the economy and in every institution. The love of God is running dry - and many are turning to their idols for comfort but are creating a worse condition than the first.
Now, as for our food, it is important that we say prayer over it and dedicate everything we are given for our stomachs to God. Why? Simple:
-Everything is made clean and holy through prayer.
-Your faith in the living God sanctifies your meal.
-Give glory to the One who made you and thank Him for what you have now. It may not be there tomorrow.
When I was an atheist, I did no such thing. Prayer seemed absurd to me and pointless. After I came to faith, I still had trouble doing it. However, I realize my error - anything that is not offered up to God or is done for the purpose of glorifying Him is sin for us! We are not justified by what we do - but why we do it.
Don't let anyone shame you for what you eat (except for blood). What we offer up to the Lord is an acceptable offering by faith. The ones who want to shame us about this have no understanding
-for they are only focused on the idol itself and not the power of God who sanctifies what He decides to sanctify. If He deems something worthy of His power, then it will be done. In this case
-your prayer is sanctified and given much power. The stumbling blocks of the world are the many idols and the false precepts that deny the knowledge of God and they prevent many from attaining the truth with carefully crafted words and many long paragraphs dressed up like a nice Christmas day present. Don't be fooled - the Lord said what he said.
Why change it or doubt it?
Babylon Says Your Car is Really a Boat (Acts 11:19-26)
What is a "Christian" today, according to the enemies of the faith? Depending on who you ask, here are some answers you might not find among the ranks of atheists and pagans:
-someone who believes in Christ.
-someone who does what Christ says.
Enemies of the faithful do not have the right to label us, nor is the Church defined by its enemies – even though they continue to try in vain. Like those from before, the enemies of the Church scorn and mock, and declare to themselves and others, “the Church is about to fade away. Not long now. It will be all over for them. They are on their last leg.” Like days of old and even today, those same people meet their mortality and die. Yet, the Church outlives its enemies and remains – as the Lord himself said it would.
You see, in this day in age, the devil appears to be growing in power and influence among people throughout all areas of society. We see his influence in movies, media, school, politics, courtrooms, and even among our own family members at the dinner table. He is the true master of chaos and division. Where there are false labels of others, accusations, and hateful labels given to large swathes of people to discredit them and persecute them more efficiently, there we see his presence and his works. For the one who knows scripture from a pure heart - that person can tell you that a true follower of Christ does what He says or aims to do what He says at every turn. He or she does not actively attempt to stray from His teaching. What is His teaching? Here is a reminder:
-the truth.
-receiving His flesh and blood so He remains in us and we remain in Him.
-love of one's neighbor as himself.
-care for the poor.
-care for orphans and widows.
-care for the needy.
-being holy.
-confessing one's sins and practicing the sacraments, observing and submitting to the authority of his church.
-renouncing sin and not being an accomplice to it.
-denying oneself and taking up his or her cross to follow Him.
-showing evidence of repentance through good deeds to others.
Now here is an amazing concept; one who does not do these things is not a follower of Christ. As much as the atheist and the pagan may try to label many of the fringe groups of today who use the Christian label to attack political opponents and use the teaching and name of Christ as a pretext for fleshly ambitions and vain human goals/desires for division, they are still not correct in who they falsely label as Christian. I will tell you again - one who does not do what Christ says is not a follower of Christ. The enemy will try to lump large swathes of people together who may have a common purpose in Christ together under one label, so as to justify their actions or their opposition to God by the poor actions of a group who are not fully in His teaching, then at the same time lump true believers and followers together with that group as to smear them.
These are the layers of mask the devil covers his true identity with. While persecuting - he points the finger away from his actions to deflect and insert false examples of others to cover his own true facial expression behind that mask. He gains support in this way for the ones who have no understanding and do not know what to look for. Believe it or not, most people have not read the Bible - even practicing Christians. Not even they know what to look for. Self-professed Christians who persecute their neighbors because of racial, social, cultural, political, and economic differences claim to know the Living God – Blessed be His Name forever – but do not manifest the very faith they claim by their words into real deeds. Is this proper? No – the failure to carry out our faith by way of works and deeds is a testament to our own faith – it is a self-declaration informing everyone around us who we truly love and adore. If we truly loved Him, our works would follow. But what is loved more than our True Father in Heaven? Money, power, our personal pride, our reputations, our useless possessions (which are destined for the furnace). People are willing to go to war for those things and not the right things.
What does Christ tell us? He says this in summary:
"Anyone who hates his brother or sister is a murderer. Those who are murderers will not inherit the Kingdom of God."
Now with that said - if one actively hates another for any reason - especially beyond his or her control such as their race or sexuality - that person is not a follower of Christ nor is he or she compliant with his teaching. What can be said then? When the atheist lumps true believing/practicing Christians who do good, even to their enemies, they make their persecution of us more efficient. These are the tricks of the devil.
What else did the Lord say?
"You will know a tree by the fruit that it bears."
If someone is producing hate through their speech and their faith - then they are a thorn bush calling themselves an apple tree. The master of lies - the one who calls down, up and up, down wants you to believe that the apple tree and the thorn bush in Christ are one in the same. They are not. Know what to look for.
Here is the logic of the atheists and pagans who follow satan as they persecute you for Christ - when they try to falsely label you as the one causing evil:
"The car you are driving is not a car. It is a boat."
Think about this for a second - if the car can only drive on the road and cannot tread water - is it really a boat? No. If a Christian is causing hate and division among you is he really a Christian? No. Just because someone calls themselves a Christian, it does not mean they are a Christian. See for yourself, if I call myself President of Babylon, does that now make me President of over 350 million people? No, it does not.
Push back and correct those who falsely lump you in with evil doers. Those in Christ follow Christ and they are truly Christians. Not what the walking dead says.
The Greed and Idols of the Nations (Acts 15:17-21)
The same God who stood up a people in the desert for forty years and made his presence known to, is also the same God who tells you plainly his intentions for all people. For the living God of Israel is not just the God of the Jews, nor did Christ come just to save the Jews - but all men and women. He is the author of life and the creator of all things known and unknown - even to the gentiles. So, what does this mean to those who do not believe? It means what it says.
This is hope for all of us. There is a higher authority and a greater love which does not wish for us to go about our lives continuing not to know Him and rejecting Him. He has reached out to the prophets and apostles of old to guide us and instruct us to make it known that we are not alone, even though we often tend to think we are, even against our own feelings in the matter. Today in Babylon, people are killing themselves in droves, murdering each other at random, committing mass murder in public places, and committing daily acts of lawlessness. The rejection of God is truly empowering a different spirit - one that aims to commit malice and harm among people of all races, genders, cultures, and creeds. Institutions are even turning away from the truth - even acknowledging in congressional hearings that they cannot define a man or woman because they are simply not a "biologist."
In Babylon, down is up and up is down. This is truly the work of satan - who is the master of lies and deceit. The rejection of the Lord has given room and microphone time to these practices, and it is no mistake that the evil one is taking advantage of this opportunity. The Apostles have made it ever easier for us by the grace of God to come to the truth before the day of fire, so that we be saved, by even reducing restrictions and obstacles to salvation. However, we see that many people still cannot come to believe even the simple instruction of not drinking blood, refraining from sexual immorality, idol worship, and meat of strangled animals. The idols of the world are distractions for us, for one cannot draw closer to the Author of Life while pursuing idols we harbor in our hearts.
The idols are so strong in the hearts of this people that they will kill themselves for possessions, bills, money, and human honor. They will even kill other people and enter contracts to kill other people for the pursuit of money. Entire businesses and fortune 500 companies are given rights as individuals, with their own bylaws for the purpose of making a profit at all costs. Not that I say this is wrong, but we see just how much the idols of the world are honored by humans rather than honoring the one and true only Living God. It is a true testament to what they value, and it is not profitable by any means in any real currency that is going to endure past the elements and matter when this place is judged.
Pointing Fingers (John 3:31-36)
The one who only chooses to see with the eyes, hear with the ears, and feel with the hands is of the flesh, and only knows the flesh, so in turn this person puts all of their hope in the flesh. Now their heart feels the presence of the Spirit – to which they are directly opposed to because they are of the earth and only seek earthly things. So when the Spirit manifests itself into words and truth to which they refuse to accept; anger, rejection and mockery manifests itself in the unbeliever towards the one who speaks from the Spirit.
The Spirit is greater than the flesh in every way, and the flesh – which is filled with demonic pride – is aware of this, and it cannot be silent and remain humble – it must go on the attack to maintain its level of vanity. We know the people of the flesh persecute the people of the Spirit, because their hearts rejected what was meant for them (true life in the Spirit – which is pure joy and completeness). Yes, this is satan. How could it not be? The evil one is the prince of this world – the fallen angel wants us to pursue the way of the flesh, which is our pride, earthly possessions, vain human honor, and empty glory (which often involves us hurting others or doing some harsh thing to the body).
The wicked one doesn’t want your testimony. The one who says, “down is up, and up is down,” is lawless – what does he care for such a piece of evidence? What courtroom is he interested in entering? Although we see his presence in courtrooms throughout the world in wicked people who render injustice and false sentencing. He believes he is a law for himself, by his own hand, and his own light. So, if you are this person, and do the things of the earth and the flesh and cannot hear the word of the Spirit without lashing out – know this – satan may dwell in your heart.
One allows him in through unreconciled sin and unbelief, to which many refuse to reconcile with the Lord; even though He has given everyone a clear pathway to do so by His infinite and abundant mercy. Millions in every generation have testified about the Son of the Living God - that they have seen Him, heard Him, felt Him, and experienced signs and wonders from Him in their own life. This is evidence and eyewitness testimony.
Does one not consider it evidence?
For those who do not consider eyewitness testimony as evidence, consider whether any courtroom of the flesh will set an accused free with the testimony of two to three witnesses testifying against them. None that I know of, for that person will have their freedom stripped away. The sin which is committed and not reconciled to God through baptism and confession crucifies Christ repeatedly every day. He came into the world to save us with His blood. Yet so many in the world willingly reject His gift of Grace and Life.
Lead Me to Places I do Not Wish to Go (John 21:1-19)
The Apostle Peter, who denied Christ three times before He appeared to the council of elders and the high priest, was given a second chance. He professed his love for Christ three times – thus nullifying his first three denials. Christ gave him mercy because of his love for the Holy Apostle Peter, and all of us. Look at it through the lens of our own modern day lives; our young adult years is normally filled with disobedience to authority, parents, fast driving, alcohol, premarital sex, and a host of many other sins – some mortal and others a bit less. When we become older, things change. Our lives are put into perspective, and after making so many mistakes in the beginning, we now have a careful blueprint of what to avoid and change for the better. However, not all of us do this. Many just continue to get worse and of course reject what was meant for them. The Holy Apostle Peter did not reject what was meant for him, for he took the opportunity immediately to be reconciled with Christ. We should do likewise at every opportunity. As for others dressing us and leading us where we do not wish to go – what does this mean? Surely Christ isn’t talking about pants, is He? Surely Christ is not talking about waiting in line at the DMV on a Monday morning, is He? No, so what is He truly saying?
It is obvious:
-If you truly want to find God, you must get out of your comfort zone.
-If you truly wish to seek the presence of the Lord, and do His will, you must deny yourself, take up your own cross, and follow Him.
What is my cross one might ask?
That too, is obvious:
-Suffering and tribulation for His namesake and the sake of others.
-Christ was glad to take up His cross for you, now you must do the same.
Not all people can accept this – for we are staunch advocates of being comfortable, non-confrontational, and meek when boldness is required. If Christ wanted to be comfortable, He never would have allowed himself to be nailed to the cross to redeem you of your sins. If the Apostle Peter wanted to be comfortable, he never would have been marched off to His death in Rome. The Apostle Paul likewise. The Spirit of the Lord clearly rests upon those who take up their cross with gladness for the sake of The Name. There shouldn't be anything to fear either, because what lies ahead for us is better in every way. Now, if one is not willing to lose their job, sacrifice their career, or even their own comfort for the sake of Christ, but have erected more important issues, desires, and idols in their hearts – will the spirit of the Living God truly rest upon them? The Lord knows our hearts, and He knows what we value over another because He is the scanner of the heart and mind. He looks down from His throne in heaven upon the sons of men on earth to see if anyone truly loves Him, if anyone truly seeks Him, and to see if anyone truly understands.
He will know if we think our reputation or promotion at work is more important than Him. We push God away by doing this, then expect Him to come for us on a moment’s notice, when we clearly push Him aside for other things that are vanity and self-seeking. When He doesn’t answer our call immediately, we lose faith or lash out at Him in ways not pleasing in His sight as if He were to blame for our lack of trust in Him. None of it is profitable. So with that said, yes, let’s go places we don’t wish to go. We will surely find God’s Spirit there in its fullness.
Listen to My Prayer (John 14:6-14)
"Nobody comes to the Father except through me."
Wow, what a statement! Today, there are many people alive and recently passed, who say this isn't so. Why? They believe there are many different ways to the Father. Here are a few examples:
-the law of Torah.
-through self-proclaimed pastors and churches.
-through human honor and fame.
-social media approval and followers.
-career growth and promotion.
-acceptance by others.
-belief in oneself - you are your own light - and by your own hand you will deliver yourself.
To name a few.
Now, going back to what Christ said, think of all these people doing these things and just how in direct conflict they are with the Son of the Father. Collectively, this isn't good. Now, when I first came to the knowledge of the truth in the dead of night in 2020, I didn't know anything about God. I just knew He is - Was - and Ever Shall Be. That was enough for me - because I honor the truth. My learning process, like all ignorant people learning something new, falls into the trap of pride and zealous ignorance. Once I got through the Torah and the Prophets for the first time, I was convinced that Christ is the Son of God, and not just God himself (the Holy Trinity). In fact, in my ignorance, I lashed out at other people who called Him God, not fully understanding what I was being taught as I went along in the process - but falling into the trap of zealous pride.
Yes, I was wrong again. Of course, He is God, for "He is in the Father and the Father is in Him." One blog post will not explain the Holy Trinity - nor can any man or woman do this fully. As we see in the gospel, even the Apostle Philip does not fully understand this - so how the heck can we? It's okay, don't beat yourself up over it. Many have tried - just know that He is who He says He is. Put all your trust in Him and He will lift you up. Literally, nobody goes to the Father except through the Son, so yes, He might as well be your Father until all is accomplished. We shouldn't claim anything - just that we are lesser, and He is higher, and the knowledge of Him is enough for us so we honor and love Him. I don't need to understand everything about the Author of Life - because if I needed to, then I would be declaring to Him "I don't trust you." And I will not be doing that, because I completely trust Him and so should you.
Another key point:
"Whoever believes in Me will do greater works than I do," and "you ask anything in My Name, and I will do it."
Does that mean we can ask for riches, fame, and fortune?
I don't think so. But don't quote me on it - the Lord does what he wishes because He has His own will and will act according to it, void of what your desires and pleasures may be or what you think is best. The Lord always knows what is best for us. Now with that said, asking for vain things in prayer is not a good idea. In fact, it's probably the quickest way to offend the Spirit of Grace (besides full-on sin, pride, and blasphemy) and I don't think anyone in their right mind or with the Spirit of the Living God in them would suggest you do such a foolish thing.
What does the scripture really say? Well, the second part of the quote comes after the first. First, you must TRULY believe in Him. What does this mean? Simple - you must deny yourself, take up your own cross and follow Him. A true believer follows and does. If you love Him, and you truly believe in Him, you will follow His commandments - as He commanded you. Easier said than done. Life is filled with false idols and distractions. Everywhere you turn, and at every corner, there is someone or something feeding us demonic lies about unbelief and faithlessness. So, with that said, I wouldn't be surprised if most of us who claim we believe, still have a level of unbelief. You see it on their faces when you tell them something that may have happened to you or another person, and they pass it off as false (for the sake of their comfort).
The true believer - only the Lord knows. In fact, none of us are good. Only God is good as Christ declared to you in His gospel.
Now, knowing what a true believer really is - someone who doesn't doubt, follows His commandments, and denies oneself - the second part of the scripture comes into play - "you ask anything in My Name, and I will do it." Now, many pagans and atheists say things like "prayers go unheard," and "He isn't listening," or "show us a sign."
Here is a response:
-Prayers may go unheard because one might not truly believe.
-Prayers may go unanswered or fulfilled at a time of His choosing according to His will, because they may be in direct conflict with the will of God. We lack understanding in this, so we get upset when the Lord doesn't grant it.
-He is always listening - He just doesn't always respond - or He responds in a way we cannot perceive because it is us who isn't truly listening.
-So, an "unbelieving and faithless generation looks for a sign?"
-Followers who are in Christ are not magicians for faithless pagans. Besides, none of them would believe if they witnessed something great anyway (or maybe the ones who belonged to Him and didn't know it yet would), or they would reason it away in their minds so as to deal with it and continue in their false belief system of nothing. This is an assumption. So, what am I trying to say? If one is a true believer, He will give you anything you ask for. If we truly love Him and follow Him, we will not ask for vain things, because that one would have the spirit of God in them. The vain things of this world are detestable to the Spirit of Grace and actually destined for the furnace. So why would someone in Christ ask for useless things that are going to be burned up anyway? No, true followers have their prayers heard because they are truly in Him, and He is in them.
Now, I would say that is just one way to describe why our prayers might not be answered. Make no mistake - the Lord does whatever He decides. If He wanted to grant something to an unjust, evil, or unbelieving person (like I was), then He will do it. He can do whatever He wants - know this and accept it quickly. Understand this also - the prayer of a righteous person is very powerful, like scripture tells us. It is quite possible the good things that have happened to you in life were the result of another's prayer for you. How would you know? Only the Lord knows. Trust in Him and you will not stumble.
Guilty or Not Guilty (John 12:44-50)
Today we see that a different Christ has been perpetuated throughout the world. For those who do not know Christ such as lukewarm Christians, atheists, and pagans; they use His message of love and acceptance as a tool and excuse for their many sins. Many who also fail to examine themselves and their surroundings properly also fall into this trap of not knowing the scriptures, not discerning their own spirit and the message of Christ. Those who take Christ lightly use the term "love" to be an accomplice to sin.
Well, for anyone who is not sure if they should be encouraging their brother to sin because of love; the passage from the gospel of John is a reminder of their own error. Correct, Christ did not come into the world to condemn us. He came into the world to save us and to condemn sin, do away with it, and to drive out the ruler of this world - the coward satan. However, make no mistake, what He told us plainly still stands and holds significant consequences. He tells us clearly that "His words will judge you." These same words tell us to give to the poor, to treat your neighbor as yourself, to avoid sexual immorality, and to seek and do the will of God. Most of all, we must believe. Also, we must consume His flesh and blood so as to have life in us, as offered to us daily in the Holy Mass. We must also be born of water and the spirit so our sinful bodies can die, for this is our baptism. Is He not plain with us?
For those in the world today, a corrupt, wicked, and unbelieving generation, they hear what they want to hear. Selective memories. Those who misuse the scriptures as an avenue to fulfill their own desires do not believe in the very scripture that justifies the righteous, thus they condemn themselves as if they were sinning against Christ himself and crucifying Him all over again everyday they fail to repent, confess their sins, and change.
Make no mistake; we will all account for the things we have done and failed to do. For people like myself, I will be extremely lucky if I even make it into purgatory. You want a trial on the day of judgment? Great, put in a "not guilty" plea. When you believe in your heart and confess with your tongue that "Christ is Lord," you would have entered that "not guilty" plea, thus you shall receive a trial where you will be judged according to what you have done. For the unbelieving and the wicked who willingly defy the spirit of grace - it doesn't matter what they have done. They already entered a "guilty" plea because they decided in their heart that the Son of God is not who He says He is or they just refuse to follow Him, thus they condemn themselves. No trial? The officers of the court (angels) will proceed to immediately carry them away to their punishment and take them to where they belong.
Let us always constantly assess our own position. Readjust our priorities in accordance with His will. Nothing in this world is more important than seeking the Lord and finding him so we can be saved. As for everything else? Consider it thrown into the fire.
Washing of the Feet (John 13:16-20)
I never understood the purpose of washing another person's feet when I was an atheist. In fact, I still do not fully understand it now. However, the message here is crystal clear when one can approach it from the position of Christ:
-we must serve others as an example to each other.
-do not worry about your life, but that of your brother and sister.
-true leaders serve, they do not come to be served.
Am I close? I hope so, for it is the way I see it. Witness the dismal state of leadership throughout the entire world today. Leaders from politics to social justice movements and sports teams only aim to edify themselves to have others serve their reputation and pocketbooks. Elitist mentality is ever growing among the pagan world. In fact, it is as if it were manifesting itself in something worse, something like Rome. We see what elected officials in places like Canada are doing to followers of Christ - locking them out of churches and arresting them. Crushing them with horses and preventing family members from burying their dead and visiting the sick. These wicked leaders are not washing the feet of their subjects, no, they are pouring hot oil onto them.
Take it from Christ, He is higher than us and He is perfect - the shining example of the 2nd Man and what is to come in the Spirit. I never washed another person’s feet, as the process of it seemed absurd to me. However, I must deny myself, just like you should too, so both of us can draw closer to God. I will do it at the next opportunity and so should you.
Wait for Assault Orders (John 14:1-6)
Our hearts are greatly troubled today. Even among believers as the world consumes itself in an ever-growing flame. The power of satan and the increase among wickedness in the hearts of men grow ever stronger. The desires of life and the responsibility of the pagan/secular world is deafening, crushing, and ever-more present in our lives than before. Just taking time for God, to attend mass, receive the cup and His Body, or even to take time in prayer is a challenging task in the fast-paced society we live in where the needs of others surpass our own. We have to remind ourselves too that if we do not pray, we will be cut off from the Lord. I know the demons want this, for the last thing they want you to do is pray. They will do anything they can in their power to stop you from praying:
-news cycles.
-useless distractions.
-petty arguments.
-pressure and anxiety of the world.
-barking like a dog in your ear.
-scaring you with physical signs.
-tormenting you in nightmares.
-calling you to anger through others - even your own family members.
For they know that when you do pray then you will have communication with the One who sent you to this place on earth and put you in this temporary shell. They know if you fill your soul with the voice of God, their loud screams, lies, threats, and manipulations will be drowned out. It is truly a war as the enemy is trying to close in around the followers of Christ. The lines on the front are constantly shifting and the ground is being taken or given up. For the one who doesn't pray, this person is cut off with communications to his Commander (the Lord). The demons know this - so they move in and surround us so they can destroy us. They know who prays and who does not. For the one who doesn't pray doesn't know what is going on the battlefield. Those without communications with their Commander fail to push up their line when others on the front do at the order of the Commander.
Don't be cut off from the High Command, lest you fail to go where your Commander needs you and you become surrounded and destroyed by the enemy. Be in the know against your enemy who are the forces of darkness. Pray and push forward boldly. Evil will show its back to you and flee like the cowards they are.
Like the Apostles who did not understand why their master was leaving, He reassured them that He would return. Just like the Commander on the battlefield reassures His troops in contact that He is nearby and will be there to direct them, support them, and give them the appropriate orders at the right time. He will not abandon you, so have faith and monitor your radios for the assault order. Have trouble hearing the message? Does your radio have poor reception? Receive His body and blood and you will upgrade from antenna to satellite. Then you will hear it crystal clear, so there will be no confusion.
Purge Yourself of Abominable Practices (John 15:1-8)
Through demonic vanity and pride - we think all things can be performed by our own will and action. Day by day, the rustle and bustle of society makes us an opponent to The Spirit of grace and enables us to forget The One who formed us. This scripture passage is a healthy reminder that we did not put ourselves here, and that a series of accidents in the universe did not formulate our being in an environment that is hostile to life across all corners of the known universe. For the Lord ordains that we all take our next breath, and that we are given freedom to do the things we will do in the spirit He has apportioned us and the body He has given to us on loan. I will also remind everyone of this important fact - not a second of our lives is allotted for us past the outcome of repentance and the knowledge of the truth - which is God. If it is his will we remain after, then it is clearly to serve His will and to assist others in need. He has a mission and purpose for all of us. When we accomplish it, then we will be called home.
That's right pagan - did you honestly think the Lord has put you here to pursue your lusts and passions? Did you honestly think He put you here by his own will to reject Him, pursue unclean practices such as witchcraft, divination, fallen angel worship, idolatry, greed, sexual fornication/immorality, and the many crimes associated with the receiving of demonic spirits (such as rape, murder, lawlessness, deceit, and envy)? No, He did not put you here for this purpose. What is His purpose then one might ask? He told you plainly in His instruction to you through scripture, which is a public document for all to view freely and is also the basic knowledge one must know to pursue Him in truth (a starting point). He proclaims this to you clearly in summary:
-Your body is a temple of the holy spirit which was meant to receive The Spirit of God.
-Your body is Holy - as you are Holy.
-Do not defile your temple with unclean practices both in spirit and the flesh, for when you do this, you profane His temple which is your body, and make an uninhabitable environment for The Spirit of God to which He longs to give you.
Just like what Christ declared to His Apostles - that "they can do nothing on their own," the same is true for you as well. The Lord is patient with all of us because He wants us to come to the truth and repent of our evil deeds so He can receive us. If He wasn't, we would all be destroyed immediately - for the things we have done since the time He created us has let Him down time and time again. Our own actions and words testify against us all. So, what am I proclaiming to you? HOPE. His great mercy is good news for you, for you have the time in the flesh to change what you are doing before the day of fire, when all works and flesh will be tested in the furnace. You shouldn't waste this time apportioned to you - for even the demons to whom you worship are jealous of you for they did not have a Christ to save them or a blessed Virgin Mother to intercede for them on their behalf. They hate you for not using the advantage that has been given to you so freely, that you willingly ignore, and replace instead with useless things such as possessions, honor from others, and pursuit and desires of your various passions. Make no mistake, it is confirmed by the Saints from long ago that many of them would probably return to glory if they could and had the opportunity like you do now. An opportunity you cast aside so eagerly as if other things had more power (which they do not).
Staying within the parameters of what Christ instructed you is the surest way for you as a branch to stay connected to the vine. Christ tells you plainly what will happen to you if you, being a weak dependent branch willingly break yourself apart from the vine to pursue your own spot in the field. You will wither and die, and when the angels come to find you on the day of harvest, they will gather up the chaff and throw it into the fire.Why will it so that you perish? It isn't His will - and nobody willingly wishes to throw themselves in a furnace while in the flesh. So, who else could have told you to break off from the vine so you wither, die, and be gathered up for burning? None other than the evil one and his many slaves and concubines he sends out into the world to trick you - so you are destroyed by your own hand. Don't listen to them.
Listen Here, Faithless One! (John 15:18-21)
Ever felt rejected by society? Have you ever felt that your friends, your family, your co-workers or teachers, and the many people you surround yourself with in life do not appreciate you or simply show contempt for you? Does this anger and upset you? Many youths and grown-ups deal with these feelings daily. Many have also suppressed these feelings over the course of their adult lives and now harbor deep buried pains, resentment, and hatred for the world and especially towards God. All these things can also lead one astray into alcoholism, drug use, and sexual immorality. Most of all, it can cause resentment towards the Lord, as if it were him who did this to you and rejected you.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The Lord tells you plainly that His people will be rejected by the world and hated. Listen closely to me, pagan; maybe the reason why you never fit in with the world is because you do not belong to the world? Christ also tells you this. The world belongs to satan and the unclean evil spirits, for they were cast out of heaven and brought down low to us until the time of fulfillment comes. The Lord also tells you this. They know who belongs to Christ and who doesn't - even if that person doesn't know it yet. The demons want to destroy you with your own hand and will actively seek your defilement and destruction in any way that suits them because it pleases them to do so. Do not listen to the world or its evil spirits that prowl around looking for a defenseless chick to consume. The things that have been tormenting you for so long will continue to torment you until you turn to your true Father in Heaven who will heal you, keep you, protect you, and preserve you on the day of fire. He speaks to you, even when you do not realize it. Through our dreams, He communicates with us, almost every night, and we rarely perceive it. We shut him out because we decided to listen to the unclean spirits, and not answer the phone call from our Father in Heaven. He leaves us voicemails and we allow it to fill up our inboxes. They go unread, and we grow worse.
So, the world rejects you and you pursue alternatives. What you don't realize is that those alternatives are hunting grounds for those who wish to devour you through every unclean influence and perverse act. Witchcraft, idol worship, false angel worship, occult practices, satanism, and of course the one most common that does the most harm - atheism. Unbelief is the wicked one's primary mask to cover his actions. It's the first layer of the disguise. Once you breach it, there are many more layers to remove until his works are exposed. Then you will know the truth and know how to avoid and reject his wicked works and deceits - which are all there simply to destroy you, for he has been your enemy before, now, and in the future. Man is not your enemy, even though he has no understanding. Know your enemy so you can shoot back in a firefight. If you'd follow the Lord, He would be your Shepherd, and He would give you good pasture. Like me, you are sick and need a Doctor. Christ is the Doctor. You need to check yourself into His Hospital so you can be healed. The Doctor doesn't always come to you - but you have to go to Him to be healed and check yourself in at the front desk like everyone else. Just like a hospital that will not turn away sick patients, Christ will not turn away those who have been rejected by the world and who are spiritually and emotionally sick who need someone to heal them. It is why He came in the first place - to save you - and give your life so you can have it abundantly.
To Serve a Warehouse Manager (John 15:12-17)
Read this scripture closely - does it ring true to your own heart? In the pagan and secular world, everyone is subject to another, whether they want to admit it or not. One may serve a warehouse manager to pay his bills, another a military officer to feed his family, and yet another may sacrifice his personality as a real estate agent to pull in more clients for the purposes of doing business. Politicians who are given authority to lead many and serve the people who elect them are beholden to their policies and promises they run on to get elected. All of us can agree at the bare minimum they should be held to this standard, no? People do things they do not want to do all the time and perform less than honorable tasks at the expense of another to please his or her master (employer or boss).
So, what am I saying? You are a slave to whatever masters you. You are a slave to whatever causes you to toil night and day to the satisfaction of your task master - whether it be your spouse, your child, or the warehouse manager to whom the atheists pay homage to in order to serve the desires of their stomachs. It is a little thing for you to give public human honor to those who control your flow of money, to which you use to satisfy your many desires. It is a little thing for you to bring yourself to give your life for the policy decision of someone in a suit, as we see in the armed services and police force. However, when it comes time to give your True Father in Heaven who is also the Author of Life the honor He justly deserves, The One who has given you your very self for a time, and ordains that you breathe His oxygen, drink His water, and enjoy the gladness in your heart - this is a vile and awful thing for you and you cry foul as if paying honor to God is something of a perverse act.
The Lord tells you plainly, He no longer views you as slaves - but as friends. You don't know the deep secrets of your military officer because he only reveals his plans to you when the time suits his purpose. You don't know the comings and goings of the politician who has an agenda which may not have your best interest at heart. You don't know the financial reports and the executive decisions the warehouse manager is making because he is your task master and you serve him - at the pleasure of the company. You don't know whether or not that real estate agent you commissioned will have your full interest at heart, when it better suits his purpose to cut a quick deal as to collect a commission rather than negotiating properly on terms that are more favorable and acceptable to you on your behalf. Yet, you worship these useless titles as if they held any power over you that is going to last. It won't.
As an unbeliever and a self-professed enemy to the Author of Life, you know that it is right and proper to pay these men and women honor so as to get what you want. You willfully take abuse from them. You willfully neglect your family to serve their profit and agenda. You willfully deny your own self to gain their respect and approval so they keep you around to enrich themselves. Yet when Christ tells you what he told you, that you are no longer slaves, but friends, you take offense at this? This is wrong. We are wrong as a people. We have erected so many false idols and corruption in our hearts that we cannot see what is right in front of us.
The present world is passing away with its warehouse managers and vain politicians. Don't pursue them, for they will not save you on the day of fire. Their work will be burned up - so why make it front and center of your life? What the Lord offers you is true and right, and He will give you a place in the Kingdom of God where you will belong - if you so choose it.
Do what He Says (Acts 8:26-40, John 6:44-51)
Sometimes we don't know where we are headed or why we are going there - we just do it. Maybe a hunch, a feeling, or an intuition and instinctive feeling. What is this Force? Is it the Spirit of the Lord guiding us along the path? Absolutely. It is easy to overlook such a thing as being a random thought or feeling - but you see here is the thing - since we were made in our body and our mind to glorify the Lord, we don't notice it as often as we should because it feels so natural. Almost like two pieces of a puzzle fitting together. When both pieces of the male and female connections become unison, the bigger picture manifests - and the two pieces hardly know it because there was no friction or intrusion in the matter because both were made for one another.
See for yourself - can you take a cow out of pasture, throw it into water and demand it becomes a fish? No - it will drown. Just like you - if you try to change your sex, or your gender, or what the Lord determines for you, you too will drown because you would have gone into hostile territory. You are cut off. You have been taken out of your element and your natural environment. Make no mistake, that cow will drown because it belongs in the fields eating the grass, not trying to swim like a fish. The evil spirits’ plan is for us to drown and make us think we are a fish when in fact we are simply cows in need of grass. Do cows deny what they are? No – but we do.
Now, as for satan and his many slaves and concubines, we feel the friction of their teaching and their ways. We know it’s not natural for us; hate, jealousy, enmity among neighbors, anxiety, mental health problems, and general sickness both spiritually, morally, and physically (one who hates much can never truly rest his or her head in comfort every night - for their rage for others keep them up late). Support of child murder, injustice, cheating, and improper things - all doctrines of demons. If we follow them, we will not come across our Ethiopian Eunuch someday whom we were destined to save. Philip - being a child of God and an Apostle, was led by the Spirit. Also today, those who are children of God are led by the spirit today. He tells them where to go and who to engage with at the proper time. Sometimes in words, other times in thoughts and feelings. Do what you were meant to do and quit fighting against yourself so your joy and the happiness of others may be completed in everything you do or subjected yourself to do.
As for the bread of life, which is the flesh of the Son of Man, this is truly the Eucharist. Evangelicals and other denominations do not practice this, and it is a grave mistake on their part. We know only the consecrated priests who take vows, receive the sacrament of Holy Orders, and receive laying on of the hands - which is traced all the way back to Jesus Christ himself who appointed Apostles - Bishops - Presbyters and Deacons - can turn the bread and the wine into the true flesh and blood of Christ himself. If one cannot come to believe in this - he or she is not in truth and does not do what Christ commanded them.
Don't believe me? Let me remind you what Christ said himself in summary:
"Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you will have no life in you."
What else is there to be said? Let us quit disobeying God and do what He says. My ancestors disobeyed and tested Him time and time again from the time they came out of the house of bondage in Egypt. Their punishment only gradually became more severe. From the golden calf incident to Korah's rebellion, the faithlessness of the scouts, and of course the sacrifice to demons and idol worship to Baal from the Kings era of ancient Israel. They all tested and tried the Lord's loving kindness, mercy, and commandments. Why? What for? Are we really that prideful and corrupt in heart to only accept some things the Lord told us to do - and not all of it?
If one's hope is in the Lord - then one must strive to practice everything He told us to do. Anything less is our own destruction. And I tell you this not as a cradle Catholic - but as a born Jew from the tribe of Levi who spent his whole life as an unbelieving sinful atheist stricken with pride, grief, and hate. I know what it is like to be on the other side of the fence with no hope. I know what it is like to enjoy strolling around in the dark waiting to bump into something to beat down and devour. Chaos tourism blindfolded is only good for the first few minutes of initial thrills - then it becomes frightening. When one openly disobeys his father and becomes a disobedient child - he is either disciplined or thrown out of that house. If we can accept these terms in the flesh, why would they not apply in the Spirit and even more so in the Author of Life's house? Yes, they apply.
Do what He says.
The Gospel of Death Says It Knows How to Love (Acts 14:21-27, Revelation 21:1-5, John 13:31-35)
The Holy Apostle Paul once said:
"It is necessary for us to go through many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God."
Your time on earth here is a trial by fire. The same spirit which spoke through the Apostle Paul also says, "If you wish to serve the Lord then prepare yourself for an ordeal." Yes, hard times await those who wish to serve God in truth. Persecutions, confiscation of property, jail, ridicule, hate, loss of friends and family. The Lord tells us plainly that we will be hated by all and offered up to the courts for persecution to testify for His Name. For the one who believes, this person should expect this to happen at some point in their lives. However, none of us should be troubled in heart because what else did the Lord say? "Not a hair on your head will perish."
This is encouraging. For those who hearken to the gospel of death and the void – atheists, they do not look three steps ahead on the path to which they travel. Instead, they submit to secular state worship and the grumbling of their stomachs to live in comfort and abundance. They have traded the truth of God for a temporary fulfillment and have erected false idols in their hearts to which they worship either by way of time, money, or effort. Now, for the one who can deny oneself and put away these useless things, truly God will reveal himself to that person in more ways than one. Make no mistake, one must worship in truth and put aside all that he or she once worshiped (possessions, vanity, human honor, and even money). The idols of the world are a large brick wall for us on the path to the truth which is God and ultimately eternal life. Scale the wall with urgency.
When all is accomplished, the Lord makes it crystal clear to us that we will dwell in his presence in the city He prepared for us and all these elemental hazards, worries and hardships we endured will no longer be a factor. This is encouraging, especially the part when He declares "Behold, I make all things new." What does this mean? Nobody knows for sure.
For the atheist, the satanist, the witch, the pagan, and members of the occult and all those who do wicked deeds, will they become demons of a new creation? For those who do what Christ commanded them, will they become angels of a new creation? Pray and ask the Lord yourself for these answers. We know those who walk in friendship with the Living God are not completely thrown into hell, for there is a refining process and purging that must commence if Heaven is not in our grasp initially. Take heart that even though you may think you are not worthy, in the Lord's great mercy, He still secures a place for us to be refined and made clean even after death so that we may someday dwell in His presence and stand firm in front of all the Prophets, the Patriarchs, Angels, and Saints, for it is not His will that any one of us may perish.
As for the most important commandment which covers everything in the law and the prophets, we are told to love one another. For a large brute like myself, not even I know fully what this means. How could I? I was a man of firefights, explosions, orgies, alcohol, disobedience, fights, lies, and manipulations. The way I viewed love was providing somebody something they needed. I don't know any better nor can I contemplate it accurately. If you are like me, then you know as well that to love is probably the hardest thing to do (especially those who want to harm you). However, know this; it is clearly the superhighway to God and the truth. From love comes true power when it is abundant and made to overflow like water poured into a cup. In fact, the flow is so much it spills out and engulfs other people and objects it touches as well. They will feel it because one knows when he or she is wet.
Why do you think when the Apostle James was carried off to his execution by King Herod, people around him in the crowd as he passed them were healed of their illnesses and ailments just by his mere presence passing them by? If you can love, then it will surpass all things both in this world and the next. Like the holy Apostle said in summary:
"But I will show you even a more perfect way....."
"If there is knowledge it will be done away with...."
"If I can show great wonders but have no love, then I am nothing but a banging gong or loud endures all things and knows all things."
So yes, there is a higher love that is in the Lord and what is above. Seek that. The idolater and one who follows the gospel of death (atheism) do not know what love truly is. To them, it is a form of ownership, a materialistic gesture, a reputation, and a status quo. Make no mistake, the belief in nothing truly is nothing in this life and the next and its way is death. Nothing here on earth is more important than finding the truth, recognizing the truth, living the truth, and rejoicing in the truth.
A Dark Basement (Acts 14:5-18, John 14:21-26)
We as human beings are always battling the very nature of gravity. Beyond the scientific sense of a force pushing us closer to the molten core of earth, there is another force at play that is just as powerful and weighty which carries grave consequences. Sin, our false habits, and our evil ways of the past as we knew them. Even presented with factual evidence, signs, and the truth of what is right, as the Apostles Paul and Barnabas experienced, attributing the power of God with great healings and signs still leads to the corruption in men's hearts when they see such power on display. Why is this? How can this be so? For the one who will only believe with signs, let this be a lesson to you. Signs do not produce the proper faith in all people. The freed Hebrew slaves literally saw the sea part in front of them and still fell away into their wickedness and disobedience through idol worship. We all have a natural tendency to descend the staircase to the basement and hang out in its darkness. Staying out of the basement requires effort - one must use their muscles, joints, and ligaments to ascend so as to remain out of the darkness. One step at a time, one effort at a time, two steps turn into five, and five into ten. The more effort we put into this motion (prayer, denying yourself, changing) the higher up the staircase we will ascend and there will be light for us to see and make appropriate decisions. Doing nothing (not praying, staying the same, doubling down on vanity) will leave us at the bottom of the staircase in the darkness. We will not know your surroundings because you will not be able to see.
The pagans of the Apostles' time were used to sacrificing to their gods - which were demons. In fact, even at the direct opposition to what was proclaimed to them, they still felt the need to offer sacrifice inappropriately in this manner. Even throughout the early church history, Presbyters and church leaders had to constantly remind the laity and warn them of falling back into their false elemental practices that were destroying them, even though they have been washed and sanctified. We will not reach the top of the staircase if we put no muscular effort into getting to the top. Knowing this, if one can deny himself and put in the effort to get to the top of the staircase, Christ tells us plainly what we can expect once we left the basement and shut the door behind us. We can recline in our living room, and the Lord and His Father will come in and take up their dwelling with us and we will be loved by Them. However, this will never happen unless we snap out of it and come to the realization that we do not belong in the basement. If we make the effort to ascend the staircase we will be lifted out of darkness. It starts with us and nobody else - reject the dark so light can replace it.
The Mob (Acts 14:19-28, John 14:27-31)
Imagine that? A hostile city, a mob of murderers, and a controversial message. If you know anything about chaos, mob violence, and lawlessness - you would know all these variables are a recipe for disaster. Take it from the holy Apostle Paul - even after the sons of satan dragged him out of the city and stoned him, The Spirit of the Lord raised him up upon his feet and gave him the courage to go back into that wretched place. I know how some atheists feel about this when I had mentioned the story to them - their response was this:
"Good. We will stone him again."
And other things of that nature.
Know who you are dealing with. When you are proclaiming the truth to someone you see a face, however, it may not be the face you think it is. If someone has satan truly in their heart, they will not hear your words accurately. Since the father of lies has no truth in him, he will lash out and put his vessel into a fit of rage against you. The truth is like a sharp spear penetrating their hearts. The evil one's armor is soft and weak and based on inferior fibers - the spear of truth that is from the Living God will pierce it and the evil one will cry out and retaliate against you either in words or deed. Make no mistake - for those who know, they will know who they are talking to immediately and of course you will see through the multiple layers of masks satan disguises his false righteousness in. Nonetheless you proclaim the truth, even at the threat of harm to your own life. The way the damned and self-condemned must be approached is this; one must wake up every day being ready to be persecuted, beaten, stoned, or carried off to death in order to proclaim the message of life to those who are perishing. Even if they do not listen - they must be reminded. Remember, the unclean spirits that are out in the world have a narrative of control, deceit, defilement, and malice - and for the ones who listen to them hear all of their lies and blasphemies - they have become deluded and forget what the Lord told them. Remind them. Remind them. Remind them.
Truly the Lord knew the "leader of this world was coming for him,” but he of course had no power over Him. One who is ready to die for the truth and proclaim the message of God to those who are on the way to their destruction is truly not under the power of the evil one - the master of this world. The landowner doesn't like disobedience from his slaves and concubines whom he rapes and torments - especially when those who come from another Master approach to drive out the wicked task master off the land to which he defiled, committed many murders, rapes, and profanities against the Lord his God. When in hostile territory take the ground that is earned and do not give it up. Drive satan out wherever the word of life must be proclaimed. Expect to get hit, harmed, and insulted. Don't be afraid of it. After all, it is a matter of life and death for those who can hear you.
Wolves In The Sheep Pen (1 Kings 13:33)
Who called you? Who put oil upon your head? Who laid hands upon you? By what authority do you declare to be a messenger of Christ - your own?
No, you repeat the sins of King Jeroboam, ancient King of the Kingdom of Israel who broke off from Judah after the reign of King Solomon for 40 years. He too also thought it was good to create his own priesthood and deny the ordination of the Levites who were given this task by the Holy One of Israel. The prophet Malachi says He turned your blessings into curses because you neglected and rejected the covenant of the Levitical Priesthood and became your own authority, which is no authority at all.
Today in Babylon we see the rampant sin of King Jeroboam go mainstream; from Mega Church to all the hundreds of thousands of denominations who are based on their own interpretation of scripture inspired by false apostles such as Luther and Calvin. Subjective worship of the scriptures is like idol worship brought on by their own vanity and inability to deny themselves. Take off your suit, self-authority minister of King Jeroboam, those who wear fine clothing live in government buildings and collect taxes from you.
If you were a true minister of the living God, you'd take your call to the foot of the Apostles' Church, deny yourself, practice the sacraments, take vows and minister in the clothes and vestments given to the real priesthood; the only priesthood which came from the Levites given to Christ through John the Baptist in the River Jordan (who was a Levite himself).
Since you love your fine clothes and wear suits to administer to your congregation, and love to receive your many donations to enrich yourselves - false ministers - I suggest you take them off and wear what you were meant to be wearing until you can do the right thing. Put on a sackcloth and throw ash over your heads and repent of your mimicking of King Jeroboam and your self-authority, which is no authority at all.
The altars you set up are false and there is no power in them. You don't even offer His flesh to eat or His blood to drink, nor do you have any power or authority to turn these foods and drinks into Christ, as it was given to His only priesthood handed down by God Himself. You received a different spirit, the one void of the body of Christ which is His Church and is the one from the beginning; a Holy Catholic and Apostolic one that encompasses every nation, tongue, race, and creed.
The many atheists and pagans to whom I preach, use the false examples you set in your own churches to discredit Christ and His True Church. They use your flawed examples and disobedience as a standard bearer for the rest of us to persecute the Body of Christ more efficiently. Normally I do not pursue heretics. However, you false ministers do have this going for you: you claim to believe in Christ. Now if this is true and you are not using your ministry as a means for sorted gain from vulnerable people who are spiritually sick, then you would be submitting a "not guilty" plea on the day of judgment. You will receive a trial and evidence will be presented for or against you. So therefore, I am not concerned too greatly with your antics and what you come to accept. Know this though, the ones you are corrupting with false teaching are producing more atheists and pagans than saving anyone. Not only will we all account for our own sins, false ministers, but we shall also account for the sins of those we teach falsely and lead astray. Now that becomes my problem. That makes my job harder; to snatch those from the fire who are marching off to their deaths when I must stop presenting them the truth of the Lord to explain why they didn't receive the proper spirit in their own churches when they believed, but a false one instead which destroyed their faith and created doubts in their minds, all because of you becoming a cause for yourself, false minister!. YES - many are former evangelicals who just went to your live concerts as an act of worship and bought your many merchandises that you sold them. They came to faith by the grace of God’s mercy, and people like you sent them instantly into the arena to fight demons and wicked opponents. It’s no wonder their faith was devoured, for they did not have the saving grace afforded by the sacraments, so they endured spiritual warfare. Do not act like you have no responsibility here, false minister, many have fallen away because of your pursuit of wealth, vain human honor, and autonomy in religious life. The power of Christ just isn't about playing the guitar and drums on stage, it’s about the Holy Mass and sacrifice which illuminates a follower of Christ’s very soul with sanctifying grace and is of course the bridgeway between the temporal way of things and the angelic heavenly elements.
Don't believe me? Okay. Ask Alexa - you'll believe her, right?
"Alexa, who founded the Catholic church?"
Then ask:
"Alexa, who founded the Baptist church?"
Then ask:
"Alexa, who started the Methodist church?"
And so forth. Don't like the answers?
Too bad - do what Christ and his Apostles commanded you to do (if you truly love Them and follow Them). Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him.
The Overman Will Not Endure (2 Peter 3:10-11)
Friedrich Nietzsche once said:
“No one is more inferior than those who insist on being equal.”
Scripture to the moral relativist who doesn’t believe in evil or good and who subscribes their ways to secular humanism which is void of the spirit; for it is only concerned with the temporary materialistic things of the world - the same things to which the Holy Apostle Peter declares in summary:
“...shall be burned up in the heat along with the elements...”
Pay attention and you will notice a plethora of dead 19th century philosophers on social media coming to life through the words of narcissistic people whose gods have become their stomachs, their reputations, and their bank accounts, as if the presbyters of death were preaching the gospel of death - the modern-day morality overlords of secular society. Their works follow behind them, and society grows worse by the day. See their evil works - destruction of the family, general lawlessness, and the self-degradation of their bodies thru genital mutilation and apprehension of the truth. Disagree with them? They heap abuse upon you. Remain in your corner with the gloves off, Christian man or woman, "you have no place here," is what they say to incite fear and obedience. It works on many. Push back on them. Don't be afraid. The Lord your God called you to be a conqueror, and to put these slaves of wickedness to their knees.
The atheist and the overman will not endure. Truth is not relative, it is absolute, and the Lord your God will humble our mortal souls, one way or another. All human life is precious and falls under the laws and governance of the One Who Was, Is, and Ever Shall Be. Only the demon says who is inferior and who isn't, because it has been made lower to the human soul by the will of the Lord your God. As for the master of lies, satan, his words echo in the mouths of his spiritual children, whether they perceive it or not because of their faithlessness and pursuit of self-indulgence and lower pleasures.
These dead 19th century philosophers are presbyters to the gospel of death - no words of life or salvation are in them. If you live by their words, the worm and rot will become your inheritance.
Section III – New Age Discourse For The Unbeliever
Let us pray:
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name,
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Meditate upon this mystery for up to five minutes:
The Third Joyful Mystery: The Birth of Lord Jesus Christ in Bethlehem
Behold, God came down to earth and became man for our sake. An angel of the Lord appeared to shepherds who were guarding their flocks at night in the field when this happened, and told them of this, and with great eagerness and joy, they proclaimed Him to everyone around them near the manger where the Lord was born. As well, three wise men came to worship Him while bringing gifts of frankincense, myrrh, and gold so as to pay homage to the King.
The star appeared three times since the birth of the Lord. On the first day He came into the world they tried to kill Him, on the second day the earth mourned Him while trying to kill each other, and on the third day the world ignored and rejected Him by trying to kill the thought of Him.
Close with:
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee, Blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.
Is God truly One and to whom does He give His Holy Spirit to?
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are One. Nobody who rejects the Father or the Son can keep the Holy Spirit, and anybody who rejects the Son does not even have the Father, for they are truly One!
What are the effects of being in a state of lifetime sin and unbelief, subject to morally corrupting/false idol/pagan/demonic practices and influence, void of the secure and firm protections of God’s sanctifying Grace?
Illness - both mentally and physically. Worst of all, the spiritual sickness within the person is the most concerning factor because of the future ramifications on those around this person, who shall advocate by way of their words and deeds the gospel of death to others (which is unbelief and to do what is improper and displeasing in the sight of the Living God such as worship of idols and demons), and to their very soul which was made eternal, but shall become subjected to death by way of unresolved sin both in the flesh and spirit. In this way, the sick and dying who are in the grace of God, whom have their sins rectified and confessed, and who place their hearts and minds on what is above rather than below, are said to be more ALIVE than those whose bodies are healthy, strong, but are lacking in faith and trust in the One who formed them and shall preserve them on the last day; indeed, in this way, which is true irony, the faithful who are dying in the hospitals hooked up to breathing tubes are more alive than those who are walking around strong in the flesh but are truly dead inside by way of what they came to accept in error. In this way, the dead walk, and the living find rest.
Is it true, that by the will of God, Grace enters the body of the unbelieving sinner - sanctifying him or her - thus calling this person to action, while receiving the illuminating light of grace raising up the intellect to the true knowledge of the Living God?
What God gives, He gives freely. The love and mercy of God is not something anyone can earn. However, one makes himself more worthy to receive such a gift if he shall deny himself, both in word and deed, and earnestly seek to treat others as another self, and to seek the Living God through communication with Him. Even in this, God has a will, and that will is not dependent upon the plans or worthiness of His creation. Some receive the graces of God by predestination, election, covenant promises, mercy, intercessions of those who know Him to a higher degree and are closer to Him, and the like. He pours out His spirit upon whom He wills it to be according to His design, so that an abundance of souls shall share in His glory. Even in this, people do receive His grace and forgiveness, but by way of their actions following the event, they choose to reject Him by their freewill. Either by way of unbelief, pursuit of sinful conduct, or deeds that are improper for His Holy Spirit to dwell - the receiver of Holy Grace, which is a gift, can outright reject it by way of their conduct. Nonetheless, the receiver of grace now becomes a person in a room which was darkened by their faithlessness and unbelief, only to have something of an angel walk by, turn on the lights, and open up the window curtains of the room so light can come in. Now that the light is there, the receiver of grace can look around and see where he is going and what might be hung up on the walls so he can make an informed decision to remain in the room in the presence of the light or to walk away from it down to the basement where the darkness dwells!
What must the sanctified once unbelieving sinner who received Grace do, after he/she has a change of heart and solemnly converts their heart and intention back to God - the One who called them?
Not exactly in every given order, although some may have to be in order:
1. Get on your knees and repent to God for all of your sins and offenses. Ask Him for His Holy Spirit to be given and remain within you and guide you to the truth so you may be pleasing in His sight according to His will.
2. Confess your lies to those whom you lied to. Even if it hurts greatly and even if you may stand to lose something - including your entire lifestyle. For the one who loses what is false and perishing, shall gain something much more valuable which is the truth (rest for your soul) and shall be everlasting! Right the wrongs you have with others. Forgive those who wronged you, even if you have nothing to gain. Then you shall see, the devil’s yoke shall fall from your neck, and the chains which bound you for so many years will snap, and through this - the condemned fallen angel will no longer be able to jerk you by the chains directing your movements in step with his will!
3. Pray and ask the Lord Your God for understanding of the scriptures so you may draw closer to Him and help those around you.
4. Read the bible, either in print/online form or through audiobook. Do not worry if you do not fully understand it yet. Save commentary for later. This is the starting line.
5. Take yourself to the steps of the Apostolic Church, the one founded by Lord Jesus Christ Himself, The Roman Catholic Church who offers sacrifice everyday everywhere in the world in almost every tongue - the same Church who called Apostles, Bishops, Priests, and Deacons - the successors to the Levitical Priesthood from the old testament. Now, when you follow the Priesthood, you shall find His authority.
6. Enroll yourself in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) and be catechized.
7. Write your name in the Book of Life in the Rite of Election.
8. Be baptized in the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit - by this time you will be made fully aware of your responsibilities as a Christian and true child of the Living God, for at this time you shall renounce the works of satan and become a self-professed enemy to him and the works of evil in the world. Be careful not to stumble, for the tempter shall come to isolate you, corner you, and trick you so as to separate you from your true inheritance!
9. Receive confirmation by laying on of the hands (from the successors to the Apostles which are the Bishops, Priests, and Deacons) so you may receive the Holy Spirit, be anointed with oils, and take a new name as a new creation.
10. Receive the Body and Blood of Lord Jesus Christ so He may be in you and you may be in Him.
11. Utilize the sacrament of reconciliation (confession) throughout your life when you sin again, for you shall sin everyday of your life. When you confess your sins, you shall return to the original state of your baptismal purity; for the best exorcism is a good confession!
12. Practice a life of sacraments in the Church, which shall infuse supernatural grace into you so you may stand firm in the trials ahead. Show evidence of your repentance by your deeds and conduct and try your best to avoid sinning at all costs in the wait of the promise to which is to come! Pray endlessly as much as you can throughout the day everyday!
What will the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) be like and why is it so lengthy?
You will go through a thorough examination of the scriptures with a trained catechist from the Church who will walk you through faith history, salvation, key theological points to understand about faith in Christ and the Church, and all the basics one who is entering the Church ought to know about its operation and what it believes. Furthermore, you should have open discussions with the catechist and members of your group so as to experience a fulfilling discerning process, although every parish may be different in how they operate their program. It may appear long and drawn out for many months because there is much to cover. Not everything can be said or explained in a few sessions, and it is in good care for a neighbor that the Church desires for you to know what you are getting yourself into before you enter it so there is no confusion in what everyone believes. Poor instruction or lack of training/discernment can lead to misunderstandings, faithlessness, error, frustration, and the ultimate falling away from the faith. That is why it is imperative that one discerns through the process and takes in as much knowledge as they can during RCIA.
What is a Catechumen and what will happen to me if I pass away before completing the process?
A Catechumen is someone who receives instruction in the Christian faith in order to be baptized into the Church. If you die before the process is complete, it would be considered that you have received the baptism of desire at death and are eligible for Christian burial as if you were a full member of the Church as a Christian.
What is the Rite of Election and signing into the Book of Life towards the end of my initiation journey?
Rooted in the tradition of the early Church and the book of Revelation, the Rite of Election takes place once a year during the start of Lent, where Catechumens indicate publicly among the faithful their intentions and desires of becoming a baptized Christian into the Church by signing their names in the “Book of the Elect,” thus giving them the title “Members of the Elect.”
Why must those who are sanctified and called by God renounce the works of satan?
Because darkness has no business with light. What is alive must either be living or dead and it just so happens that God is life and the works of satan is death, for by way of sin those who pursue satan and their own sins shall only receive death. Nobody can serve two masters, for satan is opposed to the will of God and by his works and deeds openly opposes everything that is good through God. For God called you to do what is proper and just, not what is improper and unjust. In other words, you must choose - for the Lord, which is the truth, or against the Lord, which is death. There is no inbetween, even if the agnostic or atheist falsely claims there to be an inbetween. Even when they claim to not be beholden to higher angelic powers and influences, you see by way of their moral decline and ethical decent, that they too fall victim to the works and will of stronger demons and their influence who are powered by their task master satan; and their works follow them in plain sight for all to see. Even more so, in fact, the power of the devil is stronger in self-professed atheists/agnostic types because they are asleep at the wheel throughout the course of the race between the cause for the salvation of souls and condemnation of souls. So, in their slumber, another driver takes over their vessel either directly or indirectly, and they are none the wiser because in their ignorance they still believe they are awake at the wheel when they are clearly fast asleep and allowing someone else in control. Do not be surprised at this, the First Pope Apostle Peter thought he was protecting Christ when the Lord revealed to them that He would be handed over to sinners and put to death. The Holy Apostle Peter said in summary “Lord, this will never happen to you!” But the Lord replied, “Get behind me satan, you do not have concern for the will of God, but merely human concerns.” Knowing this, we see that even the First Pope, a beloved Apostle, and Holy One who was granted much privilege in the Lord, still succumbed to the evil influence of the angelic tempter without even realizing it. In comparison, what can we say about one another in this matter? All the more for us, all the more for us. So we look to Christ’s Church and sacraments by our faith to renounce the works of satan both in mind, body, spirit, words, and sacraments, as if His Church also says “Get behind me satan,” to us daily when we are filled with distractions and human concerns brought on by the devil so as to separate us from the Living God by carrying out a stranger’s will which shall only lead to our destruction.
Will the washing away of original sin through Baptism in the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit really bring me into Christ’s death and resurrection?
Yes. The Lord said it himself in summary - “What is spirit must be born of spirit and water in order to enter the Kingdom of God.” And in another way, if the same life giving spirit that was from the Father raised Christ Jesus up from the dead, then that same life giving spirit which dwells in you shall raise your mortal body to life as well on the last day. The flesh is temporary, for it must die, because it has a beginning and an end which is subjected to decay/corruption and death. The spirit is eternal and your true Father in Heaven is happy to give you life eternal in His presence!
At my Baptism, will I truly die to the flesh and all of its works, while also being reborn in the spirit, thus being made anew eternally into the covenant of what is to come when all is accomplished?
Yes. Not all of this may come on you at once, or you might not feel the earth rumbling or see the lights of the Church simmering - but nonetheless, the power of the Living God is ever present in you working through you in ways you cannot imagine. The Lord is a gentleman, and He will not give you what you cannot handle, for He shall guide you along the way and give you pieces of what you can handle until eventually your mind, body, soul, will, and very bones cry out to carry forth His work. As the Holy Apostle said in summary - “put on the new man!”
Will I truly receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit when the descendants of the Apostles, which are the Bishops, the Priests, and the Deacons throughout the world who are in communion with the Seat of Peter - which is the Pope, lay their hands upon me in confirmation with oils signifying my election?
Yes. The effects of this do not occur immediately or in a short time, but over the period of your entire life in a subtle manner, so as long as you remain faithful, devout by way of the sacraments in the Church which are instruments of grace for you, and make it a cause to deny yourself continually so as to walk hand and hand with Him. You may stumble along the way, but since He shall beholding your hand, He will lift you back up so you do not fall.
What do the anointing of oils signify?
In baptism and confirmation, it signifies strength, the gifts of the Holy Spirit along with its seal in finality, and sets one apart as Holy; symbolizing their sanctification as a new creation.
Shall I take a new name once I become a new creation, and why would I even do this?
You will get an opportunity to choose a new name; preferably from a Saint who came before you and who is closer to God in a higher degree than most. Many people feel personal connections to Saints by way of their own characteristics, history, traits, and trials/tribulations. In no way does this indicate idol worship or worship of a human person who walked the earth at some point as some heretical sects falsely claim. If anything, it is imitating the spiritually of somebody who has God’s ear and is closer to God than most in a higher degree as was mentioned earlier. For example, if you wanted to know how to perform a task, would you not seek out a teacher who has performed the task before and perfected it, or would you seek someone who has nothing to do with the task you wish to learn about? So, it is for the Saints who know God, and who dealt with trials and tests of their faith in a meritorious manner, thus they are beautified and have been proven to stand in the presence of the Living God even after their death. The Church does not worship Saints, but they are given a level of respect as we ask them to pray for us because they have been proven to be pleasing in God’s sight. Some people also do not choose a Saint, but the Saint chooses them! Some people are also drawn towards specific Saints based on events in their own lives - for sometimes a Saint takes on somebody and reveals themselves to that person either by signal graces or in dreams and byways of miracles. Others are attracted to the missions of specific Saints that they carried out on earth; for example, the Apostle Paul was sent to proclaim the truth to the gentiles and pagans, and if somebody converted from paganism, that person might feel a closer connection to that Saint and choose to take His name at confirmation. In another way, some Saints may have had a specific disease that the new Christian might also have, and in this way there is a relationship through suffering. It is always good to discern these things and look into many stories of the Saints because God has not been silent for the past 2,000 years since Christ called His Apostles and given them authority for His Church, for He reaches out to His people in every generation and makes Himself known to them by way of the Holy Spirit. The people who declare “the Saints are dead,” are not in the fullness of worship, nor do they trust in the power of God, for the same life-giving spirit which raised Christ from the dead also gives life to His Holy Ones when their souls leave their bodies. Truly, God is life, and whoever puts their hope in Him shall live, for all are alive to Him even if their bodies/flesh have perished! Finally, this symbolizes the old saying “out with the old, in with the new.” You have died through baptism in Christ Jesus through the water, and now have been reborn into Him as an eternal being through Him. So He is called “The First Born from the Dead,” an example of many offspring of brothers and sisters who are to follow in the spirit - YOU!
When Transubstantiation occurs through the act of the Priest carrying out the Holy Mass - what is going on here?
The bread and the wine becomes the true FLESH and BLOOD of Lord Jesus Christ!
When I receive the Body and Blood of Christ in the bread and the wine during first communion - what happens?
You fulfill the word of the Lord when He says in summary, “Whoever eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood has eternal life and I shall raise them up on the last day,” and “Whoever eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood remains in Me and I in him.”
Going forward after RCIA, Rite of Election, Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion, what are the ramifications of continuing to receive the Body and Blood of Christ even in the state of unworthiness, which may occur later on after these processions are completed?
Those who approach the altar to receive the Body and Blood of Christ in an unworthy manner, shall be guilty of sinning against the Body and Blood of Christ. The Holy Apostle Paul tells the Corinthians this; that if they were more discerning within themselves of their actions and what they truly believe in, then they would not be suffering from illness (both physical/mental) and sickness. Furthermore, the Apostle says it is the Lord correcting their flesh so that their souls may be saved before judgment. It is also suggested by the Apostle that such a hard lesson can be avoided if we understand our responsibilities as Christians and what we must do in order to receive the Lord’s Flesh and Blood in a worthy manner. Many people, in their own error, falsely believe they are “entitled” to the Body and Blood of Christ, even when they are unrepentant, do not follow or try to understand basic Church teachings, harm of others, breaking of the commandments, God’s law, natural law, denial of basic dignity to others, deciding to pursue false things that are improper, willingly harming others with their hands and mouth, reinforcing their own selfishness, and supporting the evil acts of people such as mass baby killing, genital mutilation, teaching and promoting sexual immorality to little children and the like. In their darkened minds and delusional state brought on by unconfessed sin and a non-contrite heart, they forget that even though they may not physically do these things, they are guilty of it nonetheless when they support its actions by way of their APPROVAL. Furthermore, they fail to confess such things or be sorry for them, thus making themselves unworthy to receive Christ in this manner. Those who do these things and receive Christ within their bodies, only harm themselves, and those who support them in this matter are also helping these people to harm themselves. Regardless, there is free will, for all are free to make their own decisions (whether or not they are right or wrong) and although every situation is not known to man, the Priest, or an extraordinary minister - God alone knows the state of worthiness in the person who seeks to receive Christ Jesus. Please keep this in mind!
What does it mean to enter into the act and Rite of Marriage in the Church Christ Himself established through His Apostles 2,000 years ago?
For a baptized Christian man and woman to enter into supernatural union with each other, as ordained by God, for the purpose of children. In this way, the man and the woman, who is holy, becomes one flesh, and the act to which they carry out because of love aims to fill the Kingdom of God with souls through faith in Christ’s promise and the authority of His Church, which is the visible sign of His presence on earth. This is good.
Through Reconciliation and doing Penance, shall I return to my original state of Baptism like before?
Yes. For after one is washed, his or her sins are forgiven. Especially original sin. However, you shall sin everyday of your life going forward, and when you confess your sins to the successors of the Apostles, which are the Roman Catholic Priests who are also the successors to the Levitical Priesthood, you shall return to your original state of cleanliness in baptism. Be careful in this, the devil does not like this, and will try in more ways than one to tempt you to sin, so as to separate you from your inheritance, which is God.
Since I was absolved of original sin in Baptism, what happens if I fail to confess my individual sins going forward from the time I was washed until the day my earthly body expires?
You would have died in a state of sin. This is not good, for whatever sins that are not rectified in the flesh, shall be rectified in the spirit.
So, I confessed my individual sins through the sacrament of Reconciliation after my Baptism, but I never carried out the prescribed Penance issued by the Priest who absolved me of my sins as a condition for my absolution - what are the effects of this?
When the Priest says your sins are absolved by the authority of the Church, it is based on the condition you carry out your penance. Saints such as Padre Pio came across souls from purgatory that did not do their prescribed penance while they were alive, and therefore needed spiritual alms from him to move them along into the presence of Perpetual Light.
What is the sacrament of The Anointing of the Sick and when should I use it?
The sacrament is given by The Church to heal the sick and those who may become sick. A Priest will determine this when you ask him. Some instances for using the sacrament are if someone is about to go into surgery, if somebody is sick in the hospital, or if somebody is dying of an illness. When the anointing is performed, your sins are absolved, and the prayers to God from the Church shall heal the afflicted (either spiritually or physically), as the Holy Apostle Paul says.
What is the sacrament of Holy Orders and how does it concern me as a new believer?
This is the mark of the Bishop, the Priest and the Deacon. As a new believer, you should know that these sacred positions are set apart for sacred use in the service of the Church (the Seat of The Holy Apostle Peter in Rome, the 2,000 year old Roman Catholic Church). Also, they are the successors to the Apostles and the Levitical Priesthood. For when you follow the Priesthood, you follow the authority of God.
Why should I follow the path of the Saints before me through joining a religious order?
It's not good to reinvent the wheel, nor is it good to walk into uncharted waters. Surely, the ultimate good is to draw closer to God through prayer and spiritual practices pleasing in His sight, and what better way than to imitate the spirituality of a chosen holy one such as a Saint who was pleasing in the sight of the Lord, and who also have verified miracles both in life and after death (of the physical body) attributed to them. In another way, if you were wanting to learn how to do something, then you would find someone who is an expert in the matter and has experience, not someone with no experience. So, in this way, we imitate what has worked, so as to achieve the end of drawing closer to The One Who Formed Us.
Why should I ask the Saints for help and prayer in my endeavors and spiritual formation?
Because they stand in the presence of God. If people on earth can petition human judges on our behalf, then the Saints in heaven can petition the Ultimate Judge, who is God, on our behalf as well, for He loves justice and mercy. This concept pre-exists in Him before any human court, tribunal, or counsel. So, take your petitions to Him and those who stand in His presence.
What is the power of Prayer and why is it so important?
Those who pray talk to God. When the phone line is busy because you are using it to talk to your true Father in Heaven, the devil, who is also calling you trying to get you to pick up the phone who is always trying to tempt you to sin (separation from God by way of non-being and death), will hear a busy signal when he calls while you are in the spiritual act of praying, and in this way, you will not be subjected to what he has to say.
What is Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament?
A time period usually after Holy Mass in the Catholic Church to converse and draw closer to Christ through meditation over His Body in the blessed sacrament. As for many, their questions are answered here.
What is the power of the Rosary?
The power of God through Christ’s Mother who obtained promises for those who devoutly recite it for the salvation of souls. Given to Saint Dominic during the Albigensian Heresies in Southern France in the 13th century for the conversion of sinners. It is one of the most powerful prayers of The Church.
Can one preach the Rosary, and why should they do this in evangelization efforts?
It is possible to preach the Rosary as a form of prayer and public speech. There are different methods to this, and each one should practice how they would go about it. Normally starting off with an “Our Father” prayer publicly, then preaching on the mysteries of Christ from the bible and the Rosary, while adapting personal testimonial examples shall bolster the engagement of the speech. Furthermore, invoking Christ’s Mother in the middle of key talking points with the “Hail Mary” prayer shall also suffice. Then finally, closing the speech with a “Glory Be” prayer and “Hail Holy Queen.” Furthermore, it was said to Saint Dominic that when he was having trouble converting the heretic Cathars in Southern France in the 13th century, he had no success for up to a decade when he went about it his own way, so he prayed to God for help, and the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary appeared to him and gave him the Rosary so as to lift the veil of blindness upon the heretics who would hear his speech, and from there, they would convert. This applies a supernatural element, void of human pride and construct, and bears every good fruit for the building up of the Kingdom of God.
Is the Rosary the modern weapon of our age to combat the forces of darkness in the spiritual arena of good versus evil?
Yes. Anti-aircraft missiles shoot down planes. Tank mines destroy tanks. So shall the prayer of the powerful Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary make coward demons flee, while defeating heresies, unbelief, and decreasing vice.
Will praying the Rosary for the conversion of sinners be effective?
If nobody can say “Jesus Christ is Lord” without the Holy Spirit, then all the more nobody can say “Hail Satan” without the unholy spirit, which is the influence of the demons and the fallen angel coward. So, rather than hate one’s enemies as the unholy spirit wishes to persuade, so as to fight their sins and many abominations with more or like sins of anger and outrage on your part so as to isolate and trick you, or to pursue threats, fights, and unproductive hateful arguments with insults - rather, turn to our advocates who dwell in the Heavens for their conversion through the most powerful intercessory prayer in human history - The full Holy Rosary. Simply put, the Holy Rosary is an effective tool of angelic warfare, and the principle basis for which you use it is for the purpose of escalation of force. For what attacks you and others in society calls for a likewise level response. The enemy’s unholy spirit is supernatural, and divinely inspired/influenced by angelic beings aiming to take by force through the subordinate/weaker will of humans steeped in sin. This cannot be fought with elections, diplomacy, false “love” as confused atheists suggest, many useless worded policies that consist of thousands of pages that nobody will read; no, the unholy attacks upon the world and all that is good require a Holy defense and supernatural level response so as to meet the enemies of the Lord in the arena on equal setting so as to stab through their armor with sharp spears and successfully deflect their blows with properly welded shields. Going into combat with evil by your own ways and hand will never work, for you will be utterly defeated and more than likely become like them or worse. Use the power of the Rosary that your Mother gave you to vouch for the salvation of souls and to counter the forces of darkness. See for yourself; can an army successfully engage enemy tanks on the battlefield with nothing but rifles? Can troops respond successfully to enemy artillery being shot off from miles away with grenade launchers? No, anti-armor counter measures must be deployed to engage enemy tanks. Counter artillery batteries must also be established to return the hurt tit for tat. So, it is for the Holy Rosary and the forces of evil. Choose the proper instrument for the job so you may be successful in your mission and trust in the power of the Living God who shall deliver you and those around you. Not by your hand, but by His alone. So, in conclusion, yes, saying the Rosary for the conversion of sinners will be effective indeed, because Your Mother said so!
Should I use the Rosary to comfort the sick and dying?
Yes. Praying the Rosary over the sick and dying brings healing and comfort to their spirit and flesh, and sometimes even wakes them out of comatose; moreover, removing their pains at times in accordance with the Lord’s will. However; most importantly, it prepares their soul for what they are about to receive so as to align their will with the Lord’s will, thus bringing their soul to its calculated rest in Him.
Is there vast spiritual protection for oneself through devotion to the Rosary?
Yes. Mother Mary made these promises to Saint Dominic when she gave him the Rosary for the conversion of sinners and salvation of souls, and to all of those who shall be devoted to her most Holy Rosary:
1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall receive signal graces.
2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.
3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.
4. The Rosary will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire for eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.
5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.
6. Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just he shall remain in the grace of God, and become worthy of eternal life.
7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church.
8. Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints in paradise.
9. I shall deliver from Purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.
10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.
11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.
12. All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.
13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death.
14. All who recite the Rosary are my sons and daughters, and brothers and sisters of my only Son Jesus Christ.
15. Devotion of my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.
By continuing to deepen a personal devotion to the Rosary, will the soul experience a further on-going conversion of self, ultimately molding the heart and mind of the Baptized Christian Believer into the likeness of Christ the Redeemer, while rejecting the vanities and false pursuits of the world while more aligning the heart and mind to eternal heavenly things?
Yes. The heart will gradually be converted back to God while thoughts and desires of heavenly things will replace the thoughts and desires of worldly things. You will literally feel this power and presence in you the more you meditate on the mysteries of Christ through the Holy Rosary on a daily basis.
Do the demons fear the Rosary?
Absolutely. In fact, they cry out in pain to it and avoid it at all costs. For what is holy, is unbearable to them, for the spiritual flame is hotter than the temporal flame, and in this way, the Holy Rosary is unbearable to them. Furthermore, Mother Mary gave us the Rosary, and she is the most humble of all creatures. But the demons are the most prideful, and even though a wicked spirit can imitate states of goodness (for the purpose of envy), and play like they love or can honor higher beings, they cannot imitate humility, for it is the exact opposite of their original sin which was pride. So it follows they cry out in pain and cannot hide their torments from it.
In the letters to the Churches from the Book of Revelation, what denominations/Christian sects of today were they referring to?
The Catholic Church.
For no so-called “christian denomination” of today existed at that exact time. The same Church is still here today - 2,000 years later! The Apostle John was not referring to any denomination that should spring up over 1,000 years later. Whoever might believe such a thing is simply altering reality or living within a subjective false view of their faith.
What about fallen away believers of the Christian faith - including other denominations outside of the Church?
When this occurs, then it could be suggested that scripture is fulfilled from the Book of Revelation Chapter 13, Verse 18, when it says “Wisdom is needed here; one who understands can calculate the number of the beast, for it is a number that stands for a person. His number is six hundred and sixty-six.” And from the Book of John Chapter 6, Verse 66, which also says, “as a result of this, many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him.” Some parallels to note here; the Apostle John also wrote the book of Revelation, and he is also the author of the Gospel of John which is his own eye witness testimony. The scripture also suggests, if we pay close attention, that those who turned away from Christ Jesus so as to not accompany Him anymore did so when He revealed to them that they must eat His Flesh and drink His Blood so there be life in them. Furthermore, “the beast” could be attributed to the ACTION of no longer following Christ and thus turning away from Him, while reference to “the man” from the Revelation scripture could be referring to the author of Revelation and the Gospel of John who described this action of turning away/disobeying Christ’s instructions by way of the chapter and verse. Furthermore, this opinion should not be bound to it alone, for scripture - which has no origination in the human will, can mean MANY things ALTOGETHER in MANY different timeframes and in MANY different ways which are also true, thus demonstrating to the reader the grand design and will of the Creator who puts such things into motion by His wisdom and ideas, for He alone gives hints of His presence to those who are looking for them! Nonetheless, those who truly turn away, regardless of whether someone wishes to incorporate these scriptural verses, do so on their own account and freewill. However, it is not to say that they are not INFLUENCED by their decisions, as we see with the serpent convincing the woman in the garden to eat the fruit, and by way of agency (persuasion and tricks of the devil), the woman convinced her husband to also do the same! Furthermore, false denominations are also the works of the devil, for even if someone is not worshiping the devil, they are still succumbing to his design and will through ignorance. As we see with people who worship false christs which are merely mirror images of their sinful desires they want Him to accept as if He would change for them, when He said nothing of the sort! Additionally, as we see with the many heresies throughout the history of the Church for 2,000 years since the Lord walked the earth in the flesh, if the devil cannot take your faith, he will dilute it and confuse it so as to trick you into lesser worship which leads rise to error and improper things, as we see with the Evangelical Lutheran sect of Babylon utilizing transgender bishops! However, this does not mean that those who are part of other denominations are evil, for there are friends of God who know God, even though they may not be in the fullness of worship!
Section IV – Letters and Speeches
Let us pray:
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name,
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Meditate upon this mystery for up to five minutes:
The Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Presentation of the Baby Jesus in the Temple
In accordance with the law of Moses, Mother Mary and Saint Joseph brought the Messiah to Jerusalem for Him to be presented to God. While there, He saw Simeon and the Prophetess Anna, who both praised Him and proclaimed the child to all who were looking for the redemption of Israel.
A light to the gentiles and the glory of Israel. Out of the darkness you must step into the light.
Close with:
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee, Blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.
First Letter To An Orthodox Rabbinical Levitical Jew
I am sending you this letter to warn you of your error. My uncle, look at what you have become? Nobody who has God in his heart would treat his family the way you do. The Lord is not there – satan is. I care about you my uncle, and I wish for your soul to be preserved. Through your worship of the Rabbis – who do not know God, you have grown worse, to the point of idolatry.
The Orthodox sect of Judaism is a new sect, formed recently in the past few hundred years in Eastern Europe, for they even have their own dialectic language – Yiddish, which is not biblical, but rabbinical and false. The Christ that I profess to you has been worshiped for over 2,000 years, and he was before Moses and the garden – and he has a temple everywhere in the world where sacrifice is given, and the continual liturgical prayers are said all throughout the world by all believers as in the days of old. Your false Rabbis are not from the line of Aaron like we are, nor can they offer sacrifice in the temple, for they do not have a temple to do such a thing, nor do they follow their own law which they preach by offering the blood upon the altar for the sins of the people. They will not even honor the dead in a cemetery, as the law clearly states ONLY a PRIEST from the line of AARON who is going to offer sacrifice for the SINS of the people must adhere to. Yet, your false Rabbi friends ignore these commandments, and twist the words of God to suit their own false traditions – which are human precepts and not spiritual, nor do they have any real power.
The First Commandment tells you plainly:
“You shall have no other Gods before me.”
Yet, you nullify the word of God, and his Son, through the false teachings and manipulations of dead Rabbis. You hold their word over the Lord, the one who gives you life, the one who will preserve you from the coming fire, and The One Who Was, Is, and Ever Shall be. He was before the Jews, your false traditions, and the fake Rabbis. Did you know, my uncle, that the Rabbi who officiated over your brother’s funeral pulled up in an electric vehicle, and he called YOUR brother mentally handicapped? Not only did he say this, and upset your sister (my mother), but he also mocked your brother at his very funeral before me and my father buried him fully – he referred to your brother as a “prophet,” and not in a good sense, but a mocking sense, as if YOUR brother was a source of entertainment for him. Did you know uncle, that our ancestors, the wicked generations before us who rejected the Lord our God in the wilderness and throughout ancient Israel, killed the prophets? Not only did they kill the prophets – but they rejected them, tortured them, and persecuted them. Why do you worship such a group who does not know God, seeks to nullify the words of God, gives you false teachings and permits evil to enter your heart? They have no signs – nor do they know the spirit of the Living God. They have nothing to teach you – for they themselves do not know God, nor do they receive visions and wisdom and miracles as of old.
They follow a law that is expired, by our own scripture in Tanakh – read
Lamentations 2:9:
“The law is no more.”
Behold, Moses told you himself:
“Before you enter the land you are to possess, I give you a curse and a blessing. Do what the law says and be reveled amongst the nations. Do not do what the Lord says, and follow foreign Gods, (which Solomon and all the Kings of Israel did [except David] and you will be cursed and taken into exile and humiliated among the nations.”
Uncle – are you blind? What has happened over the past 3,000 years? Our ancestors failed to keep the law, which was a curse, and for that, they were taken into exile. Why do you think we speak English today? We are Americans – foreigners in exile. The exile I mention is not the exile you believe though, for the true exile for those who truly believe in the power of God refers to the Kingdom of Heaven, which was meant for our people, preached by God’s one and only Son, the One whom you reject. I tell you plainly uncle, when your body dies, your soul will remain. It will approach the gates of Heaven and you will see The Christ standing there beside the Living God, the one you falsely profess to worship through false Rabbinical commentary. When you see the Son of the Father there, you will realize that everything you did in life was wrong, and that you had no understanding, or love for your neighbor or self. The Lord will open his arms to you, and the Lord Jesus Christ – Son of David – the Messiah meant for you and me, will also welcome you. But what will you do, Uncle? You will turn away – because you could not honor the truth in the flesh – how will you do it in the spirit? You will realize, that once you step out of the darkness that you are in, which is your life, that all knowledge you accumulated in the flesh will be worthless. All your learning, worthless. Everyone who ever existed in the spirit will see you for what you are, and simply know everything about you, even your deepest secrets and hidden motives, and on that day, you will tell yourself – “I am not dressed properly to be received by the Lord my God. My garments are stained. I know what I will do, I will walk the nether regions and purify myself and get my garments clean, then I will return into his arms.”
Uncle, it doesn’t have to be the way you make it. You do not have to suffer in perpetual purgatory, where most never make it out. I will pray for your soul on that day and give you spiritual alms so you can move on to the presence of the One who formed us. However, make it easy on yourself Uncle, DENY yourself, take up your CROSS, and FOLLOW Him. For your sake, not mine.
Don’t listen to the Rabbis. They can’t save you or preserve you. Only the Lord can. The reason you are suffering in the place of torment you are in is because you listened to the gospel of death your entire life. By way of vanity, you tried to know more than God, and study your way to spiritual things, which is impossible. Why is it impossible? Because the spirit knows all things, even your heart and your motives. It was meant for you, but you reject it through false vanity and racial traditions/pride that are not proper for the next life and beyond. You will do well to rid yourselves of these things, for they are chained weights that weigh you down on your journey to eternal life. Be well my uncle, and I will pray for you.
Your Nephew
Second Letter to an Orthodox Rabbinical Levitical Jew
I have received your letters and voicemails, thank you for keeping me in your thoughts, even if it is in a negative fashion. I hope you are doing well. There are a few things I wish for you to consider and ponder, my dear uncle:
-Mankind in general, especially the Jewish people, are not the authority of the truth. Who is the authority? None other than the Lord our God, whose Divine Essence is the truth, to which no other truth can compare. If something cannot be accepted because of our own pride or subjective opinions born out of hate and ignorance, this does not mean we are in the truth, but are lacking the truth, and have chosen to remain in a lie which is willful ignorance. I know that you know the just decrees of our God, but by your words and deeds, you still continue to reject what was meant for you since the creation of the world.
Consider in the days of Moses, when our people were led out of Egypt to the desert. Every one of them witnessed the power and glory of the Lord, who parted the sea for them so they could escape pharaoh's hand, all while at the same time, dropping the water upon our enemies so as to wipe out pharaoh’s army and send then to a watery grave - as their deeds deserved. With the Hebrew’s own eyes, they witnessed these things - the great power of the Lord, who encased Mount Sinai with a fiery cloud, and the earth trembled before the congregation of the Israelites eyes. The only one who could walk through this frightening blazing cloud of fire and glory was the Holy Prophet Moses, for any human or animal who approached the mountain were to be stoned to death. Our fathers witnessed this, and yet, they still TURNED ON HIM and succumbed to UNBELIEF, SIN, and IDOLATRY with the golden calf, for even our High Priest Aaron thought it good to partake in this wicked work. You are like them, and so are the rabbis and unbelieving Jews of today, who think they can stand by their own hand and not God’s.
My uncle, my point is, our people do not have a good track record of faithfulness. All through the bible, they disobey and resist the Holy Spirit, which was meant for them. Even Moses had enough, and succumbed to their grumbling and disobedience, even after putting down thousands of heretics and rebels within our own congregations, for you a descendant of Levi put them down with the sword in the name of the Lord our God for the sake of His Name. Because of this, Levi was made special in the eyes of the Lord - entrusted with the Priesthood and tabernacle, the music, the temple guards, the Holy teaching of scripture to the Israelites with readings, and the many ministries that accompanied these tasks. You know, dear uncle, just as well as I do, that going forward, the Israelites rebelled against the Lord your God, even when they begged Moses to send us PROPHETS such as him because they could not hear the word of the Lord at the base of the mountain, at their own request, when they cleansed themselves for three days and refrained from defiling themselves with women up until the event, so as to be made pure in the sight of the Lord their God in order to hear His commandments. But do you remember what happened? They could not hear Him, for their hearts were not ready to hear Him, and the sound was unbearable to them, thus they begged Moses to interpret, and from that day on, the Lord your God would give us prophets so as to guide our way in truth.
Now, what did we do to those prophets? We killed them. We tortured them. We did not listen - thus the Lord our God took back His inheritance to which He gave us, both our temples and our nation for thousands of years. Our Kings turned on the Lord and were taken into exile for this. Those who hated us ruled over us, and we were taken into exile all throughout the world. It is why you speak English, and I also speak English, because of the FAITHLESSNESS of our fathers.
-Turn back to the Lord your God in truth. The rabbis whom you falsely worship, are not from the Priesthood of Aaron, nor are they from Levi - but are a cause for themselves, and they are the spiritual descendants of Korah the rebel who challenged Moses in the days of disobedience in the desert, and the priestly line of King Jeroboam, who believed ANYONE could become a minister besides Levi, thus nullifying the words of the Living God, and making himself a reproach, a curse, and a byword throughout history. The Holy Prophet Malachi told you himself my dear uncle, “The Lord has cursed the false ministers' blessings.” I know what these false ministers tell you my uncle - that you should not petition the Lord your God in prayer for others, that you are bound by The LAW which was an intermediate guideline for murderers, those who sleep with their relatives, those who steal, and people who harm others and do not honor a contract, as well as those who extort widows and manipulate orphans, carried out by a mediator through way of an angel in the absence of the promise that were given to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs - who were RIGHTEOUS before and without the law, but were pleasing in the sight of the Lord their God by GRACE alone, the same Grace today which now has saved billions of people throughout the earth who seek the only Son of the Living God, and to which is now the fulfillment of the Law in Christ Jesus who is the First and Last, the One by His agency brings all living things, happenings, causes, and events, including the Law - to their calculated end and fulfillment; Lord Jesus Christ, who was meant for YOU as well, even though you prefer to be like your ancestors who challenged Moses in the days of faithlessness.
Make no mistake my uncle, unless you change and come to the truth, you shall be like Korah and his lot; sucked into the ground with all of your possessions, for in the same way he thought he could challenge Moses, and that he thought the entire congregation was “holy” as he put it, and when he thought nobody had to listen to Moses, God’s friend, in the same way, the disobedient rabbis and rebels think they are “holy” as well, and they challenge the only begotten Son of the Living God as if the Lord their God shall abandon His only Son, whom He raised up in Glory and will send back to the earth to judge it and rule over it as the King of Kings, as promised through King David, and like the days of disobedience, the Lord your God shall show you, me, and everyone who is “holy.” There is no argument here my uncle, we will see for ourselves, with our own eyes. I assure you of this my uncle. Make no mistake. The rabbis and fallen away Jews who turned on the Lord their God pursued many vanities, inflated sense of self, they worship their subjective version of the scriptures to adhere to their own causes and human appetites, and they regurgitate the scriptures, especially the Torah, over and over again through endless pointless commentary so as to stay relevant for the sake of false human reputation, honor, pride, and honorable seats at banquets. Do you honestly think the Lord your God is not aware of their ways? My uncle, of course He is! It is why He told you plainly through His Son, “Ignore them, they are blind guides, for if the blind leads the blind, BOTH shall fall into a pit!” and also “they are like white-washed tombs, clean on the outside, but filthy and filled with all kinds of wickedness on the inside.”
-I only want the best for you, and I do not want you to perish, although you are so focused on it. Whoever, or whatever unclean spirit that comes to you and whispers in your ear, telling you that I am your enemy, and wish you harm and death, is clearly lying to you. I would never hurt you, and I would never wish ill for you. It is why I tell you the truth today, so you get baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, as the Lord your God commanded you, so you shall receive eternal life. It is the only way for you that will have a positive outcome in your favor, for anything less is error, confusion, hatred, antics, and death. The evil you brought into your life by way of your unconfessed and unaddressed sins has surrounded you as an army does with catapults who are besieging a city. You are under constant attack, and it is very obvious.
-It is clear what you must do by way of your freewill, my dear uncle - SAVE yourself: One, get on your knees and beg the Lord your God and His Son for forgiveness of all your sins and your ways, ask them for the Holy Spirit. Request a Catholic Priest, who is the descendent of the Apostles, who were called and established by Lord Jesus Christ, Son of David, the King of Israel, and the King of the Universe, who in turn was baptized by John the Baptist, who was also the son of a Levite Priest (follow the Priesthood and there you shall find God’s authority), for him to baptize you and discuss options to bring you into full communion with the Church which is the Body of Christ, which has endured persecution and attacks for 2,000 years, and stands longer than any temple period, the same Church with God’s authority who makes sacrifice for sin EVERYDAY through the bread which is the BODY and BLOOD of Christ, the same Church which is spread out throughout the world in every tongue, language, race, creed, and nationality - they are the descendants of Levi and the Apostles, not the false rabbis who spurn the Levitical Priesthood and teach you false things. This is the starting point for you, and literally the path of life for you. Anything less is death.
-Consider my words in truth my uncle, for I only want what is best for you, and I do not want you to die. Our relatives, who are already dead in the flesh, know the truth now and they would agree with me based on what they know now as a spirit. Do not worry about them, I offered a Holy Mass for them in name through the Church, for the repose of their souls, for the sins we do not address in the flesh shall be rectified in the spirit, then only you shall be relieved of your torments by way of spiritual alms from the living, and this will be infinitely harder for us in the spirit to deal with, for many torments await tormented spirits who could not come to the fullness of worship in the flesh. Don’t go through that pain my dear uncle, it's clearly not worth it.
Consider changing my uncle, for your sake, not mine. I only want good things for you and I do love you very much, even if you do not love me back or care for me in the same way. How could I not love you, my dear uncle? If I love God, which I most definitely do, then I have no option but to love you as well, and it is definitely not a choice, but a duty and what is right. Even those who wish to bring you harm, you should love them as well, because every man and woman is made in the image of the Lord our God, and when you hate another person because of something they did to you or perceived to have done to you, you also attack the image of God. As the Son of The Living God told all of us - “be perfect, as your true Father in Heaven is perfect.”
Your Nephew
A Speech To The Prisoners….
Let us begin our discussion in prayer,
(sign of the cross)
In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
O’ Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will proclaim your praise (+).
O’ God, come to my assistance, Lord make haste to help me (+).
Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel…
Lord God, from you the Father, every family on earth derives its name. Thus we are all connected as family members through your Name, made in your image and likeness since the beginning of creation. Our First Mother, Eve, was of the flesh. But from our Second Mother, Mary - The Holy Mother of God and Queen of Heaven, a life-giving spirit, destined to dwell in your presence for eternity through your only Begotten Son. Please open our hearts and our minds, and send us your Holy Spirit. Amen.
(sign of the cross)
Hello, my religious name is Paul-Patrick and I will be discussing “God in our relationships.” A little information about myself, I was born a Levitical Jew and spent most of my life as an atheist in the Army. I served three combat tours to Iraq as an Infantryman. I never believed in anything nor was I interested in religion, for I was a man of explosions, firefights, drunkenness, orgies, wobbly and dizzy street fights and I did whatever I wanted to do. I wasn’t treating my family or my neighbors right, and I was a liar and a cheater. Furthermore, I defiled myself with many women throughout my life, and I have blood on my hands. I manipulated other people and harmed them in more ways than one. I was selfish, full of greed, hateful of others, and filled with all kinds of vanity and wickedness; for I had no intention of changing. Then the Lord came for me in the dead of the night and converted me Himself in the year 2020. From then on, I knew He existed; so from there, I had a choice to make, FOR the Lord, who is the truth, or AGAINST the Lord, which is the road to destruction. I honor the truth, and I was wrong and He was right. I do not stand here before you today on my own accord, but for His Namesake, for He loves all of you and your families, and shall mold you into what you were meant to be by His Divine Will and Providence, which is the best outcome for you if you let Him into your hearts. Since my conversion, my family relationships have improved greatly. Even my voice and speech have improved, because I was a severe stutterer for my entire life, even to the point where people thought I was mentally handicapped when I would attempt to speak to them. Trust in the power of God, for He alone can do anything. I was baptized into the Church in 2022 and was received into the Dominican Religious Order this year as a layman. Now I live for the Lord and not for myself.
I invite all of you to take notes of key words or thoughts that may come into your heart throughout the discussion. You will get an opportunity to share it with the group.
All of us here today are many different things to people we care about. Some of us are sons, husbands, fathers, brothers, uncles, boyfriends, fiances, and friends. The people we know look up to us, and they look at us as an example for them to follow or learn from. Even when we think we are not setting the examples we wish to convey to those we love and care for, we still provide value both to them and in the sight of the Lord our God. Each and every one of you holds unique value both to God, society, and those around you.
Now at this time, if all of you would follow me for a second, close your eyes and lift up your soul back to a time when you were with a loved one and recalled the joy of that relationship.
Wait 20 seconds…
Now keep your eyes closed, and bring yourself back to a time when those relationships experienced tension, pain, and struggle.
Wait 20 seconds…
Now open your eyes, and replace that pain with the crushing pressure of the Chief Corner Stone, which is Christ Jesus. Christ cares about where you are going, and not where you have been. What is in the past, should stay in the past so we can learn from it and become better sons of God for the sake of who we love and care for. Our Lord mentioned “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” as being the only unforgivable sin. What does this mean? My friends, this means that someone could not forgive themselves for what they have done in the past, even when the successors of the Apostles give them absolution in confession after they confess their offenses to God, self, and man. Truly if you can not forgive yourself, and believe that the Lord our God forgives you as well, then forgiveness is impossible, and this is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Know that God loves you, and also loves those you love to a higher degree than we could ever comprehend, and for us to love others around us as God loves, then we must accept His Divine Power to forgive us for what we have done. This is the first step forward to repairing our broken relationships through the Living God.
As men, our primary vocations are to be Ministers to our family and friends. In addition to this, to be Ministers to our neighbor, treating them as another self. When God is at the center of both our minds and our hearts, the temple of our bodies becomes a suitable dwelling place for His Spirit. This effect spills over like water overflowing out of a cup. You, the vessel, are the cup. God’s spirit is the water, and this is how a God centered life shall affect relationships with those you love. Even strangers, for water discriminates against no one in regard to wetness. Recall the way you used to handle your problems your own way and on your own terms. Did it always work out in your favor? When we put our trust in God, He acts on our behalf through ourselves, other people, and material events. The best outcome for us is always the result. I encourage all of you to bring prayer and the invocation of the Holy Spirit into your relationships so as to bind them, heal them, and preserve them.
When you leave here, the tempter will come to isolate you, corner you, and trick you. Drown out the voice of evil influence by communication with your true Father in Heaven through daily consistent prayer. Think of it this way my friends, if you are on a phone call with the One who will give you good advice, all you will hear is God’s voice and not the false words of something else. The voice of God you seek and listen for devoutly will repair your broken relationships. Trust shall also spring forth from this effect over time.
Surprisingly enough, most people do believe in God, even those who just do not know it yet. Many of us are distracted by the idols of the world that make us forget about the truth, but it is never too late to bring those around you back to God through you. Our families sometimes can be on fire for God, and cold towards God, or lukewarm. Remember that the Lord is the glue of the family unit, for it is what He alone established. Repairing your family and friends through Him will never fail, even if it isn’t exactly on the timeline we expect or in the way we envisioned. Seriously, gorilla glue has nothing on Him; that was a joke. Bring prayer into the familial spectrum constantly, and the Lord will act. Remember this though, incremental changes are always a good approach. If you come off too forcefully, it might put someone on the defense. Start out by showing real interest in the person you are trying to repair the relationship with, then become helpful in any way you can. It starts with God in you, then you must bring God to others so He can repair that relationship between the both of you. This can not occur until trust is established in good faith and genuine love for neighbors.
Finally, remember that God is not only in you and in those you love, or those you prefer to be around, or those who might look like you, no - He is also in those who think they hate you at the moment or wish to harm you in ignorance because of the influence of the demons and satan. As the Lord said, “forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” Christ died for those who hated Him just as much as He died for those who loved Him. For all are children in the image of the Living God, and when we treat others better than the way we treat ourselves, even in the face of persecution and struggle, that is a grace from God for our benefit. For the good we give in return for the bad is a credit to our account, for nothing escapes the sight of the Creator.
Let us pray,
End with prayers:
(sign of the cross)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Hail Holy Queen. Amen.
(sign of the cross)
Surrender Letter To satan
You are surrounded. Your forces are cut off on all sides, and your troops (the demons) are hiding in their holes so they will not be shot. Your trenches are abandoned by your slaves, and they continue to lose ground day by day. They no longer occupy their positions. They have fled in droves.
As for your troops, who remain hidden, but choose to send out the lower ranking to cause our forces minor skirmishes and harassing fire, their morale is at an all-time low. They do not wish to keep the fight going - for the captured ones have revealed this to our leaders on the ground. We know they do not wish to die but have deluded themselves into thinking they can still launch a counter-offensive and retake territory they have already lost in great humiliation and crushing defeat. They are scared, tired, starving, and wish to be in glory again if given the opportunity. Tell them to come out of their holes with their hands up, so they will be taken prisoner and not be shot or blown to pieces in the hiding spots they now cower in.
As for yourself, relinquish your command and end your rebellion. By the blood of the King, he has already defeated you. The longer you wait to surrender, the worse it will be for you and all your forces. Consider it in truth - there is no reason for you and your forces to have to die. However, they will be destroyed if you do not accept the terms laid out for the unconditional surrender of your troops and your secondary forces. Surrender quickly - for the window of opportunity for you is already closing.
Section V - Prayers
Let us pray:
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Meditate upon this mystery for up to five minutes:
The Fifth Joyful Mystery: The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
At the conclusion of the Passover, Mother Mary and Saint Joseph were returning by caravan back to their hometown of Nazareth, when they noticed the child Jesus was not accompanying them. Concerned, they returned to Jerusalem to discover Him instructing the teachers of The Law in the Temple courts. When they had asked why He had done this to them, the child Jesus replied, “Don’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?”
Not by our skill Lord, no, not by our hand or understanding, but by Yours alone!
Close with:
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee, Blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.
The demon said it would blizzard on that day and it did.
Wash away my sins – even those of my children.
Lay your hands upon me and I shall take the name of Paul, for you converted me along the road to destruction, off to death was where I was headed!
My ways and my pride have been cut down with sharp devices and brought low, as you thought it good, O Lord, so that I may serve you as you see fit.
Make me worthy, and I shall bend the knee and open my mouth.
Your flesh into my flesh.
Your blood into my blood.
Flashes of light, everything explained and said, without even a word uttered.
Take up residence under my roof and dine with me, so that I be in you, and you be in me.
Lord, please help me.
Do not allow me to be tricked by the wicked.
Protect my ears from the gospel of death, the belief in the unbelief, and the cult of the worm.
Give me faith, truth, and hope. Bring me a shield of your light that shall deflect the words of rot and decay.
These teachers of mine tell me lies.
They falsify narratives and reinvent history to align with their corrupt belief system.
They do not love me.
They do not love each other.
They do not love the truth.
They do not love You.
They only love themselves, and for themselves, only do they stand.
In your majesty O Lord, if you were to appear to them in the flesh, they would bend the knee.
Yet, they see you every day and do not.
Son – where is your faith?
Daughter – are you easily swayed?
Father – why do you doubt?
Mother – so you do not understand?
Uncle – still in denial?
Sister – turn back to your youth, when you were pleasing in His sight!
Brother – put down the club and remember what the Lord said to the Apostle Peter before He was carried away to make all things new!
In these last days Lord my God, become my divine teacher, and instruct me on your ways with the Spirit of Truth.
I have seen men become rich.
I have seen men become poor.
None are happy, no one is satisfied.
Their idols are sports, and their altars are places of strong drink.
They bow down to the work of other sinner’s hands.
Because I love you, my God, they mock and insult me.
But I am in mourning for them because I do not want them to die, even though they have already become the walking dead.
What am I to do Lord?
Please strengthen me.
Let me dwell in your presence O Lord, both in every city and town, where Your Majesty stays enthroned upon the tabernacle of angels and life itself.
Your encased embodied vessel radiates the truth and understanding – a warm comforting presence of knowledge and courage.
Open the doors to the Church and let me in – there is peace, understanding, and truth here. I seek refuge in your presence.
Outside is the darkness, where the gold toothed merchant sways and peddles his neighbor for sorted gain, the thief breaks in and steals, the sexually immoral mutilate their genitals and appropriate your bow of the covenant as a symbol for their sexual immorality, and where wicked people sacrifice their children to demons for future professional and financial prosperity.
Your gaze pierces them. Your watchful eye sees them. You knew them from way back then and even until now.
Just a little longer – and your plan made perfect!
But hear my petition O Lord, hear my plea and my cry just this one time – a lowly sinner who loves You!
Is there even fifty righteous men and women in Babylon? What about forty who are contrite? Maybe thirty who have potential? How about twenty who are worthy?
Lord My God, will you stay your hand for the sake of ten righteous men and women in Babylon who will repent and change their ways?
Your children do not know you. Neither do their parents.
A career here, a promotion over there, and a vacation from time and time again.
Those who have forgotten you have occupied their minds with useless things.
You call them, but they do not answer.
You leave them messages, but they do not listen.
When the evil one calls them, they pick up the phone.
This wicked one whispers in their ears and tells them things they want to hear.
This wicked one encourages them to offend you and do what is wrong and they rejoice in his instructions against you.
This wicked one tells them up is down, and down is up.
Right is wrong, and wrong is right.
Man is woman, and woman is man.
Violence is peace, and peace is violence.
Lawlessness is order, and order is lawlessness.
Justice is injustice, injustice is justice.
Cold is hot, and hot is cold.
Good is bad, and bad is good.
The Bread of Life is just a memorial meal and nothing more!
For how can one drink His blood and eat His flesh? Cannibal! Abomination! Law breaker!
Hurl your insults at me – see that I am ready.
These Babylonians rejoice in their wickedness against you, Lord My God.
For the ones who resists, the enemy comes to choke them, to shake them violently into agreement with their ways.
The weak in heart in spirit submit, and they repeat what the destroyer tells them.
The faithless are too afraid to even challenge and risk being choked by the demon, for they love and look up to it, and do its will – because its what they decided in their own minds to set out and accomplish for the sake of the false idols that are their bellies, their lower pleasures, their vanity, approval among mere men and women, and their desirable comforts to which they sold the Author of Life, the Living God, the God of Israel for.
Not so with the children of the Living God, not so.
Protect my ears, O’ Lord, and I will fortify my fighting position.
Those who are confused and dying, shout louder, scream at the top of your lungs. Repeat the words of your master.
The Lord is in I and I am in Him. Raise your voice even louder because I still cannot hear what you have to say.
Take off your mask, satan, I see you!
In the night, you take me places I have never been.
You fly me to places I did not know.
Not then did I know, nor did I understand when in a little while.
But not only until later did I realize something of what you showed me.
You did not hold back the truth, nor did you lie to me to tickle my ears.
You speak to all your creations, every night, in their dreams, in their thoughts, testing them and guiding them.
Our hearts you test, our minds you scan. Our actions you reward and punish.
Show me what is right and just in your eyes, Lord my God, and I will carry it out.
Yes, I will give you my first born.
You withhold the firing pin.
You cloud the scope.
When I fired on your angels, you did not allow the hammer to fall.
In my ignorance, I resisted you, my Lord. Forgive me.
I protected what was wrong and unjust, even to the point of shedding blood because I thought it was right.
I do not know better than you Lord of Hosts, Creator of the Universe.
Spare me on the day of fire, so I can vouch for the ones I encounter.
I did not fully understand then, but behold, I do now!
You came for me in the dead of night.
Even when I was dead, you brought me back to life.
You made me choose, either the truth or something other than the truth.
I honor the truth – so I chose you, Lord my God.
You illuminated me with the light that is both warm and cold, an invisible beam which sent goosebumps down my neck, and made the hairs on my arms stand up.
You wrapped your garment of sanctifying grace around my lifeless body; as I was enveloped, I could not resist – even though I clearly could.
I was evil and wicked, worthy of death, yet you sanctified me, Lord my God.
You told me with no words, “turn back.”
So, I did.
Now, my life is yours – my true life.
He Who bends the bow and snaps the spear, show me what I must do.
How can mere mortals contemplate your words and what you show them unless you provide the food for thought?
Where was I headed?
Where was I going?
You knew from the beginning that my ways were death.
So, what did you do?
In the night, you showed me where I was headed and where I was going.
The dark is cold, and the smell of fear lingers.
Bunk beds aligned in every row, multitudes of us there, unaware of what we should do, or how we even got there.
Silence to whimper, whimper to cries, cries to anger and shouting. Confusion sets in.
Fornication becomes the rule, cannibalism the practice. Like they did in their first life, so they do in their second.
I hid among the bodies; I crawled through the chaos to safety. Some others were with me whom I do not know.
We escaped this wretched place, this holding area of terror and sorrows.
The lower regions were behind us, and the upper regions shed their light as we approached.
There we waited for our ride to take us down the river.
Nothing looked familiar, for I knew this place not. Ancient stone structures all around.
Many lifetimes passed us by as we waited to board the ferry that would take us away.
When we got on, I sat at the stern.
When we departed, I was relieved to leave this wretched place – the land of my fathers, where Saint Patrick once walked.
As I stared down the tributaries we passed, I could see multitudes of people standing on the water out in the middle of the river.
They kept repeating actions over and over again.
Often not performing them correctly, only to retry again and again, without understanding.
The ferry began making stops along its route.
Each time, more passengers would get off – until I was left alone.
This was frightening, for I did not know what it meant.
When the boat came to its final stop, I disembarked.
I walked up to the top of a towered building where I met a man sitting behind a desk.
He asked me questions I cannot perceive, nor am I capable of remembering.
He did not tell me how I did.
Then he dismissed me, back to the land of the living I shall return!
Dwell inside me, O Lord.
Pour out the cup of my sin and pride, put it in my heart to drink of it no more.
In pain and truth, I turn to you. O Holy Spirit.
In tearful sorrow, I turn to you, O my King.
In my contrite heart for the wrong I have done to you, I turn to you, O Father Almighty.
If I do not make it home to you from the ferry at the appointed time, please do not remove my chair from the dinner table.
Do not let my portion go to waste.
Although years of men may pass, and my name be forgotten by them, do not stop purging and refining me, until all my uncleanliness and sin is washed or burnt away.
Only then will I be made proper to dwell in your presence.
Only then will I stand appropriate for you in truth and glory.
Do not forget me, O Lord.
Purge me quickly before the ship returns.
Make me understand.
My body has withered.
My bones are brittle.
My muscles are gone.
My strength has subsided, my stamina has vanished.
I was once mighty, then I became nothing.
By my own hand, the wrinkles form, the frailty transcends, and the rot sets in.
But you, O Lord, have called me.
You have brought me back to life.
You make me stand.
You give me strength to my body, density to my bones, and life to my spirit.
Your bread fed my bones and my muscles.
I am faster now.
My new strength surpasses the former.
Over obstacles I hurdle – the distance I jump is great.
Those behind me struggle to keep up, they cannot trail me for long.
But you O Lord, far ahead of me, The One I cannot pass.
I am cut off.
The enemy moves into my home.
Into my mother, there it is!
Into my son, there it is again!
Into my friends, it’s not you who speaks!
Into my heart, leave this instant!
Into my thoughts, no, I will not do it!
Out in the cold you belong, banging on my dwelling windows in the dead of the night.
Your hoofs are loud and annoying, they stomp the wooden floor beams with rage, anger, and necessity.
Sign of the cross here, sign of the cross there.
So, you flee like the cowards you are.
By the grace of The One who formed both you and I, may He do me this favor; manifest yourself at my level so I can chop off your head!
Storm clouds form.
A contrite heart and a deep love with repentant tears dripping down.
Eyes closed, sign of the cross.
Lightning fills the sky – its effects seen through a layer of flesh.
Carry me away to my death O Lord, so I may glorify your name.
The heavens respond with a thunderous lightning bolt.
The dwelling shakes.
It could be felt in the chest – its vibrations straight to the heart.
Slumber sets in, a deep rest ensues.
A man approaches…
“Here, put this on!” He orders.
It’s a white robe.
When I was younger, I ate the food set aside for children – no understanding in it.
When I was older, I ate the food of angels, set aside for the children of the Living God – The Holy One of Israel.
As a child, I did not know any better.
As a child, I cursed you.
As a child, I put you to the test.
As a child, I cast you off as false.
I did not follow your precepts.
Nor did I know your ways.
For this, in my ignorance, you reproved me.
You instructed me and disciplined me.
You made my speech lame, and my words mangled.
A laughingstock and joke I had become to my relatives, my friends, my peers, and my superiors.
For these lips cursed you my Lord and my God in both privacy and public, then these same lips became mute and jumbled – earning both scorn, amusement for others, laughter, mocking, and pity.
I was made a byword by others, an example of what not to say or be.
In my correction, you counseled me and trained me, for you did not abandon me, even though I had abandoned you.
By your love you corrected me, and by your love you returned my speech – making my tongue straight again and my shame brought low.
I was wrong and you were right.
For a man doesn’t truly know what is sweet until he tastes what is truly bitter.
When the Lord Your God is in you, you become more than just a servant, but a friend. Friends talk to each other, and they help one another out at the right time when it is needed.
Eyes wide shut.
My eyes awaken atop a floating raft in the middle of waist deep shallow water.
Behold, I see men and women gathered off into the distance conversing before a fire by a dock.
I walk over to them, struggling through the water.
Once in their presence, I make myself known to them.
They are talking to my uncle.
He is crying, weeping, and sobbing.
“I should have known better!” he lamented.
The people around him are friendly and encouraging.
“How could you have known?” one says sadly and softly in a regretful tone of voice.
“It’s the way you were raised, it's not completely your fault!” another console.
“It will be okay. You are here now.” Someone concludes.
We talk about things and the time passes.
“Take me to bed. I am tired.” My uncle says.
He cannot walk or do much of anything on his own strength because he has become too weak like a strawman. I must carry him to his assigned living quarters.
We arrived, and I said further kind words to him. After this, he asks me to leave so he can be alone with his thoughts and grief.
I make my way urgently back to the people I just met, curiously wanting to know more about them.
Along the way, I am prevented from going forth where I came from.
To my surprise, a black man in green Priestly vestments is blocking my path. He is lying on the ground with a liturgical book in his hand.
He stares at me intently.
I approach him and kiss him on the forehead.
I placed my hand on my prayer beads that are attached to my hip.
Then I ask, “will you bless my Rosary?”
The Priest touches my prayer beads and begins chanting in a foreign language I do not understand.
Then, in my own tongue, he concludes, “you will use this on a demon nobody has ever heard of.”
Eyes wide open.
Your flesh is the flesh of my fathers, O Lord – it brings me back to the days of old.
I haven’t seen you in so long.
I covered your head and placed a vestment around your neck, like the son of Aaron that you are.
Then I read out loud to you the words of truth and life.
You trembled in fear and awe, recalling the days of old.
At my departure, you said; “this is the last time I am going to see you!” You began to shed tears.
I kissed your hand, and replied, “we will see each other again in spirit!”
Then you died.
But your soul lived on.
You walked the nether regions, knowing the truth, trying to come to terms with it.
You visited me in the night, on your knees, looking at me perplexed, although now possessing full understanding.
I looked back at you and did not say a word – even when the evil spirits tried to entice us to sin even in this realm.
You came to me again, later – asking me to “wash your feet!”
I rebuke you in my anger, I said – “ask me to petition the One Most High! I alone can do nothing for you! Nor will I wash the feet of the dead, but only the living, as I was commanded!”
“You had your whole life to believe! Now I must be a cause for sin?” I rebuked you and saw you no more.
My alms are paid in prayer to The One who formed everything that Was, Is, and Ever Shall Be - not defiling myself with the dead.
Only He can save you now if He chooses.
Then you left your improper dwelling to a one more suitable for your likeness because a Holy Mass was offered in your name.
A great light shone towards you through the crack in the wall.
How can one invite a friend into their home, without also extending the invitation to His Mother?
I arrived at a place of meeting - a great location where merchants meet to buy, sell, and trade.
As I stroll along, and wallow in my own vanity – I hear a beautiful engulfing chorus off into the distance singing.
There is a Holy Queen, and they are Hailing Her! Her image is large and plastered across a giant wall at the end of the path I walk upon.
Groups of men I do not know walk past me and pay her homage, then go off about their business.
Her image stares at me, as if She was testing and observing me.
A great pain enters my left hand, and bone begins to protrude out of my forearm. My prayer beads are wrapped around my hand, and my hand begins to swell up. I cannot remove the beads.
Now in agony, holding my afflicted arm and unable to move it, I stumble back the way I came asking anyone I could for help. The merchants ignored me.
Others, who were tall and very large, did not want to help either. I pleaded with them for medical attention or to at least send me somewhere I could be seen by a professional.
One of them pointed me in the direction of one well-to-do merchant who was dressed in fine clothing and kept a neat and tidy storefront for her business.
I sat down where she directed me, and we had a discussion.
She tried to convince me to take the beads off my wounded swollen hand, but I refused.
Then she looked at me in anger, her voice changed, and a multitude followed out of her mouth screaming in many voices towards me:
“Bring yourself down to our level! Come down here with us and say those things!”
Lord my God, slay the wicked spirits in my midst. Drive them out into arid places, never to return.
And if it’s your will that they shall return…
Let them cry out in agony when they approach your Holy Rosary. Let them feel all of it!
Lord my God, whatever you deem to have power, will have power.
Even a lowly man’s beads of wood to which he calls forth and makes separate from the world.
My human mother was harsh with me.
But my spiritual Mother wrapped Her mantle around me and protected me, even when I did not perceive it or acknowledge it.
She cried out in pain to your Rosary, O Forever Virgin Queen!
Then I knew – how could I not?
Priest who baptized me and my children, anointed us with oil, laid hands upon me, gave me the food and drink of angels, heard my confessions, and married me, bless my Rosary!
Priest who became my daughter’s Godfather, bless my Rosary!
Large Priest who tells jokes all the time, bless my Rosary!
Old Priest who talks a lot, bless my Rosary!
Monsignor, who released my relative from purgatory through the Holy Mass, bless my Rosary!
Bishop to the diocese I fall under, bless my Rosary!
Priest in a different state who lives in a large city, bless my Rosary!
Priest in a different state who lives in the same large city, bless my Rosary!
Priest from India, bless my Rosary!
Priest of the Christmas Holy Mass where my relatives reside, bless my Rosary!
Priest of the city where the first abortion was committed in Babylon, bless my Rosary!
Dominican Friar Priest, bless my Rosary!
Deacon to the town I live in, bless my Rosary!
Deacon to the sick and dying, bless my Rosary!
Deacon who fills in often, bless my Rosary!
Deacon to the prison ministry, bless my Rosary!
Deacon to my daughter’s Godfather, bless my Rosary!
Sister who did not want to bless my Rosary, bless my Rosary!
Other Sister who did not want to bless my Rosary, bless my Rosary!
My wife, mother of my children, bless my Rosary!
Priest who blocked my path, bless my Rosary!
Quiet Priest, bless my Rosary!
Bishop to the city filled with demons, bless my Rosary!
Traveling Dominican Priest, bless my Rosary!
Divine Mercy Priest, bless my Rosary!
English Tudor Priest, bless my Rosary!
Prison Priest, bless my Rosary!
Soft spoken ROC city Priest, bless my Rosary!
Arm my hand for war and see that I will slay your enemies, O Lord.
For I am not alone – they are with me and so are you.
I am well fed by your bread, my spirits are high, and I am ready to charge forward at your command!
What shall I fear?
Lord, I am a simple and stupid man. My way doesn’t work – obviously. Show me the way, in the way that I can understand, as I receive you under my roof so I can have understanding. Put it in my heart to tell others what they must know to come to you, for the Salvation of Souls...
The food you give me, O Lord, calls me to recall the things that I called upon, and of course the things that I overlooked…
I am who I was, but then I was no more and became someone else.
As an infant in Christ, I needed milk, not solid food – for solid food is for the mature!
So, you changed me, Lord My God, and called me to your service? I don’t know any better, nor do I know what is good and right regarding you – so I simply start out with what I am familiar with from long ago.
Decades has it been since I entered a place that honors your name.
There I was, seated in the synagogue, by the exit door, trying my best to get to know you.
Then suddenly, a woman crashes through the doorway – she stares right at me and yells “HAVE A NICE DAY!”
She walks off laughing at the top of her lungs.
Those in the temple are frightened.
Lord, in my time rejecting you and pursuing death – did I make other friends who now miss me?
Obviously, they aren’t my friends. More like slave masters.
My yoke and my chains are removed, because You alone removed them for me.
O Lord, give me knowledge and understanding to compete effectively in the digital Areopagus, all for the Salvation of Souls…
With the Bread and Blood of truth – manifest your words into my fingers so my tweets become like sharpened arrows piercing into the teaching and doctrine of demons.
Put your Holy Spirit in me and I will confront them in the public square. Word for word, I will challenge their lips and crush their lies.
The wicked, they sacrifice their blood and cut themselves because of me. They want evil spirits to come into me and harm me, so I will be silenced.
I cannot stop proclaiming your words, my Lord. It is in my bones – if I do not proclaim your gospel to them, my body will fail!
I am an embarrassment to my friends and loved ones. They do not claim me.
They speak deceitful words and mock me for proclaiming you to those who are dying.
My friends whom I once given my life for ignore me and pass me by as if I were a stranger, all for the sake of Your Name, Lord My God.
The darkest corners of the human mind are made lit and illuminated for all to see.
You have always seen this, Lord My God, but my humanity only sees this little thing, and I can barely hold on.
Strengthen me day by day with the food and drink of angels, so the manna you provide to the world becomes an eternal fortress of protection for my soul.
The demon now has a platform and a voice for all to follow.
The wicked subscribe and tune in to every episode of their favorite teacher who tickles their ears with what they want to hear.
The atheist, the heretic, the witch, the pagan, the satanist, and the occultist all possess legions and multitudes of followers. Their contents fill the airwaves like the sands of the sea.
But in your wisdom, O Lord, you allow it for a little while so that a greater good will come from it.
See that their work will be cut down. Their magic arts, their curses, and their false teachings…
…all thrown into the fire.
Lord My God, your food and drink is the fuel for dreams of understanding, knowledge, and what will come to pass…
Neon lights everywhere light up the dark city.
My home is my automobile, an object of scorn to those who label me as a “MURDERER” at every corner light I stop at on my way from place to place.
Dimly lit signs for dishonest merchants selling sexual immorality and depravity. They have established a good business for themselves.
I walk the streets in rags and robes, what little I do have is on my shoulders and rests on my back.
Nobody will receive me.
Nobody will hear me.
Nobody will listen to me.
My heart is empty and broken from loss.
Booths of perversion are set up along the main avenues and side streets – available for anyone who wishes to pay. Both adults and children – even whole families are in attendance.
In the sickness of my human nature and longing to sin, I see what the wicked do, and I am tempted to partake in it in public, just as they do.
In my despair I moan and cry out – Lord God, deliver me from this wretched existence! What has Babylon become? Better to have lost my life at an early age than to grow old and see what it has become!
Some of my clothes are missing, especially my pants! I lean back into the public bench as a parade of children walk by holding signs supporting the wickedness of their parents.
I have lost all hope and tears run down my eyes as I fall into a sobbing slumber.
Some time has passed.
Then a man wakes me up and forces me to stand on my feet.
He dressed me while I was asleep, and I did not perceive it.
He covered my shame and strengthened me.
From there, I wasn’t supposed to know the rest…
Vulnerable and exposed, I shared a bathtub with three friends.
One was murdered.
The other was alive but fell away from the truth.
And the third, who was sitting across from me, believed everything I had to say.
Our God is real.
He knows us.
He sees us.
We will be with Him someday.
The murdered man didn’t believe it.
The living one who fell away didn’t believe it.
The one across from me says, “I believe you!”
I responded, “When did you start believing in God?”
He says, “When I died.”
In shock, “When and how did you die?” I asked.
“From meth about three months ago.” He concluded.
Time to wake up.
Time to find my friend.
I found him and he is alive.
I tell him everything, and he breaks down crying.
“I have been doing meth and almost died in a car accident. Twenty feet of my intestines were removed and now I walk with a limp on a cane. My wife and kids left me, I lost my job, and I was thinking about using it again.” He tells me.
The Lord Your God doesn’t want you to die. Don’t do it.
But will he listen? Does he truly believe?
The bread of life reveals to us the will of the Lord. Great are His ways!
I am AWOL because I had fled my unit by way of the woods. Its protective concealment and dense brush aided in my escape.
I am with someone else I knew from long ago, me and him escaped together. We are still in our uniforms and wearing our war-fighting gear.
We are tired and need rest. We find a hut deep in the woods that is worn down. We take refuge in it.
My partner goes into one of the rooms to get some rest and I go into the other. There are no beds, just dirty floors filled with debris and rodents.
I sit down in the corner and rest my head against my knees. I am still wearing my helmet and have placed my goggles over my eyes to help keep part of my head warm.
Time has gone by.
Then, I hear rumbling off into the distance. The sound of tracked vehicles approaching our hideout.
It draws ever closer, and I don’t move, but remain in my resting state.
The closer they approach, the louder the vehicles are. The roaring engines of military vehicles and men barking orders as they approach.
I glanced out the window for a moment and saw a vehicle come into view – a turret and its gunner were positioned behind a machine gun.
I sat back down and placed my head up against my knees once again.
Soldiers entered our hideout, enough to be a full fire team.
They were heavily armed and had many pouches on their vests. Some took a knee and others secured other parts of the building. A separate team entered the room across the building where my accomplice was resting, and I saw him no more once they began to talk to him.
As for me, a Commander-like figure walked into the room. He had His face covered. He had other Soldiers with Him who were armed and protecting Him.
I kept my head down for a while. The Commander took a knee in front of me and remained silent until I addressed Him.
“Sir, I wouldn’t kill our own guys. I am not a murderer.” I explained in fear, expecting Him to be angry with me.
The Commander replies: “When can you deploy for me?”
I cannot give Him a straight answer because I am afraid.
So, I make up excuses.
One of His Lieutenants takes off his helmet and stares at me smiling…
Lord, because I am in You and You are in me, You alone can hear my prayer! Do you always answer when I expect You to, or do you do it perfectly at the right time, according to Your will?
I place myself on top of a hill that oversees the town.
It begins to rain off in the distance, perfect weather for a bow – a sign of the covenant the Lord our God made with Noah and his descendants.
Lord, I want to see your bow shoot across the town! Please hear my prayer!
I do not lose heart, for I have done wrong by putting you to the test!
Days pass and I forget about what I asked for.
Then one day, when I least expect it, and the weather is clear, I spot a rainbow shooting across the sky.
It ends right on top of my house!
Great are your ways Lord, for you do not give us what we want, but you give us what we need!
You bring me low, and I sob at the sight of your glory!
Your hand alone has stretched out the universe, for the stars are the works of Your hand.
I denied myself, as You commanded.
Then one night, when I look out into the night sky, I see something odd.
A star, moving out of its orbital place! Back and forth, up, and down, zigzagging!
The Lord’s prayer is recited.
As a response, you pulsate in the night sky!
Great are the works of your hands, for I tremble at your glory and majesty.
All glory and honor be to you, Lord my God, forever and ever!
Put your hands on my head Priest and pray for me.
Let me convert the atheist, the satanist, the witch, the pagan, and members of the occult through the power of the most Holy Rosary.
Then you asked the Lord for me to do this thing, and to convert Jews, heretics, protestants, and other opponents of the truth I could not remember.
You asked God for the fire of an apostle in my heart, and the courage to shed blood for Him if needed.
Where should I go?
So, King Henry VIII’s priest says human babies in the holy womb are like chicken eggs.
Let me pray for him.
So, King Henry VIII’s priest promotes sexual immorality and decadence.
Let me pray for him.
But then it comes to me while still in the act, goosebumps upon my skin, and my hairs raise up to the roof.
It speaks another language I do not understand.
Then it says, “I am a demon.”
Nothing to say to you, wicked spirit, depart from me!
So, King Henry VIII’s priest is told that as a minister he has responsibility for others to lead them away from sin, not towards it, and that whoever came for me in the night did not like the fact that I was praying for him.
But King Henry VIII’s priest said nothing…
So, I heard the voice:
“Trust the shepherd and not the master.”
And in my vanity, I thought I heard you and was now like a prophet.
Error upon error, from one rabbit hole to another rabbit hole.
But I love the Lord my God, His Divine Mother, who is also My Mother, and His Church.
So, the great Saints of the Church reminded me of this truth in their liturgy:
“Who else is the Master of the house who oversees the many shepherds, but Lord Jesus Christ?”
So, I had the humility to say, “I am an idiot. A wicked man. How dare I think the Lord would talk to me in this manner, a matter of new revelation?”
Depart from me evil spirits, I don't care what you have to say!
So, we were kids, and I stood in the doorway staring at you.
You got nervous.
But I saw us together, many years later, and we both perceived it not.
So, we went our own ways, and fell into our own error.
But our God brought us back to each other, fulfilling what He showed me, even when I did not acknowledge it.
So, the Lord fulfills His promises in us, and shows us what is to come.
Oh, so I say that I shall pray for you because you need it…
…but then you do a rite over my name, so as to send a demon after me?
Don’t you remember what the Lord your God said?
“Those who curse shall be cursed!”
Still with your tricks and your temptations.
Go get baptized.
Still you lie to me about vain material possessions I am not concerned with.
Go get baptized.
You tell me not to donate an organ to my dying wife.
Go get baptized.
You attack my wife and my family.
Go get baptized.
You call me to anger through temptations of greed and envy.
Go get baptized.
You want me to be angered at my dead uncle for not giving me an inheritance I never asked for.
Go get baptized.
You torment me over things I have no control over.
Go get baptized.
So, you tempt me with vanities and insults about my form.
Go get baptized.
So, you say you follow Him, but you are a Jew, so you don’t need to do what He says.
Go get baptized.
You said to my father; “He thinks Mother Mary is his mother, but that isn’t true I will always be his mother!”
Go get baptized.
You say God already talks to you and that you are already baptized in this way.
Go get baptized.
You say my family wants to harm me, and that only you care for me.
Go get baptized.
You know when I pray. You know things you should not know about us.
Go get baptized.
You lie to me time and time again and you call me to anger time and time again.
Go get baptized.
I do not want to hear it anymore, for there is only one thing you should do now. As for everything else? Tell it to your Mother!
Go get baptized.
As the Holy Apostle Matthew says from Chapter Eighteen, Verse Seven:
“Woe to the world because of things that cause sin! Such things must come, but woe to the one through whom they come!”
I stopped the car at The Landmark, between the Parthenon and the Epicurus.
She told me to get out of the car and walk up and down the street to get a feel for preaching in the dark city.
There I saw you, with your bald head, as a homeless man, smiling at me.
I handed you my prayer card of the Holy Apostle Paul, five dollars, and we prayed.
I continued walking, until a younger man stopped me and asked for money.
I too gave him five dollars, my Saint Patrick prayer card, and we did a prayer.
Then he asked me my name and I answered incorrectly. So, I corrected myself. Then he smiled.
So, I continued walking, and when I looked over my shoulder, I saw the man to whom I gave the Saint Patrick prayer card across the street walking along with me, staring at me with his hands in his pockets.
When I got back in my car, I saw the bald-headed man with a cup of coffee in his hand, throwing trash at somebody’s car in a parking spot while the driver was inside looking upset. The bald-headed man was acting crazy. But he wasn’t crazy.
She was upset with me because I didn’t do what she said, for I didn’t preach anything out loud.
Later, she replaced my cards that I had given away because I was sad about losing them.
I didn’t notice then, because it took me so long, but I realized it later in the dead of night in prayer; staring at these new prayer cards, they looked familiar…
In fact, I saw these people earlier in the day, at The Landmark, between the Parthenon and the Epicurus.
Come, prostrate yourself before the blessed sacrament, ask for understanding and pray earnestly – perhaps He will show you what will befall the nations who turned away from Him in the days to come?
You call Sons and Daughters to the foot of your throne so they may give an account. Your way is just and true, for You alone, Lord my God, put it in my heart to do what is good and right.
You fill your house with the laughter of children, infants, and babies – all Holy in your sight.
You call what is nothing into existence. By your will alone, a person partakes in your being.
I had my sons – it was time for my body to rest.
But You, O Lord, had other plans.
Not my idea to bring another person into the world, not my idea at all. In fact, it was harmful to my wife’s health and our financial situation.
But I made a covenant with you, Lord of Hosts: make my child and wife healthy during the pregnancy and I shall consecrate this newborn to Your Name. This child shall belong only to you, Lord my God!
You know my heart. You always knew that I wanted a daughter, even though my three sons were all I could produce.
You shined rays of light down upon us when we carried out your will. I was the only one who had seen it.
Against all odds, she came – seven months later.
Born on the same day just as my wife arrived in my country as an orphan when she was a young child. This was your gift and sign to us. But you had another…
When she was born, I heard her cries coming from across the operating room. They called me over.
When I approached her, she died right in front of me. She stopped breathing.
My mind was blank.
Then moments later, You returned her breath and sent her back to me, reminding me regarding the work of your hands.
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God of Hosts, Master and Creator of the Universe.
All praise, glory, and honor belong to You alone!
We do not give ourselves our own bread of life, for we cannot even save ourselves! The Lord gives us His Flesh and Blood for the life of the world, so that we may become spiritual brothers and sisters to Him and sons and daughters of His Mother, Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven – Ever Virgin, Holy, and True!
You allowed me to experience the tears and the groans.
The way of the Lord.
You allowed me to visit your children while they suffer.
The way of the Lord.
You allowed me to feed your wounded lambs in time of their distress.
The way of the Lord.
You let me comfort their families.
The way of the Lord.
Take a prayer card.
The way of the Lord.
Take a Rosary.
The way of the Lord.
Pray for healing.
The way of the Lord.
Pray for rest for the soul.
The way of the Lord.
Share the stories of your holy children with me, so I may know their feats.
The way of the Lord.
You allowed me to visit them in shackles.
The way of the Lord.
You allowed me to feel their pain so as to share in their suffering.
The way of the Lord.
One says, “I am dying, and it sucks.” then another says, “I am now useless,” while another says nothing at all - but you are with them and I see that now.
The way of the Lord.
The irony is this; those who are sick and dying in their faith are more alive than those who are healthy who walk the earth in no faith, for they are truly the walking dead, and this is the irony of it all.
The way of the Lord.
So, you cut yourself and spill your blood in sacrifice so as to curse me.
But you only harm yourself.
You say, “There have been some like you before, you are not the first, and won’t be the last.”
Then you say, “I blaspheme the Holy Spirit, and therefore I cannot turn back.”
But you don’t understand what you are saying.
You never applied for the job, so how can you be rejected in an interview that never occurred?
The Lord shall come for you at the appointed time, when your heart is ready, then you will have a decision to make, satanist!
For the Lord or against the Lord!
Life or death!
You choose…
There is only One Christ to receive, not many. He sends his messengers forth to terrorize the one who wants to corrupt you. He makes their dreams and nightmares a living hell, if what they decide to do in their heart is against His will for you. Where is the one who tries to trick you? Where is the one who tries to corrupt you? The Lord your God sent them away in terror, for in tears they turn to human counsel!
Deeds are one’s proof of repentance and faith. How can one have the energy to carry out deeds without caloric energy from the bread and wine of faith?
The One who truly loves you will provide for you and feed you, even until the end of the age, when the love of many will grow cold! Even upon an empty altar and Church, prayers are given to you night and day. Be alone there and pray, and you shall hear them all around you!
In the dead of night, I closed my eyes.
You took us somewhere else we had never been before.
Waiting and waiting, the lobby elevator finally opened with someone in it who gave us orders.
You were told, “it is time to come with us now.”
So, you listened…
…stepping forward until the doors shut behind you and departing my sight.
Yet, I remained.
Then I was alone.
Until after a little while, a woman approaches me needing help.
I tried to help her, but something was off.
I wasn’t dressed properly.
In the dead of night, I opened my eyes…
…and I wept bitterly
To proclaim the gospels to atheists (because I was one), satanists, witches, pagans, and members of the occult. Third Order Lay Dominican.